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[Update 22.20.0] Virtual Cursor Feedback MEGATHREAD - Share Videos Where Possible!


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Everything about this new UI is just bad design.

As a designer, I can tell you with certainty that the whole point of creating a user interface is so that the user interfacing with it can do so cleanly, efficiently and effectively. Players had this prior to the update. Post update however, well... I think it's safe to say DE have made a mistake with this. I get that DE said this implementation was 'experimental', so I understand that as developers they need to put things out there to get feedback and gauge where to develop their product correctly. However this? This is just bad decision making, plain and simple and shouldn't have made it past Cert. 

As a console user, I can't help but notice there was no survey, no questionnaire, no poll by DE to ask whether or not I, as a player, wanted UI 'improvements' let alone a whole redesign.

Players didn't ask for this. Players didn't need this. Players simply didn't want this.  


Now I don't have the ability to record my own experience with this chaotic and confusing system, but I do think this review does a good job of summarising the issues most console players are currently experiencing.

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this spells like a Bungie Destiny update.. didn't test all the bugs and features? can we skip the "innocent until proven guilty" here for gamers to do troubleshooting for this update and post videos/comments on how to improve or fix it?


give an option to revert it, it is a choice of making your console gamers happy or to improve company profitability from aligning the pc and console UI to save time, processes and money. 

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where is the petition that i can sign to revert the UI for consoles and won't care for alternative respond?


i just wanted a flat white coffee, why add in peanuts, butter, honey, chocolate and fried chicken into my coffee? 


btw, it is my 1st time logging into the forum to complain about this and wants to drive a strong message.

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New forum account here too,like most everyone else new in this thread, to say the same old thing:


This update is terrible. I know that at least two full alliances are considering quitting over it entirely, and while it may be argued it's a twitch reaction and they'll reconsider, the fact that so many people have that gut reaction from AN UPDATE is a bad, bad, bad sign.


Mod menu is annoying as hell to use now, multistage Fissure missions are unintuitive, Arsenal is no longer the smooth, sleek experience it was, and overall everything's slower, clunkier and more annoying to do outside of Cetus/relay and non-fissure missions.

Until yesterday I actively recommended your game. Now I'm actively steering people away from it because the UI is freaking terrible on console. Sorry, but I can't lie, and when I know a game is bad, I'm gonna tell people who ask that it's bad, not try to sweeten the pill with vague promises.

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well said my friend! it feels like a fully packed smooth sailing ship that hit a large ice burg and never survive... wait, that was that happened to Titanic in real life.

DE, please look at position that you are in today. No good future and promises can come when today is this bad. Even if the best plans are yet to be revealed - just take a look at Destiny 2. Nicer changes are here and on the way to a "Ghost Town". 

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2 hours ago, Sawney said:

All this hyperbole is falling on deaf ears as we are still the vocal minority. It makes me sad to say, I'm not rubbing it in, but looking at the steam reviews that are still mostly glowing they won't give a crap about our whining. A negative rating ala skyrim paid mods fiasco this is not. 

They have told us few here to soundly suck it. 😞

What do you mean minority? Yes PC users who play on gamepad are minority, but you know the game is also on PS4 and Xbox right? 😄 To alienate all console players i imagine is not a good thing for them 🙂 Look at all the new topics that are being created one after the other from console players after they received their virtual cursor update 😄

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Haven't read the whole thread, so apologies if I repeat what others have said.

I usually understand at least to some extent why DE does what they do.  This time, however, I can't, for the life of me, figure out why this change was made.  This update was not a step in the right direction.  PC players had already been complaining about it, and now a lot of console players are unhappy as well.  And, it's not hard to understand why.

Controllers are not mice.  They never have been.  Previous attempts to make controllers work like mice have always failed.  Anyone who has ever tried to navigate an application with a controller set up to operate as a mouse would have known this was a bad idea.

Please return hotkeys.

