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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Yes, yes. I'm just having a bit of fun with DE here. A reduction for solo in SP? I can understand why some would feel that way, but I'd hate it. That's how I spend most of my time, and I'm pretty happy with eximus spawns there. If anything, dialed up a bit more would be ok--I really enjoy eximus stronghold sorties, the SP Abyssal Zone clears, and the occasional odd SP map that goes nuts with spawn rates.
  2. Oh, but there is one! DE, Eximus Reborn: "While Overguard is active, it will keep Eximus units immune to Warframe crowd control abilities and anything that will stagger, knockdown, stun, mind control, ragdoll, and blind." WF players:
  3. Or, better yet, it and other abilities like it could have reduced effect. In some cases, like Breach Surge's blind, it could be a shortened duration. In other case it would need to be more creative, because knockdowns, ragdolls, and so on are all or nothing. But they could imitate Bastille and Tornado and instead inflict a slow on targets that are immune to the main CC.
  4. Are yall planning to fix the many exceptions? And if you aren't, can we get some idea of the reasoning behind many exceptions being ok while some are not? That's a very ironic example to use, since Bastille/Vortex is a rare example of a CC ult that still gives a lesser CC effect on targets protected by Overguard. i.e., it already has a "compromise" built in. Which I'm all in favor of. I wish more CC abilities got this treatment.
  5. Neat idea. FWIW, DE did recently hint about a melee elaboration of some sort coming. I think the phrase used was "Perfect Heavy Attacks", and no more info than that. For me "perfect" brings to mind a timing condition like Perfect Shot on Nataruk, but that's the merest speculation. It could be something as simple as 12x combo, or more likely combo plus timing, or something else I haven't dreamt of.
  6. They have said stuff like this a few times: How do you view "power creep" and the topic of player power VS game challenge? [DE]Pablo: We have always embraced the power fantasy and the fun that comes from being godlike while fighting mere mortals! The one downside of this, is that it's near impossible to make truly challenging content when Warframes can easily be immortal and deal ludicrous amounts of damage. Those two objectives are at odds with each other, and for us the fun comes from the power fantasy, so that is our guiding principle. That's from the Reddit AMA earlier this year. I cribbed the transcription from @PublikDomain's summary here: There's some room for interpretation there. But to me it's abundantly clear from DE's actions that balance is still a goal on their list. Even if it's a lower priority than most games, and in service of other goals they have.
  7. Beyond Rebecca saying "Charm will be getting a change in how it works" I don't think they've said anything specific. Pablo used the words "nerf Smeeta" in the previous devstream a few times, in a humorous way. One could argue that it's only that: a joke. But IMO he's preparing us for a nerf. To me it's just a question of minor or major nerf, or maybe a radical change into something else. And whether it's just the resource boost that gets targeted. I can readily see some aspects of Charm getting buffed. Both because they're underwhelming, and to make the pill go down easier.
  8. The ground finisher is really nice too. But I think "...if the only notable things are the slide attack and ground finisher then there's something wrong with it" is just as valid an observation.
  9. Might be a logic check. The game doesn't roll Garuda Talons rivens, so they can't equip unveiled rivens. True exalted weapons have the same limitation.
  10. This isn't true, or there is an intermittent bug I don't know about. Adarza crit chance bonus works perfectly well on the player. It also has the advantage of always being a bonus to crits. Unlike Charm, which sets crit chance to 200% and functions as a penalty if your crit chance is above that. If you have 240%, Charm will make that just 200% while Cat's Eye will make it 300%. As far as the main topic goes, I think you should prepare yourself for a nerf to Charm's resource boost. It's amazing it wasn't nerfed before now, and I think the only thing that kept it from happening is the weakness of non-Panzer pets and DE's desire to bundle a nerf with a bunch of buffs, QoLs and elaborations of a general pet overhaul. As always, I could be wrong. But I think DE has dropped plenty of hints already.
  11. Just to be clear, that's not what I was describing. Shorter range in general is a positive factor for my Strun charging. The only negative,is it can get hard using ADS at very close range on a moving target. But I also don't need the ADS accuracy bonus at those ranges, so I'm not comfortable calling that a negative of short range rather than one of ADS.
  12. Haha, it almost nailed me, and I don't even have the excuse of alcohol. Yet.
  13. Could have something to do with this thread being 2 years older than Chakkhur. Still, a mere tendency of the time continuum to go one direction and not the other shouldn't completely absolve the participants from an omission so grievous.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/live/xvMNLZQnkvU?si=ErFfoqeMzfPwQCJo&t=2016 Starts around 33.35. Basically he doesn't think it's worth the ongoing upkeep costs to maintain the function in some form. I'd guess a fuller explanation might go something like "Not enough people care about it to justify continuing to maintain the old form in some way along with the new one, especially when it was maybe more prone to breaking things and unintended consequences than most." But that's a lot of reading into things on my part, and not necessarily correct. There wasn't a lot of reasoning given, and certainly nothing that will satisfy someone who loved Undertow. As far as what he meant by "maintain", I think it's simply that every feature in the game takes some maintenance to keep working and to bugfix, and can complicate updating and bugfixing other features, including the addition of new ones. So holding on to a feature that's been replaced is a decision that needs to be justified by value, popularity, compatibility with their vision for the game, and / or other reasons. I'd love to hear from somebody like @Packetdancer or @Naroxas44 about this though, since I'm only speaking as a consumer of games, not as somebody who works in the industry.
  15. On a scale of 1-10, how bad is Warframe? :P
  16. I didn't expect DE to announce it so soon. Even my horrible memory was able to manage for once.
  17. This exact thing is probably my #1 most desired tweak for her. Well, out of several others that aren't very realistic. Although casting her abilities while careening through the air so as not to be ganked during their animations became second nature long ago. I don't think I framed that joke well, because I feel the same, and was not referencing Helminth. It was more like "All three of Banshee's abilities are fine, IDK what you're talking about. Wait, Warframes have ults???" It's gotten to the point where players will say it's a plus that a frame has a mediocre ability, for a thought-free Helminth replacement. I'm sure some of these opinions are tongue-in-cheek, but not all of them. Drives me up the wall. :P
  18. Then why are you charging for it? Did one of them say that? I wasn't listening with my full attention, so might have missed it. If so, I wish they'd realize most gamers are mature enough to understand something direct like "It is an opportunity to monetize; and it's a way to discourage people from just casually skipping this story we're so proud of without even thinking about it."
  19. Yeah, I generally like to wait on playing new frames at all, basically so I don't get hung up on things that get changed quickly. Thanks for pointing this out though, because it makes the wording that was chosen for that patch note interesting: Fixed Dagath’s Wyrd Scythes causing enemies that are crowd control immune to move in ultra slow-motion. Jackal (Circuit and Fossa Assasination) was noticeably affected by this as it slowed the fight down to a point where it could not be completed. Really going for the "This is a beneficial bugfix, not a nerf" angle. It can be both, and I'm not hung up on bugfixes that also happen to be nerfs, or even straight out nerfs that have some justification behind them. I just wish they'd just be candid about it.
  20. Just announced it in the stream: November 7. Unless the servers explode, I guess, :P
  21. It's not just veterans, and not all veterans feel the same way. I've had all the mods for a long timem, and yet I agree that ideally no mods would be log-in locked. (Basically. Like peculiar type mods would be ok, for instance.) But every time DE adds another way for people to duplicate PSF's functionality, it becomes less of a big deal to me, and I think it shows that DE has a different strategy. Although one funny thing about AoD is that Primed Vigor is way better than it used to be. I don't think it'll be popular exactly, but I bet there will be some more people unhappy it's not available through other means.
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