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Everything posted by (PSN)slightconfuzzled

  1. At first I thought it was a little odd to suggest that Warframes stop in the middle of missions to drink alcohol off each others bodies, to charge their weapons Incarnon, but then I remembered Warframes aren't built like conventional humans. They have all sorts of weird crevices and extra body parts and growths, and so it could be rather novel. Like Citine has all those geodes and they kind of look like crunching candy, and Kullervo has all sorts of drinking game potential, when the knives come out. At least my assumption, is that the suggestion is doing body shots off other Warframes. Would be a bit grim if you do that to the enemy factions, and then go on to murder them right after. Not really sure I could stomach that, feels a bit... morbid to party with some Grineer before... well you know...
  2. Not necessarily no, but potentially sure. You have to consider context. I mean Kuva Nukor is still the most used Secondary, so thats definitely getting nerfed too right? Incarnons were a failure? Well again, not necessarily. Depending on how you measure usage, as far as, how you consider Prime and non Primes, or mix some together, by some metrics Revenant isn't even most used. Then even as far as the way you can compare as far as all of that separated, Revenants Prime percentage and relative popularity, is relatively healthy as far as variety sake. There is one or two percentage point between them and quite a few other Warframe. Compare that to Wukong in past years, who was almost double the percentage points ahead of their next highest used Warframe. Likewise Kuva Nukor my first example, isn't anywhere as solely wide spread. To be clear, this doesn't mean nerfs won't be coming, but nerfs could come to any Warframe for a variety of reasons. In a relative comparative sense, 2023 stats are a lot more healthy diversity/variety wise than immediate past years. Everything's a little closer and tighter. If anything though, that in itself is almost a little unusual, but there have also been a lot of different types of changes made to the game, with different ramifications. Like Archon Hunts were added, but so were Shards, and then we had two big updates, also big waves of new Incarnons, plus shield changes... Many different variables are in flux, the ability to avoid perma death in game modes with prized rewards will make a Warframe like Revenant popular. Shards that can indirectly buff Warframes like Saryn and Mesa, could make them even more popular. Certain melee Incarnon's influence on certain Warframe abilities could see them prosper, melee Arcanes and Tennokai, could mean Melee category usage next year looks different... There is a lot of context to sift through.
  3. I'm excited either way, as I really like both Protea and Xaku. I am also super interested in what the Prime versions will look like, as I think both also have two of the best Deluxe skins as well, and both IIRC only have one signature, so may be interesting to see what else they will come with. We could have Protea come out with Daikyu Prime, and then Xaku AkDaikyu Prime, where we can now dual wield Double Daikyus. Its a bow so nice, we should get to hold it twice!
  4. I like the one on the right a little more, which I feel like, was done on purpose, and is an attack on my sense of style, because now I am tempted to buy the Accessories Pack. However I still actually prefer the Mag Helmet. As in the actual literal Mag, sitting atop my head, with a smug aura, radiating from her, like the magnetic pulses... she... pulses. Or something. What?!?
