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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. It seems to be the theme for DE since Veilbreaker, not doing the wisest things.
  2. So you uhm sit down and play a PvE focused game and demand PvP to keep you engaged while there is plenty of PvE activities to actually play? That is because those are PvP games. So the content is infinite because the risk and reward comes from winning over other players. So you never finish the content. It's like how open world ganking and battlegrounds kept my interest in WoW for years beyond the point where I considered quitting, and the reason I've played so many of the Battlefield and Battlefront games. However I'm not seeking those activities in WF and dont expect them either since WF is neither an MMO or a PvP based shooter.
  3. This is one of those things that will very likely get fixed and people will yell "nurf wha u do diz!!!?" while at the same time managing to complain about "Wefreme two ezze!" in the same post. And they'll probably also deman compensation for their topaz shards at that point even though they should realize by now not to invest in things that seem to good shortly after a big release.
  4. How can it be easier on SP when there isnt even a SP bounty to play?
  5. Yes. Same here. Seems to have started 10-15 minutes ago.
  6. Got a "failed to update account" after a mirror defense followed by "network not responding". The update worked on the second attempt but then as I traveled back to orbiter I got "network not responding again" followed by getting logged out and then failing to login again due to "network not responding". Restarted the game, launcher had a slow http checkup, which is usually instant, then on the login screen I got met by "network not responding" again as I tried to log in.
  7. None of these require a raid though, or a group for that matter. Just as the list of mechanics, none of them aside from "stand on plates" requires other people, and "stand on plates" is just an arbitrary mechanics to increase the needed number of members in the group. In the end it is uninteresting and not why people raid. Which is also why "raids" in shooter games and arpgs are a big joke, since they dont have actual raid mechanics, just arbitrary things to inflate the number of players required in the content. So why the need for a raid when the mechanics can be implemented for solo and group overall? All you add with the raid are the arbitrary and uninteresting mechanics, nothing else. The bosses wont be extra engaging for the group just because a puzzle is added to open a door in order to reach said boss. Having to play your class (which we lack in WF) during the boss fight is what makes raids fun and engaging for a larger than regular group. Boss does X thing, people go hide behind the tank, or the dps with a blind or kick ability needs to time an interrupt etc. which in turn requires the tank or off tank to be on their feet to pull aggro back directly after. Things spawn that need to be taken out by the dps while the tank and a healer holds the boss, or similar things. Or like some encounters. The boss has this massive ability which can either be soaked up by the tank with support from the healer, so the dps can continue their work, or everyone needs to fall back behind cover. Or one of my favorites that isnt even really a boss. The core hounds in Molten Core, where they all need to die roughly at the same time, so the dps needs to be on par across all of them while the tank(s) keep them occupied. If they die in a slightly desynced order the dead ones will res again. Which could lead to a terrible kill cycle. Things like those justify increased group sizes and they manage to engage atleast most of the group that face the encounter. And we wont get that in WF since we dont have tanks, healer and dps, because everyone does everything all at once with zero aggro management options really. I just dont understand the obsession or need regarding raids when they'll just end up like regular content only requiring more people. Not to mention we still rely on peer-to-peer, which is unreliable enough with a single group of 4 players. That is something I dont wanna experience with 1+ groups or a player holding the fate of even more players in their hand incase of a wild host migration monster appearing.
  8. Harder missions yes please. Missions that require teamplay no thanks, not aslong as the game is based on peer-to-peer. Unless you mean teamplay done in a way so those mechanics are only added to a mission if there is are 2+ players in the mission. I dont want to be unable to do things solo in a game that relies on peer-to-peer. If the game was based on dedicated servers or if it was an MMO I wouldnt mind some mandatory teamplay at times. I'm at the point right now where I cant even get myself to do fissures in groups due to the matchmaker system. The only time I go public is if there is an interception mission for the archon weekly.
