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Nightwave Reputation Math to get to 30


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1 hour ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

And yeah I recognise that luck is a factor for Simaris missions. But like I said, they've consistently made things that reward players for logging in often. This is really just following that trend. Even down to having "daily" tasks and "weekly" tasks. (In quotation marks because I haven't seen my daily tasks reset yet.)

That 'reward for logging in' was hugely complained about and got a 'rework' because of the time gating on weapons/mods etc which imo is ironic because the new nightwave system is fundamentally the same system as the previous login reward system, it just requires us to do more stuff, not just login, to get our 'reward' and we can't really miss any days/weeks (yes I know 60% ish is the target but that is ultimately mission dependant) as we might not get enough standing.  The tier rewards are time gated (lets be honest 150 per 3 capture targets isn't going to make a huge difference unless that's all you're doing) to the standing you can make in a week, the rewards are in a fixed order meaning you have a time gate (albeit a full 'week') to getting a specifc reward... that to me is exactly what other players were complaining about with the pre reworked login rewards.


As your daily tasks, I've had 3 daily tasks pop up when in the middle of my 'first mission of the day', so the odds are they may have popped up during your first mission without you noticing it was a new one. They should be in your standing screen, my last one was 8 mods for 1k standing.

44 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

So doing 2 5k weeklies out of all.the missions per week for 10 weeks basically maybe...MAYBE 1 hour of time per week is too much grind?


Do you guys even know what "grind" is? At all? Because i really dont think you do. 

10 weeks... 300k total standing to get all reward tier items, that would be 30k per week, not 10k like your 2x5k would give...I think you might have missed that the rewards scroll.

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On 2019-03-01 at 1:49 AM, hazerddex said:

not really.

almost everyone does sorties

Eximus aren't hard to find

and you can easily pub a hydolyst 

I've not touched a Sortie since before the achievement was added. There's nothing in them I care about, and I don't think they are fun, so why would I do them? And I'm most certainly not alone in this.

I wouldn't mind pubbing them, but forcing me to find a "friend" or something, yeah, I'll pass.

On 2019-03-01 at 4:26 PM, Autongnosis said:

Cut the crap. Unless you literally have EVERYTHING, you're telling me no player does 9 invasions over a week, or 8 bounties, or a single tridolon? There are maybe 3 that make you go out of your way to do them, the scanning ones. Amd even those can be progressed towards while doing completely unrelated stuff. 

So what if you do have literally everything? There are enough people that don't need anything from invasions, once you have the weapons why would you run the invasion? The resources can just be crafted with stuff you can get elsewhere.

On 2019-03-01 at 4:52 PM, Silescere said:

Didn't find the right words myself, but that's exactly how I see it, too. Chores before I enjoy the game as usual, because I don't want to miss out. Not wanting to miss out is my own decision, so I am working to get there now, instead of just playing like before. That doesn't make the whole game bad or anything. If this is what it takes now to play a game I really like and enjoyed so far, then I better learn how to live with it, if I want some rewards.
Alerts more than once made me all excited and jump in. This system is more... passive?

Exactly, the new system feels like work.

22 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

I won’t deny that there are some issues with the Nightwave system. But the complaint that the game is giving you a reason to go back and play through the content in it again is a really stupid complaint.

Why is it? Some content just isn't fun, or isn't fun anymore due to how the game has evolved. Making people do something that they don't, or no longer, enjoy is a surefire way to burn them out.

18 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:

Some things dont belong in the hand of casual or new players. The Armor and the Umbral forma are rewards with a meaning and not something that is given to everyone just for existing. So glad that they finally implemented something like this.

So a MR27 (and no, I'm not there yet) that doesn't care to do boring Sorties or PoE bounties, has every item in the game and rather prefers to spend hours upon hours in survival missions is a casual according to that reasoning? I'm going to have to disagree there.

17 hours ago, (PS4)Double991 said:

There's 3 types of complainers I'm seeing here. The loners that don't want to make friends out of stubborn negativity. The self proclaimed "veterans" that think these challenges are too tedious (if you're actually a veteran, they're not), and new players that may lack the capability to do the elite weeklies.

Of these 3 only the newbies get my sympathy because they need the wolf creds more than anyone.

It's not like the challenges are going to have the same requirements as week 1 so even if you miss out some of this week, you'll probably be able to do next week's.

The only challenge from week 1 that I thought was remotely tedious was filling 5 sculptures but I got them all done and I'm rank 4 so far.

"If you're actually a veteran, they're not" That will need some explaining. I'm sick of the PoE bounties, I dislike some mission types (just standing there while stuff dies around you in some Mobile Defense, for example, such fun) so please do explain why I should not find these tasks tedious?

