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[PC Update 23.5] Revenant Feedback Megathread


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1 hour ago, antiqwiz said:

Dance macabre Would be nice to change the angle of lasers by jump/crouch keys >>> limbo + revenant = ultimate defense tower (+ vauban balls ) ultimate tesla defense tower!!!

I think it would be cool if we could focus the lasers by aiming.

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3 minutes ago, Madway7 said:

I think it would be cool if we could focus the lasers by aiming.

They did say in the previews that we would be able to use both left click and right click with the lasers but I suppose they scrapped that. Bringing all the lasers to bear on a single target would be pretty insane dps-wise though.

Edited by atejas
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Overall I find Revenant pretty fun. Modding for cast speed helps a lot for his 1 and 2 particularly.

Base Stats:

Would be nice if the amour was 150 and slightly more energy (200), but overall it's in a good spot I think.

Ability feedback:

Passive - Could use some work either from a rework or range increase. It's an interesting foray into testing out a limited form of shield gating. 

1 - The low number is ok ish, but can the number scale with power strength? Also, when at max enthralls can casting a new one overwrite the oldest? Alternatively perhaps have it so each primary enthrall can only enthrall 1-2 additional enemy that is not affected by the cap of 4 at 1/4 - 1/2 the duration.

2 - Having charges scale with power strength is weird as more often than not you'll have a decimal point. This results in the UI showing 0 charges on the ability icon but you can't recast it as it is still active. Perhaps increase the number of charges but remove the scaling, or change so the scaling only allows integers for the number of charges.

3 - This feels clunky when not used during 4, in part due to the small range of the shield. It's a warframe version of an operator dash ability that's been modified by a focus school. Can we also have the heal/shields changed to a flat value and listed in the screen - it's a bit hard to tell how much this actually helps.

4 - Pretty fun.

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1 minute ago, atejas said:

They did say in the previews that we would be able to use both left click and right click with the lasers but I suppose they scrapped that. Bringing all the lasers to bear on a single target would be pretty insane dps-wise though.

Could it be because of the abimation they game him? He would need to stay still for the focussed laser to make sense.

Unless maybe he stops shooting out the aoe and instead controls a pillar of light style attack where they can all be focussed on a small ish area?

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I really hate being that one person to just say " Now, that's good.. But here is my idea! " when you've got so many talented people working on the game, ideas, concepts, etc. But I think his 4th needs a big change to feel more incorporated, and unique.

His 1st ability.. Eh. It could be worse, could be better. If the cap was increased, and the duration was increased, but made flat, and not affected by power duration. That'd be fun and good.

His 2nd ability. Once again, meh. In a hoard styled game, where there is one strong, VS lots of smaller fodder, often at times. The thing gets ripped off very quickly, in addition to the fact you get enemies at random from it. Enemy taking potshots at you behind a wall? Stunned! ..but you cant use your free 1 on him, because he's no where to be seen!

My suggestion: Have the ability be an AoE explosion after every % of a damage threshold is reached, which provides you with the free cast of 1st ability. A .5 second window of " can't be reduced further " and have it be a buff that's applied to your warframe. This way, you can just recast it if needs be. Oh. And bump the energy cost up because of it.

His 3rd ability. Costs too much, too slow, not enough gain for investment. Awkward to control?

Suggestion: Lower the energy cost, speed up the animation, reduce the amount gained, but add a counter, or stacking buff that increases your own shield regeneration rate, and additional over-shield based on stacks. Potentially.

His 4th.. Feels kind of.. pushed? From what I initially saw, and it might just be me. But when I heard vampire.. Crossed with Eidolon.. I was very curious to see what his special ultimate power would be! And I did not expect spinning animation locked lazor beams... He has almost no indirect synergy with his kit, it feels. " Kill the enemies you wasted energy on to make some shield pick ups! " oh boy.

Suggestion: Feels bad saying Exalted weapon, when we have quite a few, and it'd actually suck if every frame just had a special energy weapon of choice, because.. then it's not special? But again, when I heard Eidolon inspired.. I was expecting energy cannon, beam, explosion. You got the beam part. But the execution seems bland. My proposal? Use those stacks! (Mentioned in 3rd ability!) Since you can only damage Eidolons after depleting their shields, Revnant gains a LARGE amount of overshield (thinking 5x the amount gained from his stacking?), that also counts as his Sentient arm cannons power! Doesn't need to be a weapon, the guy can just shoot lazors from his hand. The more he shoots, the more the shield drains, and the drain gets steadily larger, so things like Energy vampire spamming doesn't keep his over shields in the green, and his energy drains while using it! (Not connected to the shooting part, so make sure to use it in the heat of battle, yeah?) With either a click to shoot one beam that explodes. Oooor. You can charge it up by holding down the click, and unleash a gattling flurry of sentient shots much akin to how the actual Eidolons do in the plains already! (The one where they sweep their gun arms, and spam shots out?)


