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we truly want the trials back

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frankly, i want trials back. correct:not only me, almost every friend of mine who plays warframe want trials back. the truth is that we all think trial mission is the most brilliant mission where several players can spend time enjoying it.you know, another fun with trials is playing with rookies or teach them how to conquer the difficulty. but the substitute?tridelon?thats all mess, work without deep thought.tridelon made many player 'graduate' so fast that they soon give up on warframe. by tridelon, everyone can graduate very fast on Focus, arcanes, which used to require many efforts before.
here's some other disadvantage about tridelon:usually a team requires exactly one kind of equipment and perfect cooperation to reach the maximum efficiency, which makes players unable to enjoy fun with the game, one part's disconnection or one wrong step would make this mission 'fail', then comes blame or something. but trials dont have these problems,8 player group has a huge advantage of flexibility, players have more choice instead of only one choice and do specific things at specific times.

i've been learning english hard but there sure will be some problems with my words, sentences or express or something, please forgive me that. we truly hope, that trials missions can return, because they are the most excellent mission i've ever met, a little wish from some players who miss trials so much.

that's all, thank you for your time.

-----------------divide line-----------------------

it seems that we have some communication problems, i didn't investigate before i wrote this feedback, and i myself thought most players(have a good understand of trials) miss trials just because me and my friends love trials.i suddenly realize that there's many difference between different language areas, like simplified Chinese area, we can form a triple trial team or single trial team quickly,very fast, just like fissure missions. my apologies. I thought 'what kind of work does DE need on trials,they're not a burdensome, 'several hours before.few play on trials do have a reason, you can only get the reward once a day, it requires a long time to get an arcane during when we can open 4 or more relics.etc.

it seems that trials wont comeback in a short time,let's cut the quarrel(which was started by the misleading topic).again, my apologies.

Edited by DarlingAnnieBaby
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who is this "we".

I really could not care less about trials, they came out, i did them like 20-30 times then forgot it. The Archwing trial was so bugged i'v forfeit if at first try, never completed it, and i'm happy that i can finally farm for those arcanes.


But i get your point, IF they can manage to create trials in a good state, and with matchmaking, i'm more than happy to give them another try.

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Are we talking about the Trial memes where all you have to do is puzzles ? No need to kill anything, just control everything and play positioning minigames ?

I really hope you're spending 90% of your gametime on Lua's special rooms. Otherwise you don't really enjoy this kind of content.

At least there is a sense of epicness fighting Eidolons

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1 minute ago, Chewarette said:

Are we talking about the Trial memes where all you have to do is puzzles ? No need to kill anything, just control everything and play positioning minigames ?

I really hope you're spending 90% of your gametime on Lua's special rooms. Otherwise you don't really enjoy this kind of content.

At least there is a sense of epicness fighting Eidolons

I was about to write my own comment but....what he said! ^

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DE said they would be back in some form after a rework. As I understand it updates to the main game were breaking trials often and DE were having to devote a lot of dev resources to fix trials every time they broke and they viewed it as being too much dev time for the relatively small number of people playing trials.

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52 minutes ago, DarlingAnnieBaby said:

frankly, i want trials back. correct:not only me, almost every friend of mine who plays warframe want trials back. the truth is that we all think trial mission is the most brilliant mission where several players can spend time enjoying it.you know, another fun with trials is playing with rookies or teach them how to conquer the difficulty. but the substitute?tridelon?thats all mess, work without deep thought.tridelon made many player 'graduate' so fast that they soon give up on warframe. by tridelon, everyone can graduate very fast on Focus, arcanes, which used to require many efforts before.
here's some other disadvantage about tridelon:usually a team requires exactly one kind of equipment and perfect cooperation to reach the maximum efficiency, which makes players unable to enjoy fun with the game, one part's disconnection or one wrong step would make this mission 'fail', then comes blame or something. but trials dont have these problems,8 player group has a huge advantage of flexibility, players have more choice instead of only one choice and do specific things at specific times.

i've been learning english hard but there sure will be some problems with my words, sentences or express or something, please forgive me that. we truly hope, that trials missions can return, because they are the most excellent mission i've ever met, a little wish from some players who miss trials so much.

that's all, thank you for your time.

Well that is just ur opinion.

I do NOT want them to come back. 

Edited by AnGeL_KRoM
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So you want the boring gamemode that was all about constant CC and staying on buttons ? I have a better idea , " keep trials dead ".

I however want a real coop gamemode , seems like Railjack is a good start.

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The OP said specifically that the use of "we" was in reference to themselves and their friends who all agree they do want trials back. Therefore, "we" was the correct word as it is a collective of multiple individuals of which the OP is part. It doesn't have to mean "we" as in all players of the game and it's narcissistic to think that every usage of the word has to incorporate you or be invalid. Why are people commenting raging over the usage of the word? Or were people too lazy to read beyond the title and just immediately fired up your rage because somebody dared make a statement you disagreed with?

