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Lets Discuss the Mesa prime accessory pack


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3 minutes ago, Rawbeard said:

if you already have Mesa the damage output will not change.

No, but given that Prime Warframes usually have higher defensive stats the survivability will ramp up. Mesa's defences are already spectacular, multiplying her EHP in the face of enemy fire to stupendous degrees. If she gains 50 points of armour, or a baseline increase of 50 hitpoints, those get multiplied by her Shattershield.

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I'm a bit fond of the accessories, don't get me wrong, they're not as grandiose as the operator suit we got last time or some of the armor bundles with crazy effects, but they've definitely caught my attention.

I'd definitely go for it if I wasn't so personally set up on not using my money to buy cosmetic items.
I look forward to seeing what people make of those new cosmetics once they purchase them.

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Some may like them i do not.

Christmas is so close and I personally thought DE would give us something special lika an armor set or a syandana. Instead they gave us uuh primed operator metal parts...


Im speechless.

What re your thoughts guys?

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25 minutes ago, Frontez said:

Some may like them i do not.

Christmas is so close and I personally thought DE would give us something special lika an armor set or a syandana. Instead they gave us uuh primed operator metal parts...


Im speechless.

What re your thoughts guys?

my thoughts is to spend your charismas money on new experience man, its been known for a well now that DE are not making quality prime accesses and the price tag never changed too

I cant believe that people are letting this rip of slide lol ! we get prime accesses every 3 months plus ''prime vaults crap'' in between those waiting months , and yet

actual game changing content are getting rarer and rarer , what is the last big in game event we had ? what was the last time you played a tactical alert ? 

and direct competition are closing in, its a shame really .

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1 minute ago, LupisV0lk said:

Yet again the entitlement of gamers astound no one.

you're entitled to your money worth dude, this is no free stuff, just because they're your favorite game developers does not mean we should throw money at them for this

low quality money grapping prime accesses that are we';re getting lately 

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Like I've said in other threads like these, I personally love them! It's different from the norm! And I bet they have cool animation effects too. I know the eye piece does. So I am vary much looking forward to rocking these on the original Mesa Prime operator....MINE! 

Just wish they would fix the ear pieces from disappearing when the umbra scarf is open. 

However that said, I do wish our Operators got a cool Prime Orokin Blade Runner over coat. It is what it is. 

Edited by (XB1)RDeschain82
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3 minutes ago, Paracosmer said:

you're entitled to your money worth dude, this is no free stuff, just because they're your favorite game developers does not mean we should throw money at them for this

low quality money grapping prime accesses that are we';re getting lately 

Subject at best.

I'd happily wager that for the most part the people "reeeing" about the operator cosmetics don't like operator for some reason.

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5 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

Subject at best.

I'd happily wager that for the most part the people "reeeing" about the operator cosmetics don't like operator for some reason.

don't deflect you sneaky ninja haha 

remember chroma prime accesses ? what did we learn from that , and go right ahead , empty your whole bank account ''if you have one'' nobody care .

but don't go around telling us we're entitled for not liking a product that didn't acquired to our taste, you're clearly biased toward DE and your feedback is not to be taken seriously .

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3 hours ago, LupisV0lk said:

Yet again the entitlement of gamers astound no one.

What entitlement?  It's an expensive product, that we are being asked to pay real money for.  Some people are expressing their opinion that for them, the product is not worth the amount being asked.

Personally I'm indifferent on the Operator parts, and I don't use sugatras.  I'll probably still get the full package because of the discounted platinum.  (75% off coupons almost never seem to drop for me.  I got one for the first time in a couple of years about two months ago, so it's likely to be a long time before I see another.)

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okay so with full reveal of the mesa prime access, I was in disbelief to say the least , I mean who asked for this ? I know I didn't , and I know big chunk of the playerbase never wanted operator 

only prime access accessory , let alone this low quality cheap looking earpieces and mask (atleast we didn't get the horn this time lol) 

now if the accessory come bundled with an operator armor then I might give it a pass but it obvious that they don't want to let the players get the idea that operator stuff is cheap wish is a big ?

mark, I mean compare this with in game tennogen products that people are already buying and you will notice a BIG big difference in the quality and price , it mind blowing man 

Mesa prime operator accessory :














each of the tennogen items like cost you 1$ each , now for me to buy a similar items from DE for higher price of 50$ the product should be of higher quality, wish they clearly aint

even the most die hard fan would be able to tell you that …. what happened man ? how could you do us like this, ever since the asa syandana/Tagris prime armor the par was set so high 

for prime accessory, they're the reason prime vaults was created and approved by the community in the first place but …. it continued to go downhill , but this prime accessory has set a new low point

on the drop of quality ever, shame 😞 

Edited by Paracosmer
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I have to agree. This must be a new low. Those operator accessories are pretty underwhelming. We like operator cosmetics but paying a full price tag for just a few facial accessories sound outrageous. Sugatra ain't that special either. 

Would have considered it if it included a full set of operator armor or a syndana but as of now, simply meh. 


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18 minutes ago, Paracosmer said:

compare this with in game tennogen products that people are already buying and you will notice a BIG big difference in the quality and price

Comparing something made by people with no budget, time restrictions or anything else on their plate to DE employees who have a budget, a given amount of time to get something done and tons of other things they also have to work on is disingenuous.

Why did this need another thread?

20 minutes ago, Paracosmer said:

buy a similar items from DE for higher price of 50$

That's not what you are paying $50 for.

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I disagree with the comparison to the tennogen and with the OP. None of that tennogen is animated. The prime accessory pack for the operator looks like it will have animation. I like the prime accessory pack because it's different. It's away from the norm syadana/armor. I will enjoy this accessory pack. I think DE did a great job. Furthermore for the amount of Plat and boosters we get that is where the value is(on console) and it will look great with my Zypher/Valkyr Prime suit.. Anyway the cosmetics are just a bonus. Like it or not, what's done is done. Time to move on. 

Edited by (XB1)RDeschain82
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1 minute ago, White_Matter said:

I have to agree. This must be a new low. Those operator accessories are pretty underwhelming. We like operator cosmetics but paying a full price tag for just a few facial accessories sound outrageous. Sugatra ain't that special either. 

Would have considered it if it included a full set of operator armor or a syndana but as of now, simply meh. 


I didn't even realize the prime sugatra still a thing , let alone that its bundled with this tragedy, are DE out of touch with they're playerbase ? or is just a way to test our patience and 

good will with this ugly crap that you only gonna see when hunting the boring eidolons and girding your butt off on biggest grind in the game … kuva , and only you gonna see that 

fluff if you take off your operator helmets , like wtf .

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