Those are just my takes, and my overall opinion is just. It feels like the concept could have been fiddled around with a whole lot more, and explored with more depth.

Edit: Underwhelming. That's the word I'm looking for.

Edited by Karixolu
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The thralls are really pointless if they cant live past the animation when there is any other player on the team /s. But in all seriousness I can never get the thralls to actually be useful. Having a cap of thralls at 4 is way too low, also maybe instead of the second power making the cast free maybe just have it so it enthralls them automatically.

Still have yet to see his passive proc, but i suppose that could just mean im building him right so i cant speak much about its effectiveness. 

I also never feel the need to use his third power, however it does allow for the option of a large health build but that is not playing to his strengths. Once again I hardly ever have his shield break with an arcane Aegis equipped. 

His fourth power is great other than the fact that there can only be 4 thralls so only 4 shield orbs at max. (assuming they survived any team damage on them)

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Revenant is completely underwhelming to use. I also haven't seen any cohesion in his kit when im using him and I have trouble even finding a purpose for using him aside from his ult.

His first ability hardly has a purpose aside from disabling threats because they are killed by your allies before they can do anything.  Sure, they leave a damaging pillar of energy, but enemies are either killed in groups by your allies (meaning the enemies these pillars would damage are already dead) or they are killed alone and still dont damage anything.  If I'm going to be able to place pillars or energy then let me do it manually or make these pillars do something for me and my team like give those nearby some buff or regen health, shields, energy, etc. Give me a reason to use this thing because my thralls end up dying before I can get much use out of them via the "synergy".  Also 4 thralls is kinda low if you want them to serve a purpose while alive.

As for his 2nd ability... It would help if enemies that are proc'd by his second ability were highlighted and prioritized by Enthrall because trying to pick out the single enemy which hit you out of a group of enemies is a pain and trying to find which bugger shot you somewhere from behind is also annoying.

As for the animation for his 3rd ability... it is rather ugly imo

His 4th ability's synergy with Enthrall is also kinda pointless because shields (especially overshields) are pointless.  Shields are shredded through at high levels and overshields are a one time thing.  His ult is also painfully dull to use.  "Press 4, become a top, press LMB and do more procs and damage".  I don't feel epic at all using it.  I'm not aiming, I'm not managing anything but energy (which isn't an issue with modding and/or Zenurik) I'm just spinning while moving slowly.  Give me something else I have to manage or can do.  Allow me to bullet jump or something while doing this so i can turn my barrel roll lethal, allow me to make something that acts like this spinning death top and either toss it or make it a station ary deployable. 

Again, aside from all of this, I can't find a purpose for him aside from his ult.  Playing Revenant is the closest thing to playing Frankienstein's Monster.  Everything mismatches rolewise and is held together by stitches of synergy via Enthrall (which again doesn't work that well), and the only thing that this monster can be somewhat proud of is its ult which has its flaws.

I'm going to give Revenant a little more time to hopefully change my mind but if he can't then I'm shelving him.

Edited by Insizer
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First time posting on here to give feedback.


1: Enthrall.

Gonna be honest, I think that his 1 is fine as is. Nyx is a better option for crowd control, and I don't think that making Revenant do what she does but better is a good idea. All frames should be viable in their own ways; some excel at certain situations while others are decent for moat anything. Buffing his 1 would leave Nyx in the grave. That takes us to...

2: Mesmer Skin.

His 2 is also like a bootleg ironskin/warding halo that instead redirects damage up to a certain maximum amount of times, while putting enemies to sleep. Kind of underwhelming, if only because the charges are limited to like... 13 or something when maxed? Maybe increase that a bit, but otherwise I think it's fine as is. After all, it's utilizing ability likenesses from other warframes.

3: Reave.

This needs a buff kinda badly. The distance is horribly short, and it being unaffected by power range mods makes it difficult to work with. It's supposed to give him some more movement viability, but I don't really see it doing that since it's so short. The leech it gives is miniscule, too. If range could be upgraded, then maybe it'd have a power buff, since it'd allow you to pass through more enemies... which in turn would leech you more health/shield.

