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On 2018-11-05 at 8:11 PM, ShadowExodus said:

*Says that her two making you stationary is counterproductive to being a space ninja*

*Volt surrounding himself with shields requires him to be stationaryWhy isn't that counterproductive I wonder?

I guess anything else is fine as long as it demeans the new frame 💁‍♂️


Volt can also pick up his shield and become more mobile/hard to hit with his 3.

Would not mind Volt getting more tweaks either honestly, Volt's shield is merely better than Garuda's sheild, whether you decide to be stationary with it or not, apparently you didn't get the context there.  Garuda has to use up two ability slots to achieve basically what Volt can achieve as an option with just one, and 3 of her abilities either lack momentum or demand you stay still. Her 3 obligates you to use her 2.

Paranoia about demeaning the new frame makes no sense, there is no fun in doing that, especially not just because, I criticise because I want the frames to be more fun to me. I am not merely regurgitating what some content creator says either or anything, which is the only logic I could see in demeaning something, just because, I.E. pure memetics.  No, I am looking at the whole package and reflecting on if I would find that frame fun or not.

I've brought up pretty gameplay relevant issues and my preferences. If you couldn't tell, I lean more toward activity/character action abilities, while demeaning things like momentum killing abilities or sole stat sliders, at the same time also acknowledging their existence in the game already. I derided other frames in this topic too in other posts because of this reality, so don't get confused.

It does not matter if other abilities like the ones I criticized exist in the game either, if my desire is to have less of the issues i pointed out with them.

Edited by UrielColtan
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1 shoot the claw with wire and swing to its foe.

2 spend hp to shout out and increase attack speed while decrease enemy speed around.

3 stomp the ground and stun enemies in a cone shape before you.

4 claw bends forward and use it as a melee weapon, can be damaged but cannot be killed for a period of time.


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I am just frustrated a male Hindu deity's name is being used for a female blood warframe that seems more vampire than Revenant's Eidolon theme. Can we get her changed to Carmilla as the alt head implies? Lore and theme deals are more my jam than the actual moves I guess!

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You can't please everyone, that's the problem.

Doesn't matter who you ask this question to everyone will answer differently.

And yes, a lot of people were vocal about being displeased with Garuda's original 4th but plenty of people were also fine with or preferred it. The issue here is that people will always be more vocal about things they dislike than things they do like.

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She needs more than her 4 changed, in spite of the new one also sounding meh. Seems DE unfortunately listened to that one content creator's suggestion which pretty much ignored using her talons as talons, that some people decided to repost everywhere. I swear, if she is slow walking during that stuff too then i'm not going to care about any "hidden" synergy she has.

Edited by UrielColtan
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6 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:

She needs more than her 4 changed, in spite of the new one also sounding meh. Seems DE unfortunately listened to that one content creator's suggestion which pretty much ignored using her talons as talons, that some people decided to repost everywhere. I swear, if she is slow walking during that stuff too then i'm not going to care about any "hidden" synergy she has.

I for one am glad she's not a discount valkyr with exalted claws my bad talons.

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20 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

I for one am glad she's not a discount valkyr with exalted claws my bad talons.

Anyone with an exalted melee is "discount Valkyr".

You must be the type of guy to say that Vega and Wolverine fight the same. I for one am not ok with more shortcuts against animating and against more expressive display of power, nor the possible slow walking that was also suggested by people.


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1 hour ago, UrielColtan said:

Yeah,  not so much disappointed with the name but Kali may have been more fitting if they did want to go with a blood angle, and a female..

Sure! Kali did have several cults related to her fierce aspects that depicted her with gore, blood, and skulls front and center.

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39 minutes ago, trst said:

You can't please everyone, that's the problem.

Doesn't matter who you ask this question to everyone will answer differently.

And yes, a lot of people were vocal about being displeased with Garuda's original 4th but plenty of people were also fine with or preferred it. The issue here is that people will always be more vocal about things they dislike than things they do like.

I feel like it’s going to happen when DE brings newer and newer Frames because of how many Frames that can do what another Frame can do but differently:

Shield: Volt, Garuda, Zephyr

Healing: Equinox, Trinity, Harrow, Garuda, Nezha

Buffing: Chroma, Valkyr, Trinity, Harrow, Rhino, Titania, Nidus, Gara, Nova

Defensive: Frost, Limbo, Gara

and of course, even more. So if a Frame that does what a existing Frames but worse or differently, then that Frame won’t be that interesting. That’s the issue DE is going to have if they don’t look into that and the way they can fix the issue is changing the core mechanics of a lot of Frames (literally) so they can do something another Frame can’t do which would take them a lot of time to do. So the easier way for DE to create Frames is making them and figure out a Player that would enjoy that Frame the most instead of trying to make it work for everyone (which is happening for Revenant, Khora, and so far Garuda).

it’s the same thing with older Frames but those Frames are focused on getting a Rework.

