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What's your 3 favorite Auras, and why?


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For my list:

  1. Enemy Radar: Saves the hassle of searching the enemies and pinpointing their locations, especially Sanctuary Onslaught. Stealth runs become more smooth instead of pulling out your scanner every now and then.
  2. Steel Charge: The effect itself isn't great, but what's great is that it gives out more mod points than all of the other auras (14 compared to 10).
  3. Corrosive Projection: I pretty sure this is everyone's favorite. Only times I don't use it is when I up against the Corpus/Infested. What do you strip if they have no armor, their clothes or their dignity?

What are your guys' favorite 3 Auras?

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energy siphon: helps move zenerick along and its nice to have alittle generation

rejuvenation: any down time during a scrap is nice to help at-least top up or semi prevent a down when trin has low energy for example

any of the amp auras: more damage is nice cant say no to it


Edited by seprent
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21 minutes ago, Duality52 said:

Enemy Radar: Saves the hassle of searching the enemies and pinpointing their locations, especially Sanctuary Onslaught. Stealth runs become more smooth instead of pulling out your scanner every now and then.

You are a good Tenno.  I also almost entirely run with Enemy Radar (sometimes Speed Holster) and it's a glorious Aura mod.

The fact that it gives other Tenno that radar isn't to be underestimated, it makes everyone else a lot more predictable so everyone naturally fills the gaps.  And if you melee a lot, there's no such thing as too much radar!

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Steel Charge or Rifle Amp when leveling a new Warframe to 30 (Most Warframes match this polarity).  Corrosive Projection is the standard all other times (outside of very niche circumstances).  

This is one area sadly where "majority mods go unused" = "imbalanced flawed system".  Auras as a whole probably requires a rework but there are other systems far more important.  

Edited by AlMcFly
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Uh... I never thought about this before...

Steel Charge kinda irks me just because it's the only aura with extra points and I don't do alot of melee. I mean, I do alot, just not enough to consider this a valuable aura aside from extra points. Unfortunately, however, Steel Charge is one of my most used Auras. I've been making alot of Umbral builds...


Energy Siphon: Put Coaction Drift on here, use Zenurik, you have all the energy you need. Works great with Volt when you use him in the way I do.

Corrosive Projection: Do I even need to explain this one?

Uh... I guess I don't really have a third. I don't have a whole bunch of Auras. There's at least three that I don't have yet, so i can't test them all. So...

Rejuvenation: Useful on frames that have alot of health. I tend to use that as an excuse not to worry about damage, but then the damage comes, my health goes down... Rejuvenation is pretty useful, especially with Coaction Drift.

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For - Polarities: Sprint Boost easily, I have a pile of different was to remove armor so CP is just a gigantic waste plus there's a fair number of missions where its beyond useless(fite me), and energy siphon is kind of a small trickle and I have better ways to manage and get energy, I always have a pet with a radar jammed up it's butt so that eliminates the detection mods for the most part. Sprint boost gives me exactly what I want and that is running faster all the time.

For D Polarities: Rejuvenation, sweet sweet passive wolverine, its not going to reliably save you in a pinch (although I have some anecdotes where it has) but it gets the job done, there's also Stand united which looks sorta useful but also kinda frame specific.

For V Polarities: Steel Charge or Growing power, I don't use guns enough to justify amping up those so its kinda these two by default.

Edited by TermiteFrame
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Sprint Boost - Go fast

Energy Siphon - Less so now, but I managed to snag one really early on and was pretty much the only reason I could use powers at something starting to resemble a reasonable rate before I completed The Second Dream.

Steel Charge - Nice to squeeze out those few extra points when leveling something.

No reason to ever need Corrosive Projection in anything but ESO and endurance runs, and even then only ESO "needs" it.

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Rejuvenation , reduces the need to toss out a health pizza...so your health regenerates similar to shields, but at a slower pace.

Corrosive projection 

Steel Charge.


Dont need loot detector if sentinal/kavat/kubrow is fitted with a similar mod.

Edited by Cosmic_Elf
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CP on most of my frames. Amount of EHP it can remove on high lvl grineer mission is just staggering. 

Energy siphon is totally newbie aura btw - there is nothing wrong with it but it's useful on like 1,5 frames, from all, in lategame. 

If not CP I try to use some of weapon aura (shotgun /sniper /rifle /pistol)


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