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Everything posted by (PSN)slightconfuzzled

  1. The Stalker Noggle killed this past years batch of Prime Noggles. We'll have to wait until they create a Revive themed Warframe, and for it to get a Prime, and then its Noggle to revive them. Noggle physics and laws and all that.
  2. So there are a few different potential problems possibly interacting here, each with different or similar solutions. I'll leave my personal opinion for last. 1. One issue is different hardware can offer different enemy density. I'm not personally certain on the exact discrepancy, as far as different PC's specs, the difference between console generations, so on, how it affects other modifiers like Steel Path, but yeah. 2. Somewhat similar, even on the same platform, certain maps, tile sets, factions, can have certain issues that influence Reactant gain. Certain Corpus tile sets and enemy behaviour can impede goals. 3. Player understanding and behaviour. I want to clarify though, that I am not necessarily claiming that this overall issue is something all players need to work around, but it is a variable. With players that know to stick together, and employ the really basic ability to stop shooting for a second or two... Like on certain maps, there are actual spots, that the Void likes to breach to corrupt enemies. If you ignore such areas a little, to let enemies get there, more of them will be corrupted, leading to more Reactant faster. If you do enough Void Relics and observe a little, you just come to note such areas. I know them really well on Defence tile sets, since I move around less. You can actually speed up missions this way too, since a 1 or 2 second pause to get more Reactant faster, gets you to 10 faster and then you can kill harder and faster without a care. 4. Somewhat related to above, but player behaviour. Having players split up and go across the map from each other... 5. Compounding issues. I remember playing a Conjunction Survival with one particular PC host, where enemies constantly flooded each player from every direction. They were spread out a bit, and I would move between them (to kill Thrax, Acolyte), it was great, felt swarmed from every direction. I imagine with that sort of enemy density, it could lead to certain players not thinking that sticking together is a necessity. If a player usually does Steel Path Kuva Survivals, Reactant isn't rarely ever an issue, so doing a normal Lith Survival against Corpus might see issues they don't encounter elsewhere. As far as solutions, well there are some player side solutions, because there are ways for players to avoid or minimise above issues... I do think the game could do more though. Some scenarios need the help more, but it really doesn't feel good when the success of your mission is dependent on random players behaviours and actions. As in one random player who runs away from the squad and takes enemy aggro with them. Even if I think some players could benefit from understanding the corruption mechanics and locations... and just being more tactical, also don't think other players time should be wasted if such players just go full on trigger and ability happy with nuking. Player scaling options in normal missions would be nice too. I personally opt for Steel Path because of this, but I also find Steel Path a breezy experience, and I don't think thats necessarily fair. Alternatively some way to ensure Reactant even if enemy density is less, could also be an alternative solution.
  3. Clashing, competing, conflicting etc. Personally, I'd say its naturally dependent on the manner and specifics of the clashing. Like some peoples styles and preferences are naturally more accomodating. Thats mine for example, I tend to pay attention to what my other team mates are doing, and tend to accommodate what I think they are striving for. Around new Primes, are when I play PUGs the most, and have come across all manner of different styles/play styles, and other variables. Played with some really slow players, who were a bit new, so I went slow as well, and didn't kill as hard or fast, we communicated in chat more, etc, played with some speed runner types, who wanted to go fast over and over, played with a host with bad wifi who was overly apologetic, but they were nice and respectful, played some Steel Path Defence where nuking was everyones preference to go faster. My play style isn't the best or anything, its just mine, I hold no judgements towards others who are more disconcerting or selective. I remember a thread where someone was complaining that someone else in a PUB killed their Kuva Lich too fast. They talked about how them and their brother struggled against their two Lichs for weeks, how it killed them a few times, how they struggled to get Murmurs, and find out the combination, and down them each time. They talked about how epic and exciting it was to have a nemesis... and then they lamented that when it came to the showdown, someone random they were matched with, one shot their Lich and how that played robbed them of joy of defeating their epic rivals, and they thought such players were... I can't remember the exact accusation. Alternatively, you have a lot of people grinding Liches for weapons, the perfect percentage or element or Ephemera, who have killed over 70 and streamlined the process considerably, and so many who are just happy to be efficient... I'm naturally more of the latter type of person. Though say in Archon Hunts, I would always look at the load outs of team, and try to gauge where they may be at, and hold back just a little. Some people sometimes want a bit more of an experience, some others just want the reward, can sort of be quite tricky to some of accomodate people that way, but eh. I always think all people should always feel like they are allowed to play the game, but that communication and basic social interaction skills with other humans can be handy and go a long way. Not always required, but situationally applicable. After all clashes that occur in video games, can overlap with the clashes many of us will experience in real life in other contexts or even in Forums. The ability to address them in different ways is valuable. Its also why I imagine a lot of people like solo as well, because we like to turn off that part of the brain as far as trying to have to deal with people, even if a lot of other online Warframe players are chill and accomodating, (whether game or forums), it can be a bit tiring coming across someone who is antagonistic, rude, foul, trolling. Doesn't even have to be that negative either, I tried a Public Netracell mission the other day... one guy was like 300 meters away during the red circle phase... and all the enemies were attracted to them, and they were using a Slowva... and it took like 25 minutes... So I went solo after that. Even I'm not that accomodating...
