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Rest In Peace John Bain, TotalBiscuit.


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5 minutes ago, -.SP.-G43riel said:

so then Wow and EvE online, and several other games, were wrong making memorials to fans and other people that THEY judged were important for the game despite its users never really knowing about them?

Which in this case, as all devs from DE said, HE was important for them

OP asked for our *opinion* and we gave it. And if you ask me about WoW and EvE doing that. No, I dont think that was a good call. Shoving people in the face of the community that they did not know or possibly care about, just because the devs thought they were somehow important.

If DE ends up adding something like this, then we'll just have to deal with it. It's their game, they can do whatever they please at the end of the day. It doesnt mean we have to like it.

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15 minutes ago, krc473 said:

For me, these seem pointless - I had never heard of him until I saw posts on the forum about it. It makes no difference to me at all (I am in no way against something well thought out). I do not think a massive shrine is a good idea - sure, for a week or two. But not a permanent fixture.

11 minutes ago, VadiseReikaz said:

OP asked for our *opinion* and we gave it. And if you ask me about WoW and EvE doing that. No, I dont think that was a good call. Shoving people in the face of the community that they did not know or possibly care about, just because the devs thought they were somehow important.

If DE ends up adding something like this, then we'll just have to deal with it. It's their game, they can do whatever they please at the end of the day. It doesnt mean we have to like it.

its not because YOU dont know a person that he doesnt deserve it.  Otherwise why have all these statues around in real life if you dont know half of  them or what they did ? 


I doubt a lot of players would even know who he was, or how he was a important person for the RPG fantasy scene and dungeons and dragons.
Still it doesnt bother anyone.
Memorials arent meant and never are to shove things in your face, its simply there
Doesnt matter that you know the person or not, its not meant for you, its meant to honor said person. 

Edited by -.SP.-G43riel
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Just now, -.SP.-G43riel said:

its not because YOU dont know a person that he doesnt deserve it.  Otherwise why have all these statues around in real life if you dont know half of  them or what they did ? 


I doubt a lot of players would even know who he was, or how he was a important person for the RPG fantasy scene and dungeons and dragons.
Still it doesnt bother anyone.
Memorials arent meant and never are to shove things in your face, its simply there
Doesnt matter that you know the person, its not meant for you, its meant to honor said person. 

Are you here to answer the question of OP or to lecture us about morality?

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8 minutes ago, -.SP.-G43riel said:

its not because YOU dont know a person that he doesnt deserve it.

You must have missed the bit where I said I have no issues with it. I do not care either way. I do not like the idea of a shrine, for anything. Kindly point to where I say: "I have never heard of them, so nothing needs to be done". 

18 minutes ago, krc473 said:

I am in no way against something well thought out

18 minutes ago, krc473 said:

Of course, if the dev's feel they need to do something, then they should go for it.

It really just seems like an "emotional response". If you want to implement something, you have to stop and think about it first. 


And the OP wanted opinions. This is my opinion. As I already said: It will not benefit me in anyway at all. But I encourage some kind of well thought out memorial if DE decides it is necessary. 

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35 minutes ago, Mr_Folf said:

The devs have said themselves on several occasions, how incredibly influential TB's videos have been to this game.

That said I don't think a memorial is the way to go about this, but I would love to see his icon as a glyph or something. (With his family's permission of course)

I only just found out the primetime was cancelled because of his passing, I was honestly unaware of what he had done for the game. I knew he had an impact, just not a monumental one. Though it does boil down to the devs choosing to do something or not. Considering the impact he has had, according to the devs, it will most likely be some kind of ingame item, such as the glyph.

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Unsurprising. I imagine if Markiplier decided to one day make a video about Warframe, are they going to add a Warfstache?