4: Danse Macabre.

This ability deals good damage, energy cost is balanced for the do a output so no qualms there. But I'm thinking that maybe while using this, his shield could recharge faster or restore/overshield on enemies hit, not just on the blobs picked up. The blobs are good for teammates but not so much Rev himself.

He tends to die quickly against toxin or slash procs, since most of his health pool is shield, but that's to be expected.

Edit: Maybe a way to remedy that is remove the bootleg Nova passive and instead have his passive count his shields as health too, when affected by status effects? Or have some way to convert shield into health or something... he'd still be weaker than Inaros in that regard, but its an idea to help his survivability.



Edited by Daenordus
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What? The enthrall capped is intentional n not a bug?!?! I think DE better say it’s a bug else be laughed at for false advertising enthrall to be able to make army. 

Ok, what I want to feedback is please put more words n be more specific on details about the frame’s abilities in the Abilities tab, so we know what are the details of the abilities without going for the wiki

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So far levelled to 30, I don't hate it like several people seemed to, found it easily sortie viable and a bit powerful but not in a great way.  Like in a way that requires lots of micromanagement and that I think is actually a good thing, not quite my cup of tea but will appeal to a certain type of player.

I can see lots of areas about how I would improve the frame to suit my personal taste or make it scale better, but honestly that's more about making it a custom fit for me rather than making it a viable frame.  It's already viable imho, in that it's brand new and I threw a trash build on with no forma and wrecked today's sortie without using any weapons but the phantasma a few times.

I need to test further with forma to really see of I like it, but so far it doesn't appeal to me and I think that's a good thing because different frames mean different play styles.  So far is rank it at about a b+ tier warframe, which is good and viable but not amazing and op.

If he stays in his current state I don't imagine I will use him much in that I don't see a current fit for content for him to excell at and he isn't exactly my cup of tea with rotations, but I do like him thematically with the alt helm.

I'd say weigh the "this is trash" comments with a grain of salt.  He's not bad, just not great.l and that's ok, not every new frame needs to be the next newest most broken level of power creep.


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There seems to be a glitch with the pillars from his 1 damage the defence objective substantially, it's happened to me 3 times now but I can't get it to happen every time. Also I agree with others in that limiting his 1 to only 4 thralls sucks. 

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12 minutes ago, Klokwerkaos said:

So far levelled to 30, I don't hate it like several people seemed to, found it easily sortie viable.

My foot can be sortie viable with the right mods.

I wouldn't call him trash, but would say his kit needs an immediate overhaul.

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6 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

I frankly don't get this mentalty. I hate when people going 'oh nerf this'

Joey here says it well. People going 'but x exists' is effectivly calling for other frames being nerfed and that ends up with 'nobody has nice things.'

Irony, as Gara is currently an excellent, well-balanced and very powerful frame.

WF has become a snorefest due to AOE ability spam. That's not having "nice things" but having an unwanted nap in a game that is supposed to be exciting and challenging.

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I like Reveant,

Problem: Mesmer Skin either has low charges for some people, But to me It makes using Reave pointless Because I won't be takeing damage to health or shields Plus ( Strength , duration build doesn't have the space for shields , armor or health mods)

Simple Solution: Have Reave give Mesmer skin stacks per Thrall hit , or energy or have Reave open enemies up to being thralled.

Complex Solution: Change how Memser skin or Reave works to better fit one another.  Either Mesmer mitigates damage in a new way or Reave gives the player something other than a light damage dash.


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 I don't know what Revenant is trying to be, he has 3 abilities dedicated to his enthrall but all of them perform badly, the only redeeming ability is his ultimate which has some weaknesses which is fine but I believe there needs to be made a decision if he is supposed to be a Vampire or Summoner, as it stands he is a lackluster Summoner with some damage.

 I just don't know, I like his ultimate because it matches the concept of eidolons, couldn't his enthrall ability make the enemies turn into Vomvalysts when they die and they sap life/energy shield from enemies and give it to Revenant? It would be easier for allies to recognise that those are Revenant's minions since they are unique to him, I think the design on the Frame is spectacular so taking a few steps forward could help his skillset a lot.


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Alright, so I've been messing with him all day, and I think I've finally figured out his intended mechanics, his unintended mechanics, and some builds for him. 

I'll go through his abilities and put my thoughts first.