  4. Really depends on my mood and goals for the session. I rotate my arsenal frequently and often. As does my general objective, as this is Warframe after all. I value synergy a lot, and will often start with an initial selection, and then the rest of my arsenal my accommodate them. Like lets say if I wanted to play Qorvex today. They are quite tanky, which means I can spend more time shooting at enemies, since my survival isn't tied to my DPS per say. I might pick a Primary thats fun, but maybe not with a high KPM. Alternatively if I would have more fun with Mag, then I would usually pick a Primary thats a projectile weapon, to synergise with Magnetise. If I do a solo Netracell, then weapons with higher KPM become more important. With that being said, recently i have been using the following a lot. Fulmin Prime, Exergis, Atomos Incarnon, Quassus, Pennant, Ceramic Dagger, Boar Incarnon, Paris Incarnon. With the melee weapons, its mostly been to test out Tennokai with them, the Exergis and Boar, I just really like shotguns (I prefer the Boar Incarnons normal fire mode), Atomos has been my lazy back up weapon, since it chains, and is pretty potent, I will use it if there are a lot of enemies I need to kill fast (say Netracells, to make the percentage go faster). Plus its really good Acolyte killer in Steel Path. Will probably be using Acceltra Prime and Akarius Prime a bit once they are built. Then have Stropha as my back up. Basically I tend to pick a weapon for fun, and use the other slots to accomodate them in some way. Assuming there is a need, otherwise, I'm also good with just going on a whim.
  5. For OP, its tracked separately. Its also worth remembering, that when you say "unlucky for several hunts and now sit at 80% or 100%" thats relatively unlucky... Prior to the current system, I had friends who had zero Tauforged until the pity system was introduced. Literally months and months of no Tau, which was possible under the old system. Sure, getting to 80% or 100% can feel unlucky, compared to getting it more frequently, but its no where as unlucky as 4 times the length with zero results and no indication of that changing. Mind you, the original and additional problems could have been solved in different ways, but yeah, its tracked separately. You would create too many issues if it conformed to the player with the best percentages. People are willing to pay Plat for Tau, now you would have a market for people selling tickets to ride with their 100% guarantee Tau drop. Except how would they confirm? Well screenshots, well now you just have a whole silly frustrating mess with people trying to manipulate the system for the best odds, and creating far more tension than otherwise. Simple short answer, the Archon Tau aspect or rewards, (specifically as far as Archon Hunts) is player specific. So you can't invite friends to have them get guaranteed Tau.
  6. I don't know, seems a bit inhumane to castrate him. Maybe we can buff him instead? I reckon throw the Ignis Wraith into his mouth for his 1, and let his 4 procc the basic uncombined elements. Bit like Citrines Prismatic Gem. I mean it drains enough energy, and could further compliment his weapon builds. Would also somewhat passively buff its potential damage too, without necessarily making it busted on its own.
