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Auction house system?


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2 minutes ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:


The only reason people keep selling rivens for ludicrous prices is because there are idiots who will keep BUYING them for ludicrous prices. 

The same people who got Semlar banned were the same people who sold rivens for 10,000 plat a pop, and wanted to continue doing that without the interference of a riven bot revealing that their actual worth is way, way lower. 

Prices are so high because they can be manipulated so easily. I would still like to see some sort of an auction house added, because trading in warframe in its current state is total trash. Nothing can and will be done about scammers and rip-offs.

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I think an auction house is a good idea but it needs a trade limit per week/month so market doesnt get flooded with items from "dedicated" farmer. Maybe something small like 2 (+ 2 per 5 Mastery Ranks) items for each player every week would be fine.

Edited by Arcira
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6 minutes ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

Prices are so high because they can be manipulated so easily. I would still like to see some sort of an auction house added, because trading in warframe in its current state is total trash. Nothing can and will be done about scammers and rip-offs.

DE and about a hundred thousand forum threads have revoked the idea of a Warframe auctionhouse.

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I've only ever had to roll a riven a few times to get a good roll. I only rolled one over 10 for a Kohm because I specifically wanted status chance (which I got within a few rolls, but I wanted better. Which I got).

Is it winning the lottery to get a perfect roll? Yeah. Is it winning the lottery to get a good roll? (IE, better than anything you could possibly get on a single mod otherwise). Absolutely not. Farm up some Kuva and get rolling.

If you're paying thousands for a riven, I just have to laugh. More money than sense, I say.

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13 minutes ago, trst said:

Throttling could encourage undercutting more though. If you're limited to X sales a day and someone is fully capable of farming enough items within a day to match their limit then they would be losing out to not use every sale they have.

And as there is no restrictions for stockpiling and most players are capable of farming some items of value there would still be too much supply for prices to stabilize.

Perhaps if anything Arcanes, Rivens, and vaulted primes would be the only items to survive bottoming out but are these items alone enough to justify an auction system?

But you already are limited to X sales a day, X being your MR. And undercutting already happens. I really don't get all these predictions of doom and gloom. "This will never work because X and Y will cause a market crash!" X and Y are already in effect and no market crash is happening.

If anything, it's third-party tools like warframe.market, riven.market, and semlar.com that are wreaking havoc with the economy. The game wasn't designed with these tools in mind, and their introduction totally did disrupt the market and affect prices and therefore also DE's bottom line. And DE has no control over them. Having a robust in-game AH/trading system would allow DE direct control over the game's economy via the use of restrictions, cooldowns, taxes, and various other market manipulation tools that could be tweaked as required, as opposed to being at the mercy of third-party website owners.

Edited by SordidDreams
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Thats on DE. Even on their documentary, they admit to removing "dice roll" based content knowing players would dump paid currency like maniacs.

Then they decided it was a smart idea to introduce RNG roll power boosting Rivens.


Edited by Souldend78
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DE needs to add more information. Not an auction house to f*ck up the economy.

Add more information in game, give the players the number of sells of a certain item. How much is demand (in number of WTB (Item) in the chat). How much is the suply (the number of WTS (item) in the trade chat.

And OFC the average price of the items in a day/week/month/year.

The player needs information to do a good purchase and a good sell. While maintaing the free market. If someone, even with all the information, still want to buy a riven for 10k plat from someone, let them do it.

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A few things they could do:
1) Limit riven prices to a somewhat normal value. Keep in mind that a 1000 plat is like $50, its actually a lot of money. Having people pay 5~10k plat for rivens is just asking for people the do credit card fraud cause no one should pay $300 any single item in any game.

2) Index all Rivens and the prices they have been sold for.

3) Platinum of which the purchase can still be withdrawn should not be tradable.


DE should definitely do something about this because you know that these people are selling the Rivens on real money trading sites.

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Just like loot boxes, rivens are there to get people to throw money at.

All too often I've seen people actually go and purchase platinum just to afford a riven, so why would DE even want to change this system?

All that RNG helps in driving the prices of rivens upwards and as long as people keep buying them, things won't be changing anytime soon.

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7 minutes ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

DE needs to add more information. Not an auction house to f*ck up the economy.

Add more information in game, give the players the number of sells of a certain item. How much is demand (in number of WTB (Item) in the chat). How much is the suply (the number of WTS (item) in the trade chat.

And OFC the average price of the items in a day/week/month/year.

The player needs information to do a good purchase and a good sell. While maintaing the free market. If someone, even with all the information, still want to buy a riven for 10k plat from someone, let them do it.

That's... basically just an auction house, but with much less convenient purchasing. If you actually want to drive prices down to their fair market value, you want to minimize transaction costs as much as possible. Adding that step that requires people to go and make wtbs/wtses is just retaining more mechanisms that allow for price distortions and arbitrage, especially since Rivens are effectively unique. 

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You can only hold 90 rivens. Any number of players in any sort of conspirency has got to be extremely low in the grand scheme of rivens because it is impossible to actually hoard and monopolise them into a small fraction of the player base. Basically that mafia is irrelevent to the price of rivens being bought and sold because 99% of trades they cannot affect.