Enthral-    This skill is alright, turns an enemy onto your own side, however it does not make them immune to your own damage which is fantastic as you can braindead a group and wipe them while they smile for the cause.    However, it targets one enemy at a time per cast but hey, you can have up to 4 and a single one will convert others for you.  
It's a 6/10 skill - not meant to be a CC skill really, just one to pull agro away from you, which for this frame is always nice. 

How would you like DE to change it, if at all? -  I think it's fine as is, but would like maybe a bigger cap than 4

Mesmer Skin- this is Revenant's life blood- his one shield to keep him from imploding upon taking damage.    You activate it and anyone who damages you will POOF get insta locked, it's amazing.  By making sure it's kept up 24/7, you are near immortal...however the cast animation, and the fact you can't refresh it means, if you hit 0...well you're well and done #*!%ed if a strong attack comes your way.  

How would you like DE to change it, if at all? -  I really wish I could recast it !  It would make it so amazing, even being able to at 50% cap would be nice.  As soon as it goes down, you find yourself in danger town. 

Reave -   this skill is pretty cool, it keeps you topped off on health etc so that you can take full advantage of Rage or Hunter's Adrenaline as it can be used during your 4 (which we'll get to).   Thank you btw DE for adding the ability to stop part way by tapping it again.    

And the skill everyone is pretty hyped about 
Finger lasers 
No, jk Danse Macabre -  you spin to win, dealing sick damage and you can easily clear lvl 150+ enemies with it, it's a very high DPS ability at 200% power strength, no complaints there.   It does however require you to mod for duration, and efficiency rather carefully though, and it's higher damage output mode does drain a lot.  

I am still testing to see if modding for efficiency rather than strength and using the power mode gives better  dps/energy ratio, thus allowing one to output the intended damage but longer. 

How would you like DE to change it, if at all?    I think it's fine as is- it's not bad, it's not too good.  For DE I think they balanced it well but that'll be up to them.  I'd always like it to have less energy consumption or a buff in some way but that's wishing. 

Thoughs about the frame
Anyways, this frame is really fun, and good- you don't have to even play them in a way that focuses his 4, his 2 is gives him lots of leeway and pairing all his skills together is pretty great.   He's a bit squishy but at least he has over 100 armor at least.   I'm going to try and main him for a while, see what comes of it.   Been testing melee focused builds, and some around his 4 etc, very fun frame. 

TLDR:  Kit is super fun- a good frame, and I wish his 2 was recastable 

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Remove the 4 thralls limit. Or increase the upper limit.
Increase damege pillar range.


Increase casting speed.

Please can deny all attacks.Now Revenant cant deny over durability damage.It is not useful by the fight with the high level enemy.


Increase leech health and shield from not thralls enemy .

Please can leech energy.


Please can use  ENTHRALL and MESMER SKIN during DANCE MACABRE.

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Quite frankly Revenant needs a massive overhaul as his entire kit is a mishmash of things that establish no role nor combination of roles.  His Enthrall ability is all but pointless as his thralls die before they do anything and serve practically no purpose in death.  To make it worse his kit synergy relies on his thralls and his ult's synergy is completely pointless (oh boy overshields, like that will help you past level 40).  Furthermore the ult is one of the most boring ults in the game imo.  You turn into a top and can't do anything other than move around and power up your lasers.  The frame continuously begs the question "what is this thing's purpose?"

And that is just a few of the issues.

Revenant is one of the most boring frames I have in my arsenal, if not the most boring.  I have more fun with Wukong and that is saying something.

I don't think I've been so underwhelmed by a frame before.

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The first ability needs some major changes if not a complete rework, manually marking enemies so that they fight other enemies and then die is just gimmicky and kinda useless, it´s like adding unnecesary steps to kill an enemy when you can just shoot them , maybe if the energy pillars that surge from marked enemies restored energy or something like that the player would have an incentive to use the ability.
Speaking of, Revenant feels like the type of Warframe that would have a way to regain energy, given how much he depends on his abilities to survive or deal damage 
His 2 and 4 are ok, maybe just some tweaks on the numbers but nothing that big, his 3 tho, it´s super underwhelming, I doesn´t do much, the lifesteal is barely noticeable and even if the lifesteal was more effective, turning into a cloud that dashes through enemies is not the most efficient way to regain health lol , also you´re not inmune to damage during the ability which may be intentional but still kinda weird