  7. I sympathise to a degree, but eh... We are dealing with an inherent aspect and nature of the game, and that is player choice and variety. Which then comes with positives and benefits. For every person who wants to play the game blind, and take time enjoying the learning process, you have people who want to meta optimise, for someone who wants to enjoy a slower pace getting heat shots with a bow, you have someone who wants to engulf the entire map with fire and poison that melts all enemies. There is. alot from the game, that empowers all sorts of styles and play styles. Sometimes those styles and preferences clash. I myself, I quite like chilling with a bow and prioritising skill shots, like only head shots or long distance sniping, with a projectile arrow, knowing I have to lead my target. I know, that going into a PUB Relic Exterminate won't be the best place necessarily to do that... So I go solo. Not that I am telling others they have to go solo, just that I do, because thats the pace and preference I have. I also generally like single target weapons a lot, and... many of them tend to scale decently against tougher enemies, so i get to use quite a lot of them in Steel Path Survivals, without worrying too much about not getting to use the weapons. Basically there are a lot of variables that players can sort of learn and recognise as far as other players habits and behaviours and then use that to create opportunities for their own preferences and playstyles. Again, I sympathise, but I also know from experience, that say... a normal star chart Relic Cracking mission? Especially Exterminate and Capture? I mean, you don't even need a nuke, a tough breeze will kill those enemies, at that level... Many players just want to grind/farm things, and going fast is their style, preference etc. Its not mine necessarily, but I get it. Generally tougher missions, and endless missions, like Disruption, Survival, etc are better opportunities for a bit more diversity in builds, Interception as well, though unless its a Relic and even then, isn't super popular so you might just end up effectively solo... Personally I also try to read the room, and do my best to accommodate others. Have had some Relic Captures with very new players who wanted to go slower and talk more and find secrets together, and that can be fun, but also valid for many people who are rushing and just want to get their Prime stuff/forma, because maybe they don't have a lot of time for gaming etc. PUGs are PUGs.
  8. I merely mean cynical as far as one sided perspectives individuals might take as opposed to bigger picture approaches. Different folk will have different thresholds and preferences over such things, Amongst my own friends, some were okay with waiting, and some weren't. I was one of the former, as far as waiting, and it wasn't a deal breaker. Its valid either way as long as some understand the game won't always accommodate them, but also... the game sometimes will. Like, I consider Prime Resurgence overall much better for a player than the old Unvault system. Back when I started, I was basically under the impression certain weapons and Warframes might take me more than 2 plus years to get if I didn't want to buy them from another player. For some, they might prefer the older way since that makes certain Warframes and weapons feel more special or exclusive (see Glaive Prime right now). Preferences and perspectives are fine and all that, I just tend to fall on the more accessible side, in general. As far as myself I don't really have super strong opinions since I have everything and don't really need to care about that system.
  9. Yeah I agree. Even as someone who has all Prime Warframes, and the potential consequences to Prime Warframes PTP trade market values, I generally think more vaulted Warframes, should be accessible in this way. That being said, and this might sound more cynical than I mean it to, but I am pretty sure this type of Resurgence exists in certain times of the year, when things are a bit quiet between updates, to sort of bridge the gaps. I doubt they would ever make the regular rotation like this, but I would be happy to be wrong as well.