  5. From the best of my knowledge on such things, at the present, and for transparency sake, I am not a legal expert or anything.. Just someone with a keen interest in consumer rights and I have some background in linguistics, and communication (which can often actually be a help when discussing framing and terms used in agreements). Whenever people talk about such topics or similar subjects, there can be a tendency for some to get a little stuck on certain phrasing and framing that requires more nuance and that might necessarily realise or think. Like a few different issues they get concerned about. Like "this says this so this must mean that" when such agreements aren't necessarily about sticking to rigid obligations around behaviour, as if there is a magic connection, where any and all players that perform a certain act, will automatically be infringing a rule and automatically face penalty and punishment. Often there can be far more discretion applied, its more situational, and the language used or the terms, are there just to cover bases and provide room for said discretion. Or someone may think that "now they can do stuff with the new agreement they couldn't do before" when often such discretion and subjectively already existed and they could and would apply it already, and a new agreement often just reframes or rephrases details or improves on it in some other way. Maybe to make something more explicit or address some other issue, which may be more topical or pronounced than in the past, or maybe even to apply to other industry or International standards/policies. So usually nothing really actually changes significantly as far as most normal players involvement, actions, behaviour and so on. If there are people who have more expertise and understanding though, and my current understanding is flawed or misleading, I would be happy to be corrected and informed though. I haven't seen OP's source video (well now, I have, after writing this), nor am I familiar with the content creator in question. (Quickly skimming through their video... There are just a lot of small red flags. Anyone who decides they want to create content for Warframe, and be "sponsored" by an entity outside of Warframe, should be more discerning about such external sponsorships and how they can affect agreements and causes. Again, especially if they plan on being a content creator. Thats also a small minority of Warframes player base as well. The overlap (people who plan on being a Warframe content creator, especially putting in a lot of time and effort, as well as someone "sponsored". They also can't be as transparent with all the info involved because of "legal reasons" as they claim, which also means, we can't get a straight forward clear overview either. Tnen they have this habit of inserting in information thats irrelevant as if to try and garner sympathy or good guy gamer points. Hang on, I need to pause writing to fed the one legged puppy I rescued from a burning building.) I could be wrong, but it really more just seems like they got banned, and are now frustrated, and now trying to poke holes in the EULA, which aren't actually the holes they think they are. Its not a good faith analysis, nor does it show an adequate understanding of such agreements, and why and how actual good faith criticisms against them, could be applied as far as consumer rights, and looking out for consumers. There are legitimate issues and gripes to be had, about the power imbalances involved with such agreements and the potential for abuse, the frustration involved with unclear or blurry boundaries and conditions, but again, there is a certain amount of time, and experience, and importantly good faith approaching to understanding such agreements in the first place, as far as having adequate context to then criticise and critique and pointing out flaws and issues with language and framing. This video really doesn't do that. For example, with their pet example in the video, that particular user probably would actually be reprimanded. If they were reported. Emphasis on if. The player is engaging in Whataboutism. Some of the other examples may not be as cut or dry, because nothing is ever always going to have an identical context behind it, and context can matter. So a lot of their claims just fall flat because their interpretation is flawed. I do sympathise with them, because they do seem genuine, and frustrated, and liked they enjoyed making Warframe content, and the financial aspects involved, but they really should have checked the EULA before agreeing with that super secretive sponsorship situation they can't talk about, and they probably could have handled appealing their bans better as well. Their specific situation isn't one a lot of us are going to be in either. Then even if we are, we shouldn't make the same mistakes, they did.
  6. First we got Blizzard (Frost), and then we got Lizard (Chroma), and then we got Gizzard (Grendel), and finally we get Wizard. Surely the next Warframe will be the Acclaimed. So we can all finally get Scissored.
  7. I'll pass on the praise that you really appreciated and enjoyed the cutscenes. I'm sure they will appreciate your gratitude. Cheers!