What is so difficult to understand is why he is getting this much attention over two bloody videos. One of which is ancient, and one of which he was literally paid to do and he outright says it. And he is being regarded as some keystone in the life of Warframe. And I am assuming because fans of his channel decided to try the game out, but what ELSE did he do to affect Warframe in any meaningful manner? Because if it was just that, then technically any big youtuber could suddenly achieve greatness overnight here. Sure, he passed away, and that is terrible, but why is he important now? why not in life?

Jim Sterling did cover Warframe, and we dont have a SterDust costume for our Operators (Which would be hillarious and I'd buy). We have many youtubers that dedicate a massive portion of their time just to Warframe, and we are not seeing statues of them.

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I'm assuming that was D&D online or whatever game they have out now? Okay like 1) WotC and now Hasbro should be ashamed considering what was done to him and how his hard work was swept out from under him by the board So that WotC could butcher it into little pieces bit by bit. 4E would seriously have him rolling over in his grave. 5E is so utterly bland, uncreative, generic, and sleep inducing that I am still utterly perplexed by anyone's desire to spend what? Is it $2000 per book now? 2) WHAT? Maybe not solely video gamer players, but genuine gamers, you know the ones that played before computers were in every home, who only had pencils, paper, some graph paper, and a few books, -maybe- if you were lucky some dice... (books were things decades ago that had these thin paper sheets called "pages" with these scribbles known as "words" on them that formed a WHOLE language. Wait until I tell you about floppy disks!) My god, I'm sorry you lived in a cave half you're life if you are any older than say 25, but try to act a little civilized.


Do you even know what THAC0 is???? Do you even know what it stands for? 


I'm embarassed for you, tbh.


*Makes the sign of Gygax over her heart* May I never be so ignorant of such vital knowledge.


Seriously though, umm why would you play an RPG, even a computer one for a game you don't know the founder of, then complain about him having a shrine without using wikipedia? Even if I am super wrong and it's yet another fantasy MMO, he's still at the core of all these things, and before computers. Well, I mean there was that device invented by some dude, (not important really) and the programming done by Ada Lovelace, the first programmer in the history of FOREVER for it. Gygax obv wasn't alive back then, possibly.


Really, he and his company TSR were so important to ALL RPGs everywhere, regardless of if it is today's OSRs, or if it's the unholy abomination (and not in a cool "do we get to fight that?" way) that is 4E and onwards, or even at the edges of 3.0 and 3.5, I mean they only seemed interesting when you'd been playing 2nd ed AD&D for like over a decade. A temporary distraction when I could have moved on to CoC instead (I did, actually.) Hey, I hope they don't put any LOVECRAFT memorials in any Cthulhu Mythos games. That would be so in your face and obnoxious.


TBF I never really watched TBs videos, but since I started streaming, and things like having an organized harassment campaign against me by another Warframe streamer etc on Twitch, (and watching Twitch completely ignore all of it,) finding out youtube video creators my boyfriend would swear by that I looked further into were bigoted and just so gross, etc etc I have to see something is the real deal for myself before I am going to mourn them. Also, I didn't know him, etc etc. A "memorial" to him that is an easter egg, like the credits in Cetus, that's coo. Then it's also kind of an interesting discovery. Thaaat might be tainted by some awful skeleton deep within his closet. But I assume that of everyone now days. I'm pretty sure you are all secretly awful, and probs serial killers.


tl;dr I am actually fairly indifferent as long as it is tasteful and set aside, but seriously, wikipedia, put in a small amount of effort to look up someone's name before you openly admit you don't know who they are. Nerds and Geeks everywhere choked on their cold pizza and stood up in the darkness of their parents' basement horrified that another gamer, (no one of the NEW gamers, the ones people LIKED in school, who were on the football team or like lacrosse or something. Gamers that had boyfriends or girlfriends or were aromantic/asexual and hid it because this was probably the 80s or 90s, (or...now... in the general gamer community,) and anything not absolutely biblically normal would get you thrown in jail for some satanic plot. Or just murdered. Whevs, it would be bad whatever it was.


Okay kids, you can go to bed now, I guess.