  9. Yeah it is a good cause and sorry to hear about your mom. Both my mother and father passed due to cancer. My mother never knew, but since she died in her home (in the room right next to mine) an autopsy was required, at which point they saw it was pancreatic cancer that was the cause. The disturbing part was that she died just a day or two before her scheduled x-ray. Though with her utter fear of dying after having witnessed her own mother fade away slowly from cancer I'm glad she never knew. Then my father ended up with colon cancer, went through surgery and recieved a bag on his belly. Worked decently well through chemo treatments and so on but then it spread to his liver, which led to surgery aswell. Then when that seemed clear it spread to his lungs, which got treated with chamo and anti-bodies, this made the tumors shrink, but after a while they discovered that it had also spread to his left pinky toe out of all places. Which led to it getting amputated, after which things again seemed to go the right way, then just a few months later they discovered that it had spread to his brain and from there on it just went downhill since it was inoperable and no treatment would be enough at that point in time. So by the end of it he could barely formulate what he wanted to say even though he was 100% clear in the head otherwise. So he ended up at a hospice during his last month, then got moved to a facility close by just 2 days before his passing. All this played out in just a few years, from August 2016 to September 2020. And I will always remember him when I hear The Unforgiven since when they called me to tell of his passing I was in the middle of watching Lucifer and they called in the middle of the scene where he plays that song on the piano at Lux. The really goosebumpsy part is that it was one of my father's favorite songs even though he wasnt a particular Metallica fan. One thing to consider. If you feel emotionally down as a relative to a cancer patient, be sure to try and find people to talk to if needed. I was never in that situation myself since I'm fairly emotionally distant to death and dying overall, and grief and sadness have never really taken root in me. I've gotten that from my fathers side of the family. However, my big brother acted as if he didnt care when our mother died in 2007, and never talked about it. And since he lived on the other side of the world we knew little, it ended in disaster in 2009 when he literally drank himself to death. He had inherited the fear of death from my mothers side, just as the love for booze (which likely increased the probability for my mothers pancreatic cancer). So whatever you do, dont try to act "macho" if you feel emotions of grief, sadness and depression over these things. And if you are in a mindset like me regarding this, be the support for those near you that might be in a very emotional state. Sorry for the longwinded post.
  10. The problem with the Destiny 2 "raids" and WF trials is that they dont work like real raids aside from having a bunch of people doing things together. All the mechanics are arbitrary since in the end it comes down to everyone fending for themselves. As opposed to raids in MMORPGs where each member of the group is extremely important and the raid tends to engage each player with heavy focus on the boss encounters. WF and Destiny "raids" could have just aswell been solo content or small group "dungeons". I mean splitting off and doing things isnt really a raid mechanic, since that is present in practically all types of co-op forced content in games, from smaller dungeons to raids. Heck we have (or had) it in RJ, but that doesnt make RJ a raid, nor does it mean increasing the group size would make it a raid either. It's like when I played Marvel Heroes, they added raids aswell. Eventually after alot of feedback the devs started to rework them into small group encounters that could also be done solo (well it was their plan but Disney pulled the plug on the game before those chages were released). This was because the players pointed out that all the mechanics they had added were just arbitrary in order to force a larger group, they didnt add anything to the gameplay that a raid would otherwise do. It came to light for the most part when a Loki player soloed Muspelheim and circumventing all the mechanics that otherwise forced more players. And GW2 considered raids with their vanilla class setup, but saw that it wouldnt add anything, so when they did create raids they also gave every single class a new build option that turned the classes into a more classic rpg "trinity" setup in order to be able to create worthwhile and engaging raids and raid encounters. And in WF, the main thing that required grouping were pressure plate mechanics or as I prefer to call it, deluxe friends doors. And now when the people that say the fragmented one feels like a raid I start to wonder what part. It's 4 people running around attacking a single mob where everyone practically survives on their own. If they "coordinate" it might be ahead of entering to get some specific group setup to make it more efficient, but that isnt anything raid related, that is just generic premade grouping. The Fragmented One doesnt even feel like a co-op dungeon boss, since it is still everyone fending for themselves, with no real healing, tanking or dedicated dps we need to rely on coming together as one. The word raid has sadly become extremely watered down due to developers throwing around the term for practically anything that requires slightly more players than the baseline group cap. And most often those devs dont actually make raids with proper mechanics, just content with a higher group cap.