12 hours ago, Orblit said:

Guess it's hard to find a way to naturally do all the tasks...except for say eidolon hunting for obvious, get that outta here, reasons...


For people who get on, do 1 mission type only, then get off.

Can't really blame people for only playing a few mission types, as a lot of the missions really need a massive overhaul to be fun again.

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The setup or this new system is good, except for the "forced" guild/friend weekly "elite" (I  mean seriously, they probably need to rethink their definition of elite) mission. I'm all behind the eidolon weekly, because it actually classifies as "elite" in this game. But the guild/friend thing just makes zero sense to me. Heck, the 5 filled Ayatans would be more of an elite mission in my mind because they are most easily obtained from Arbis, which are "end game" missions compared to the rest of WF. 

IMO, remove everything that "forces" guilds or the requirement of a friend. This isnt an MMO so those things shouldnt be mandatory for personal reputation grinds. This is at most a horde shooter with optional multiplayer, so keep that part optional.

They could have just aswell made a mission "complete a sortie without getting downed". That would be far more fitting for something labeled as "elite".

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On 2019-02-28 at 9:34 AM, (PS4)ImTooHungover said:

+50 for Convicts as well.  Those could potentially add up quickly to compensate for missed milestones. 20 Convicts = 1 Daily.  I guess the question comes on how often do you see these.  I think i had 2 groups in an hour. So 6 convicts right there. 

From all the posts ive read, this is highly overlooked.  Would like to see more data on these guys in terms of odds of showing uo and whatnot. 

How do you find convicts? Do they randomly show up?

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On 2019-03-01 at 12:37 AM, BornWithTeeth said:

It’s kinda funny. I wandered into recruiting chat, “Wanna defeat Sortie with the power of friendship?” got recruited into a squad of cheerful randos, we officially told the game that we are big friends (for tax purposes) and did Sortie. Sortie 3 Spy mission, no stealth ‘frames, random squad...complete success.


Lads...I dunno if this is building community, is what I’m getting at.

Have done the same as you two days in a row unfortunately the bounty didnt count for anyone of us so that kinda sucks.

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43 minutes ago, LegacyDM said:

How do you find convicts? Do they randomly show up?

Yup, it's random. It can also happen multiple times in a mission (especially endless missions, in my experience).

There doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to it (eg. maximum once per rotation as I initially expected) as I've had a clanmate state they had 2 groups spawn with literally only seconds between them (but that might be unintended).

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55 minutes ago, (XB1)Dic3man said:

Have done the same as you two days in a row unfortunately the bounty didnt count for anyone of us so that kinda sucks.

Make sure that everyone hasn't just sent the friend request, but has gone into the comm screen and confirmed the friend status, and make sure that's done before you do the mission.

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56 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Make sure that everyone hasn't just sent the friend request, but has gone into the comm screen and confirmed the friend status, and make sure that's done before you do the mission.

Yeah made sure of that today since it didnt work yesterday but still a nogo.
My next try will be with a clanmate/friend that hasnt been online for a few days.

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i skimmed though so i am not entirely sure it has been mentioned but on the topic of time constraints to rep farming with the wolfs of saturn sticks (yes i know its six but my brain thought sticks and im letting it stay since it made me laugh) from what steve is saying it seems this is alot of just do your normal thing and as long as you get like 60-65% of the challenges done themselves you should be fine

tossing in the convict captures and information from the last devstream that the convicts and the wolf himself will increase in spawn over the course of the 10 weeks the convicts being 150-200 rep packets just playing over the week end or in spare time should get you fairly up the ranks 

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On 2019-02-28 at 11:21 AM, LSG501 said:

 'forced' grind

hehe i always get a kick out of that when people say this. its like steve coming to your house with a shotgun to your head while you are playing warframe. yeah you wont always get everything, yeah it kinda sucks, but they aren't doing it to "force" you to play the game day in and day out. they are trying to make the game fun and have things to do, which imo fails pretty hard since all this game is about is farming standing with a story mission every 3 months or so.

but here i am still playing it. if there is no grind, there is absolutely nothing to warframe. so you miss out on some pixels, oh well. they will improve upon it and how it works. a system rarely functions as expected when released to the public when being tested in development.

On 2019-02-28 at 5:45 PM, UnbiasedOne said:

It does.  Although the Eximus one is doable quite easily in ESO.  One round to wave 4-5 was enough for me.

I think they could JUST barely get it if they do one of the three every week.

it took about 45 seconds for me in round 1, with saryn prime.

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I'm new [ I feel new] and I see awesome stuff in the event but I don't think i'll be able to get them cause these challenges I can really only get a few of them, even those convicts are hard to take down.

Really all I've been doing is just going through the star chart the best I can.