Edited by VPrime96
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5 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:

Anyone with an exalted melee is "discount Valkyr".

You must be the type of guy to say that Vega and Wolverine fight the same. I for one am not ok with more shortcuts against animating and against more expressive display of power, nor the possible slow walking that was also suggested by people.


No, but when people go "Garuda is a discount Rev because of her 4 and it's unoriginal, hey let's give her exalted claws making her into a discount valkyr, yeah that's so original" That's when i take umbrage.

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3 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

No, but when people go "Garuda is a discount Rev because of her 4 and it's unoriginal, hey let's give her exalted claws making her into a discount valkyr, yeah that's so original" That's when i take umbrage.

Take umbrage with those people then, Revenant is not mentioned at all in my post, much less "discount Revenant". I didn't like her original 4th because it was slow and boring,, as if my concern for that couldn't be more obvious.

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Just now, UrielColtan said:

Take umbrage with those people then, Revenant is not mentioned at all in my post much less discount Revenant. I didn't like her 4th because it is boring and slow, as if my concern for that couldn't be more obvious.

And it's been changed. Though we're yet to see it in action.

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1 minute ago, VPrime96 said:

I feel like it’s going to happen when DE brings newer and newer Frames because of how many Frames that can do what another Frame can do but differently:

Shield: Volt, Garuda, Zephyr

Healing: Equinox, Trinity, Harrow, Garuda, Nezha

Buffing: Chroma, Valkyr, Trinity, Harrow, Rhino, Titania, Nidus, Gara, Nova

Defensive: Frost, Limbo, Gara

and of course, even more. So if a Frame that does what a existing Frames but worse or differently, then that Frame won’t be that interesting. That’s the issue DE is going to have if they don’t look into that and the way they can fix the issue is changing the core mechanics of a lot of Frames so they can do something another Frame can’t do which would take them a lot of time to do. So the easier way for DE to create Frames is making them and figure out a Player that would enjoy that Frame the most instead of trying to make it work for everyone (which is happening for Revenant, Khora, and so far Garuda).

it’s the same thing with older Frames but those Frames are focused on getting a Rework.

Well first I'd say the flaw in that mentality is that there isn't any content that demands using the "best" frame.

But also just how many types of frames could DE make without recycling a core concept in some manner? Even just going as basic as Volt=Damage, Frost=Objective Defense, Loki=Stealth, and Trinity=Healing how many frames could you make without repeating these concepts "differently"?


And even the idea of frames that do the same thing but differently is only looking at single abilities they have.

Frost and Gara are both good at defending objectives but Frost's is infinitely scaling and can defend multiple points at once while Gara's can help in killing more enemies but is easier to break/expire. But these frames aren't walking Snowglobes and Mass Vitrifies, they have other abilities as well. Frost can cc/nuke groups of enemies and strip armor while Gara can distract enemies, has a 90%, infinite damage scaling, shield, and has some decent cc/nukes.

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13 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

No, but when people go "Garuda is a discount Rev because of her 4 and it's unoriginal, hey let's give her exalted claws making her into a discount valkyr, yeah that's so original" That's when i take umbrage.

Everything with exalted melee weapons will be like valks 4. But that's fine because its also different when you fight with a wip or a sword. The feeling is different and I am sad that they dint did it. Why? Because she has freaking huge sharp knifes on her arms that she only use in one ability! I dont care if they would make Garuda Valks little sister because they would be different play wise.

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3 hours ago, (XB1)chillichillman said:

I heard gore.  I wanted something more like a Manic, latching onto an enemy and just clawing away at their flesh.  I wanted her to rip people apart and throw bloody chunks of meat at people.


I wanted her to belong in the DOOM universe, where blood and guts rain from the heavens.

Rebecca said at Tennocon when they revealed her that Garudas attitude during combat would be more “indifferent” than “hyper kill rage monster”

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First, Garuda from mythology is male, known for swiftness and martial prowess. Also has a taste for snake meat.

Weird sex change.

Garuda’s kit is too much cobble from other frames. Seriously, a shield, a thrown orb and a blender (seems like rev rehash)? The gesture of her kit and its rendering are all odd wrt the mythological creature. Her 1 is the only skill garuda esqe.

I liked Revenant, but him and now Garuda make me think DE needs a frame break. Fewer frames, more lore meaning.

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