  10. Thank you for sharing your experience. I can't relate exactly though... for what I think are two specific reasons. 1. Whilst I do take breaks from Warframe, its never been two years or longer. Usually its just a few months. This might be relevant for the next reason as well. On its own though... well, its worth considering that depending on a persons experiences with video games, a game like Warframe can be relatively rare. In the sense, not many games are 10 years old with continued large updates, with no signs of slowing down. A lot of people may not be familiar with the idea, that a game could hypothetically be "perfect", but they might just be tired of it and ready to move on. Emphasis on hypothetically perfect. My main point is that a lot of certain types of game models, FTP, GAAS, often employ small ways to encourage and incentivise continued playing, and even people who are aware of them, can be subtly influenced by them... Actually stopping can then be a bit harder, because what if our next log in brings a 75% voucher or what if we are excited to get the next Prime or new Warframe? So then when many people do actually manage to stop... it can be quite freeing and liberating, even if they don't acknowledge it. So even if they do eventually return... Not saying thats the case here, just speaking in generalisations. 2. Personally? Depending on whats going on in my life, I can actually really enjoy and like feeling a bit overwhelmed with stuff to do in a video game. Not that I like "terrible grinds" but that part can largely be subjective. One persons terrible grind, may be another ideal farm, and so the more the merrier . Ironically, out of the last few years, I thought Deimos was one of the weaker updates and that each Warframe update since, has been quite good. New War as far as a cinematic quest (though I wasn't fond of the rest of the update, see Caliban farm), but then Angels of Zariman was great, new tile sets, Void Angels, Incarnons, new interesting modes, new lore, and updates like Sisters of Parvos which were vast improvements of original Kuva Lich hunts, and even improved some of those older systems a lot as well. Plus gave us some more Lich weapons. As far as grind and pity systems. Of course to notice such improvements and optimisation (including improvements to Railjack as well etc), one would have to actually try them a bit, but then obviously if a person feels overwhelmed and like they don't want to engage in any of it... It almost creates a self fulfilling prophecy... Which is still totally normal and valid. Its a game, it should bring you enjoyment. Not feel like an obligation or chore. That also being said, it may not actually be the games fault or issues, either, it may be a subjective player issue. As someone who has played Warframe for a long time, I think its been at its best the last few years as far as updates, and whilst I do have some pretty deep criticisms, they are relatively few and more towards certain monetisation issues (Regal Aya v1, Heirlooms v1).
  11. Lodestar Signa. A spinning rotating Signa with tiny energy Kaithe, like a Carousel going around your head. Or maybe it just resets, to confuse people. Or maybe Umbra Sure Footed. 140% resistance to knockdowns and staggers. Science may never truly know. Some mysteries, Warframes were never meant to breach.
  12. Damn, its the last Incarnon I have to build. I just need a few more Pathos Clamps. It sounds really interesting and fun, but the downside of the lack of colour choices of the clouds, is a bit disappointed. Ah well, it still sounds like it will be cool and beastly.
  13. The nature and purpose of nerfs can be multiple and overlap. Depends on other variables, Nerfs don't necessarily exist to completely eliminate a particular play style or meta, and thats before we even distinguish AOE weapons, from AOE meta. Then distinguishing between nerfing either respectively. Sometimes a nerf is just so one weapon may not be as ubiquitous anymore. There is a large difference between 1 weapon out of a pool of 200, being used by say 80% of a play base, especially if the idea or goal, is that people value and desire more weapons generally. Which may be different in a game, with strict linear progression and an ending. Nerfing and buffing weapons, so that original weapon in the example, is say used by 30%... it could still in theory be the most popular gun, and the one many people see with regularity, but you could say the goal of the nerf/buffs, were successful. My example, is just that, an example, in the abstract. Won't be accurate, to actual statistics, but Kuva Nukor did cross my mind, and its still a really popular gun, statistically speaking, but I think DE will probably be happy with the nerfs and buffs and balancing they have done with Secondaries in more recent times, in comparison to say 2020 Kuva Nukor usage. This year it may even finally be overtaken, but my main point is that its stats look very very different comparatively. For some people, the AOE nerfs were overzealous, and for some, they didn't go far enough, but... there are also a whole lot of people, with more nuanced and specific takes, as far as what they might agree with or disagree with, accept, reject, inserting and wrapping the issues with