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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. I would agree with you if Warframe had inventory limitations, but you can just ignore them and it won't bother anything. I've been accumulating Dread, Oberon, and all sorts of random non-used items for years now. There's no harm in what you're proposing, but there's also no harm in just leaving them alone.
  2. Yep. I saw this oversight right when it launched while I was at work, and I'm glad it was fixed this fast and in a proper way. Hopefully DE has time later on to restructure bounties in general to prevent this from happening again (for the nth time). It would be neat if the Steel Path Bounty gave like, 3x SE as a bonus or something, or just spawned in an Acolyte. I also miss the feature of chaining runs using the tents, but I understand that this was probably removed because of how the consumables were changed. Other than those really small things, I really can't complain though.
  3. Yeah, it really depends on what the spawn status is before capturing the target. If you're like 5/10 Reactant at that point, there's a good chance you're fine. However, if someone is like, Titania, and they just blitz to the objective, you may end up short and forced to abort.
  4. This is probably a consequence of the way the consumables were changed. Still sad to see that feature go though.
  5. Please investigate and remove the method of abort farming off repeating stage 1: I'm assuming when you guys changed the way the bounty works and how Hemocyte gear is handled (plus adding Steel Path), you overlooked how the standing was distributed. This meta absolutely kills the point of farming the mission.
  6. Deimos Bounties used to be abort farmed for mother tokens during Nights of Naberus (which has subsequently been addressed), and these bounties still have an issue where sometimes the Assassination Target (Saxum Rex) will not spawn leaving you with a soft-locked objective. How many examples would you like for this issue? Run-ending bugs are still not an excuse to allow such a counter-intuitive farm to remain and exist. This issue is also the entire reason DE changed the structure of reward drop chances to favor later stages of Bounties. They obviously overlooked Plague Star standing when they changed the way this bounty worked with the Hemocyte kills and added a Steel Path mode. Sub 10 seconds for 1/6th of the total Bounty standing needs to be addressed.
  7. A game which permits intentional mission failure as the most rewarding avenue of farming is horrible design. That's the entire reason Acolytes introduced the "?" drop for specific rare in-game drops. You understand that's what led us to have capped Kuva and Relic purchases from Teshin right?
  8. Why not? You're not rewarded in this fashion throughout most of the game. Likewise, bugs are not a good excuse to leave exploitative reward farms in-game.
  9. Title. I know this is going to be a hot take for some, but this has happened with bounties multiple times in the last 6 years the game has had bounties as a mechanic. This issue has been spanning years and reported multiple times, and instead of a full-proof solution, it's been patch-fixed each time and continues to crop up. Now with Plague Star, this farm completely kills the point of playing the whole mission. Now I have to consider "should I farm this way which I could be punished for, or do I play legit and go way slower than other players who may likely just get away with it". The game permitting intentional mission failure for the most rewarding farm in this manner is not healthy for the game in any way. This is just dumb. EDIT after standing changes: This situation is resolved for Plague Star, but I still feel it's important to find a solution that can apply to the bounty system as not to be an issue in the future.
  10. The person you quoted is correct. Once you capture the target, enemy spawns cease after a window of 2 minutes. As per Update 23: After the target is captured in Capture missions, the level alert levels will automatically turn off after 1 minute, and enemy spawns will stop after 2 minutes.
  11. If they cared so much about AFK gameplay they would have changed Specters or a plethora of other things by now. Reactant really doesn't accomplish what you're trying to say it does. All reactant does is punish players for various reasons, be it they joined late, the host is a console player and others don't stand around wasting their time, players are tagging behind, or they aren't staying with the player with the most kills during endless missions. If a player was AFK, they would miss out on mission rewards anyway, due to ineligibility.
  12. Fissures were added before Capture missions were changed due to Oxium farming. This issue is even worse when a console player hosts the lobby. Picking up reactant honestly shouldn't even be a mechanic. Mission completion should equate to Relic cracked if the Relic was equipped.
  13. Hot take, but the current trading system is better because it affords an approachable opportunity for profiteering. Easy to learn and hard to master. Sure, current trading is more time consuming, but it also rewards more opportunistic players more than an auction house would. At the end of the day, there's only so much you can buy with Platinum as well. When I started playing Warframe, the way trading worked appealed to me specifically because it became a real skill to do well in, and it rewards those who do get proficient at it. An auction house takes away of this, and boils things down to essentially spreadsheeting trades. I've been out of trading for a very long time now, purely because I've lost passion in Riven trading, and that's the only thing I can realistically spend Platinum on. However, I do know that if I was ever in need of Platinum, I have the tools and skills to accumulate it relatively easy. Part of that is the fact I don't need filters to read trade chat, and I can siphon out the good trades while it moves at the speed it does. I've also memorized most Riven Mod prefixes and suffixes for attributes. I am not totally against adding an auction house or anything, but given it likely won't happen, the current system does have its perks. Whether you want to use those to your advantage is up to you.
  14. Amen. The only place I would find Stamina to be a good idea is Conclave and Conclave only.
  15. They all feel exactly the same to me to be quite honest.
  16. So were you really into the Necramechs or Railjack when they came out? Did you like Sisters of Parvos, or did you only really care for Kuva Liches and didn't enjoy Sisters being a reskin of those? I'm curious what kind of brand new content you're looking for, because DE essentially has little to work with mechanically. We have kill stuff, rush from A to B, crowd control (though less so for years now), time-gating, and gear hoarding. Quests can add a few hours of enjoyable moments, but DE is pretty constrained with how things are added to be quite honest. Operators are from a time when the game was younger, and I feel like Railjack was their last big risk. Since Railjack, we've mostly just gotten safe updates. You could say maybe Veilbreaker or Duviri were risks, but not really. They slowed the pace down, but the fundamentals weren't touched. I am in the same boat as you, except I'm still attached to core gameplay and don't want to miss out on the scheduled progress of gear (I am almost 100% done with Incarnons, and I'm still not missing an Archon Shard or a Nightwave Season). I do still want an update that adds brand new features where all the grind I've done actually amounts to something bigger, like a Raid, third Orb Mother, or something akin to when we first saw Trials, Eidolons, and the potentials with the original Railjack.