  11. It's some of the light sources and it also seems to come from some of the AoE attacks that fail to properly de-render. It got introduced with the Gargoyle patch, since I didnt run into it until today since WitW released. Tried disabling the new fog system but it didnt remove this blinding issue, diabled SSAO aswell, didnt change a thing, so it is something they screwed up elsewhere in the patch. Maybe Murmurs and Mechs had an ogry and what we see is just the blacklight effect?
  12. 1. Avenger, Grace, Aegis, Velocity (if you play Mesa or Tits regularly). 2. Since you already have Energize this is direct towards newer players that might read this. Energize if yellow shards or other methods of energy sustain isnt enough for your builds. 1 yellow shard should come close to Energize and is far more reliable since they have no CD, so no risk you blow the bonus energy. Even if you need to spend two shards slots it is worth it considering what stats you give up compared to what you up in the far more limited arcane slots. For instance 2 red shards is 20 or 30% strength, an arcane slots is 60% strength, 2 blue shards is 300 or 450 armor, an arcane slot provides 900 with guardian or 600(?) plus some healing with Reaper. 3. Guardian if you prefer what it brings and how it is activated in comparison to Reaper. 4. Nullifier. Likely not worth the event cost. And since you'll get most eidolon arcanes from the event, using Nulli for eidolon hunting wont really be a priority. It is also a bronze mod, so you can very likely get it very easily from the eidolon/trials arcane pack from Loid by trading in arcanes from other content you might have played already. I for instance had an obscene amount of acolyte arcanes and some others, so traded those in for some specific rare arcanes from other places that I hadnt considered picking up back then, like secondary electric +reload +multishot to slap in my tome.
  13. It depends on the build. Equilibrium ended up overkill for me, so I already had it replaced with Augur Secrets, but I didnt really need the strength from Secrets, so replaced it with Nexus when I got it. I dont really need Nexus either since I have both good range and high strength in my Dagath build with maxed efficiency too, so Fragmented Blast is just popping out orbs like rabbits in heat. Nexus is just there to get me back to casting quickly. It's like on my spamalanche Frost, I ran his +crit on frozen augment, but replaced it with Nexus. Because uhm... why do I need to crit poor defenseless targets even more often and harder when they already get erased due to having no armor? Fun mod to use on my Saryn aswell now that I had to hit +100% strength on her for guaranteed corrosive proccing. Allowed me to switch around mods and free up alot of stats by going from maxed efficiency to nexus+primed flow. Works really well since I run Nourish on her, and her most expensive skills are already cheaper at baseline compared to all other frames (toxin lash 50, Miasma 75 instead of 75/100). So with the new modding to hit guaranteed corrosive procs on spores I get uhm 9 energy per second from nexus if my math is correct (might very well not be cos I'm math blind (fancy word for stupid)).
  14. No idea why people dislike Dagath. She is one of the strongest frames if you want a caster. I replaced her 3 with Fragmanted Blast which allows me to utilize Arcane Blessing while having infinite energy aswell for horsing around. It also enables me to use Health Conversion, which together with a few armor shards makes her more than tanky enough to not have to rely on shield gate. I still benefit from shield gate since I run her as a full caster, but a single augur mod or brief respite is more than enough. The reason her 3 got replaced is because I barely use weapons on her and the res is 100% pointless since I use Unairu. Energy Nexus was also a lovely addition for her in situations with accidental drain, since it gets me back to reapplying Fractured Blast in roughly 2 seconds.