This is supposed to be the nice community, people tell stories about how friendly the Warframe community is, and blatant unnecessary toxicity over something so meaningless is frankly disappointing. If the OP and their friends want trials back, cool, let them have wants as we all do. If you don't want trials back, then either constructively explain that or just move along and stop being a jerk to somebody expressing their opinion. 

As to the original topic: I never did many trials myself, but I was interested to do more before they were removed. I would be happy to see them reworked and reimplemented in a way that was more engaging and entertaining to the community at large.

Edited by Lannen
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Main. raids sure would be fun. needing to split up 4 and 4  or 6 and 2 and each team helps each other out in specific tasks far more mechanically intensive  and stimulating than standing on a button. OH oh, the old raids? No they can burn in hek. I think most who have these "it was awwwwwsome" rose colored glasses really miss it for the money and rare chest farm

Edited by Firetempest
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I keep reading trials were fun and all that but how fun is a piece of content when all you have to do is stand on a pad and press 4. How many beatings is this poor horse gonna have to deal with.

Edited by Kiwinille
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I totally disagree. When i started the game the first clan where i was joining, some veteran players tried to force me against my will for faster development in order to be able to go to trials with them. The trials were totally dividing the playerbase into two main groups, those who can do it, and those who cant. The new tridolon thing is buggy as hell yet at least way more democratic as I can decide when and how do i want to do it.

'tridelon made many player 'graduate' so fast that they soon give up on warframe. by tridelon, everyone can graduate very fast on Focus, arcanes, which used to require many efforts before.'

BS. It takes a lot of effort and time -except if u buy everything for plat right at the start- to gather all the primed frames, mods, focus points, forma and all. And even if u got all the stuff you still have to learn to use them well. Arcanes doesnt drop every minute for every newbie. I know about some players who tried the game and left, before they were able to do the tridolon - those who stood are doing it sometimes for fun. Treidolon (or wth) is far from a decisive factor - players can make their own opinions about the game way before tridolon.

'here's some other disadvantage about tridelon:usually a team requires exactly one kind of equipment and perfect cooperation to reach the maximum efficiency, which makes players unable to enjoy fun with the game'

BS2. Tridolon thing can be done by many different ways, dont follow blindly the fashion meta *****. The number of possible combinations of mods frames weapons and all is astronomical dont make yourself ridicoulus by claiming that only a couple of them is a viable option. Be creative, get rid of the mainstream ways, dare to make your own choices and master your setup through practice. If u choose the fast-food 'quicky 5 min buy for plat and do it coz it workz' then dont complain that its too fast. The game has so much to offer; junctions, nightmare, kuva missions, relic opening, syndicate missions, sortie so on. If u dont like one out of the many then do something else. Could u tell me whats the standard unit of efficiency in case of fun? Dont want to force your playing style on others. I hope there will be never again any kind of mission which is available only for a small group of players so it wont divide the playerbase again.

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they were, (to my knowledge) breaking a lot with every update, and not enough played them to justify the amount of work required to keep them running.


and let's be honest, most probably only did them once and forgot about them 😛

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Officially they have only been removed from the game temporarily pending a rework. They were generally a mess and DE said a very small number in the community actually participated in them due to the clunky mechanics.

Elitism and toxicity was a huge issue with Trial runs (Tridolon caps as well), and usually did require specific Frames and builds (not as badly as Tridolon caps though). And Trials had the exact same issues of disconnection and failure due to slip-ups.

The trials will be back, but only when DE feels they're in a good place. They did the same with Solar Rails and look how long those were out of commission. Lol. We're assuming the new Railjack system is tied in but we have no clue to what degree if at all.

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1 hour ago, Kyryo said:

who is this "we".

I really could not care less about trials, they came out, i did them like 20-30 times then forgot it. The Archwing trial was so bugged i'v forfeit if at first try, never completed it, and i'm happy that i can finally farm for those arcanes.


But i get your point, IF they can manage to create trials in a good state, and with matchmaking, i'm more than happy to give them another try.

we:me and my friends(warframe players)

yes trials do have many bug, i admit that.it's hard when you start it as a rookie,(very difficult)but learning how to conquer it gave me a huge sense of achievement, that feeling of solving a problem was excellent and i couldn't forget it til now.you may love the feel too, i believe

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2 часа назад, DarlingAnnieBaby сказал:

we all think trial mission is the most brilliant mission

You forgot to mention, that we - is a small group fanboys of unreal boring, gimmick, puzzle pseudo-raids.

Crying about this s#%& in 2k18 is pointless.

Just enjoy Eidolon fights - the new Raid missions.



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