their preferences and perspectives. Like... AOE isn't an established scientific term. You can find decent consensus, especially as far as certain games, but many different people, do actually have slightly different interpretations of what AOE is exactly. Their definitions may also overlap, but may contain nuance. A few years back, I went down a Google/Wiki hole trying to see the origins and applications of the term in video game (I'm interested in linguistics and etymology). I have forgotten a lot of my knowledge, but I vaguely remember its use in video games, often being linked to more magical fantasy systems. Obviously language and terms grow and expand, but just for myself personally, and I know a few others? Well, its more nuanced. Like, to myself, Kuva Nukor could be considered an AOE weapon, but I would initially describe it more as a chaining beam weapon. Terms aren't exclusive. Terms also don't mean the exact same thing though. For example, the Incarnon Atomos regular form, is also a chaining beam weapon. Yes. Can it be considered an AOE? Sure. Its also got an AOE launcher type firing style in its Incarnon form. So its it an AOE that transform into an AOE? Well yeah sorta, depending on some peoples definitions... hence either more context can offer better descriptions to offer clarity, or you can use different terms, even if only for clarity. Its important for some, because the Kuva Zarr is very different to a weapon like the Tenet Arca Plasma, or the Cedo. Just like the Torid Incarnon can be very different to the ordinary Torid, to the Synapse. A weapons punch through, beam mechanics, how many beams, projectile width... Like the Nataruk has a wide projectile, its great, and why its one of the meta bows, but many people find it more savoury than the Bramma, especially as a co-op weapon, as far as avoiding flash banging you, killing weaker enemies too fast etc. We also have two different colliding issues here as well. Burston Prime against weak enemies, that can be killed per one bullet of the Burston, is going to make a team environment where someone is using a Daikyu, potentially have nothing to do. Even a single target weapon, if automatic, that has a high fire rate, that is against a weak enemy, used by someone with no discretion, let alone 3 other players, will make someone with a slow firing, bow or sniper, feel irrelevant. So there is a scale and magnitude to such things. Peoples play styles and preferences can clash. Personally? I like certain weapons, like the Daikyu, but I will go solo to really enjoy the weapon. I have used it to great effect in group settings, but even that required particular circumstances. I hard carried a Steel Path Circuit run with it once, my build let me one shot many tough enemies, other players builds were struggling with, and I had certain Decrees that really benefitted it. My point though, is I won't be taking the Daikyu for when I go to farm Gauss Prime, in Earth Capture missions, in PUBs. Like... yeah, I probably won't kill many enemies at all. The two issues can overlap, but they are also separate with their own issues, problems and thus potential solutions. With all that said, I do think the nerfs were therefore successful in what their intent was (though criticism is also valid regardless). Though we may have to wait to see the 2023 usage stats, and some of this also may depend on a persons terminology and play style preferences. Personally I find it really odd to consider Tenet Arca Plasma and Kuva Zarr that similar... It just has punch through and a wide hitbox projectile, and the Tenet version bounces a lot. Potentially frustrating if someone is using it to great effect? Sure, but Nataruk is really similar, just without the bouncing. When I group with people, using either the Tenet Arca or Nataruk, I can usually enjoy the situation more than when the AOE meta was in its peak, with Kuva Zarrs and Kuva Brammas (not that it bothered me significantly either, since I often play solo a lot anyway, and often when I did PUG, it was for Relics, where I don't have hard expectations for other players behaviour, other than just a bare minimum sort of respect/civility. Epitaph for example, also has an AOE component, just thats more of a Primer. Not all AOE is the same.
  14. Man, same. I actually missed the Forums a decent amount. Turns out I enjoy playing Warframe much more when I can talk about how fun, silly and weird it is, with others here. I wonder if it had something to do with Cross Save accounts or something. I was trying to figure out what it was too, since I could see that many PSN and X-Box players could still post, but many usernames I once recognised were different or without the PSN or X-Box tags, and I saw some people posting about that issue. Anyway, I really really hope it doesn't happen again, its frustrating, and... I hope all those that were affected by it as well, can post again. Since you know... if they are still affected, how can anyone know? Also, if this is my last post in the Warframe Forums ever, then let me take the opportunity to say this highly sensitive secret, before they take me out! So... the reason why Ballas created [INFORMATION REDACTED. CONNECTION DISRUPTED///SEQUENCE DESTABILISED, TRANSMISSION ACTIVATED. RAP TAP TAP].