  17. I have this bug often and I'm never interacting during loading screens besides the space bar to skip cutscenes. The same goes for loading into my Orbiter. It's been happening for months now.
  18. Welcome back. Personally, as I've said in another thread, Warframe is in a perpetual state of adding mid-game content since that is the most accessible, appealing, and reaches the most players. Whether it's a single quest, a new mission, a new Warframe, or the scope of the Duviri Paradox. If you've originally quit because you stopped enjoying that grind for all that equipment in this fashion, I'm not sure DE has anything planned to really grab your attention. It may help if you go into more detail of what you want to see out of the game, and maybe us players answering could steer towards a better answer. I'm just trying my best to read the vibe here from OP and the comment towards Duviri sounding mid (which isn't that far off to be quite honest).
  19. Back in Focus 1.0, even though players were gravitating towards Naramon for Traumatic Redirection (damage yourself to proc Arcane Avenger) and Shadow Step (staying invisible from melee crits) or Zenurik for energy regen, the schools felt closer to mission roles, especially in the context of the content at the time. I can see the appeal of doubling up on Focus schools, but the game would be better off not leaning too hard into "One man army solo gameplay where your loadout can do it all". We get enough powercreep from the current Focus system with 1 school, let alone using 2 at the same time.
  20. The only issue I have with NPC defense targets is their ability to fall out of bounds (while rare), and the mission insta-fails. Other than that, it's very forgiving, especially with Vazarin at your disposal.
  21. I agree partially. Starchart 3.0 does actually have the benefit of leading players directionally around the map, but as you said, it can still be overwhelming. I think a Starchart 2.5 would have been better, where the map is modernized and leads players around like in our current map, but as you said, areas are hidden until unlocked. One issue both maps suffer from is Node bloat. There are way too many repeated missions with nothing really offered in the drop tables or mechanical differences between other nodes of the same type. You can see this the most in Arbitrations where most are Survival and Defense because that is most of the endurance missions on the map.
  22. This is how I felt as well when I saw it live. Honestly, I'm more of a fan of skins that really expand on the existing theme and look more like a deluxe of their original design. Most of my favorite deluxe skins are the extremely old ones. I'm not really a fan of any of the Liger skins or TennoGen that create helmets that don't look natural to the Warframe's design. This is what makes the Heirloom skins (especially the Frost Heirloom) so nice.
  23. It would have been nice if the Plains/Vallis changes were tied to an event akin to Scarlet Spear (in regard to tying in with The New War), and players who play those zones prior to the quest are given a lore rundown of why it looks this way, with more detail coming from the quest completion itself. That way these changes would be server side, and DE could implement "cleaning up" changes over time that push the areas to looking closer to their original counterpart overtime through new quests and events.
  24. This is sorely needed, especially with the bug that the chat moves around.
  25. If Warframe was linear I would be in absolute agreement. It's not though. There is a difference between reducing the fluff between the earlier quests to get players to the point of using Operators or reducing the bloat of the starchart and fast tracking players to earn things like Arcanes from Eidolons or allowing players to spend Debt Bonds to undermine Necramech farming. It is not a healthy way to enrich the game. We're still talking in the context of currency conversion here. For older players, it actually does cost them something. It's not a cost of time or resources, but the expense of emotional value in what they achieved prior. This is often the reasoning I've gotten from the multiple generations of players I've outlived that I've talked to over the years. They get bored because there is nothing for their gear to accomplish and the game focuses on the accessibility of what they have rather than making that end goal impactful and meaningful for new content. Warframe is in an endless state of mid-game additions, and that does come at a cost. The end-game is purely the completion of all the mid-game updates. Inflating player metrics at the expense of expectations and quality of those players as you hand them the keys to early powercreep or bypassing progression doesn't improve the game, it degrades this. Capped SE and Relic purchases from Teshin are a result of that process. Several issues the game has these days is a direct result of this fixation on pushing players to points they shouldn't be in to make their experience less of a hurdle to catching up to those who've been playing for years. Warframe's dilemma with retention and appeal is the islands of grind and fluff between them, not the actual impact the grind has on the overall game and your account from what they reward. I do love when people use the word elitism as if it's a religion of evil for leveled players who wish to respect the road-map of the progression they've reached. An amount of elitism is actually necessary to make reaching the status actually mean something and give players a goal to strive for. True Masters Mastery Rank 30 blessings are an "elitist" mechanic in nature, so are the various Login Tribute rewards. This is just disingenuous and you know it. I guess I'm selfish because I am considering the long term impact of reducing the value in existing achievement that makes the game worth grinding for. But hey, enjoy the 5 years of ongoing free promocode organization and hundreds of hours worth of written feedback and discussion that either aims to improve the game for everyone else or has already contributed to and/or resulted in that very improvement. If I wanted to really only focus on myself exclusively, I'd be asking for things 99.9% of players on the Forums wouldn't even relate to. I'm the most minority of player, and that's not the type of person I would ask the game to cater towards.
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