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17 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Make sure that everyone hasn't just sent the friend request, but has gone into the comm screen and confirmed the friend status, and make sure that's done before you do the mission.

Can't tell you how many Sorties I had to bail from because people in recruiting join up based on "LF friend for sortie", got sent a friend request, never accepted, and the brilliant person, went ahead and rushed the start. 

Eventually I ended up with someone with an MR in the tweens who was a little underpowered but understood the game enough to make the most of what he had, and we landed in a group that worked together. Everyone helped to revive one another, mostly we stayed close and helped one another out. My rhino did a lot of shouting and stomping whenever he could, and a good time was had by all. 

=pleasant end of anecdote that shows that all's well that ends well=




Only thing that I have left is the Ayatan one and it's just not worth the extra effort for me. I have enough plat to just buy some of the cheap ones, but I'd rather just carry some newbs through their Sorties, or pitch in on a tridolon public match. 

And that's fine. It's why DE made it so we don't have to complete all of the objectives to max it out. If you want to take part, and get the rewards, go ahead and do it. If you don't want to do it, then don't. 

But ffs, people need to stop acting like children demanding to have their cakes and eat them too! It's the same as all the other events, like acolytes where people go crazy burning themselves out for no good reason, and then unironically blaming DE for making a mode that they wanted to play way too much. That's just dumb. 

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10 hours ago, (XB1)Dic3man said:

And for the lower players , regular SO is enough to complete the bounty, (I did it solo in about 8 minutes or however fast you can ndo it)

Yeah I started off thinking that I would need to do an eximus stronghold Sortie or something. Ended up doing it passively while working on the others.


9 hours ago, Firemyst said:

I'm new [ I feel new] and I see awesome stuff in the event but I don't think i'll be able to get them cause these challenges I can really only get a few of them, even those convicts are hard to take down.

Really all I've been doing is just going through the star chart the best I can.

Don't worry about it. It's a game. Just do what you can and you'll get a bunch of free stuff. And if you are interested but unable to make it on your own, ask for help from your clan mates, or in chat. There's still going to be stuff that any one of us just can't, or won't do, and that fine. Don't burn yourself out trying to do content that's too high above your level, or that you just flat out hate doing. 

One thing that I am definitely seeing in this event is a lot of people who are helping one another out. People offering to help carry eidolon hunts, and sanctuary, help with simaris scans. And it's not because they're guides of the lotus or have been tasked with helping, but because they can, and people want the help. There have always been players like that, but most of the time you had to ask them. Right now a lot of them are offering without being asked. That's a good thing as far as our community is concerned. 

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On 2019-03-01 at 4:51 PM, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

I am done with the plains, invasions and any of the other stupid and tedious tasks. Done! I have everything I wanted and care about. Why in God's name would I want to go back? Because it's fun? Rewarding? Hell no it's not #*!%ing fun nor rewarding to me and a lot of players that played uninteresting content for too long! And do you think the best way to introduce a new system is asking their veterans to go YET AGAIN back to stuff we've already done a bazillion times, which makes us sick to our stomachs to go back to? 

Let me tell you, WRONG! This will be yet again a lot of reason for a lot of once loyal players to ditch the game because it is NOT challenging, not an act, it's a tedious and brainless task. 


OK. What do YOU enjoy? What type of missions do you enjoy playing? You sound like someone one who hates this game but wants to get all the cool stuff. The 'stupid and tedious' tasks are 90% of the game to you then, right?   Invasions are really similar to other normal star chart missions like exterminate and survival, and PoE is similar to Fortuna. So I fail to understand why do you play this game if you hate almost every aspect of it?  Also, when we are on this topic, what would satisfy you? What should DE exactly add that would make you happy?

Again, and I say this time and time again look at it from DEs perspective. Every two months they can give players both new AND veteran new unique stuff like new glyphs, emotes, decorations, a new weapon, new armor set, umbra forma, a new short story that has a new villain that has an effect on regular missions + bunch of the old stuff that players need.

Now for DE, this system is much better than the old one, why?  Well DE can make the new stuff for the Nightwave every two months easily because there isn't a lot of completely "new content". There is just a weapon, armor set, captura scene, two emotes and two glyphs (more or less). Compare that to Fortuna which took ten times longer to create, but still, some people completed it in a matter of days. With the new system, they can mitigate the content drought that a lot of Veterans complain about because Veterans will have something to work for and will slowly unlock new stuff each week, over a course of many weeks.

This is also a tool that DE can use to 'push' players to do things that they usually do not do or forgot even existed. This new system will also give old missions a new reward, in this case standing for the new armor set and new Umbra forma, which is good for the game and developers who do not want their hard work to be tossed aside never to be seen again.