P.S. Rereading the post so I could ping the name, I misread it, but still, some of you people need some education anyway. Also, you know what -shouldn't- be shoved in our face, regardless of if people live or die (and everything eventually dies or comes to an end,) is your god. Seriously, 300+ religions and only a scant few treat every place, even a video game forum, like their personal stomping ground.

Anyway, it is my duty, as a member of the Satanic Temple, (I'm not making a joke mods, btw, please respect my religious beliefs as you do others',) to let you know that... nothing you say matters unless you are friends of anyone grieving. Because he won't hear it or anything else. He no longer exists. And before someone whips out the whole "Matter can neither be created nor...," fine, whatever was him, or the crux of who he was as a person, is gone. It will never return. Fin. 


The upside is, you have to admit oblivion is much more of a relaxing notion than playing a harp on a cloud for aaaall eternity.

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2 minutes ago, -.SP.-G43riel said:

yeah i do in fact that know what THAC0 is, can post me holding all my books since 2e, but why do you want to talk about if i know gary gygax or not?  

i mean its like pretty sure to notice that i do know, otherwise why the F** would i post that?

im not questioning who he was, or if you and anyone here know who he was. Im giving an example that you dont need to know who a person was for a memorial to be made, like i stated most players from that game wouldnt even know who that person was.

i feel like you simply driven away from the main topic here for nothing

So angry. I corrected myself while you were pounding out that furious diatribe actually. Also, it IS important because Gygax founded all that, it all came from him.

TB was influential. but he was a Youtube content creator. Not the same, apples to oranges.


Also, do you often find you get confused by things like simple "satire" or "over the top humor" or maybe are secretly a robot of some kind?


I mean technically everything is satire to most gamers. Make an awful comment? Totally satire. That's some Voltaire level crap right there, my good man.

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Leave it to this community to even start fights over the idea of paying respects to an actual fallen fellow player.  Friggin' hell, people, get it together!

I think it'd be nice if DE could allow for some place to be a shrine to -all- fallen Tenno, so that over the years, when more inevitably pass, it won't become super spammed but at the same time, it shows we're aware.  

One of the best things about Warframe has always (i think) been its community.  And if we can't support each other when one of us passes, knowing them or not, how can we claim to be that same solid fellowship? 

That being said, I think an item or glyph might be good for it, but that takes time to implement, so don't expect it immediately.  There IS already a room available for Dojos that serves as a Memorial room.  Complete with a marker of stones.  I have one set up in my Dojo for cases like these, so I'm just passing on that idea.  Hope it helps.

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He was, to me, the Roger Ebert of video games. 

I did not always like what they liked, but I could always trust them to tell me enough about a game or movie to tell whether I would. 

A surprisingly rare trait in critics. 

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12 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

I would say, After some time contact his wife and see if they can use his tophat logo as a universal code glyph. Short and sweet. 

I agree. That would be perfectly fine. A glyph to show your support if you do desire to. It's unobtrusive to those who don't like/don't care about him, and rallies together those of us who do.


Either that, or maybe a secret little memorial spot hidden somewhere in a tileset. Maybe even on the new open world area. I'd love to stumble onto something like that. Hell, maybe put both ideas together: A secret spot that, if you find it, you get a glyph.

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I first saw TotalBiscuit's videos many years ago,  Have been watching his content since 2010 or 2011.

Imho one of the best series he ever made was his Terraria Collaboration with Jesse Cox.  If you've never seen it, make some time and go watch it.  It's hilarious.

As for the TotalBiscuit Legacy, one of the most important things for the game industry is critique.  Gamers desperately need people who are strong voices to critique games and speak for the consumer.  I will miss TotalBiscuit, and I seriously hope someone or several someones continue his legacy and give good critiques of games to continue improving the industry.

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His first WTF is warframe video is what got me here.. 

Thank you, John, for having such an impact on my life.. i have nothing but respect for you, and the warframe community as a whole..

I am proud to be a part of this..

Rest in peace.


A thankful tenno.

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