  8. I mean, the most accurate answer would involve and rely on a lot of context around general advertising principles and specific player behaviour, activity and feedback, over decades worth of data has accumulated. Like around retention, activity fluctuations, returning to a game, not returning, what causes anticipation, hype, so on. Yes, often such content is, obviously not for new players, but there is probably some consistent internal data or player metrics to show, that advertising this way, attracts more players overall, to returning and or checking out the game, more than it doesn't. Or the ratio is valued for some other relative reason. Like games can be a relatively expensive type of entertainment, depending on how you look at it. Like if you were just compare it to say a DVD of one movie. However, games also often are far far longer than one movie. So often, there can be more value, perceived or otherwise, with a game purchase. Except various data, studies, and ways to track players engagement with a game, often and frequently show, a lot of people only play the first parts of games. Generally and broadly speaking. Which is something a lot of games companies and developers have known for a while. So often the beginning of certain types of games, are considered extremely important as far as the impression it leaves on players, and a lot of money is often disproportionately used on such areas and beginnings. So even if many players don't actually finish the game, they have a high opinion or experience with the game, franchise, IP, developer etc Generally the games that pattern refers to, are games with intended conclusions/limited life times. Warframe style games, are a bit different, as far as data, patterns and thus likely strategies. Being ongoing, FTP model, etc. So for them, their equivalent value that needs to be highlighted and emphasised, is updates. They really want your engagement and attention, and certain framing will generally tend to get that. Its not just them either naturally. Like Mass Effect 3 and many other games sequels, eh, yeah, technically a new player can play them but like... There is a lot of context and preference and subjective impressions that can be discussed. Consider Elden Ring and Souls games. Also these aren't examples I am intended to be the same as Warframe, because again, different. You literally can play Elden Ring without Dark Souls 1, but with Whispers you can't, you do have to actually unlock other stuff first, but... a lot of people, and by a lot, I mean, from past data and results, they probably know and see, a lot of lapsed and new people, will engage with the game overall, even if its not the new content, because the new content got them interested enough to have a look in, and engage, even with older and past quests, required to progress. Many of which, will eventually get to new content, many of which won't, many who might pause, and then end up getting there later, and so on, with a few different other scenarios/behaviours. Advertising can be pretty weird, but and, because people can be weird and odd as far as how they behave, and what they respond to, engage with, interact with, are compelled and attracted by, respond strongly to, etc. If you do ever find something weird, it could be whoever is doing the advertising being off base, but also, often, the people you need to question, are the people who respond strongly or demonstrate the advertising is working. Short answer, "they" knew its a bit deceptive, but internal data shows that a lot of people respond strongly to such tactics anyway, and usually people who are skeptical or weary of such practices, usually will often know at least a little of the above explanations, some more intuitively than others, so "we" also know. They know, we know, yadda yadda. Its a bit like questioning why cosmetic items in game cost a premium currency. Its literally not real, why not just be free? Well... its more complicated, but the short simple answer is the game uses a FTP model. If you are familiar with FTP models, thats a sort of sufficient answer, but if you are not, then the answer or discussion is longer and more complex.
  9. I think they look interesting. They remind me of Atlas, a little. I like their theme as a spell caster. I think for myself personally, how much I will play them, will revolve around how much fun their writing and casting will feel. I don't personally necessarily think the current Grimoire weapon will say much about Dante, potentially anymore than you can by comparing the Vasto to Mesa's Peacemakers. They may bare some visual similarities, but function differently with different stats and goals. Potentially, they could also be very similar too, I just don't know. Will have to wait and see. That the abilities are tied to this though, as in writing the chapters and having the Ult be the final chapter (or whatever it was, I was half asleep during the Devstream because time zone reasons), those are very different mechanics the Grimoire we have, doesn't have and so... That being said, they feel like less distinct and different abilities, and more like one singular gimmick ability that our button presses feed into, and so are more co-dependent than a lot of builds. Which is interesting, but also has some... See if it works, its going to work well, but if it doesn't or feels too repetitive, than it all falls apart. To me, thats cool because its relatively unique, but for some it might be limiting. Will really depend on the execution. Will also be interesting to see what the Helminth will be, maybe the ability they didn't talk about. I don't necessarily worry about his viability. I personally find all Warframes viable in Steel Path, some just need more consideration and synergistic builds than others. More so interested in whether the gameplay loop will be interesting, and fun, as opposed to simply...Novel (ahem). Also I can't help but notice that the Authors of Pain are back (if you know, you know), and Dante also gives me that potential vibe as well. Just a bit more literally.
  10. I'd like some of the aspects to be imitated elsewhere too. Sort of like combining parts of Circuit with Sanctuary Onslaught. Like if there was a mode, where you could fight Grineer across different Grineer tile sets and modes. Exterminate, Survival, Disruption, Excavation, Defence, maybe a fight against the Wolf as an Assassinate, Void Flood, Cascade etc. Have a Corpus equivalent as well. Being a Fissure would be great as well, Decrees would be nice. Sometimes its nice getting to play different modes in succession, nice for variety and if you aren't quite sure what you might want to do, and rather just do a bit of everything. Plus naturally the enemy type will drop their associated resources.
