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Why is the Warframe Community not as Toxic as other FtP games like Fortnite?


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I actually think it has very little to do with the PvP/PvE. I'd put it on the borderline overwhelming complexity.

People with a short online temper generally don't have the patience or "care" enough to get into Warframe. They do the tutorial, see that the game is not being handed to them on a silver platter, proclaim it to be "stupid", then move on to Call of Duty (or Fortnite).


Edit: Also, the Warframe Conclave (PvP) 1.0 community was the nicest subsection of the Warframe community I have had the joy of interacting with. "Was" the nicest, because most of them moved on to better things when we got Conclave 2.0.

Edited by DrBorris
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hace 2 horas, MarcusGraves dijo:

It really is because the game is PvE centric, PvP crowds are mostly douchebags that wanna show in some way why they're better than you and rub it in your face.

and use hacks to prove it, with npcs its too low use hacks when you are a hack itself(warframes) ;) i only wish bosses get more epic, harder with more cooperation, the eidolons its a good start but not enough, and ofc with epic music on the bossfight, i know dreams are free

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4 hours ago, (PS4)OvalNova said:

But from what I've seen, the Conclave community is actually pretty stable. The people S#&$ on conclave however...

It may be that not many people actually play Conclave or i'm just $&*&*#(%&ed.

Actually this is true, the conclave people are pretty cool. I don't like it but I host servers for it and they're mostly decent.


Warframe as a community just is generally low on toxicity I think because of its CO-OP roots but also because veterans don't generally S#&$ on new players and DE doesn't segregate themselves as heavily from the players as other games do. 


Sure we have our bickering moments, we argue and get heated, but what community doesn't have that? Really there is no one thing that makes warframe a great place, we as a community do. Warframe attracts a certain caliber of person it seems and something that brings us all together is the love of the game.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)thowed said:

Alot of children play Fortnite.  Also go hang out in region and trade chat for a while and you might feel different.

Please, my 30 years old would like a word with you.

They are not too bad, but sometimes I wonder why they even game. And glad they can afford their own hardware after rage quit games.:crylaugh:

On topic: Like everyone said, game is mellow and co-op. Also, no p2w, so people who like trolling and have the means to it, can't here.

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The whole PvP and PvE thing doesn't quite fit the whole picture to me, too many comparisons are made to PvP games without considering how easy/difficult it is to get into them. I think Warframe being a steep climb in the first 12 hours of the game is quite a big deal. Generally, the easier it is to get into a game, the higher the variation in the community as people can move in and out with trends and that can bring in bad groups more often than good groups.

Hurts player retention but it sort of weeds out certain groups of people, particularly, trend followers. If the game started you out with a ton of stuff rather than put you through a gauntlet in the early stages, Warframe would likely have a completely different community.

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It's pretty toxic though,I think you might not playing enough or u're so lucky you didn't get to see one.

Some trashed the game,some are using ability to bother other,some even prevent other to complete an objective.

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Your timezone location and playing hours determine what crowd you will regularly encounter, hence the different replies of friendly vs. toxic.
Without knowing it you might end up playing in a clique group, giving you the false impression that the entire sub-group is like this all over the planet.

The world's a big place, folks. Your experience is not the same for everybody else. The game is still being played by a myriad of individuals when you go to school/work/bed.

I'll even go as far as to say there lies a certain degree of truth in cultural stereotypes based on patterns I've noted over the years playing other online games.  Players of a certain region are often always angry and anti-social while players of another certain region have always been friendly and welcoming. (I'm obviously not naming them because that would start a flame war for sure.)

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Co-Op gameplay... which the world needs more of. State of Decay 2 for example will be a breath of fresh air among all the terrible zombie copypasta that all want to be Battle Royales... Warframe just encourages working together instead of butting heads with other players in everything you do. There's also no heavy burden with losing in PvP if you actually do it, and no fuss if you chose not to.

15 hours ago, Letter13 said:

My guess is that it's because Warframe is far less PvP focused (and far more PvE focused).

PvP focused games breed competition, sometimes to the point of fostering toxicity.

Black Desert Online is easily the most toxic game on the internet and could be a good example of how not to make a game. Every aspect of it is designed around (unfair) PvP competition and overdoses RNG into things that shouldn't even have it causing everyone to just hate humanity it seems.

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4 hours ago, Wolfdoggie said:

Co-Op gameplay... which the world needs more of. State of Decay 2 for example will be a breath of fresh air among all the terrible zombie copypasta that all want to be Battle Royales... Warframe just encourages working together instead of butting heads with other players in everything you do. There's also no heavy burden with losing in PvP if you actually do it, and no fuss if you chose not to.

Black Desert Online is easily the most toxic game on the internet and could be a good example of how not to make a game. Every aspect of it is designed around (unfair) PvP competition and overdoses RNG into things that shouldn't even have it causing everyone to just hate humanity it seems.

Are you trying to claim exponential AP/DR scaling and being able to ROFL stomp entire groups of TRI and lower geared players with TET/PEN gear simply on gear score and class advantage alone are BAD game design??????!!!!! That soft cap shouldn't be one step below hard cap and incredibly difficult to get without dedicating ALL of your time to a game + hoping RNJesus is kind???!

I think you don't know gaming good fellow.... That's not toxic at all (meowlencia forever)

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20 часов назад, Gharsan сказал:

From what I've heard, the toxicity was real even in WF when there were raids and rail conflicts.

Rail conflicts were pvp.

And there will always be "toxicity" if you can actually fail a mission and if that mission takes a long time to finish (and even 20 minutes is already long enough) so raids, eidolons and long endless runs will - no matter what - have this. Especially with randoms.

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3 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

Rail conflicts were pvp.