  15. With new content I tend to take it slower when I pass through the tiles, more so now with WitW where there are also pick ups to find. I mean the only thing I've actually ran into recently where I've thought "can you please tone it down a notch or two, or even ten" is Alchemy. #*!%ing element drops everywhere and then some, along with mobs ontop of mobs ontop of the #*!%ing mixer I'm supposed to throw the elements into or ontop of the elements I need to pick up. No time to appreciate the game mode really since its just bling-bling, scrappy mechs and living sand bags all over the screen along with numbers. Flustercuck to say the least.
  16. It would have been far more badass if you had used Wisp. Giggity!
  17. There is a simple solution to solve his sadness. It involves a gun and the back of Tagfer's head.
  18. It is just another irratic WF boss fight light show. And I'm not throwing around buzz words. I've been MMOing for well over 20 years at this point and it is very rarey I refer to something as a sponge, this boss however is indeed a sponge. If it wasnt for the adds the fight would provide very little besides a wall (no pun intended) of health with some 1HK moves for most frames. And last I checked when I go fight a well designed boss, the main threat shouldnt be on the chaos provided by rampant adds, it should be threats coming from the boss. But here we have a sponge that is spongey in order to create as many moments as possible in order to 1HK us with cheesy attacks, not balanced attacks that lead to death from too many screw ups on our part, just simple death if we screw up. And saying people come unprepared when they use endgame weapons for an endgame encounter is uhm odd. The point is that the fight is so spongey that you will run out unless you counter that with cheese, so regular stuff is countered by the boss, but not the cheese that should be countered in the first place, which leads to circumventing anything that is supposed to be a "mechanic" of the fight and ends up with horrible inconsistancy regarding what is allowed or not. Cant use self buffs unless you are on your toes to avoid getting hit ever, but hey you can stealth as much as you like and turn the boss and everything else fully pacificated, well aside from the boss pacing back and forth. Agreed it is utterly ugly and yes it is quite apparent they didnt put much time into this fight at all. It honestly looks like not much was put into the cosmetic either for that matter. That we only need to do it once is not an excuse for it to be the way it is, which is simply horribly spongey, boring and generic. As to "Whispers of the Worm" I only recall something Destiny related with it, but no clue what it is.
  19. Yeah probably, if someone decides to sell them. Yep, same. I'm not really sweating over not getting those two arcane as such, but the whole system involved in getting them is a massive poop show, it is a real quest on the poopdeck in the murkiest waters imo. I'm still amazed they went from a great release like AoZ which was the first Rebb-in-charge release, that gave great hope to the future, to WitW and the systems surrounding it when it comes to loot. If I hadnt known better I might have thought I accidentally logged into a mobile WF rip-off and not actually WF. How they can go from AoZ to this is mindbending and hard to fathom. Though Duviri started to flash some red lights with the lack of evergreen rewards planned for Circuit and the state Arcane farming was in at release. And then the evergreen "improvement" turned out to be rivens... Right now DE are starting to really pile up bad decisions one after the other, which is sad. Veilbreaker/Kahl, Duviri arcane progress, Hierlooms, planning to sell quest progress and now finally the WitW systems surrounding arcanes and shards. Another funny thing with WitW is that there is absolutely zero point to run Steel Path, since for some reason Acolytes dont spawn in the lab tiles. So we have the bonus S#&$ boss that is enabled in SP and nothing else. Did they forget to flip the emo henchmen switch or willingly decided to grant no specific SP loot in the lab?
  20. I dont think DE did much calculating regarding the two arcanes. If you look at the drop rate of 5-ish% you can expect one 1 in 20 runs, or to put it in gate terms, 1 each 4 weeks. You need 21 to create a maxed arcane, that means you need roughly 80 weeks if things go avarage. That is nearly 2 years... And remember how much people complain about Khora parts dropping, which sit at around 10% drop rate and can be ran as much as you like, and you only need 4 pieces of in total.