  15. For anyone else following or keeping track of this thread. More of a heads up, but a DE member has apologised and addressed this. Just there are quite a few threads on the same topic (that maybe might be merged eventually?), to quote DE Megan "We're working on it :) Apologies for the wait." As per a different but similar thread. So you should be able to get your Wisp Prime Noggle soon! No worries. If you use the filter to see Staff replies, if you are interested in seeing the source for the quote. Take care.
  16. Whilst I don't personally think Prime version looks ugly, I can see why some consider it a downgrade. Personally, I wish, the Prime version held on to a bit more of the exact metallic texturing the original embodied, it still seems fine, and may require a different approach as far as colour theory and fashioning. I mean as far as subjective desires and all that, I also wish Voidshell technology was more integrated into more of Warframe by default, as opposed the current approach, since that would effectively bypass such situations, and fix the colour channels issues many Primes have had (certain textures struggle to get certain white or black saturation/aesthetics).
  17. The advice about ranking up Mods, or specifically, not ranking to max is really solid, and something I would also tell myself. Its also something I still hold to, and depending on the Mods in question, I may also have a range of the same Mod, set to different ranks. The reasons you covered, but also I personally like to play many many different builds, Warframes, and weapons, but I don't always necessarily want to have to invest so many resources into them all to have everything fit. I'd also tell my new self the following. A. Play style can very much dictate how and why you might want to Mod. I know you (past me), want to try and turn everything into a tank with Health, Armour and Shield Mods, and that you are excited about your new Warframes, and play Warframe as a solo cover shooter survival horror, but many Warframes you think suck at the moment, are really good if you Mod them differently, take advantage of the Warframe movement and agility, take off all your survival mods, and use your abilities more. Which also may be tough, because I know you (past me) don't have Arcane Energise or Zenurik maxed out, but keep that in mind. Also, you can have multiple play styles as well, sometimes you might want to be lazy and immobile and line up shots slowly, and there are Warframes and Mods that will accommodate that too. Keep that in mind when taking on others build suggestions and advice. Some of the Warframes and weapons you think are weak, end up as your favourites and powerhouses. B. Warframe has a lot of hidden mechanics, and interactions. Its okay to use the Wikia, especially to try and understand certain mechanics and interactions. Try to find out why Corrosive, and then Viral and Slash are so popular, why Blast is unpopular. Why even simple rolling can be useful for mitigating damage. Still do your own testing and experimenting, but just like in science, it can be good to see the collaborative efforts of others who have compiled such info, to then explore and understand yourself so you can make more informed decisions. Especially around hidden or vague descriptions, mechanics, interactions. Learning what weapons may force procc and so on. This in turn may influence how you mod. Some elemental combinations are way more important than necessarily just trying to stack more damage. Raw damage, status damage, Crit damage are all different, and you want to understand how and why, to Mod as relevant.
  18. I don't double your assertion, but perhaps you could take screenshots of your Lichs profile, and then the weapons bonus, and post them. Or, also, contact Support with your screenshots and ask them why the discrepancy. That could help the process/answers.
  19. Wow, thats crazy. Its been downhill ever since the end of the first week, all the way back in October 2012. That was the best period in Warframe, and its been a sharp, decline, ever since. What can the game do, to fix itself, to make me, personally feel, like it did way back then? Maybe they can acquire the top scientists, to actually make the game, somehow conform to my very specific, personal vision of what its suppose to be, as I personally remember it, and then everything will be fixed. Joking aside, growing distant from a game, and feeling like it wasn't as good, as it once was, is totally valid, and normal experience. Its just important to recognise when thats a subjective, internal, personal situation experience or something more objective, general and externally relevant. Not that the two can't happen at the same time, either, its just they can both have very different solutions. It also takes into account, that often, what you personally found and thought was a golden age and the best of times, for others, may have been low points and the worse, but that shouldn't invalidate how you felt either, just like, you may not recognise the highlights and high points of something either. Depending on how long you have been with video games... well, for some older gamers, games used to be one and done affairs. With endings, and end points, as opposed to lasting up to ten years and no signs of stopping. That can create new issues and problems. Including new ways of burning out and growing tired. Persons expectations can also influence how we feel. I imagine a lot of older Warframe players who are a bit unhappy or jaded, were excited about the potential of the game, and that vision of the potential and future, in itself was something that would feel enjoyable... However if that perceived potential wasn't met or subverted, then those expectations could feel ruined, and untapped, and thus frustration will occur. On the other hand, many older players who have been around for a long time, consider Warframe to be at its best most recently... Often a lot of this is down to such expectations, perceptions, gaming play styles and preferences. Its also not something set in stone either. As in we do have some control and agency over how we feel and think. Its why breaks can be good, because with some time and space, we can reevaluate what we like or don't like about something, and then make an informed, considered decision, about whether to return and enjoy it for what it is, or leave, and try to find other experiences, games, etc that will give us what we actually want. All the best either way.
