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Hildryn: Devstream #123


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4 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

I for one await the meta tryhards screeching about how "bad" she is because they can't figure her out.

In the moment she is a tanky CC frame or just a CC frame... is Nyx good? Is Vauban good? Is any other CC frame good right now?

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On 2019-01-22 at 1:37 PM, Lewtenant said:

Locking baruuk behind old mate and then tiers of vox solaris was a mistake that DE can still fix before switch release. Hildryn should not be gated behind all of this mastery/standing grind, partially for her passive.

In early play warframe shields are strong. It's health that regenerates, and redirection is useful through about Jupiter or so. Energy is somewhat hard to acquire. Players open lockers and scavenge for little blue balls all the time. Since Hildryn runs on shields instead of energy, she has the innate ability to cast abilities with a regenerating energy pool that early game players like to mod around.

Being able to cast abilities is fun and new players can't use many abilities until they have hunter adrenaline or energizing dash. Making pads is out of the picture for early game players due to cost, and availability of blueprints.

So now we are getting this warframe with innate energy regeneration (unless they nerf hildryn's shield generation) that's built around early game survivability. If we gate this frame to end game players, she might not be viewed as very powerful, depending on her abilities. However, if we have a warframe that players can build early, a female rhino frame, then it may encourage the use of the frame early game, as long as early game players can farm it.

Hildryn with Arcane Barrier, Innate Shield Gating on both OverShields & normal Shields, combined with Adaptation seems like it could be made to be useful beyond normal early game Survivability.

Shields will be both Energy and Survivability so Arcane Barrier seems like a Win-win paired with unique modding: No Primed Flow (unless this increases Shield capacity?!?), No Quick-Thinking unless this allows Shields to replace health as energy-health.

Will Rage or Hunter's Adrenaline turn health loss into Shields which would also be Quick-Thinking Shield-as-health : Since Shields are energy.

I think maybe it might be too early to make a decision without seeing how mod interaction works with Hildryn.

At the very least Arcane Barrier and Adaptation seem like they will be staples of a Hildryn build, for Sortie and Endless missions.

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On 2019-01-23 at 2:41 AM, TheRealShade said:

Grind aside, personally I feel like having a frame that uses her shields for energy is terrible unless that frame has some strong DR in her kit. Yes, she'll be amazing against low level enemies that tickle shields, but in any content past lvl60 she's going to run dry very fast with no options but to run away from combat if she wants to be able to cast again. Dunno how DE plan to make her work, but I hope they are fully aware how easy it is for enemies to burn through shields.

Hey hey. Guess what. Sheilds dont matter anyway. If you rely on shields in endgame your bad kid. Anyway they are shield gating her so she will be fine.


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I was pleasantly surprised by her abilities. Looks really interesting so far.

Only thing I was a little disappointed with was the balefire projectile, doesn't really feel as techy as the rest of her kit. Seems like an Opticor style beam would be more fitting.

Maybe they could add an alternate fire with a large beam, possibly that drains shields for greater damage. Another option could be, make it only available during her ult and she charges the balefire in each hand to fire it from her chest. Maybe that would be too Ironman, but something about flying around vaporizing enemies with a massive Opticor-esque blast sounds sooo epic.



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I'm not at all excited.  Her asthetics are meh.  Not bad.  Not good.  But I can appreciate DE giving a built women for all of those people who like that sort of thing.

Her passive being what we wanted but exclusive to her is annoying.

Her 1 is an exalted.  No thanks.  Tired of those.  No reason to use it over my tomb finger.  Especially when it pulls from my shields which is my lifeline.

Her 2 is visually uninspiring.  Neat that we shed status effects.  But it just feels bland overall.

Her 3 baffels me.  Boring looking.  Spending shields constantly to gain shields.  Minor damage.  forgettable team bonus.

Her 4 is the most interesting part of her kit.  Visuals are nice.  Mechanics are interesting.  But overall Not going to use a frame just for one ability.


She seems more ill conceived than Baruuk.  She has the whole feast/famine vibe that garuda sort of does with her spending health/energy to get health/energy.  But there is more to her kit beyond this.  For Hilydn?  That's it.  Much more interested in what whisp could be.  Seems like Hilydn will just be MR fodder for me like revenant was.

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I mean, how would things like the Augur mod set that RESTORES SHIELDS on ability cast work with this kind of thing. Like, if the energy cost of the ability could be converted into shields at a value over 100% won't it just make everything into ... free skills?

Also, Arcane Aegis and Arcane Barrier?

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After seeing Devstream 123 I was really impressed with Hildryn's abilities, but I can't help but want more firepower to rain down on unsuspecting enemies 😉.

I think it would be really interesting if activating her 4th ability also unlocked an alternate heavy fire mode for her Balefire ability. In keeping with her tech and heavy theme it would be cool to see her getting an something like an built-in Opticor ability. 

Here are some quick concept images for inspiration:


Charging the beam between the Balefire hand attachments and the shoulder ability. Maybe some effects similar to her new archgun.


And of course the actual fire mode 😁

There could be some additional effects too, maybe draining shields to do more damage or a penetration ability that bypasses armor and/or special effects like Nullifier bubbles.

Anyway just a thought, but seriously DE please!

Edited by Covenanthunter
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52 minutes ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

No reason to use it over my tomb finger.

When they showed her 4 on the devstream, the frame had her weapons put away. Unless I'm an idiot, I think that means you can only use her 1 while using her 4 if you want some sort of gun, which explains the ability even being a thing I think.

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1. hover thing should belong to zyphyr, what is it with the female rhino to floating in the air?

2. whats the usage of shield gating if enemy just break your shield in extremely short period of time?

    and usually there are more than 1 enemy around you?

3. Unless her 2 and 3 have CC ability, or you have to use 4 all the time to keep enemies stuned and regen shield

Still these are promising feature, hope DE get to polish them more completely.

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