  11. I found that interesting as well. Though when i think of Incarnons in particular, I am torn between knowing and recognising that many people find them very powerful, and that many many people, probably aren't really in a place or mood to do Steel Path Circuit and a lot of Duviri for the resources required to get those weapons. A lot of the higher/popular Incarnons are weapons that were decently popular usage wise already from what I remember. My heat map seems working okay at the moment, and like you might have guessed, a lot of weapons that weren't necessarily popular with higher levelled players in years past, suddenly were, from being Incarnon. Though I was too lazy to do too much cross referencing from all the past years. I understand they can't, but I wish we could get more stats. Would be interesting if we could just sort by Incarnon weapons only, or see the Helminth abilities. Wsa interesting to hear Eclipse is second most used. I would guess Nourish would be first and Roar or Gloom third, maybe. I myself don't really use Helminth Subsume, at all, but still find the stats interesting.
  12. Thought it might be nice to bump this, now the actual usage stats are released. Or maybe a new thread should be made, but I am lazy, but if someone else makes it...
  13. I mean, I am not opposed to improvements, but I think its fine currently too. As in I would be fine if this is all we got. Before it could take over 3 hours to get the weapon you wanted. As many of us, including OP knows, I still remember my longest 3 hour session from before the pity system/exclusion method was implemented. I listened to a podcast. At least now, you know you are making progress towards the weapon you want. Also helps to have numerous goals, since usually, people aren't just after a single Kuva weapon. Usually. Like there will be a few instances where a person, literally only wants just one Kuva weapon, specifically, and finally... but then in that instance, such a situation should only happen once. For example, if OP wanted a Seer or Kind, then this last run would have only had to go to 7th attempt. (Or for example in the run where you did get the Seer, presumably the Hind showed up before as well). Again though I am not against improvements or changes either. I mostly just do Liches for fun, and increasing the percentages of weapons I rarely use anyway, for completionist type reasons. There are some weapons I prioritise a bit over others, back when I was going for my favourites, and I think my last long run was trying to get the Kraken to 60%. So such results should be a bit abnormal, unless for whatever reason, you really specifically want a very specific weapon and nothing else. Which fair enough. Even then you will also be a bit of an outlier, as in bad luck if its literally the last choice. To put it another way, I wish they did something about Ephemera chances/drops. I view that as more of a source of frustration. A pity system there would be great (like accumulating odds or something).
  14. These are my demands I mean questions, for 2024's First Dev Stream. 1. DE generally gives us 4 or so Warframes a year, but since noticing it was 2024, I thought about it, and 2024 times 4 is 8096, which means there is roughly 8000 missing Warframes. Any plans on rectifying this error? 2. Incarnons are great, and we already know that a few more are planned for 2024, but some Incarnons are weaker than other Incarnons. Is it possibly, that we can get Incarnon versions of Incarnon weapons? For those that really like Incarnons. You know, like the Xzibit meme, about liking Incarnons, so putting Incarnons in your Incarnons. Incarnon Incarnon Soma Incarnon for example? 3. Any plans to address that the Focus Schools aren't actually schools at all? No teachers, no classes, no desks, no classrooms, no recognised curriculum or Internationally recognised certification. They sound like those online scam schools, with fake degrees that only exist to trick people into spending points but getting nothing of value in return, and just exist to launder money and avoid taxes. 4. Primed Colour Palettes when? I have brought all the Colour Palettes, but most of them use colours, and shades of colours I already recognise, and to be honest, thats a bit boring. Is it possible, you could release more Premium Colour Palettes, with undiscovered and new colours, that no one has ever seen before? When I want people looking at my fashion frame, I want them to ask "What am I even looking at... I don't recognise that colour or hue at all... whats even going on right now... are my eyes working? I legitimately do not know what is going on, what is that thing? Am I experiencing a new colour thats shattering my world view. Help, please help me!". I would be willing to pay for such colours.