And there will always be "toxicity" if you can actually fail a mission and if that mission takes a long time to finish (and even 20 minutes is already long enough) so raids, eidolons and long endless runs will - no matter what - have this. Especially with randoms.

It wasn't the PvP as much as the large alliances abusing the system to keep anyone else from contesting the nodes. 

There was a cooldown on contesting a node and only one alliance could contest at a time. The big players would all contest each other's nodes off cooldown and let everyone keep their nodes and block anyone else from potentially overthrowing their Monopoly. The actual PvP play was pretty fun and not very toxic, the politics of it was toxic. Nobody could genuinely PvP and contest the nodes because of the shady bullS#&$ going on. 

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wf community has the potential to be one of the more toxic communities out there(i never got blocked in any game for replying a trade pm 2 mins late. its a weekly routine with warframe). its just the game doesnt really give you much place to be toxic in. 

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20 hours ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

Because it is not PvP-centric, which is a very very very good thing.

It's exactly here right there. We have elitism and trolls, but they're not rampant like other places where competition makes people angry beyond belief and hostile.

Moreover, competitive games based on teams are possibly the most toxic ones, too. In these cases, there's no ego check... every time someone loses it's because "their team sucked" or "this one player wasn't doing the right thing" which makes it difficult for people to admit their failures and thus become hostile toward those they lost against and those they played with.

Warframe is mostly a solo thing or team up with strangers/friends to do a thing. While there's blaming thrown at players, the game gives players the tools to part ways or do an effective job on their own-- or scrape by til extraction but the point is that, even though the gaming community loves competition, gamers are ultimately unable to deal with the consequences of playing competitively.

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No offense, but OP obviously has never tried to suggest a nerf to something considered to be "meta" in the feedback section...you'll see some seriously hateful and toxic behavior there just for having an opinion someone doesn't share.

Then there's all the entitled brats screaming "I lost my rewards and I demand compensation!", "I've waited x amount of time for Y and I want / deserve it NOW!" or "You nerfed my fave weapon - screw you DE!"

Yeah, that's pretty toxic...

Also, hang out in Region / Recruit chat for a bit. You'll probably want to shower and then burn your clothes after a while. And God forbid you make the mistake of bringing a non-meta loadout to a PUG Sortie or resource farm. The chances of being flamed and yelled at to leave are fairly high.

19 hours ago, MagPrime said:

Forum wise, we have strict rules and moderators that have no issue enforcing them. 

When the mods actually get around to enforcing those rules you mean. Sometimes it'll take days before a mod notices and cleans up a thread laced with vitriol.

14 hours ago, Souldend78 said:

so people who like trolling and have the means to it, can't here.

I beg to differ. One example: There have been instances where the host in Onslaught missions has deliberately disconnected after getting what they want, screwing everyone else out of the rewards and drops they earned. Then there's your lazy Banshees / Equinoxes with max range builds that like to hog all the kills on Defense maps and make the game boring for everyone else (btw, if they can kill enemies outside affinity radius, there's no shared XP for everyone else). There's also your lazy AFK players that like to hide somewhere and leech off everyone else while contributing nothing, there's your "lone wolf" Survival players that insist on doing their own thing and go to the other side of the map and screw up spawns for everyone else...

So yes, people can definitely troll in Warframe and do so on a fairly regular basis. And all you can do is report them and hope for the best.

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In actuality Warfram probably isn't any more or less toxic than any other game. Toxicity in any fanbase is bound to happen in some amount and one of the things that exaggerates this is the size of that fanbase. A fanbase's size has direct correlation with the chances of something toxic happening, and since human beings are instinctively inclined to remember negative experiences more than positive ones we let a single instance of toxicity wipe away the maybe 50 other instances of people just being decent human beings. 

TL;DR Fortnite just has a lot of traction and popularity right that exaggerates any toxicity.

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In MOST games and communities, you'll find most of the toxicity to be concentrated in the reddits/forums. I typically take what gets said on the forums with a grain of salt, because I have no idea how long said person has played or if they even play the game and are just making an account to troll the forums.

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Nobody talks to each other in Warframe... it's like a centered group of monks in absolute silence kicking the living S#&$ out of every enemy appears on the screen! But for real, the community is quite awesome, well mannered and most important, super fun!

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To all those saying it is due to the PvE vs PvP thing and that PvP breeds more toxic players I have to say no I dont agree, not in the case of Fortnite. That game has been a pile of toxic filth since it went into early access and probably before that aswell. There was no PvP tied to it until BR got released and it was still many times more toxic than F2P PvE games even though you had to buy into the early access.

Not even games like Black Desert Online (B2P) or ArcheAge (F2P) that were both heavy PvP games had near the toxicity of PvE Fortnite. There are plenty of other PvP games that are less toxic aswell and B2P. Like the Battlefield/Front games, very little toxicity but alot of S#&$s and giggles. But you can also look at the CoD series which is the opposite of the DICE games. CoD is the posterchild for toxicity.

So it isnt so much about PvE vs PvP or F2P vs B2P. I think it is simply about the maturity and ego of the players. Fortnite PvE is alot about "do it my way or #*!% off!" when it comes to base building and ideas on what structures might be "meta". Pyramid, reverse pyramid, temple with death halls and so on. Everyone has the idea that one is better than the other and that simple box-structures are for n00bz and must suck. You also have the open ended missions where there isnt a set time to complete stuff outside of the day/night timer for the medal. So often people get toxic because someone needs a quest done or something instead of rushing. And then you have the toxicity over heroes, which ones are (S)oldier tier, good or bad.

Sad really because the game Fortnite is as casual and easy as it can get and people simply shouldnt care what structure layout, weapon or hero people pick.

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