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Should there be a way to warn/stop MR 1-5 players

(XBOX)l Alexios l

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From doing High level plains bounties like lv 30-50 and 40-60. Konzu should say something like "Tenno are you sure want to do this, you look unprepared" or "Your weapons are too weak for this Tenno, I suggest you comeback when you have stronger weapons so you can take down these tough enemies" 

When I do these bounties and I join low MR players, things go wrong. Some of them don't even go to the objective, their weapons barley deal damage, they run and bullet jump around and expect me to kill the enemies for them, and they go down all the time. 


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The problem is MR means literally nothing on it's own. 

Actually I take that back being sub MR5 means that the player doesn't have access to TWW and therefor doesn't have and AMP and as such can't help at all with the Eidolon shields. Outside of that fairly specific scenario..... I can't think of a single thing that looking at MR will tell you. 

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The option to throw yourself into enemies and danger that will most likely wipe the floor with you is a freedom lost on modern games that just want to hold your hand through the entire experience. I'm much more in favor of new players having the choice to expose themselves to that kind of difficulty if they so desire, and to rely on the community for assistance where needed. 

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You people realize there are also different tiered bounties right? The lowest being quite low. They offer different rewards and it allows lower MR players to gain faction, etc.


MR Doesn't mean a whole lot, to effectively gatekeep any area or anything at all (which is stupid, annoying and elitist. Free movement is more important. I could see having the requirement of owning at least a mote amp to grab the eidolon quests, since it gets annoying when you get grouped with someone who obviously doesn't care if they are helpful and waste everyone's time.) you would need some sort of "power rating" based on mods and their levels, exactly what weapons and warframes etc the person have and those levels etc etc.


Just exp from warframe and weapons isn't nearly properly accurate imo, also I've seen MR2's stand toe to toe with mobs in a mid-range hour long survival. I would have thought he was an alt but he also kept activating the oxygen the moment it dropped.

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13 minutes ago, rhoenix said:

Being willing to help newer players is a big part of why warframe's community is known to be as it is.

I mean, sure. Itsn't a big deal to help newbies plow through the proxy rebelion for the sigil and potatoes, or a nitain alert on higher level planets, but this?

I'm all for not being an elitist in a game, that's just pure toxic, but you'd think it's common sense to do something easier and up your alley first before going to the literal last tier, right? Apparently some people don't think like that and thought hey i just started the game, might as well as do the hardest mission here. And to add to that, i don't think any of the rewards are an immediate must have, as a newbie or as someone who've played/know the game enough to know the detail on what those do.

Tho, maybe mr-gating isn't the best idea. Numbers of junctions done would suffice imo, at least then you know they've played enough and have good weapons (from the junction rewards)

Edited by (PS4)watt4hem
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vor 13 Minuten schrieb SpicyDinosaur:

 you would need some sort of "power rating" based on mods and their levels, exactly what weapons and warframes etc the person have and those levels etc

Something like that existed for a long time, but at some point, they've abandoned Conclave rating.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

I mean, sure. Itsn't a big deal to help newbies plow through the proxy rebelion for the sigil and potatoes, or a nitain alert on higher level planets, but this?

I'm all for not being an elitist in a game, that's just pure toxic, but you'd think it's common sense to do something easier and up your alley first before going to the literal last tier, right? Apparently some people don't think like that and thought hey i just started the game, might as well as do the hardest mission here. And to add to that, i don't think any of the rewards are an immediate must have, as a newbie or as someone who've played/know the game enough to know the detail on what those do.

Tho, maybe mr-gating isn't the best idea. Numbers of junctions done would suffice imo, at least then you know they've played enough and have good weapons (from the junction rewards)

I see your point, but I also don't see any way of doing so without necessarily taking a machete to existing meta-mechanics that work quite well.

Look - new players can be audacious, and that's not a bad thing.  We all had to learn that there are weight classes above the ones we're used to, after all.

I get that it's annoying sometimes when you just want to run high-level bounties, but it's also kind of awesome to run into a new player you helped last week show off what they've learned.