  15. Yeah, you know, when I was watching the Gauss Prime trailer, my immediate first thought, was that they made it so cool just to spite Atlas. You could just tell by the choice of the music selection, and Gauss's little gestures and animations, that the team behind this trailer, definitely wanted to send one, very clear and direct message. "We are DE, and we hate and despite Atlas and those who use him", its like.. the vitriol was drenched all over Gauss and the reason he could move so fast. The doors trying to box him in, were the hopes and dreams of Atlas fans being dashed through, by what can only be a vindictive, petty and hateful attitude for DE to have. Its really hard not to take this personally when DE is so blatantly brazen about their disrespect, so specifically toward Atlas. They might as well have had Atlas grave in the trailer, with that jerk Gauss tap dancing all over it, how utterly egregious and personally offensive the disrespect blown. Really unprofessional of them, all things considered. Even more recently with the Chroma Lunar Year gear. Chroma? Chroma? Dragons aren't real, but you know what is real? Rocks. Also what is the Moon made of? Rocks. Lunar New Year should have celebrated Atlas. Not Chroma, except DE hates Atlas so much, and they want everyone to know it. Side note: Atlas is actually in a pretty solid place right now. He has been shadow buffed/passively buffed a bunch with several updates new content and ways to enhance his punching. Also like others said, its really not that personal, its just other variables like time, resources and natural cycles. A few months ago, a lot of people felt Sevagoth was being ignored, not knowing a Deluxe and powerful Augment were on their way. Look at Caliban. Lots of older Warframes, that already have Deluxe skins, and Augments usually only get DE attention, if they are considered to really be in a dire state, see Hydroid rework and people always talking about it. Personally I enjoy using Atlas and consider him in a healthier spot than say... Inaros, but you know, subjective and all that. As someone who likes a lot of older Warframes though, I can sympathise, wish more Voidshells existed, we got more minor buffs/reworks, but also not the healthiest to think DE are so prone to favouritism/biases without being careful about that being possibly reflective of our own biases as well.
  16. I think most of the weapons I thought of, have already been mentioned. For the sake of a small recap though plus some potential considerations, we have the Syam. Its a sword with Heavy Attacks that send out Heat shockwaves. I think Argo and Vel has an energy projectile, but I can't remember if that was only in Drifter mode. Verdilac which sends out projectiles with one its combos. Nepheri which sends out fireballs, with one of its combos. Certain Incarnon like Hate, Innodem and Ceramic Dagger have projectiles from certain attacks. Tenet Grigori launches a projectile from slide Heavy or second Heavy, Tenet Agendus throws out a projectile too, on Heavy. Certain War Fans do on their heavy as well, uh, Quassus and Arum Spinosa. Sigma and Octantis lets you throw the shield with an attack (its a log in weapon though). You also have Exodia Contagion with Zaws. To my knowledge, there isn't anything thats exactly like Excalibur's Exalted. Maybe the Hate Incarnon, in the sense, its projectile, is just from the normal melee swings once in Incarnon form. No Heavy, or special combos or set up needed, just its regular attack. However even that requires the Incarnon mode to be activated. Sorry can't think of anything else.
