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What Led To The Username You Have Now?


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The 'Toa of Green' part is a bit obvious, I like Bionicle + Green is my favorite color, but the other part...that is a bit of a convoluted one.

In the distant year of...2010 maybe?...I was into a series called Deadliest Warrior that was basically 'take two warriors/groups of warriors and see who would win'. Kinda dumb, but to be honest, I was really obsessed with it up until it ended.

One episode featured CIA and KGB agents, where the show listed one of the CIA weapons as the Mac-10 sub-machine gun. Around the same time, I was getting familiar with using the internet (I would have been 11 if it really was 2010) and was struggling to find a good username for my LEGO account. One thought led to another (specifically to Deadliest Warrior and the most recent episode, the CIA v. KGB one), and I ended up naming my LEGO account Mac10smg. I don't really capitalize the m anymore, but other than that, it's been my go-to username ever since; mac10smg or mac10smg, Toa of Green (+some varieties due to BS username nonsense 😕)

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Uh, for me I think it had to do with the very first Tennotune contest. I changed my name once though, I don't really remember if I changed it before or after the contest <w< The reason "Vauban" is in the name was simply because I was really getting into him at that time and it kind of stuck owo

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 Back in the days, i used to fix motorbikes and mopeds for everybody. I was kinda way to strong for my age. So different people and friends decided while i was breaking tools with my bare hands. I should be permanently renamed into "Metal".


 This nickname sticks with me, ever since.


 Today ? Not so much strength remains. I (strongly) avoid fights and/or punching anyone or anything.

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Spartacus: Blood and Sand, and history.

"044" at the end because "Crixus" was already taken so i smashed the keyboard and rolled with whatever numbers I got. Believe it or not, first time I smashed the keyboard, I got 24, which was also taken lmao. Took another go at it to get Crixus044

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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance + Dark Sector + Warframe

Warframe is based on another game also made by DE that's called dark sector (in the trailers we can even see corpus + liset ship and the way you mount the ship). The main character in that game is called Hayden Tenno which fights with an organization called "Lotus" against a virus that's called "Technocyte" (all of this sounds familiar? e.e). He then takes a suit which is in fact proto excal, the same skin.


I love MGRR and i liked Dark Sector a lot. As this game's gameplay is more alike to MGRR than to Dark Sector, i also found some inspiration for it, so i went with the main character from MGRR with the surname from Dark Sectors' main character. Hayden Tenno + Raiden = Rayden Tenno.

Its so damn satisfying to hear "good job tenno" or stuff like it after each mission, its seems like if lotus is directly talking to me using the surname.


Edit: Ingame we can also see some more warframe related stuff, like a nyx skin or some bosses that are pretty similar to those who we already have (i think lephantis is actually ingame)

Also, i've played that game so many years ago i don't remember it too well, i may be wrong about lephantis and some details but still, most of it i'm sure i'm right.

Here's the trailer:


you can see grineer, corpus stuff, liset, proto excal and some more stuff.

Edited by Rayden_Tenno
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mine is in line with my steam username and all the usernames I use for most anything online game related save my xbox and one other game that doesn't allow account name changes that I know of,

it's actually a soundtrack title from one of the many 'halo soundtracks' because I'm a huge halo nerd and I liked the way it sounded.

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I liked the reapers from mass effect so I took the name of Sovereign and in other games I go by HARBiNG3R. The reason I spell it the way I do is because a long time ago I was in a Battlefield Bad Company 2 clan that all gave each other names with all capitals a lower case “i” and at least one number, I guess it looked edgy at the time but it sort of stuck with me.

Edited by S0V3REiGN
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I go by many names, (only when I got tired of it), but this one is the original. I made up this name a long time ago when I had to enter a name from a smash bros game that only allowed 5 letters, it sounded cool and then when I began playing on steam I just put my name on it spelled backwards.

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Kept this username just as I joined Steam.

Didn't realize how fitting it is when I discover both Operators and Warframes working in tandem. Might as well count Equinox's Augment too I guess.

The digits of "52" adds up to 7, a lucky number. Praise my luck.

Edited by Duality52
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Because this name sounded nice, and I don't like using random numbers or symbols.  So I kept trying different combinations of words until I found one that sounded nice and wasn't taken.  I've seen been informed that it's totally a pony name, whatever that means.  😕


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