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[Arbitrations] The new amazing ENDGAME mode! Or is it?


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OK, so I have just done 20 rounds of Interception Arbitration solo and had to leave because I was getting bored out of my mind. Is this a joke? When I looked at the Mission Summary screen afterwards, I felt violated.

Is this gamemode really aimed at veteran players? Is this supposed to be difficult and rewarding? All I got from those 20 rounds was endo and ayatans! Wow, what an amazing reward for someone who's been playing this game for years!

Take a look at this:






Please at least add some Kuva to the reward table. I think rerolling Riven mods is the main activity of many burnt-out players right now. Ranking up mods definitely isn't. Endo is only good for the newer players, and there is already a ton of other content available to them in Warframe.

As a side note - I'm pretty sure I did not even get the five Orta ayatan sculptures shown here, because when I checked my inventory afterwards, only one of my Orta sculptures had no ayatan stars in it. Is this a bug, or are they coming already fully upgraded with stars?

Anyway, here's another ridiculous fact: after 20 rounds, which took me more than an hour to complete by the way, some of the enemies weren't even at level 100...

I had a more difficult time in Pokemon Red, defeating Brock with Charmander as my starter, for crying out loud. xD





EDIT: Quoting [DE] Megan, today's patch notes:


Note: Failure is a rare thing in Warframe, in the month of September only 2.5% of all missions were Failed. Prepare yourself for a new reality where failure may become the norm for these missions - can you overcome the odds!?

Doing 20 rounds of Arbitration Interception was easier than doing some sorties. Duration =/= difficulty. Please understand that.

If this is really your idea of an ENDGAME mode, DE, then I feel like this game has nothing more than a time sink to offer for its veteran players. I'm out, feel free to say "good riddance" below. ;)


Edited by Rurabomber
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I wish I could say something to defend the new game mode but It was really frustrating... why We would need endo after all this time? or those new mods who don't make nothing "really" good?

or even think make a endless mission starting with enemies with level 60-70 would be a end game? I mean it's not about enemy level.. We already deal with those enemies in sorties... it's nothing really "new" after all..

I don't have clue...


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1. You get an upvote for the Pokemon reference. That struggle was real 😄

2. Is Vitrus really just a gold colored Nitain? Lmao


5 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

20 rounds and 4 Vitrus? This gets me thinking: what is an Intervall? I was thinking we are getting 1 Vitrus per A, B, C etc...apparently I am wrong.

5 rounds is 1 Intervall? How does this work in other modes then?

There's 7 sculptures and 6000 endo. Idk how the intervals work I just wanted to bring this to light more.

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vor 8 Minuten schrieb GnarlsDarkley:

20 rounds and 4 Vitrus? This gets me thinking: what is an Intervall? I was thinking we are getting 1 Vitrus per A, B, C etc...apparently I am wrong.

5 rounds is 1 Intervall? How does this work in other modes then?

intervals are longer.

for example if we take survival: 5 mins = A, 10 mins = B and so on..

in arbitrition its double : 10 mins = A, 20 mins = B and so on..

the difference is that after u go to C you only get C...

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22 minutes ago, imbressive said:

intervals are longer.

for example if we take survival: 5 mins = A, 10 mins = B and so on..

in arbitrition its double : 10 mins = A, 20 mins = B and so on..

the difference is that after u go to C you only get C...

Too bad it takes you the same amount of time to get through a full AABC rotation to get to your first C rotation 😛

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As a new-ish player (400 hours) I look at these rewards and think wow ...being able to get that much endo in a single mission is insanely good. This seems game breaking to me, I can level up all my primed mods easily now. It baffles me how anyone could complain about this, I almost feel like they should nerf the rewards. Are we playing the same game here?

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The fact that they lowered enemy level should have been a clear sign that DE wants this new game mode to be played by the general population and not just vets.

Under that context, tbh, the Endo rewards and statues seem to be pretty good, I'm sure plenty of players will see that as a welcome addition.

Another thing to point out is that this game mode basically has no risk/reward aspect to it due to the fact that you keep rewards when you die, which for me is a bit of a let down from a "end game" PoV ( although It's clearly "good" if what you want is farm that stuff). 

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I like the game mode.  The +300% buff to a random frame makes me want to try out the frame.  get to max out range and Duration for the Builds, and maybe free up a slot for an Augment.  So far I have not gotten a worthwhile Weapon buff.

Even with a formed squad, some of my squadmates have trouble getting to Rotation C.  It is those Arbitor shields.

The rewards are Meh.. but if I needed Endo, it would be a good source of endo

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30 minutes ago, Kobrakai85 said:

As a new-ish player (400 hours) I look at these rewards and think wow

I never said it's bad for a new-ish player, but Warframe certainly doesn't lack content for new players, it has tons of it.

What it lacks is something to do when you already have your mods ranked up, your weapons forma'd and your focus spent. Play a bit more and you will soon realize that you've done all those things, cool... but now what? You then go to an "endgame" mission like this with all of your arcane energizes, 8-forma'd Chroma Prime, your Amprex with a god-tier double crit, multishot riven etc, and you find yourself doing the same things that every new-ish player can also do without breaking a sweat.

That's my problem with this gamemode. It's just another Sanctuary Onslaught.

DE said it themselves in today's patchnotes:


Note: Failure is a rare thing in Warframe, in the month of September only 2.5% of all missions were Failed. Prepare yourself for a new reality where failure may become the norm for these missions - can you overcome the odds!?

... and this gamemode is easier than some sorties. It just takes A LOT of time.

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20 minutes ago, Kobrakai85 said:

As a new-ish player (400 hours) I look at these rewards and think wow ...being able to get that much endo in a single mission is insanely good. This seems game breaking to me, I can level up all my primed mods easily now. It baffles me how anyone could complain about this, I almost feel like they should nerf the rewards. Are we playing the same game here?

If it means anything I'm 1,550 hours played and the rewards** look just fine to me. 

But I guess when you reach a certain level of salted grizzle there really isn't anything DE can do to "please" you. 

**The actual rotations on the other hand meh~ but then I've never really cared for endless missions.

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So veterans can farm ridiculous amount of endo fill r10 mods, and profit harder than ever before....  Until all r10 reach their current unranked value? 

70p for primed pressure point!!!  

It's not filled?  10p.

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17 minutes ago, Rurabomber said:

... and this gamemode is easier than some sorties. It just takes A LOT of time. Duration =/= difficulty.

The first three I did were all with highly geared MR24+ players; of course we beat the snot out of it.  There is nothing DE can do other than outright gimping us that will stop any decently geared team of 4 from waffle stomping.   Right now at least this game mode makes me pay attention since being sloppy will get you killed.

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Went to Uranus Defense (Mesa, Volt, Volt, Chroma and 3 CPs, various specters). Took us 45min to reach 25th wave to face eventual Host Migration and connection loss. Yeahhh... not only it's slow as heck with 2% drops, it's also boring as heck.

Sorry, but doing TPD for 2,120 points was much more entertaining (and I actually like Defection mode, but not it's unworthy rewards) than suffering through Elite Defense. I'm not even mad, but with said host migration I simply realized what a waste of time and nerves it currently is.

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)JaysInc_ said:

I'm pretty sure they stated that the ability to revive others was not going to be implemented a couple of times.

All i heard from them on the livestream where they first showed this off, they did say you could revive yourself *aka what we have now* but team mates could pick you up if you went down.

Clearly they've changed from that and i'm rather upset by the silent change.

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