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Are "Mastery Rank Tests" there to make players leave the game?


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Most are pretty easy, but some can be annoying because they aren't really based on the normal game mechanics. "Normal" meaning how players would normally deal with those tasks. They're just kinda weird IMO, but I'm guessing DE just wants to give us something to use our builds on in a different way. Maybe the 24 wait should be removed. I'm just not sure what purpose it serves, but I'm also not sure why people care so much about MR anyways. 

That being said, they're all easy to cheese with the right builds. For example, Exodia Contagion is still OP for the stealth ones.

Edited by BL4CKN0ISE
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5 hours ago, CPT_deBauch said:

Because I fail to see what else can be achieved by this game design "feature". Really.

These tests force the player to do things that he/she doesn't want to do 'cause they are boring or just s###ty (hello "Parkour", hello "Stealth") and penalizes failure with 24hr cooldown to the next attempt. What's the positive side to it?

Are you seriously flaming about mastery tests because you failed MR 8 ? When you attempt a test it tells you that you can practice at a relay, it's your fault for not investigating and asking about it. The tests are there to show that you have the basic grasp of movement mechanics.

You can even google these tests to have videos show you exactly how it's done. You're proof these tests are working as intended.

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7 hours ago, CPT_deBauch said:

Because I fail to see what else can be achieved by this game design "feature". Really.

These tests force the player to do things that he/she doesn't want to do 'cause they are boring or just s###ty (hello "Parkour", hello "Stealth") and penalizes failure with 24hr cooldown to the next attempt. What's the positive side to it?

So.... you want them removed cause you feel entitled to reaching a higher rank? Don't wanna do it? Your loss, it's your decision. Boring? None of these test last for more than 5 minutes if you do them as intended.


You can practice indefinitely without penalty until you're confident in running any single one of it anyways. There's a difference between having differing opinion on a system and just being straight up entitled....

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Mastery Rank tests are a rough equivalent of stage boss fights. In many games, in order to progress, you go through a boss which is usually some sort of fight/challenge that is supposedly there to test your abilities, your "build" and your thus far knowledge of the game and its mechanics. Sometimes these challenges force you to think in a way you haven't done before, too.

Am I fond of MR tests? Not really, but I don't hate them either and in a sense I'm glad that they exist to force us try different things outside of comfort zones. They are also in agreement with the vague lore type of thing in that we are "ninjas" and gain mastery and higher ranks through tests. In many martial art movies etc. the character often learns and "levels up" through different tasks set by a teacher/master, and in many cases these seem inane or irrelevant. I see a certain analogy here.

The 24-hour requirement is hated by lots of people, but the case is always that you immediately forget about it when you pass the test. The game doesn't punish you by not allowing you to get MR points, either. Your progression till the next rank is there.

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7 hours ago, CPT_deBauch said:

Because I fail to see what else can be achieved by this game design "feature". Really.

These tests force the player to do things that he/she doesn't want to do 'cause they are boring or just s###ty (hello "Parkour", hello "Stealth") and penalizes failure with 24hr cooldown to the next attempt. What's the positive side to it?

dont do the test then, practice it until you have it down every day until it is easy. imo they need to make another set of advanced tests for people that actually want them to be a little more crazy since the current set is way too easy. only annoying ones are 9 and 19.

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3 hours ago, (NSW)Evilpricetag said:

I've always appreciate game that don't call me stupid and let me explore it myself. And achievement system that are simply there to say, "I did all the things."

Because right now there is somebody out there still playing retro games to find a secret nobody has found in the 20 years they have been around. 

But the most basic things, in the relay simply ask you walk up to something and go, oh that's what it is. 

The relay isn't that impressive to get lost. 

Without the time delay you could easily get to max MR in a week. Hell even right now with enough free time and $ a person probably could get to MR 26 in 26 days. You'd only have to level like 12-15 weapons a day and as many warframes as you can get your hands on asap.

But this isn't RDR2 and getting the Black Cougar pelt for increased stamina xp is stupid because it takes like 30 minutes to max out stamina, and you can't even get the pelt till after the end of the game. 

IF you have all the weapons and the warframes needed in your inventory ready to be levelled then I could agree with you.

I cant see a way getting the weapons and frames needed for MR26 in a month (quite a few can only be gotten from special events and invasions no?)
Not sure if all those "timegated" weapons are needed to reach MR26 though but even if they werent it would cost a S#&$TON of money.
Also alot of weapons need to be constructed in the DOJO which need materials (all of which I am pretty sure cannot be bought even with money/plat which requires you to go farm those first).
It would however be an interesting idea to see how far one would be able to get in a month (maybe someone with a few thousand dollars to spare for scecince :-))

Edited by (XB1)Dic3man
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They don't, but if you're low MR you won't be able to access some of the weapons and rivens because you are not high MR enough. 

Some of the MR test is usually annoying, for example you can't use abilities, but then MR test like killing enemies without them seeing you where, but Warframe doesn't do very well with stealth at all. The only way to get through it was to use exodia contagion and use it from distance

Edited by Genesix6
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3 hours ago, BL4CKN0ISE said:

That being said, they're all easy to cheese with the right builds. For example, Exodia Contagion is still OP for the stealth ones.

Yeah exodia contagion can be used for MR 19 since it stealth you can just throw it from distance. 