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After playing him for a while I have a few complaints. Mainly about Enthrall and how it's basically useless in a squad. It faces the same issue Nyx's mind control had for a while in that by the time  you get it rolling your allies will just mow your controlled crew down. This is made especially bad because all of Revenant's other abilities work with Enthrall in some way, meaning that you lose functionality when playing in a group. Then there's the issue of numbers: you can't have many thralls at a time. I get that you don't want to make Nyx even less played but for as much demonstration as the abilitiy got during dev streams and, again, how much it functions with other parts of Revenant's kit, you wold think that you could have more than a few guys fighting for you. On top of that, enthralled enemies, who spread their status through damage, are suspiciously passive. Thralls don't seem all that interested in fighting, and are more content to just hang around me while i murder everything  myself. I have a few suggestions:

1: Make thralls immune to friendly fire from other players. This means that a saryn won't just passively kill your crew, or that one guy can't go around killing your thralls for a giggle so that you actually have thralls to work with.

2: Increase the number of thralls significantly. While this might be seen as encroaching on nyx's territory of mass crowd control, i argue that isn't very much different in how it happens. Nyx causes everyone to attack at once, has no upper limit on enemies affected (as long as they're in range), and happens all at once. Revenant spreads outward in the most violent recreation of Pay it Forward. With that in mind, the spread should be at least a comfortable 20 so that you don't have your enthrall squandered on a handful of grunts.

3: Increase thrall aggression. This one isn't all that complex: just make them more likely to attack. Since that's how the skill works.


Mesmer skin is fine, but it's hard to tell when it's active since it's just a thing on your shoulder. Making it a bit more visually obvious would help.

Reave could stand to be less of a literal wall as I notice that traveling rectangle of fog and can't help but think that someone fudged some texturing somewhere. Maybe soften the edges a bit.

For Danse Macabre, my suggestion is purely cosmetic preference, but I'd really appreciate it if I could somehow use the beta animation (meaning the slowed down Inaros one) because at some point I'd like to make a fabulous Revenant and reenact this.  You'll know what part: 

Anyways that's basically it. Quest was alright aside from seeing Nakaks' face (never again, please), and for some reason RNG ripped my pants off and gave me a below-the-belt kiss so I had him up and running faster than I thought. 7/10, needs more sentient big-katana.

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Bug report:

When using arcade plasmor, shooting enthralled targets deals no damage, shots just go right through them. 

Third ability HP and shield drain is either bugged or the ability details are mistyped (almost no drain) 

Second ability, stays active at "0 charges", dissallowing the user from recasting the ability

Thoughts and opinions:

Passive is pretty much nonexistent since shields are so good. 

First ability is too limited in use, 4 thralls doesn't allow for much synergy with other abilities (fourth ability only yields a maximum of 4 overshueld buffs when killing thralls, sure you can get more if you let one thrall live but by the time it forwards the enthrallment you've lost the overshield that you have gained due to how slow the process is). Damage is negligable of thralls, minimal combat use. Survivability of thralls is miniscule due to friendly fire, making it negligable as a draw-fire/scape-goat. Overall this ability can have a somewhat impactful use in solos but only as a scape-goat that you cast and run away from. 

Second ability is useless out of end-game. The stun doesn't give enough indication for how fast-paced gameplay is (give a better indicator of what enemy is stunned plz). The synergy with the first ability is, for the most part, terrible since I usually find myself at max thralls (since the cost is minimal anyway and the cost reduction is something that I question) or I just shoot the enemies as I see them before considering enthrallment. 

 - maybe enemies that shoot you automatically become thralls?

Third ability has a long cast time, enemies move away before I can get to them. The healing seems to be almost nothing, even when going through a stream of enemies. Ability looks ugly, is just a badly textured hitscreen. The ability's synergy with enthrallment is opportunistic, I often find myself making use of it to heal when the stars align and I have found a dollar on the floor. Nice use when channeling fourth ability. 

And now... The fourth ability... 

The damage buff after taking damage decays too quickly, not enough time to make use of it, consider adding a longer delay before it decays or decrease decay rate. Animation looks terrible. Damage dependent on unit type is nice. I like how this is the only ability that I can directly compare to an eidolon (the aoe laser attack) 

General comments:

Change the second ability for a summoner ability for vombs, perhaps.

Increase enthrallment cap


Out-of-line comments

Is basically an shield based, S#&$ter version of inaros, dissapoinying overall and feels rushed and unfinished. Gives the impression of "we're running out of ideas and need some new content"

Haven't tested end-game much but it works like an sub-par solo frame that doesn't excel at anything. 

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