  20. Don't necessarily see the issue with some Incarnon base forms, seeming more superior than the Incarnon form. I say seems, because often, its just a matter of situation and goals. Atomos Incarnon for example, personally I like using the base version more, for general enemies, which in most missions, are the majority. Then using the Incarnon mode on Acolytes, where is extremely effective against them. Creates a pretty rewarding gameplay loop. Can also synergise differently based on your Warframe, abilities and build. Felarx was also the forerunner of this sort of thing. Its only counter intuitive if you have a particular intuition or perspective on the weapons. Which, is totally fair, I had that as well, when the Felarx was released, I was quite disappointed. Then I actually just thought about it, and recognised, I actually prefer the Felarx base form, being the generally more practical form, I would use more. Different people will have different splits on base/Incarnon depending on the weapon, and potentially scenario (like faction, or enemy type etc), and I think thats far more interesting and better than prescribing to a notion, that the Incarnon form, must always be far superior in any given situation. That and overall, I find most Incarnon forms, generally superior. Its just interesting to me, its not ubiquitous. As for headshot issue, I don't really notice it, so don't feel too strongly, as in I am not opposed or anything. Certain weapons can have overall more multi shot, and a lot of certain weapons that require headshots often don't, but there is also the issue with enemy corpses and overkill. I like to play Steel Path, and with builds that require ramping up on buffs, versus outright flat damage, so it feels pretty easy to build up charge fast, especially if there is an Eximus around. In those situations, only really the Atomos, I tend to notice struggling, just because it chains and will kill a lot of enemies, limiting my ability to charge off them. If there are changes, i think the corpse change was a bit overzealous, but IIRC that was an issue that was made apparent due to Torid, which is one of my least used. I would also like them to fix the several tree/evolution bugs, and potentially rebalance some of the conditions, buffs etc. Especially some of the melee ones. Wouldn't be opposed to some of OP's either, to be clear.
  21. Sure, and they could be very interesting, but also a hefty undertaking that would require resources and time towards it, that would invariably be taken from elsewhere, so as you say, probably not going to happen. I'm personally not opposed either, that would be fun, but I likewise don't see it happening. As far as lacking interesting mechanics, again, sure, but again, its quite subjective. As as is whats boring or not. Usually with such a wide selection, not all guns or Warframes are necessarily intended or designed to be as appealing and interesting to everyone, equally. Its like food, not everyone, has the same palettes, and even in the differences in preferences, some peoples palettes are larger than others. There is a lot to such things. What may be boring to some, won't be boring to others. What is considered a negative design aspect for one, might be a positive for someone else. When it comes to weapons, I personally quite like variety, and diversity. Generally. I can like traditional bows like Daikyu, but also beam weapons like Quanta Vandal, Phantasma. I can like somewhat regular seeming assault rifle guns like Karak or Soma, to more futuristic seeming rifles like one that shoots out mini missiles aka Acceltra. To shotguns, which are probably generally my favourite, and so on. Even though i can also generally like all weapons, I still do have preferences too. Other people may categorise differently, as in they may have favourites, but also weapon classes they don't want to, or don't like using. I knew a person who considered all non big AOE weapons boring, given the type of game this is. Preferences are natural, as is wanting our preferences accommodated, but sometimes that can be tricky, as far as accommodating many different types of people. The changes some people may want to a "boring" weapon, may be why others enjoy that weapon. Even that though can be more nuanced and complicated as well though. Consider a weapon you like, thats not that popular, being dramatically altered, because someone who doesn't care about it, or use it anyway, wants it to be more like something they find more interesting, and already exists in the game. Again, not saying that, thats inherently wrong, but its the sort of consideration that is often apparent. There are already many Incarnon with polarised opinions and views about comparing different modes, and attitudes about which should be better, which stray too far from the original design, so on.