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I'll just carry them like I always do and not say anything about it.  MR does mean something though.  Might not gauge actual skill but it means more knowledge on weapons and frames.  Having said knowledge good players are more inclined to bring the right equipment suited for the task.  Someone that has only tried a handful of frames and weapons aren't going to contribute as much as a high MR most of the time.  Alot of the good weapons won't even be accessible to them.  It's nice to take up for the little guy but realistically it's not the high MR players I'm having to revive all the time or run over and kill the group of enemies surrounding them because they're barely denting them.  Has nothing to do with being elitist, it's common sense.  Once again MR doesn't mean skill, it means access to equipment to not be dead weight in certain high end content.  So if you're going to try and argue please come up with a different point.  I carry alot of people in sorties every day, I'll let you guess which ones don't need to be carried.

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I understand the sentiment but as others have pointed  out MR is relatively meaningless.

You don't really need more than about MR4 to complete all but the last parts of the starchart comfortably. 5 let's you get Excalibur Umbra and from that point a bit of modding knowledge is all that's required for sorties.  

All MR really illustrates is time played and equipment access.  The first being a much bigger factor than equipment access as many of the best weapons and almost all frames in the game are accessible by MR5. Forma, potatoes, and mods are not locked behind MR and indeed a focused player can build something incredibly mean and end up being the one that does the carrying.  Is it common?  Not at all.  But it does exist as a possibility thus making the idea of gatekeeping via MR a moot point.

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2 hours ago, LupisV0lk said:

No, how about instead of elitist gatekeeping, we instead help and teach these players.

I'm not going to say that what OP proposed is a good idea, but this is just silly. Gear/Level gates are a staple in MMOs and multiplayer games. They are not elitist.


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The only issue I have with PoE is how fast new players can get to it, but that's never going to be fixed so no use complaining. Otherwise PoE and the bounties are perfectly fine. (As long as it doesn't toss you into outer space with a glitch.) 

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Agreed that MR doesn't really meant all that much. I have 18MR and that is pretty high from what I can see.

But actually I just started playing 58 days ago and just had my first Eidolon kill two days ago. 

There are MR10 that does more damage than I do with my starter amp, zero levels in void strike and zero forma chroma. I'm pretty sure my pug teammates were less than impressed.

I'm hoping to fix that soon by devouring knowledge from youtube and wiki and grind those things up. But I need to leech just a bit longer. 😉

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Let's put it this way.. We need to reimplement the conclave rating that we used to have before we renamed PvP conclave, mr means nothing is a false statement, I can see how new the person is and can judge more or less if they will be an asset or the reason this mission will be a disaster.. That being said there is an MR9 guy in my discord that's speed levelling gear.. He has the mods since well he has the money.. Would I take him on any mission with me? Hell no his grinding the leveling gear but not paying attention to it.. Experience means a lot experience is the reason why I can solo all the bosses on sortie assassinations and teams of people with inflated MR still can't do it after the 5th run

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Mastery Rank only directly measure how many warframes and weapons a players has maxed ranked. Of course there is a significant correlation between the skill/knowledge of game mechanics and MR but it is by no means a true representation. There are MR4-6 players that can keep up with players that put in 1000hrs and MR20+ players that don't even know how to parkour well.

There are slightly useful restrictions like a level 30 frame for sorties and ESO but DE expects most players to use the recruiting chat or ask friend/clannies if a specific experience is desired like radshares or specific frames are expected like CC/defensive/nuke frames to endless missions.

If you choose to run on public then you have to accept whoever gets matched to you. They have as much right to play at whatever pace they want, just as you have to right to leave and join another session. You might see them as leeches while they might see you as spoiling their challenging adventure. 

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I think best is either leave n join another session if you cannot tolerate or go solo. 

It’s a 2 sided coin, sometimes low mr will at least bother to try n kill something, some doesn’t want to be spoonfeed 100% because they know it’s not right. Some will just leech n believe they deserve to be carried since their low mr. 