  17. To be really real and blunt, even people with bad to medium quality (and lower) PC's as well as all consoles shouldn't be allowed to go public at all, let alone host. Only people with the highest end PC's of the current year, with wired Internet connections, and back up power generators in countries with the best internet infrastructure should be interacting with others in public lobbies. Basically unless you are rich and in Singapore, you should probably not be playing games. Lets just say what everyone is thinking. Maybe instead of gaming, you can get another job you know... to move to a better Internet country and get an actual decent gaming PC. Feels really bad when the squad doesn't load in simultaneously, and perform the Ginyu Force dance pose in perfect synchronisation without lag or missed frames. Jokes and hyperbole aside, I personally do not mind at all. I played with someone with bad wifi the other day, and they were apologetic about being host, and i felt bad for them, for having to feel like they should apologise, but I would genuinely rather play with a Switch host with slow lag, who is a decent person, letting me be me, than someone who is host with the ideal gaming experience, who is elitist or a Hampton Wick trying to control others experiences. Not that those types are mutually exclusive. I play with some friend who have high end PC's who really don't care either, and are super respectful and friendly to other. Also to be clear, I am not saying if you do care or have preferences, you are elitist or of bad character and can't be friendly and polite. Having preferences is totally valid and fair enough, and you can be that without being a jerk to others, I'm just generalising about my own preferences. By a similar same token, if players did care though, and felt this way, they should really just turn off crossplay. You could make an argument that since its on by default, its going to skewer the numbers, and should be opt in instead... but maybe a lot of people, just really don't care either way, and a decent enough spawn rate and other such variables, is fine, as opposed to some perfect scenario otherwise. Or ask for better filter options. Not only won't DE not force such an issue, they'd... just... the awareness around such ideas as conceived by some. You can make other arguments to, about some of the other benefits, but then its just a matter of what your priority is. Do you want the benefits of playing with people who don't mind, or people who do. Like the only filter I'd be down for, is "players who want to police and enforce their preferences about what hardware you use, wired only, no wifi, what Warframes you should use, what weapons you are allowed, whether you should play meta, or avoid meta, whether you should only use colour palettes, and every other sort of insistence and attempt to control" and "players who really don't care as long as you aren't a raging drob". Except even then, games are so short anyway, I still probably wouldn't care still, as long as the controlling types were respectful and polite and their attempts to control were fruitless. Then once more for emphasis, I really do sympathise with those that want a smoother, purer, better gaming experience, that feels impeded by others. I often go solo in Warframe, because of certain reasons. I'd argue thats just controlling my own gaming experience than controlling others, but either way, similar motivations. Aside from issues around excluding certain players from having options and choices others get to indulge in though, those players engagement and money is also quite valuable to DE. There are likely many superior alternatives DE would actually pursue. So ironically, in this sense, you are the console player with bad wifi, and DE has the superior hardware enforcing their ideal on you (business, as in money and engagement).
  18. Caliban. Has no aura, no charm, no charisma... nothing. Or if he does have aura, its negative aura... like anti-aura. This is a joke. Oh, you are talking about something else...
  19. Warframe in the Wall. Passive Ability: You can't change the colours of this Warframe, and when you try to add attachments and armour, you get an error sound and a note saying they are incompatible, and then you hear a faint mocking laugh. You can equip a Syandana, but for some reason its very very small and instead of on your back, its on your face. This Warframe is indifferent to fashion. First Ability: Shadow Self. Enemies that come into line of sight of this Warframe, pause and are forced to contemplate their existence. So effectively crowd controlled. If the Man in the Wall made a Warframe, and the Warframe was in the Wall... Is it possible, that the Man in the Wall also made them too? What if they are the Grineer Elite Butcher in the Wall? What if they are the Shield Charger Osprey in the Wall? What if the Man in the Wall, looks at it, and has to consider if there is another Man in the Wall... but a bigger Man, in an even Bigger Wall... and he isn't the original, but the Bigger Man, in the Bigger Wall, put him, the Man... into the Wall, making him what he is today? What if EVERYTHING is in the Wall? And Always Was? What if... Enemies in this state drop double the amount of loot when you get near then, Ability costs 75 energy by default. Second Ability: Doppelganger. The Warframe in the Wall, splits into two. Much like Wukong's Clone, this second version shares the same ammo pool as you do, but for some reason it only likes to aim into the sky, or the floor, away from enemies and likes to keep firing until you are both out of ammo. It also has the power to use your consumable resources, like Ammo pads and Energy Pizzas, but then proceeds to waste those as well. The Doppelganger continuously laughs the whole time, but occasionally says "Kiddo" and occasionally cries, but denies it. Costs 10 Energy by default. Third Ability: /Unstuck From the Wall. Warframe. Teleport ability, but you are only teleported into level architecture and objects, that you can't get out of. You become stuck. You then have to use the /unstuck command to free yourself. However... if you get stuck through natural gameplay... like bullet jumping, or falling into a weird object, or basically any situation where you would have to use /unstuck naturally... This ability will return you to a neutral safe zone. Costs no energy but is cool down based. 5 seconds. Ultimate Ability: Oull - Ris - Xata - Vome. Khra - Lohk. When activated you hear a booming voice, that says Oull - Ris - Xata - Vome. Khra - Lohk. Your screen flickers and turns off. You see HIDEO in the right hand corner in text. 3 seconds later the Login Screen appears, You have to log in again. However you are still in mission, where you left off... No progress was lost. All enemies are now missing their left hands, or if they don't have hands, their left foot, and if they have neither a hand or foot, then wings... or. What does it mean though? Well they can't fight as well with only one hand, foot, wing etc Costs 300 Energy and 50% of HP.
