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Most Hated Frames


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I await the first person to say "Limbo."

Me? Probably would be Volt. I don't hate any of the Frames, but Volt seems to be the go-to nuker right now and... well, I hate having to twiddle my thumbs throughout a mission because somebody decided that they absolutely had to ignore other people in a public match.

Just go solo or make a pre-made team if you want to play a certain way.

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Rhino, because he is the most suggested frame early game, but it really just make people ignore enemies and barely practice any dodging, which makes them get downed a lot later.

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My most hated is Volt and Zephyr. Not how they are when i play them, it’s when you find them in a Squad. Volt because of his Speed buff. Yeah he nukes rooms, but his nukes slows down from Armor scaling. His speed buff is not as bad at POE but outside of that, it’s very annoying because of how you can over judge your parkour and Run into something or fall off the map. Zephyr because of her Tornados. When i see a Zephyr, i see her use mostly Tornados and that can confuse you which enemies is dead or alive and if you have a single target Weapon, it can mess up your chance on killing the enemy you tried to kill when it get sucked up by the Tornados since they goes whatever it wants to.

So my hate is from Annoyance

Edited by VPrime96
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WuKong has this slot right now.

I do not HATE him....but when using him, I do not know what to do with him. Undying is not my style as when I make a mistake, I want to have my brothers in arms help me back to my feet. His slap stick is not funny. His cloud does not do much nowadays. And I do not want his big stick of smackdown to use as it is just now what it should be IMO.

Maybe if there were SOLO missions to run him in that are catered for SOLO to enhance Multiplayer, he would be good. In the game I play....he is not fitted as others are. 

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8 hours ago, TheScrubMain said:

What frames do you guys hate and why?

P.S: Pretend like the previous thread didn't exist.

I don't hate any frame, every single one of them has their use. It is the players with the inability to understand their role, contribution, non-contribution in team play that makes me annoyed. For example, Volt speed buff is very irritating hen I am about to make a bullet jump traverse and end up overshooting because of sudden speed buff by my fellow Speed Demon, new Limbo players often make the mistake of casting banish on a enemy unit, or casting catclysm on terminal access point etc. 

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13 hours ago, VPrime96 said:

confuse you which enemies is dead or alive and if you have a single target Weapon, it can mess up your chance on killing the enemy you tried to kill when it get sucked up by the Tornados since they goes whatever it wants to.

So my hate is from Annoyance

You know you can just shoot the tornado right? Shooting into it damage every enemy affected by it, also get increased crit.

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13 hours ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

Volt.  Speed spam is obnoxious af

depends on the build if it has less than 30sec duration, yes if it has ~60sec duration then it depends on power strength.  that and as a warcry valk I find it stupid fun but only the later one the former does not let you adjust and is often a maxed power strength build which is harder to use.  

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for me
 Syran in non-Eso
bad rhinos
wrong build limbo (i like them if they bring the right build)
Oberon's that don't use renewal
shadows necros (I play a lot of Oberon and this forces me to cancel renewal)
any frame that can give 90% DR and does to my masicist frames

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For me it isnt the frames, for me it is the players/builds behind them.

Limbo, Banshee, Nova, Frost and Gara can all be great frames. However, many players really build them or play them so very poorly.

Limbo's with zero control or knowledge of their #3 are a #*!%ing plain.

Banshee or well Spamshee "rocking" their augmented #4 with a poor build that just turns things into a bouncing castle makes me wanna strangle kittens, and I love kittens and would never want to hurt them.

Nova with a slow build on maps where you dont need it, or a speed build they cant handle that results in ER over and over just ticks me off.

Frost with high range+low strength builds in higher missions just drags S#&$ out, especially in augmented enemy armor/shield sorties since the whole map goes immune to statuses for about 10second. In the meantime the Frosts also think they're "da shizzle!" cos they provided us with a popcicle iron skin, when in reality they could have just gone full strength and blown up the enemies, removing the need for that ice cold iron skin proxy they are so proud of. Plus in such a case they'd have a globe of a useful size and strength.

Gara, same as with Frost, covering a whole high level map with glass sculptures that are immune to status effects.

These are all cases where I'm happy that I dont have gamma influenced friend living inside.


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It's interesting, so many mentioned Rhino.

I normally don't demand a lot from pugs so mediocre/boring plays don't concern me a lot if they don't get downed a lot, but while a lot of Rhinos are played like that, Volt is played in a similar way on top of getting downed more due to lower EHP and Speed spam being as annoying as is, meanwhile current reworked Saryn plays around that Molt speed spam playstyle much better since its kit is better suited for melee, nuking and dealing with scaled content while not annoying others.

Seriously, Volt Speed build is so outdated outside of niche uses with premades, Volt is much better as a sniper/nuker/support with augments, though Volt nukes also slow down enemies that aren't killed by it, while it can be annoying that's advantageous in PoE.

For most annoying frames, i would say it's probably Volt, Frost and the doorframes on friendship console locked doors.

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31 minutes ago, kgabor said:

Volt Speed build is so outdated outside of niche uses with premades,

entirely dependent on the build and context.  as a melee frame in ESO, a duration speed build on a volt is helpful.  

31 minutes ago, kgabor said:

so many mentioned Rhino

because the bad ones are very noticeable.  

also, a lot of it has to do with what frame you play and how you play, because I play frame that only works when I take damage/can deal damage I hate nukes volt is not as bad as I can easily kill them while they are being killed by his 4.  similarly a player that uses a squishy frame Like banshee would like a frame that gives DR I don't as my frames want to be damaged. 

Edited by spirit_of_76
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