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Everything posted by xcrimsonlegendx

  1. I'm still missing like 3, even though I have them all unlocked in-game.
  2. I just want something like relic packs or kuva, I've got all the schools maxed and have nothing to spend it on.
  3. It wasn't really a conscious decision, just kind of happened. I like the game, so I play it a lot I have a tendency to 100% games I also tend to enjoy collecting things
  4. Not getting drop progress on the current stream, got them fine yesterday. Edit: Nvm, apparently the drop is delayed.
  5. The hitbox is just small and you have to actually hit the enemies directly, treat it like a gun and aim right for them. But I do think it needs tweaking, should at least be an option to cancel it and just die normally.
  6. Is the companion rework going to include any of the stuff Sheldon mentioned the team working on in Devstream 137 on his napkin notes? Such as the pet command wheel, genetic heritage, random heads & tails for kubrows, set mods for moas, maggot mod set buffs, etc?
  7. They're not turning Warframe into a mobile game, nothing about it is changing. They're just making a mobile accessible version of the game. They're not suddenly going to add a gacha system and change the monetization to some crappy mobile one.
  8. I've given up on the story making any sense, since they went the 'eternalism' route any and everything can happen. There's no sense in trying to make... sense out of the story anymore. So, do what I do and sit back and enjoy the ride.
  9. I mean, its meant to be an Orokin era standard issue Grineer rifle. I rather like it, actually. Not every weapon needs to be a silly gimmick.
  10. Yep, weaponizing FOMO in a game that is renowned for its player-friendly monetization is unfortunate and on the 10th anniversary TennoCon no less. 😐
  11. As I've said before, DE could do another 20 updates that aren't "core warframe" and 90% of the game would still likely be that content everyone loves. Just because they're adding some variation doesn't mean the game isn't mostly warframe warframe. To me personally the variety is what has kept me interested in Warframe for so many years, being able to take a break from bullet-jumping to extraction as fast as possible for the 100th time today so I can go fishing, skateboarding, piloting a mech, taking a space ship for a cruise, playing as a slower paced military character like Kahl, or the drifter. I appreciate all the effort that goes into those side activities because they're what keeps the game fresh and interesting. If the game was just race to extraction and nothing else, I'd have uninstalled ages ago and to anyone that only wants that content, then don't play the new stuff.
  12. The absurd price aside, its the FOMO that really makes this whole thing reek. If the packs rotated in and out like Primes do, there'd be no problem.
  13. Maybe he transferred himself into a trucker name Jim while in the past.
  14. The price while steep doesn't bother me nearly as much as the FOMO. 10 years of Warframe and their awesome legacy skins are just overpriced, limited-time cash-only purchases. Seems pretty distasteful to ring in the celebration of Tennocon with something this shady.
  15. Seems weird, to introduce an extremely expensive set of skins then to tack on uncharacteristic level of FOMO on them. They even give you a profile accolade for 10 year supporter, its like they're trying to do another founders pack situation.
  16. I enjoy it, sometimes I just run relics in railjack for the fun of it.
  17. Big infested update New infested story/antagonist Infested liches Infested railjack Infested ship tile remaster Phorid rework Pets 2.0 Pet command wheel Pet mod buffs Genetic inheritance MOA set mods Randomized heads and tails for kubrows Melee "rage mode" Cross-save Modular Archwing Warframe Mobile More deluxe skins
  18. Eventually. They usually prime a random old weapon when the new prime doesn't have two signature items. So eventually all Tenno weapons will have a prime variant.
  19. Looking forward to Infested Railjack, they showed the concepts for it a while back in Dev stream 136.
  20. As much as I dislike the water fight mode, I didn't get all the rewards last year. I just didn't have the mental fortitude to grind it anymore. So I need to suffer this year so I can get it over with.
  21. I've never understood why people hate it. You see the huge telegraphed sword swings, dodge them. You see him fire a crystal, dodge it. Oh it landed on the ground, pick it up. Okay what do I do with this, throw it back. Repeat. Even if he wipes you out and breaks some platforms you learn quickly to keep moving around the arena. The fight isn't that complicated, I guess by Warframe standards it's one of the more complex fights but its still not that hard to figure out.
  22. The grenades the Fugitives and Kahl use are already perfect, just balance them for Warframe use, please. 🙏
  23. Yeah, that's the huge-ass projectile that fires out of the Penta. Its the same model the Saturn six fugitives and Kahl throw as a full-sized grenade. lol
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