Please get rid of the unnecessary steps that accompanied this update.  For instance, when selected a different warframe (or any other piece of gear) I have to navigate to the gear item, get it to open up the submenu, navigate to equip, then select that.  Now, I have to navigate to the frame I want to use and press a button.  Then, I have to wait while the game does something and then it tells me to press a button again to actually make the change.  Previously, I would simply highlight the frame, scroll to the frame I want, then press A to select that frame and be done with it.  The new way is slower and has now added more steps.

Please get rid of the drag and drop.  If you insist on having this UI, then at least allow us to select a mod, move to the slot where we want it, and then press the button again to put it there instead of having to drag it around the screen.

Please give us the option to revert to the old controls.

Thank you.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)VauhtiVeikko said:

DE has become too successful. They think they are too big to fail now. Guess what? You are not! Have ever heard of the world biggest mobile company called Nokia? They did the same exact thing. They literally said we are too big to fail and ignored all customer feedback. They suffered Billions! Tens of thousands people lost their jobs. Including me btw. Now nobody even remembers Nokia mobile phones ever existed. 

Iv invested money in this game because I loved playing it. For months I have played this game every single day. And yesterday when this update came... all I could do was to discuss in region chat with pissed off people like me. And even that was really painfull because I had to move the Cursed Cursor  on top the text to be able to write or scroll the text. 

Its crystal clear and obvious now. They couldn't care less about us console players. They have betrayed us deeply. 

Wha?........... Honestly? Your insane. They've made ONE mistake, in the months that you've played this game. I've been playing this game since closed beta 5 YEARS AGO, do you know how many blunders and bad updates there have been? Did I give up and claim that DE hates us because of the updates? No, we told them what we didn't like and together we fixed the issues. Christ console gamers are so easily hurt by fixable mistakes. They HAVE to do this UI unification in order to make updates for consoles faster and easier. Do you understand what that means? They attempted to unify the UI code... To make getting updates out for console players... BETTER and FASTER. Turns out, it's not great, k, so now what?


.....Or, you tell them what you don't like, they fix it and then life goes on.

This isn't a game release console players, it's not the final version of the game. Contrary to popular belief, this game is still technically in beta, like REAL beta, not "this is the final version of the game and we're just testing servers" beta. The entire melee system is getting an overhaul in less than a month and we're getting an entirely new UI in probably less than 2 weeks.

Grow up, realize that a simple mistake has been made, take a break from warframe and be vocal that you don't like the changes and help DE improve them


Edit: Just 4 minutes ago Steve posted on twitter in regards to the update, he know that people are REALLY upset, give criticism of the update and not the company please 


Edited by ChivalricDeath
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guys, when DE Megan shared a comment "a decision to move forward with this changes"...it is not a mistake.


if we do not understand why this changes are made to benefit DE (clearly it upsets a big deal to console gamers); we are just fighting among ourselves.


i did not see DE saying that there will be an option to revert - and admitting that it is was a mistake or the hotfix would have been made or announced by now. my 2 cents

Edited by (PS4)jimmymare
wrong spelling
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Never posted in scforum in my life before.  Have logged almost 4k hours since Feb 2017.  I am amazed every single day by how many things these Canadian super people get right.  I don't even know how this monster game can even work because it is so complex.  Extremely big big fan.  Kept telling myself I was a fussy little b just resisting any change n that I'd get used to it And end up loving the cursor.


 No it's bullcorn on a stick.  


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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Travie2JZ said:

I’m not a pc player. Never was. Just tried the update out on PS4 5 mins ago and I like it. I really don’t understand the hate and anger. If it’s slower then whatever. In high paced gameplay you don’t even use it.

I play on both console and PC. And yeah, sure, in a mission this is usually no big deal (although apparently it enforces the virtual cursor in relic selection between rotations, which is kind of a bad idea, and the gear wheel / fishing wheel is seemingly borked). However, you spend more time in your menus than you ever do in actual missions, and now a large component of that time is pure waste simply because you can't do things as quickly as before. 

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It's the little things that grate the most.

