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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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DE please change the way extraction works in onslaught. You are forced to stay in the mission until everyone in the squad wants to extract and it is quite frustrating.

My suggestion: 1) Bump up the time that the portal is open 

                         2) change that any player that stays behind, when the portal is open, will extract other than die.

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I have played about three runs, in casual mode, solo. I will divide my feedback into three categories: Idea, Implementation, Positives, Negatives and thing i feel would improve it.

1) Idea 

The idea behind the game mode is pretty good. Insane spawn, coupled with different enemies and tilesets. There is potential for the game mode to be a nice mindless slaughter with everything involved. The theme behind it is good, the visuals and all are great.

2) Implementation

I feel like the implementation lacked some important factors to make the gameplay more fun. The efficiency boosters were a good idea but I feel like they wouldn't be needed if the efficiency rate was more balanced like the idea that killing enemies with more health rewarding more efficiency. The spawn rate needs to be consistent all around. The infested and Corpus shine in maps, they are plentiful and allow the player to reach the efficiency levels, but the Kuva tileset and Grineer has an incredibly low spawn rate, and it's far too big with enemies simply not moving or going about their own pace instead of rushing forward. This creates an inherent disadvantage to the player and feels unfair in the scheme of the game. Why don't all factions have the spawn rate and why aren't the maps more consistent in terms of spawn points?

3) Positives

  1. The theme
  2. The Efficiency Boost 
  3. The duration of the entire mission (I like how it doesn't take me 20 minutes to reach the 8th part.

4) Negatives

  1. Extremely low Khorra drop chance. 5% is insanely low! The entire point of this game mode was to scale. Why don't the rewards scale? Please allow Khorra's parts to increase in drop chance as the waves increase, or as the player reached more points. 
  2. Efficiency needs to be more consistent! At some point, no matter how much I killed, the efficiency keeps dropping. That gives you a punishing sensation. The enemies should be enough, and the player should be given the chance to recover the efficiency and not just through boosters. If it is going down, killing enemies should bring it back up! In around wave 7, as Equinox, I swear I killed about 20 in one go and the efficiency only dropped. At which point, I just decided to stand around until it ended. 
  3. Focus gain is way too low. I took a weapon with a Greater Lens through 8 waves and received 12,000 focus points by focusing on using it. Then I went with only a frame and weapon with a Greater Lens and got 8,000 focus. In order for this mode to be the new focus gain method, the focus points need to increase.
  4. Once the portal opens, Efficiency keeps dropping : Simply walking to the portal results in my efficiency dropping... Why? I have already completed that wave with a certain amount of efficiency and poins. The countdown should stop as soon as the portal opens for you to go to the next area.

5) Personal suggestions to make it more fun.

  1. Improve focus gain. I was looking forward to this game mode for the focus gain. As the devs have said, the current method of obtaining focus is an absolute chore, and I've only done it a couple of time. I was so happy to hear that you could max out your daily limit by doing this mission solo. I started thinking of the endless possibilities and the entire Focus 2.0 mechanic I was going to be able to play with, but at the current rate of 12k focus per 8 runs, it seems I am locked out.
  2. Allow Efficiency to scale with enemies, and actually allow the counter to go up the more enemies you kill : With 15% efficiency, regardless of how many enemies you kill, you will end up losing with more than 20 seconds left. That is punishing above all else. My efficiency should increase with the amount I kill. Why does it keep dropping as I'm trying to improve it?
  3. Pause the efficiency counter after the portal opens. Simply walking to a portal shouldn't cost you your mission. 
  4. Increase Khorra's drop chance. 5% is daunting and makes an ordinary person not even wish to obtain her. Aside from reaching Wave 8 to get her last two pieces, 5% is far too low. Please implement a mechanic that allows us to use points we get from Simaris by doing this mode to get her, eventually. If it should take 10 missions to get 1 part, then allow us to collect that much "Survival Points" to redeem with Simaris for a part, or at the very least to increase her chances of dropping by luring her out.
  5. Let enemies drop resources : I think the mode would be much more viable for time invested if resources dropped. I understand the rate of spawn is high so resources might drop too much, but to solve this, the drop rate should decrease by 25% to make it the same as a survival, based on testing. Spending the time for so much waves without a single resource is a bit too much.