  20. I have had friends who claimed it does, but their claims were inconsistent with each other. One claimed that the lower MR the better chances of rolls, another the higher MR, the better the results. Thing is? I'm a pretty skeptical and critical person, I like science, I like statistics, I like context, I like human brains and why and how it works, and I have conditioned myself to be skeptical of most claims, even my own intuitive shallow and superficial thoughts, and a lot of the people who I have seen make claims about Rivens and how MR might influence them... well often, they don't care about what I mentioned, they value personal experience, and "common sense", and "obvious truths" and generalities... See its not cherry picking, if they really like the cherry... So no one I have seen make such claims, has ever really given substantial proof or evidence, that I would call credible. I am not claiming there is no link or affect either, I just don't know, and am a bit skeptical. DE is usually fairly transparent about such aspects, and I know various players have means to investigate such items for other values, that are presented at various Riven calculators/sites. None to my knowledge have info on how the MR influences such stats. Short answer, I don't know, am a bit skeptical. However maybe someone might offer some credible info on the matter.
  21. I really do sympathise. As someone who likes to play less missions for longer, and really enjoys at least 20 minutes of Survival and upwards, until around 45 to 70 mins, as someone who thinks that the stacking boosters in Relic missions, and how they affect resource gains, really enjoys the fun of the Reactant buffs on builds, the nature of rewards in say Arbitrations as far as Rotations etc etc I really understand and have that preference to... That being said... I just have to understand and acknowledge not everyone is like me, and people have their own things going on. Maybe they are just testing the waters for a node or Relic. Maybe they just really want a Forma or the first item they get. Maybe they planned on staying longer but need to suddenly use the bathroom. Maybe they don't know the advantages of staying longer. Maybe someone else the in group has a fashion sense, they find offensive and they need to leave, could be all manner of various reasons. Depending on who you are, they might be good, bad, silly or dumb reasons, but valid in the sense, the game allows for that. Generally we sort of have to let our experience and knowledge guide us. What I mean by that, is, well personally? Most of the time, the types of Survival missions I like to enter into PUB, will go a decent bit. That being said, I will usually pick Steel Path Survivals, on certain tile sets or against certain enemies. Steel Path Void Survivals seem to attract people who generally stay a bit longer, as far as my anecdotal experiences. My assumption is that its a good farm for Relics, Steel Essence, Argon, Reactant, plus Corrupted are pretty easy and those Void Tilesets have good farming spots. As well as the other general advantages (accruing boosters etc). If I were to do a normal Lith Survival against Corpus? I'd probably guess that people might be more likely to leave sooner, even after 5 mins. Now, again, I could be way off, but thats just my experiences, and thus I make decisions around that. Plus like if I see a Fissure has 50 mins left? I might PUG, since if they leave early I can still do another. If there is 5 minutes left and i really really want to go for an hour, because its a good fissure? I'd go solo or use Recruiting. Trying to enforce certain expectations on others just... won't really be effective, even if a lot of people also share that preference, and some may be fine about that even if they do, because they value the choices others can make.