Fact is most riven traders are after the same goal, making bank and milking whales, so the status of the market naturally has come to the point it has irrespective of a supposed trade mafia boogeyman. The video pointed to a shadow clan ffs. This youtuber vid saying "they" control the majority of the rivens in the game is laughable, the fact sniping good deals and making grofit is what trade is all about, and nearly the entire community is not in cahoots in some nonsensical conspirency, they are just playing the game> to make bank you need to exploit the market and other players, and extract as much profit as the market can sustain. A great deal of players will instinctively know that's just how markets work as a general rule.

tl;dr the riven market isn't being manipulated in a concerted meaningful degree, it's just tons of sole traders who are on the same page (because it's so bleeding obvious how to make bank in this game) trying to extract revenue to the maximum the market can sustain. The market is actually sustaining it. Nothing to see here.

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personally I think just a public trade list similar to warframe.market in game would be fantastic. You can post what you are wanting to sell or what you are looking for and if someone is interested they can find you and message you, the actual transaction system should stay the same I feel, but just making it more streamlined and less like a mini game where you have to watch chat for what you want, it just shows up in a list.

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I vote for an in-game auction house. I try to avoid the chats, it's why I haven't gotten rest of the syndicate weapons yet.

And I hope DE fixes the whole moderation issue. I know in the past DE hasn't been on the ball with this.


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41 minutes ago, voltrex56 said:

OK, but what exactly is your point?

AH will just get shut down as people will abuse it and just log to check, buy/sell. That goes against what DE wants out of their game, think about, the game was design without one on it, and they been Devs for longer than most of us have been around.

People think Riven Market is bad now? Oh its going to get to a whole new level of bad, and those players that are making a fortune, are waiting, patiently to rip it apart.
Edit: And thats not even accounting for bots scam currency sellers, AH opens a new can of worms due to irl currency.

Note: I used to do that years ago in AH on other games, only reason I like Warframe is becasue it doesnt have one. And before you say it, I hardly even use trade, my wallet only has 250 plat atm on it.

Edited by Souldend78
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2 hours ago, Souldend78 said:

the game was design without one on it

Yeah, but people made their own unofficial ones on various websites. Given that the genie's out of the bottle, might as well make an official one under DE's control that won't be susceptible to botting and scamming.

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3 hours ago, Ghogiel said:

Fact is most riven traders are after the same goal, making bank and milking whales, so the status of the market naturally has come to the point it has irrespective of a supposed trade mafia boogeyman. The video pointed to a shadow clan ffs. This youtuber vid saying "they" control the majority of the rivens in the game is laughable, the fact sniping good deals and making grofit is what trade is all about, and nearly the entire community is not in cahoots in some nonsensical conspirency, they are just playing the game> to make bank you need to exploit the market and other players, and extract as much profit as the market can sustain. A great deal of players will instinctively know that's just how markets work as a general rule.

It shouldn't be about exploiting other players at all. That's the whole problem. It's obviously not a conspiracy, it's just a behavior pattern that some sellers thinks it's okay to "exploit" other players to make their own profit. Which, let's be clear, it's not. 

I have a 5 figure plat amount and has made more plat selling to other players than I will ever use. But I have also always sold every single piece of gear for the lowest listed price on warframe.market at the time I was putting it up for sales. I've happily given away Maiming Strikes to new players who were offering 500+ plat for them in trade chat. You absolutely do not need to rip off new players or exploit anyone to make a profit in Warframe.

Edited by rune_me
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6 hours ago, SordidDreams said:

Vacuum on pets had been a request for a long time. DE had answered that question many times before.

It took years of pestering and asking, but aren't you glad they finally relented? It's going to take years more to get them to just give vacuum to everything by default withotu requiring a mod, and you're going to be glad then too. And the same with an AH.

Auction Houses are a very, very different thing to this.

Let me explain.
Vacuum/Fetch is a QoL addition that affects gameplay but doesn't impact Primes, rare mods or other items that can be traded.


Auction Houses would not be a welcome change for Warframe in particular, because, and I say again because you've completely overlooked this, this would open a door to bots, and kill off any form of doing anything. 
New Prime? Buy it in AH for 60p.
New Wraith/Vandal? Buy it in AH for 30p.

A select few using bots would be doing all the legwork. You'd get to sit on your Orbiter for the majority of your day fashionframing, or roaming missions aimlessly, or whatever it is you find enjoyable. 

And then you realize you've got no resources to craft that Railjack with in your Dojo, and by then you can't be bothered to even farm the resources, so you check the AH...
...only to remember that they're not tradable. So you check the Market. Too expensive. So you try to farm Primes and sell them to get the resources from the Market.
Insufficient currency.

Virtually everyone else by this time would have this exact same mindset. It would make new players even more confused, and make them believe the game's even more pay-to-win than they already believed from seeing the Market's plat prices for the 1st time ever.

Please do not pick a single point. This subject requires you to examine the full image rather than preferred regions. Artistic example: that new Warframe, Wisp, while Steve was showing off new Plains visuals.

If I have somehow not managed to help you understand why I am one of those against an Auction House, let me remind you:
Maroo's Bazaar is the Auction House. Don't expect it to be automated, we're not the Corpus.

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