  21. I can just answer it here a bit regarding Tencent. People have always had a misconception that Tencent budges in and makes changes, that just isnt the case. DE and other companies, like GGG and so on are involved with Tencent, which is a holding company (for tech mostly). However people think that Tencent is the same as Tencent Games, which it isnt, since Tencent Games is a subsidairy of Tencent, their own studio within China dedicated to pooping out games for that specific region (mostly) for PC, mobile, fakestation, Xhoax, Xingtendo Stitch and whatever else they play on. Tencent itself doesnt interfear, since holding companies buy already successful franchises and companies so they can passively gain on that success without having to do anything. They really only get involved if they are specifically asked to fund or invest in something, like a bank. Since that is really what a holding company is, a bank that works like an insurance company more or less. You send money their way and incase you ever need investments or funding you wont need to seek out an actual bank or another company/person for it, since you already have that to fall back on. And ontop of that, the whole "Tencent evil China" thing hasnt been accurate for many many years now, since Tencent no longer has majority shares within China. Currently less than a third of the shares have those ties, since the majority share which is around a third of the company sits with a south african company named Nasper. Then the other 66% are spread out all across the world. One of the easy ways to see Tencents involvement after obtaining something is looking at GGG and PoE, since they have 5 years pre- and 5 years post- Tencent to look at. But as it turns out, PoE is practically identical in 2023 compared to the early days of 2013. To add to that, that is with 93% of the company getting sold to Tencent. Which is roughly the same setup DE has now, though Leyou got bought, not DE directly.
  22. I agree bullet sponge is overused, but it doesnt change that this encounter is a bullet sponge. It is two large health bars that needs excessive sustained fire to deplete with a few boss mechanics per stage and a bunch of adds. The adds alone also adds to the sponge of the fight since most frames will likely need to take care of them. Kinda the same poor boss design that Neverwinter Online had (still has probably) where they had a sponge with some moves and then tried to drown you in adds ontop of it.You can also just look at the ammo consumption of the fight to see why it is a health sponge. It drains even top tier "endgame" weapons. The problem is that it also stacks everything to practically cheese you. It isnt designed with good punishing mechanics, it only has punishing mechanics with little thought put behind them. Which is likely why it has the sponge health aswell, so there are more chances for it to land these poorly designed punishments instead of having a well designed kit. Compare this to PT, while it has adds around it, the phases are done in several smaller steps instead, so it doesnt feel like a sponge. Same deal with eidolons that have several shorter stages instead. Those encounters also manage to bring punishment, but they do it in a proper way where it is mostly not down to a single mistake for success to turn into failure. Though Eidolons come with their own issues imo that make them hard to enjoy, as in being too large so you constantly need to look up, losing sight of your surrounding and the ground and thereby losing sight of hazards. I mean, there is a reason why other games either allow you to manually zoom out or have a dynamic camera for those types of specific encounters. Those guys are either stoned beyond comprehension or their raiding experience is isolated to WF trials and perhaps Destiny 2 or some similar "raids" and have never set foot in actual raid games. I mean, dont get me wrong, WF has some really golden boss encounters, but they are sadly overshadowed by the amount of utterly terrible bosses in the game. It is also shocking that something like Archons went from actually cool bossy fights during TNW as Drifter, to complete trash when they got reworked for frames.
  23. For those that used Pack Leader or the primed version prior to the companion improvements noticed that it didnt work like supposed to with ranged melee attacks after the companion update. Seems as if that has been fully fixed in WitW when they fixed the gunblade thing, since it now works on both direct hits and explosions from things like Exodia Contagion again. Just wanted to share if others did like me and stopped using the mod together with ranged melee.
  24. Sadly just another cheesable bullet sponge. Ivara+Dispensery+Torid+Dual Toxocyst Torid to clear adds during the eye collection if they even bother getting close to the scanner and not just decide to hang out at the water cooler or the stairs. And used to clear the initial and between phase mobs during the boss fight. Dual Toxocyst to take out Fragmented One as he paces back and forth doing nothing. Took around 30 minutes total, would have been faster if my #*!%ing Drifter didnt bug out "void blast" spamming, so I could have actually used him to dash during the eye collection. Ivara wasnt exactly built to take hits, so had to be careful where and when I bullet jumped to grab eyes. Hood ornament looks like utter crap though.
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