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Everything posted by Traumtulpe

  1. The funniest part is that the augment makes *no sense whatsoever*. So you can have a turret follow you around... except you'll get rewinded to where you started, so might as well just use stationary turrets. What is that, I can just hold the button to not rewind? So why did I throw away 100 energy then??
  2. How about you post a picture with your Khora so that we can see the lens, and then another picture with the end of mission reward screen showing no focus gain, and then another one where it shows your daily focus cap?
  3. Practically speaking, Stalker is just "Ash with Marked for Death+5" - I'd like to play "better Ash", since Ash basically has no relevant abilities anymore except for his smoke screen.
  4. No, but I'm just not going to go into Operator, Void Sling into the ceiling, then slam downwards, when I can just *not* do all of this crap and kill everything in 1/4 the time.
  5. I found that I actually cannot use melee slams from operator jumping height - I'd have to Void Sling upwards, and and that point it's just not comfortable to use anymore (with the rapid camera direction changes needed to sling upwards and then slam down...).
  6. What is DE doing?? I considered buying this skin, and I didn't because the fault lines all over that damn thing look terrible. How about you fix the only neat skin for the literal most popular warframe in the entire game? No? Well I guess you just hate money then.
  7. Overguard is actually insanely overpowered, and I'd be wary of giving every frame access to it - the source will either be not powerful enough to be attractive, or too powerful. Having a second shield gate, status immunity, Primed Sure Footed, extra health, immunity from energy drain, etc. should not be given out lightly. That being said, the issues with Blood Altar lie in it's inconvenience. You can't cast it on anything with Overguard, it's stationary, and so will you be unless you want to miss out on the loot it's target is going to drop. Compare Blood Altar to Well of Life - the latter is far superior, grants status immunity and functinally infinite energy (with the augment), and people still rarely use it.
  8. Repo Audit also causes procs from Manifold Bond, and the disarming effect can be quite handy. Evasive Denial is quite effective at keeping your Dog alive if it is shield focussed and has Accelerated Deflection equipped. Guardian is always handy to have. Hounds have enough shields for Reinforced Bond, substantially increasing your fire rate.
  9. Some slam effects now scale with mods and combo - the Furax Incarnon still doesn't, at all. And yeah, it blows enemies out of the area anyhow. I'm sure it'll get fixed by 2035.
  10. Yeah, I just recently got stuck in a conduit. /unstuck did precisely nothing - it's never done anything at all whenever I tried it. Seems like a placebo.
  11. DE is actually allergic to giving the player too much stuff and typically will err on the side of "too little" when in doubt. I don't see them wanting players open 5 relics at the same time, at all, ever. As for your "relic-problem", you can sell them. Especially old relics are worth quite a bit.
  12. There's only 3 situation where modding for Cold makes any sense - on a companion weapon (preferrably with Shivering Contagion), on a status primer if you already get Viral from somewhere else, and if you are specifically using a primary weapon with Corrosive/Cold + 2 green Archon shards + Primary Frostbite + Galvanized Aptitude.
  13. Oftentimes stuff just doesn't work when you're not the host, which in the Simulacrum you obviously are. Next time you notice it not working, have a look at the other players and see who has the (1) next to their name - that's the person hosting the game on their hardware.
  14. Except for the part where it has like 1/4 the status chance, which kinda makes it not really worth using against anything that is vulnerable to procs. That leaves it as a completely generic, single target, very short range, low status shotgun, akin to the Tigris Prime, and this kind of gun hasn't been good since shotgun status chance got gutted. Except of course that the Tigris Prime actually has infinitely longer range than the Hek, with a tighter spread and a falloff that is not only further, but also at minimum still >50% damage, whereas the Hek can't effectively be used outside of melee range and falls off to 1% damage lol.
  15. That's likely the case. Anyhow, I'm not interested in a weapon with 3% status chance, so it would be nice if the game could at least mention it in the description or stats page - this would have saved me the trouble of getting the Kuva Hek, which unfortunately turned out to be mastery fodder.
  16. Well there are no alt fire stats mentioned in-game, and the trait just says it "fires four barrels simultaneously" - so the alt fire having 3% status chance is a bug I presume?
  17. I rather consistently get 4 status procs in testing, using the alt fire (ignore the Viral procs, there's only Corrosive on the weapon). This is at 21.3% status chance per pellet, and a total of 106.4 multishot. Where's my ~22 status procs per shot? What is going on???
  18. And crossplay is enabled by default. If anybody was to turn off crossplay, he would get cut off from literally everyone else, so nobody can.
  19. Not sure it's related, but I was unable to chat with anyone or use public matchmaking when I turned off crossplay (I don't like the lag and the greatly reduced enemy density when a console player hosts). Turns out if you disable crossplay you get cut off from everyone, even the people on the very same system.
  20. Oftentimes attacking things will cause mission failure (as in no rewards) in fissure missions. You have to wait until the enemies get corrupted.
  21. Can her talons do this? No, not even close. Can they use Melee Influence? No. Can they have a Riven? No. Seems pretty bad to me.
  22. I wanted to give you a suggestion that's probably pretty good: An enemy with Blast status effect is "primed to explode"; Any damage from direct hits (this is meant to exclude damage over time effects for various reasons) will cause the target to explode for 25% of the damage (with the finisher damage type, to avoid exponential protection via armor) after a 2 second delay, including the hit that procced the Blast status. 7m radius. If an enemy gets hit again within the 2 second window, the damage will simply be added to the impending explosion (instead of creating multiple delayed explosions). The reasoning being that this'll feel blasty, and is both useful as a proc to put on an enemy via a primer, and if it's on your main weapon. It'll also be quite effective against groups of enemies, while still being useful, though not exactly great, against single targets. The radius is kept mediocre at 7m, as a compromise between being practically useful and being not overly powerful, and the 2 second delay is there both for the feeling (like a burning fuse in a sense), to prevent performance issues from rapid damage applications, and also to absolutely make sure it can't be overly powerful (2 seconds is a long time at the upper ends of Warframes power spectrum). As an added flavour bonus, status effect duration would both delay the explosion by the stated amount, but *also* increase the 25% damage value by just as much. In other words, +100% status duration would mean it takes 4 seconds of waiting for an enemy to explode, but then it'll deal 50% instead of 25% of all damage dealt to it in the 7m radius. You could also increase the damage value with more procs of Blast on the target, though I'd suggest this being minor - for example a 6 proc cap, with each proc after the first adding another 2% for a maximum of 35% damage explosions. Lastly, if the Blast status effect ends while an explosion was waiting to happen, it will take effect immediately.
  23. Also, please fix Netracells??? I still constantly get the "404 no Necramite found" bug: I don't really appreciate having to abort every other run.
  24. There's two reasons, really; OP is using Temporal Anchor so he basically needs a pool of at least 200 energy at all times or his rotation cannot be cast in full, and some enemies actually drain a pool of 225 energy *really* quick-like. Personally I'm at 120% efficiency with Protea (plus Equilibrium) and it's just barely enough for me to not have to worry about energy, once I'm past the low starting energy (need some more Forma for higher starting energy, or did DE change the energy being relative to unspent mod capacity? Maybe a yellow shard too).
  25. Seconded! The 4 makes you get a "hard landing" even if you land higher than you started casting, with enough casting speed, super annoying! And she can't cast her abilities on anything with Overguard! A fix would be nice! It's only been years! Also some of her abilities don't respond to color customization, like the barbs Seeking Talon shoots out. I was kinda shocked to find that Protea Prime's abilities all take all the colors you have applied to the Warframe, when that never was the case with Garuda. I guess this was also always bugged?
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