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Anyone else tired of warframe?


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First of i would like to say i spent over two thousand hours in this game and the majority of it was pleasant. If anyone asks me to recommend them a game i immediately think of warframe. Great gameplay and loads of content, but after playing this game constantly for almost 3 years the game became boring. I tried taking a break from waframe, coming back when there is new content but each new update is just a bunch of grind. 

Sorties are a great idea, 3 random missions, each giving a bit of credits and in the end you get a reward, but the problem here are the rewards. A lot of times they are not worth the 20-30 min that it takes to finish the sortie, you just waist your time. Orokin catalysts and reactors, formas and exilus adapters you can get easier other places, not that you'll be getting them often in sorties. I guess endo and 3 day boosters are good for majority of the players while useless for veterans.

Rivens were a great idea and i would love to invest more time into minimaxing my weapons and invest multiple more formas in them but the grind is insane. First off when you get the veild riven there is the RNG of getting the riven for a weapon that you want, not another duplicate. Than you can get 6k kuva from the sortie, a couple of rolls and a few bad stats later you have accomplished nothing. You decide you want to get a good roll on your riven and try to farm the kuva... 600 kuva per mission, 1.2k with booster, and if your cat is nice to you you occasionally get another 2x of that value. You repeat missions over and over again, boring grind to get a decent amount of kuva just to spend it all in a minute on an RNG stats, a lot of times worse than the ones you began with. All that time waisted. It felt like gambling to me, each time i got a riven for a weapon i liked, i spent hours farming kuva just to feel disappointed and angry in the end.


For a while sorties were the only thing i did every day when i logged into warframe, but because all the rewards seemed useless i stopped doing them. Took a break and came back to updates.


Vallis was fun for a bit before i had to repeat everything i liked x amount of times to max out the standings, especially annoying are the ventkids. The k-drive grind is slow and boring not to mention that the trick multiplier doesn't work half of the time. Also the XP needed for the k-drives is insane, took me 30 min to lvl up the k-drive from 24 to max. Had a booster active but i'm guessing it doesn't affect it. Instead of making the races longer and more challenging and in turn more rewarding they'v made the races easy and rewards low so you have to repeat over and over again.

Arbirations, actually needed to google what they are, totally forgot about them, i farmed them x amount of times and never touched them again...like the onslaught. Easy to cheese, repeat x amount of times repetitive and boring missions just to get those couple of rewards you'll probably never use.

Nightwave repeat the same grind. I don't need fish and rocks, don't want to do sorties for above reason, don't want to be forced to play with friends or clan-mattes to take down a boss i'v taken down x amount of times. I don't profit from these missions, all i get is the standing and the good things are locked at the end. But i guess this is good for newer players.

The BURIED DEBTS, fracture farming :facepalm:. Bough Hildryn because i liked the exploiter boss fight and didn't want that to change. Each new warframe and primed version, repeat the same missions over and over again...


I don't know it might be that after so many hours of grinding the game has become more work than fun for me. Like i said i still like the gunplay, movement and warframes but there has to be some fun objective to do and i guess i'v gotten tired of repeating the same boring mission over and over again. I hope in the future we get some new missions, new factions, good raids and real endgame.

Anyone else feels like this, maybe has some tricks on how to make fun for yourself again?

Edited by PakkiTheDog
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Since Apex legends came out last month I have not been playing Warframe daily. Aside from doing sorties and Kuva farming, there’s not much I can do. Because of Today’s update on consoles, it was the first time in a month that I’ve been on warframe for more than 30 minutes. 

But rather than having a game pull me away from Warframe, there have been many times I’ve been burned out. It happens to all of us. Yes the game gets tiring so I remedy this by playing something else. Eventually you’ll want to log in and play sometime. 

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There is no fun way around burnout.

I mean, I can tell you my way to have fun, but that is not, and probably will never be, your way of fun.

Its in your best interest to just take those breaks when you feel you need them. if you force yourself through the burnout, you will only get to a higher stage of burnout. Hell I used to love playing GW2. I powered through my burnout at some point. have not touched that game in a long time now. At some point there is no way back.

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At this point, I'm burning out hard and starting to look for any reason to not bother with Warframe.