Thanks for reading :)


Edited by Leorion
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As the title says. When playing Elite Sanctuary Onslaught my operator's movement became super slow. Everything from falling to void dash were excruciatingly slow to the point where I just avoided using the operator as much as possible (the slow motion lasted through waves). I haven't encountered this bug again, so I don't know what caused it.  Also on a side note - later into the mission Warframe "crashed" without a trace. No error message or anything, just *poof,* and gone it was.

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My efficiency halted around wave 4 and refused to go up no matter how fast I killed. I guess wiping the map isn't efficient enough for Simaris??

Either way, my results are my efficiency stopping around wave 4 while others are getting to 11 and up no problem with a similar story of destroying everything super fast so I have no idea what's going on but it doesn't sound like solo mode is the issue. Sounds like there's something else wrong. Some of the people I'm speaking to are getting awful runs and then immediately, with no change, getting amazing runs.

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-The life support level drops WAY too fast. If I'm getting "S" ranks, I should not be leaving a wave with 40% left, or failing them altogether because of insufficient enemies. This is especially bad for the "elite" mission type, where I can't even reach wave 5 because the timer's rocketing down.

-Related to above: some rooms are fine, other rooms are utter crap for enemy spawns or pathing (or even my own navigation - looking at you europa, eris and earth tilesets). I'm killing everything I see in one or two hits, but it's not enough and I end up failing because simaris doesn't provide enough things to kill.

-2 waves per reward? This is the same time required as for survival, except that we don't get item or mod drops. Survival's got this one beaten easily in terms of reward count per unit time. Why is it not one rotation per wave?

Edited by DoomFruit
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I've figured out that Venari can use the same mods as your current companion - which I highly likely doubt is supposed to be that way.


Not only that I've also discovered that mods doesn't work on Venari too. - how do I know this? my own kavat only has to attack a level 35 grineer unit once and it dies - Venari has to attack it several times before it dies. not only that but it also has Hunter Synergy, Hunter Restoration and Pack leader - I cannot heal it with melee damage and it doesn't heal me either. - Link Health seems to work - but Pack Leader, Hunter Recovery, Maul, Bite, Hunter Synergy, Swipe, Hunter Command doesn't seem to be working on Venari.

Also Khora's passive abilities only counts our own pets. not teammates pets.

Edited by MrLagzy
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Aye, have to say, unless you're using weapons/abilities to constantly wipe out rooms without needing to see or aim enemies, pretty much zone 6+ is difficult to keep it up. It really limits a majority of play styles when it's just 1-2 players. Like, it's either use abusive stuff or nothing... I'm not really please by that idea.

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The spawns are too low in solo.
Effiency drops too fast on early waves.
One drop each 2 waves is dissapointing.
Drop tables have way too much trash.
Some maps are WAY WAY WAY too big, enemies spawn far away and dont run after you or get stuck in corridors and door, like the Europa, Lua and infested ship ones.
Efficiency gain is the same for every enemy. A Bursa/Nox/Tech shouldnt give the same efficiency as a crawler or a crewman.

Edited by MobyTheDuck
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A new bug here, seems to be connected to how the Operator respawn works.

I was at the Europa Crashed Ship tile, and a Conduit appeared. Before that i used Energize on that tile. I went through the Conduit and tried to use Energize again, after which i accidentaly fell of the tile and was respawned, but now back at the Crashed Ship tile, with no enemies around.

and after collecting a stimulus it showed me that i collected 4/3

And when i jumped off a cliff due to boredom my game simply froze.


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The relics are insulting. If you're running Onslaught, you've probably gotten all the things you need. If it isn't radiant, it should be taken out of the drop table. In fact, it should reward something that functions as an alternative to void traces instead. Even then, it makes no sense to farm something like this to obtain those types of items. Onslaught is supposed to be the game type for showing how skilled or how well geared you are. If anything, the rewards should be some kind of trophy furniture or just plain furniture to decorate orbiter or dojo. At the very least, it should reward special materials needed to craft stuff like cosmetics or furniture.

The possible rooms that the player can be placed in should also be rechecked. I got placed in a small derelict room where though I was killing things as soon as they respawned, the efficiency dropped too fast. It was literally impossible because there weren't enough spawns. What's worse is that efficiency was consistently at 100% until I got placed in that room.

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