  22. Eh, this sort of is a loaded idea. Like Incarnons as they are, aren't just random and indiscriminate. Each tends to have upgrade trees, modes, and considerations relevant to what the weapon is. When, and DE does sometimes do this, as in generalised broad changes, there are usually winners and losers, or buffs/nerfs to some weapons. Like with the AOE nerfs, some weapons that were very widespread were effectively affected, but many lesser used weapons were as well, in some cases not even AOE weapons, but weapons with smaller default ammo reserves too. Wanting a weapon like Viper Wraith to get buffed, makes sense, and is respectable enough, but you also get into a lot of subjective territory as far as peoples ideas of perfection and what a present is. Some guns for example, are fun, because of their limitations, and or some weapons are unique or fun, because they may offer an advantage another weapon may not, at some other cost. Like, some guns have a lot of punch through and some don't, you have to mod for it, but to someone thats annoying... so lets give all guns punch through... well some also have innate Viral or Heat... or Corrosive. Well okay, so lets make all guns do Viral and Heat and Corrosive... and well this is a horde shooter and AOE were powerful so... lets make all guns, bows, snipers etc do AOE, with punch through, Viral, Corrosive and Heat... and someone will say, well, I never said all that... but therein, is the issue, because you may, but someone else with as equally a valid preference may... So back to square one. Also subjective is "forgotten weapons", I use a lot of less popular weapons in Steel Path all the time. I don't think there is any weapon that can't do Steel Path if you want it to. You may just have to put more time synergising it with your other tools, Warframe, etc armour strip set ups, weapons buffing platform Warframes, so on. If you really want to have fun, and have a wide selection of favourite fun, but relatively weaker weapons, Circuit is a very fun way to see them be the most powerful buffed version of themselves. Also, to be super clear, am also not opposed to the idea of them getting Incarnons either, just I think they should be specific and purposeful. Considered and implemented. Not just broadly generically implemented, to buff peoples favourite guns. Which will also generally favour generic guns really. Since many of the more unique but relatively weaker weapons, usually are that way for certain reasons, that would require more considered buffs/adjustments and not just the generic buffs like fire rate, punch through etc Thats even before we get into power creep territory. Balancing between weapon types, etc.
  23. Insanity will be the day, there are more Void Fissure missions available than mission nodes. Though as someone that needs to farm Void Traces for Gauss Prime, in a little bit, totally okay if Void Fissures started popping up everywhere in random content.
  24. I think Dagath is great. Very potent and fun. As far as effectiveness? Ehh, see, often this can be really subjective, and over lap with our personal play styles. I often think a lot of players aren't always that good at recognising other play styles. So then considering their own. Since there is a difference between recognising and acknowledging other play styles, and having your own, and developing it versus having a narrow linear ideas of what you think something should be. Which is important, since people can also have multiple play styles themselves, the ability to consider other ways of approaching a build, helps you develop your own potentially builds, plural. Like with some Warframes, I have a powers focused build and play style, where they can kill with just powers, but I also often have builds and play styles with them involving guns, because I like Warframe guns and find them fun. Plus different situations in game, may warrant it. Dagath I usually use in high density Steel Path missions, and I play her as a caster, as in casting a lot. Steel Path means a lot of enemies, and often Eximus, so I don't really have any energy problems with her, I find her slow also extremely effective for survival with her 3. So I like to play her a bit like a glass cannon. I do have a build thats more tanky though, as far as Arcanes. I have a build thats more of a gun platform. That also being said, figuring out and developing such builds is what I find fun in Warframe. It makes total sense to me, and is very and normal and fair when I see people who bounce off Warframes I personally like, because they might not be as interested in that process for every Warframe.
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