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Everything posted by rapt0rman

  1. It's caused by its riven disposition. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Riven_Mods#Disposition Also you should remove your email.
  2. Been that way for almost as long as the game has been around. They even spent a year or so updating old textures, including Dread and Despair, but for some reason singled out one of the worst offenders to ignore.
  3. Riven stats and percentages are random and the names are generated based on their stats. So dedicated wiki pages for all the possible combinations isn't possible. Technically you can get a loose idea of what is on the riven based on it's name, but it's imprecise and nobody does it that way, so basically you just have "a Seer riven with +x% magazine size and +y% ammo capacity", which unfortunately won't get you much plat as is.
  4. Weird, I wasn't getting pinged about posts in my own thread. Yup. Thank ya', kindly. Don't quite remember since I did them ages ago and I don't have Photoshop anymore, but the hatch mark brush was just a simple line of dots (I might have downloaded it somewhere or I might've just made it myself), the halftone patterns are a sub option in the pixelate filter, and everything else is likely just basic inking brushes.
  5. Baulder's Gate 3 hadn't even been out for like a week before the "10 items you absolutely must get" vids started popping up.
  6. Once upon a time they removed the RNG from all the void tileset traps, but over the years some of them seem to have re-RNG'd themselves.
  7. The removal of mk-1 weapons IS for the good of players, they were straight up a mistake from the beginning. There was nothing about unranked, unmodded Latos or Bratons that made them too much for a new player to handle, to warrant an even weaker version.
  8. Except it's more likely that the weapons will just be discontinued and your mastery isn't going anywhere. You could just wait for more information.
  9. Mods are hit and miss, but they've never removed discontinued weapons from people's inventories, so that's not something that needs to be worried about. Rather, their insistence on being half-hearted when removing weapons is the reason weapons like Snipetron and Machete (which genuinely had no reason to be discontinued in the first place) are stuck in their weird event reward limbo. Mk-1 weapons on the other hand, genuinely had no reason to ever exist in the first place, so I'm happy they're getting the axe.
  10. Margulis and the colonists including operators weren't Orokin, it's a caste rather than a race or nationality. TBH the "Orokin look" is probably just fashion, and entirely cosmetic body modification either done directly or vat grown and transferenced into. The Queens were exiled at birth so they likely never went through the process.
  11. Not really, but close enough that I'm satisfied. Basically the character I envisioned for my Excal when I first started playing, with the only real defining features being: old school, Dark Sector style technocyte infection (this was before any lore drops), and wears a jump harness over his exoskeleton for attaching weapons. Simple and straightforward (plus I was pretty much combining the aesthetics of Jetstream Sam and Deadpool), so the converging of ideas isn't surprising, other than the fact it was pretty much the opposite of the direction the lore was going until now. I could only find some sketches because I'm cursed to never finish my art, but it gets the idea across:
  12. Yes, multishot by value is better than most other stats, as it just makes your weapon do everything it was already doing, just better. But THB that's potentially more of an issue of modding priority. Unless you already have at least that much multishot on your weapon from other sources, Hell's Chamber should be one of the first mods you slot. It shouldn't be competing for a slot with HM, there's likely something else that could be replaced.
  13. Guaranteed slash procs built into the stance.
  14. At the moment we just don't know enough. It's still up for debate whether or not operators even age or if their youth is just from spending most of their time in stasis pods.
  15. Huh, don't remember this being a thing, but those bonuses would most likely just be nulled if you have no impact on the weapon, or in the case of physical, reduced proportionally. I doubt it's adding sourceless impact damage. Also, to clarify, these forced impact procs aren't taking away from your natural status chance, they're free.
  16. Of all the changes that aren't going to happen, this is the most not-going-to-happen. Weapons are interchangeable if they use the same riven, they aren't if they don't.
  17. You know you're getting old when you only recognise a handful of the weapon names.
  18. Na yeah, it's pretty much entirely carelessness at this point, but it still requires the forethought to have done it 10-15 years ago when you didn't know you were going to need it.
  19. Most game companies don't actually keep ancient builds of their games. Blizzard is fortunate in having a plethora of old build data lying around (I also seem to recall something about them reclaiming some of it from private WoW servers), and they still had to rebuild a lot from scratch.
  20. More just ignored. Most of the basic units at least have the elemental damage adaption, but they're supposed to be able to completely disable or override anything beyond conventional kinetic projectiles and melee weapons. Of course, I can totally see why they didn't go that direction. Warframe was a -very- different game back when Sentients were only in concept form, with some written lore tidbits here and there.
  21. The original post you quoted was specifically from a gameplay perspective. Lore explanations, in this sense, are essentially just a coat of paint over mechanics. The scale, weightiness, responsiveness, etc. are the things that actually shape the way the game feels to play. You definitely can have specific lore that shapes the gameplay in specific ways, like transference or Sentient tech adaption, but I think what he means is more "is the end result different enough from Warframe's regular gameplay, that it has a reason to exist" Which... IMO yes, but also I don't think that has ever been part of DE's thought process, they just add what they think is cool. They also have a track record of ignoring or retconning their own lore-that-is-also-gameplay-mechanics (like Sentient tech adaption)
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