Like you want to change the config for frame you are using, so you choose config and use L1 or R1 to change the config but for some unknown reason it was decided to default to mod selection (despite where the cursor is) and you change the page of mods instead. So you gotta give the left stick a little move to get it highlight the config selection and then change your config.

The worst thing is we're gonna get used to all this then it's gonna be fixed and what we've learnt to do will become redundant, but we'll still keep doing it cos we got used to it.

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I've never felt the need to comment on the forums to complain before for any game I've ever played, but this UI update has inspired me.  

If I had to describe it in one word, that word would be tedious.  Console and gamepad navigation was fairly slick before, there honestly wasn't much to raise a fuss about.  This new UI update adds tedium and stress to what was a fast intuitive system.  IMO the most important thing for a UI to be is intuitive and that aspect has totally been lost in this new update. 

DE please find a happy medium to the problem, or allow us the option to choose between the two.  I know your team has worked hard on this, but this is a major step backwards for anyone using a controller, as well as for anyone with a disability that enjoys Warframe.

Edited by (PS4)EredinGlas
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Found out another interesting thing about the cursor, though I don’t know if it’s just me or what.

 Went in a fissure mission, got out nbd. When I tried to leave squad however, the cursor went over it fine, but I could /not/ click it. Mashed the x button while screeching since my poor squad wanted to go, and I just wanted to bake a pizza.

 That being said, I had to view my profile THEN it finally let me leave squad.


 When modding, my cursor hops all over the screen. Sometimes it doesn’t, but it makes modding even more tedious than usual (since the update). Increasing/decreasing the speed does not make a difference.

 Man I’m trying to get used to this, really, I am. But it’s just making me turned off from a game I normally love. Just hope you all at DE can come to a happy medium for all of us, because so far it’s just a giant headache.

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It makes sense that the more intense feedback would begin after the console release.  The majority probably does m/kb so wouldn't generate feedback. But now that an exclusive controller base has it....oh here we go. Haha

That aside... a couple things.

It pains me to write that, yeah I am currently getting used to this poor layout.  I really don't want to DE.  Make something happen!

Why does the lb/rb function suddenly stop working in the menu?  This happens often.  

Why after switching frames can i not use the right stick to rotate the frame?  Oh, you can if you stay in the equip frame list but once you exit that, nope.

Why is the sanctuary onslaught and elite sanctuary onslaught so close to each other and only selectable with the outstandingly precise thumb cursor?

Just some humor. Haha......

......oh man this UI. Ha

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the new UI for console are terrible.. the old system is great, the cursor slow everything down... we dont need to press X twice to apply anything, we just need to press X once.. we dont need to hover the mouse cursor over to warframe, upgrade and click... we just need to press the D pad to highlight warframe and click the triangle button to upgrade..

there is a reason why PC player always use the keyboard for casting spell, open inventory and other stuff instead of using the mouse... the mouse is only good for aming in FPS and moving stuff in RTS... everything else, keyboard is always better because it's one button, one action..

Please change back to the old and more superior UI. everything is a chore with the new UI..

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I will not be actually playing the game until this ui has been sorted, just quick daily login.

Realy sucks not having played any other games since i started warframe 18 months ago, and now the menus and moding is so slow and clunky that i dont even want to run a mission for the fear that i need to change 1 mod as the mission loads, why did u break the ps4/xb1 moding, can we at least have an option to change this back?

I play on a console so i dont have to deal with point and click games and now there is no alternative the "the pointer"and it makes me no longer want to play a game ive put more than my share of hard cash into, thank you for your TRASH U.I. update "improvement" HAHA

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It's interesting to see how many folks are posting for the first time here, myself included.

I too really do not like the new UI.  It was just so perfect and FAST on console.  I don't know if there was a part of the fanbase hoping to change it up but IMO the new set up just slows everything down.

There must be a way to integrate the old UI into this new one?  Please PLEASE fix this DE.  I appreciate all your efforts to keep making Warframe so good, but this recent change has really started to sour the experience for me.  I dare say that if this was the UI when I first started playing, I don't think I would have stuck around.

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