Yesterday I was doing kuva flood n happened to have 3 low mr with me. I don’t mind helping n carry them but they went shopping instead lol. Shopping means run around to don’t know where instead of going for the objective. Many times I was waiting at double- access doors for them to come but gave up n left the session because they simply love shopping lol

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The problem here is basically Konzu's Bounties allow new players to essentially force their way into pre-Sortie tier difficulty. We don't allow new players to jump straight into Sorties or pick nodes from Pluto directly, this isn't much different. 

It should be tied to some progression marker, whether is it MR or Junction progress. People can still form up a squad with them and bring them into higher level content but the idea that you're going to allow new players to queue into something that is going to be beyond the capabilities of the majority is a little silly. I think it's ridiculous that people are basing their opinion off the few outliers rather than looking at the progression for a broader audience.

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There is a difference between helping new players and carrying them because they're too lazy to work for it. This is the fine line, if you carry new players too much, all you'll have is more lazy tenno and that's not helping them to improve their game one iota.

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3 hours ago, FreeWilliam said:

I just help them when I see them.  

It's not hard to protect another player, and if they're new they're generally a bit slower and easier to keep track of.  

Be their bodyguard, chat a bit, and make some friends, Tenno!

That's how you do it!

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I have to partially agree.

I'm a new player as well, have been playing for about 2 months and I do believe that there should be some, albeit minimal, gating for some parts of the game, maybe not in MR, but in some soft way with a minimal requirement, so at least everyone have the ability to contribute somehow. This comes mainly because of a very bad experience I had yesterday.

Yesterday for the first time ever I decided to try the Eidolon Teralyst bounty, obviously I could have gone in first thing after I unlocked Cetus, but I didn't want to be a drag on my team, for the very same reason I didn't enter the index until MR14, just to be sure. Since my operator is rather weak and my focus trees are lacking, plus I'm lacking rep with the Quills, I had to be somewhat reliable in other aspects. I picked Trinity and a Lanka, moded them accordingly as per suggestions around the internet, used a bit of forma where required, red up on the tactics, all in my desire to be less of a burden.

I go to earth, with huge anticipation, wanting to see one of those shiny arcanes for myself, pick up the bounty and go into the plains. The mission loads, a squad member joins, MR16 Chroma, a second later MR5 Ash and MR6 Excal join us. I'm a bit skeptic, but I figure if the game lets them do it, they should be able to add to the team.

Fast forward 30 minutes, yes 30, the Teralyst's dead, I've done 48% of the damage, with a Trinity no less and the Chroma has done 50%, the other two didn't bother with lures or anything, they certainly weren't providing any kind of support either, being Ash and Excal and they obviously didn't even have any idea what they should be doing, since they both had 1% damage done.

Now I'm not trying to say "look at me I did so much damage I'm better than them", my point is, they simply went in with no intention, ability or knowledge to help, they don't even try to pretend that they are helping honestly, I'm unsure if I even saw one of them in operator form. I don't care much for leeching in other missions, where the only tactic is "Leeeeeeroy....mmmJenkins" (video still cracks me up to this day), but in the harder content, at least people should have the ability to contribute. As it may seem a bit off topic, a good amount of people follow a logic of "the less they can contribute the less they try" sort of thing, so in conclusion I do believe some very minimal gating for some content is required.

Basic advice I can think of  is, since they can be entered very early in the game, for the harder bounties add a sort of "solo tutorial" to each one, which tests the player's ability and also explains important tactics. It'll be 5 minutes long, wouldn't be MR locked, after it's completed the bounty unlocks. I'd appreciate it myself, since In my situation I wouldn't have worried until the last moment if I can provide something meaningful to the fight.

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Don't play pub games.

People can play the game however they like, TBH, I get fed up with people in pub games saying you should do this, or do that, sod off and go to recruiting if you don't like people playing the way they want to play.

As for low end players in high end missions, sometimes I'll help, sometimes I won't, me spending time reviving two players can be the difference between a failed objective and not.

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