Aaaannnddd do not forget that DE is actively working on Melee 2.9, PoE overhaul, 2 new frames, RailJack, Gas city upgrade, complete remodel of Capital ships and ship tilesets, a new faction, New War quest, new Grinner Tank, new Amalgam enemies, new mods, New Fortuna update... and more, I think

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On 2019-02-28 at 5:01 PM, IntheCoconut said:

Thanks OP for taking the time to do the math for us lazy people. I'm glad to know that I don't have to stress about missing a day or two, and I can just relax and enjoy the game and get cool rewards along the way.

Yeah, I'm kind of scratching my head at this too. People are upset about these daily/weekly missions and a lot of them you don't even have to go out of your way to complete. Just play the game and watch the checklist complete itself. I have a few that are out of my normal scope (like scanning targets for cephalon) so I just wont do those ones, no big deal. I'm trying, but really struggling to see the issue.

We need to split this into Nightwolf Creds and Wolf-Six Tier rewards and the impact of both as an integrated system.

Apples and Oranges.

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mainly you just have to get atleast 3 levels each week 3 x 10 = 30 so done. so make sure by the end of each reset you get 3 levels in nightwave and your fine you will get that delicious arcane Arcane Energize and umbra forma. I can only guess but we will see a dramatic price drop from Arcane Energize probably.

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On 2019-03-03 at 2:48 AM, seprent said:

from what steve is saying it seems this is alot of just do your normal thing and as long as you get like 60-65% of the challenges done themselves you should be fine

Nightwave requires 70% of weekly standing not 60-65% of challanges. If you miss 3 elites every week, you are out of the exclusive club. It all depends on the elite challnges and whether you can do them. This tweet is not wrong per se, but it withholds crutial information for it to be factually right.

With this in mind I wonder, whether this tweet is deliberately deceptive, or Steve has no idea how this system works. Also, why is community work done on Tweeter not official Warframe platform? Furthermore, there are threads in DevWorkshop as well as Event & Announcements sections. Why are those missing crucial information?

On 2019-03-03 at 4:05 AM, Talinthis said:

but they aren't doing it to "force" you to play the game day in and day out. they are trying to make the game fun and have things to do, which imo fails pretty hard since all this game is about is farming standing with a story mission every 3 months or so.

It is forced, becasue there is no alternative to the system if you want to get any Nightwave rewards. It is forced becasue there is no alternative to farming Nightwave standing like in other syndicates and I, a player, connot choose whether I want the most efficient or the most suitable way to farm it. It is forced, becasue I have to return to content, I have done and finished - "man, did I enjoy those random 8 invasions to add 3 more Fieldrons to my collection of 50. I cannot wait when I will be able to spend those." They are not making the game fun for me, becasue I have to redo tasks I neither have joy, motivation or even purpose doing.
Those activities are on the "to do list" for newbies, but they are gimped by Wolf shop in Nightwave. In short: one thing that works for experienced players, screws beginners and vice versa.

On 2019-03-03 at 4:05 AM, Talinthis said:

it took about 45 seconds for me in round 1, with saryn prime. 

Yes, and every Eximus kill you do will not count for any of your teammates. So even if you taxi a beginner into ESO and carry him through 8 zones he will get 0 progress towards his challange, becasue he has to do the kills.

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I wish that milestone completion requirement can be lower, like 50% that can help newcomer actually feel participate in event rather than forced catching up.

May consider move Umbra Forma to the last, because that is for veteran mostly. For veteran, elite quest is not mission impossible.

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1 minute ago, Scarletwing said:

I wish that milestone completion requirement can be lower, like 50% that can help newcomer actually feel participate in event rather than forced catching up.

I agree with that wish.

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Le 28/02/2019 à 19:21, LSG501 a dit :

either way I still feel 7 weeks of 'forced' grind is excessive.

What grind ? Define grind cause i didn't see anything that looks like grind in Nightwave yet. You just have to run actual content, not a lot though.

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3 hours ago, Scarletwing said:

I wish that milestone completion requirement can be lower, like 50% that can help newcomer actually feel participate in event rather than forced catching up.

May consider move Umbra Forma to the last, because that is for veteran mostly. For veteran, elite quest is not mission impossible.

This system is not for new or casual players and that's ok.

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3 hours ago, 000l000 said:

What grind ? Define grind cause i didn't see anything that looks like grind in Nightwave yet. You just have to run actual content, not a lot though.

Clearly you and I have differing opinions of grind.  I have covered most of my opinions in other posts, so just read them.

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Il y a 6 heures, LSG501 a dit :

Clearly you and I have differing opinions of grind.  I have covered most of my opinions in other posts, so just read them.

No one can have different opinions of a word, words have nondebatable meanings.

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