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Il y a 8 heures, CPT_deBauch a dit :


I've found out about that too, but only after some googling and warframe-wiki reading. There is no information about this feature in game. There are lots of things in this game you can only know about if you googled for them specifically, which makes the game extremely hostile for new players.


It's true but i know that before even playing it. And im a pretty new to this game.

Warframe is a wikigame.


You know that some mods add a pourcentage multiplying a base pourcentage and others add a flat number ?

Do you know that some location are far more reliable to drop some stuff that others ?

Do you know that the damage outpout is no the reflection of the numbers in game but the mods combinations and much of these combos are not intuitive ?

Etc. ...

Warframe have layers and layers of complexity.

You can feel that this can be very hostile but personnaly i enjoy it.

It's the complexity of the game that make me stay because the animespaceninjajumpingepilepticeverywhere aspect make me first hesitate a lot.


Yeah DE can just add a help pop-up to every fonction but we barely see ours Warframes anymore 🙂


Another positive aspect is the community created by the need to search informations, to share tips and to communicate.

I played many others games and i think that the Warframe community are far much less toxic because players need each others. And many veterans enjoy helping newbies.


Or maybe im just a generation who played games that implies to read a 100 sheet manual before push the start button....


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29 minutes ago, AcceI said:

Holy S#&$ that 24 hr wait time is still there?  I would have thought they at least bring it down to an hour or just outright get rid of that penalty.  

Jesus that's stupid.

I actually like it, when I was I think MR12 and desperately need to get MR13 that night (for some reason i cant remember) I was on edge when doing the test (even though did the practice test a few times before).

Not sure if it was the Mr13 test but it was a test that was a little harder than the usual facepalms (I think it might have been a speedtest jumping on platforms and in the end proceeding through a small labyrinth or something were one or two misses messed up your run.

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9 hours ago, CPT_deBauch said:

I've found out about that too, but only after some googling and warframe-wiki reading. There is no information about this feature in game. There are lots of things in this game you can only know about if you googled for them specifically, which makes the game extremely hostile for new players.

Not true, you get the Info about Simaris before every MR Test (down in the middle):


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1 hour ago, (PS4)idsie said:

Be a good boy and use a glaive, a lot more fun. Or the redeemer. Any frame is a stealth frame of you don't get seen

Glaive and Redeemer have limited range + if the enemy is behind a poll you won't be able to hit, they're bit faster 

while exodia contagion is AoE, a bit slow, instead of limited range, you throw it in a arch, and usually depending on how high you are

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2 hours ago, Genesix6 said:

They don't, but if you're low MR you won't be able to access some of the weapons and rivens because you are not high MR enough. 

Some of the MR test is usually annoying, for example you can't use abilities, but then MR test like killing enemies without them seeing you where, but Warframe doesn't do very well with stealth at all. The only way to get through it was to use exodia contagion and use it from distance

That's bull and you know it, I did that test long before exodias were a thing, no cheesing.

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Most MR tests are totally fine. Even the MR23 and MR26 ones were ok, practiced a bit to get the timing etc. down, done.

Only one that had me in a fit was the MR 19 test. I tested multiple different ways of doing it and kept failing because some goddamn sentry always kept spotting me... SOMEHOW, through the floor etc. Even throwing glaives didn't work reliably for me.

Finally, I got the tip to try it with a Gunblade... So I made the gunblade silent (don't remember whether I used Loki with his augment or whether there's actually a melee noise reduction mod), sniped the bastards from afar and finally managed to beat it.

That's a big part of MR tests. There are often multiple ways to beat them but often you often to find out the best/possible ways to beat them. This may require using frames/weapons you don't normally use or even don't have yet etc. 

But as they are ways of "measuring" your "mastery" of the game, that fits imo. Doesn't make sense to think you "mastered" the game when all you do is only every play one single frame and never touch another one etc.

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46 minutes ago, TheRealShade said:

That's bull and you know it, I did that test long before exodias were a thing, no cheesing.

Well I guess that must be me, considering it can be done as well with gunblades or glaive I assumed some people done this

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You know, I haven't caught on to the fact that you can jump really high by doing a bullet-jump while looking up (and that you can do it while standing still) until I had to take MR11 test. So, something learned there. 🤓 MR tests are OK.

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5 minutes ago, Genesix6 said:

Well I guess that must be me, considering it can be done as well with gunblades or glaive I assumed some people done this

I don't remember exactly what weapon I used, but I know it wasn't a ranged melee.

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12 hours ago, CPT_deBauch said:

Because I fail to see what else can be achieved by this game design "feature". Really.

These tests force the player to do things that he/she doesn't want to do 'cause they are boring or just s###ty (hello "Parkour", hello "Stealth") and penalizes failure with 24hr cooldown to the next attempt. What's the positive side to it?

Use the relay and practice before hand in simarus room

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The point that MR test are about stuff you dont do in regular gameplay is kinda wrong IMHO.

Most of MR tests are super easy stuff if you learn to move properly. I think those test reapeatedly teach you that movement is the n1 thing in the game. If you countrol your movement you can be really fast, really precise and you can do stealth without any invisibility.

People complain about MR test usually slap redirection and vitality on every frame, when if you learn to move you literally need none of those. IMHO mastery rank test ask you again and again that you are decent in the very core game mechanics: moving and shooting.

Just did MR 23 test today, did half a try just to know what it was about, aborted and did it in 1 try (not perfectly i had just a few second left) and i am pretty bad at movement since i dont even play regularly anymore. Also no tricks, just a frame with rush mod

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