  22. If he is anything like the legendary figure from medieval literature, then most likely so. Certain credible scholars referencing Annales Cambriae, or the Welsh Annuals, accounts of Arthur being a renown and notorious undergarment thief. Although linked to the figure of Guinevere, Arthur was also purported to have used Excalibur and advanced magiks taught to him by Merlin to gain unsolicited vantage points upon which to spy on the ladies and lads, during times of intimacy. Whether Guinevere was aware of such activities, is left to interpretation, much like the allegations, that she wasn't actually real, and only an illusion used to prop up the strength of the fading Kingdom. Of course several scholars dispute these accounts, but they should be ignored for obvious geo-political and socio-political reasons and issues of bias. Suffice to say, if we find Warframe 1999's Arthur in his own home base area, and search around for the DE credits that are in the various open world hub locations as Easter Eggs, but find a vent leading to small room that has several wall picture displays of Ember and Wisp zoomed in to emphasis certain areas, and several small panels aligned to make a massive mural of said emphasis, and a suspiciously large amount of Warframe Articula (and a few of certain Corpus), that they refer to as their "Shrine" then... yes, that would be pretty decent evidence of being some sort of stalker!
  23. He went to the same school as Slaughter. Not to be confused with the school where Damon Wayans earned his Major title.
  24. The Stalker Noggle killed this past years batch of Prime Noggles. We'll have to wait until they create a Revive themed Warframe, and for it to get a Prime, and then its Noggle to revive them. Noggle physics and laws and all that.
  25. So there are a few different potential problems possibly interacting here, each with different or similar solutions. I'll leave my personal opinion for last. 1. One issue is different hardware can offer different enemy density. I'm not personally certain on the exact discrepancy, as far as different PC's specs, the difference between console generations, so on, how it affects other modifiers like Steel Path, but yeah. 2. Somewhat similar, even on the same platform, certain maps, tile sets, factions, can have certain issues that influence Reactant gain. Certain Corpus tile sets and enemy behaviour can impede goals. 3. Player understanding and behaviour. I want to clarify though, that I am not necessarily claiming that this overall issue is something all players need to work around, but it is a variable. With players that know to stick together, and employ the really basic ability to stop shooting for a second or two... Like on certain maps, there are actual spots, that the Void likes to breach to corrupt enemies. If you ignore such areas a little, to let enemies get there, more of them will be corrupted, leading to more Reactant faster. If you do enough Void Relics and observe a little, you just come to note such areas. I know them really well on Defence tile sets, since I move around less. You can actually speed up missions this way too, since a 1 or 2 second pause to get more Reactant faster, gets you to 10 faster and then you can kill harder and faster without a care. 4. Somewhat related to above, but player behaviour. Having players split up and go across the map from each other... 5. Compounding issues. I remember playing a Conjunction Survival with one particular PC host, where enemies constantly flooded each player from every direction. They were spread out a bit, and I would move between them (to kill Thrax, Acolyte), it was great, felt swarmed from every direction. I imagine with that sort of enemy density, it could lead to certain players not thinking that sticking together is a necessity. If a player usually does Steel Path Kuva Survivals, Reactant isn't rarely ever an issue, so doing a normal Lith Survival against Corpus might see issues they don't encounter elsewhere. As far as solutions, well there are some player side solutions, because there are ways for players to avoid or minimise above issues... I do think the game could do more though. Some scenarios need the help more, but it really doesn't feel good when the success of your mission is dependent on random players behaviours and actions. As in one random player who runs away from the squad and takes enemy aggro with them. Even if I think some players could benefit from understanding the corruption mechanics and locations... and just being more tactical, also don't think other players time should be wasted if such players just go full on trigger and ability happy with nuking. Player scaling options in normal missions would be nice too. I personally opt for Steel Path because of this, but I also find Steel Path a breezy experience, and I don't think thats necessarily fair. Alternatively some way to ensure Reactant even if enemy density is less, could also be an alternative solution.
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