Like seriously, as much as I love the game, I've clocked in around a thousand hours myself, the crap with Nightwave is putting me off so bad. I spent all of 10 minutes doing their latest garbage daily, most of which was because I got caught in a massive Ghoul horde, and then that was it, off the game, no desire to get back on it till my next daily log in.

If anything I'm gonna go play more DMC5 or Path of Exile.

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It's been 5 years and...I think I may be burned out over this event.

The grind wasn't fun, it was a gear check, and the bugs that came out?  For the first time, I actually got angry enough to need a break from the game.  Spent an hour running fractures only to lose all of my loot upon leaving squad so I could go back to Fortuna solo.

An hours worth of mods, resources, Focus, Nightwave standing (3 prisoner spawns) and I just.  I couldn't work up enough gumption to try again.  Honestly, if I had lost my event score, good chance I would have simply booted up another game and not looked back.

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Heh. And people ask me all the time how come I still play Warframe. I've been playing 6 years. Almost 6k mission hours, and I still play it every day.

You need to stop putting in 3+ hour gaming marathons of Warframe every day. Stop being so focused on getting that one thing until you hate the game because you can't get it, and you will have a lot less burnout.

Just enjoy the game, for an hour or 2 a day instead of something absurd like 8 hours.

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I mean I have bunch of games I play. I still play WF on occasion. I wouldn't say I'm burned out though. Just right now, my attention is on DMC5, Division 2, Anthem, Dark Souls 123 (again)(thanks @DeMonkey) and with Sekiro coming on the 22nd (made by the same people who made Dark Souls I might add) it's gonna be hard to find time for WF TBH. 

Edited by (XB1)RDeschain82
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Nope. I take breaks in between and play for short bursts, i bother with goals that i bother with n do other things when i cant be bothered. 

I clocked in around 200 hours to warframe last year vs my 1500 hours into tera console last year. 


If youre getting burst out you .may be going in a little too hard imo.

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44 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

Heh. And people ask me all the time how come I still play Warframe. I've been playing 6 years. Almost 6k mission hours, and I still play it every day.

You need to stop putting in 3+ hour gaming marathons of Warframe every day. Stop being so focused on getting that one thing until you hate the game because you can't get it, and you will have a lot less burnout.

Just enjoy the game, for an hour or 2 a day instead of something absurd like 8 hours.

It's been a while since i played more than 2 h of warframe in one day. A while back decided that it's not worth the frustration of trying of get everything as fast as possible, especially with the primed warframes. Before the updates i just logged in the game to get the daily, while the last couple of weeks i played wf every now and than, 30 min to one hour of fractures and nightwave and that is enough to exhaust me. Maybe i should take a longer break, come back in a couple of months...

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1 hour ago, Alcatraz said:

Heh. And people ask me all the time how come I still play Warframe. I've been playing 6 years. Almost 6k mission hours, and I still play it every day.

You need to stop putting in 3+ hour gaming marathons of Warframe every day. Stop being so focused on getting that one thing until you hate the game because you can't get it, and you will have a lot less burnout.

Just enjoy the game, for an hour or 2 a day instead of something absurd like 8 hours.

Where did anyone say they spent that much time in game?  Or that that was even part of the issue?


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56 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

Where did anyone say they spent that much time in game?  Or that that was even part of the issue?

Where did anyone say they didn't put in many hours at a shot? When I said "you" that was a generalization. Calm down, I know you only have around 1650 mission hours 😛

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11 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

Where did anyone say they didn't put in many hours at a shot? When I said "you" that was a generalization. Calm down, I know you only have around 1650 mission hours 😛

Ah, assumptions and passive aggressive insults.  Cute.  



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I think a good amount of people now just play whenever new contents are out, then get bored/got what they wanted and go back to a different game. This had always happened, but now it's just more apparent. I think with so much hard-grind rep-system burnout is just much easier.

I'm gonna take a risk here and say that those players that leave and rejoin the game are mostly hundreds to thousands hr players, because I'm one of them, most people in this thread are, almost all those in my alliance are, and even some WF-partners now either stream less or just stream other games.

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Yea we need new endgame like new raids or something but with good drops/rewards or at least better rewards at arbitrations and/or hexis vendor.

What I really would like is dedicated servers with at least 30 people on open worlds and big bosses fights like a game i used to play called Defiance has, it has these arkfalls where a ton of people can fight gigant bosses for loot and theres season events with new weapons and other stuff.

But well dedicated servers ain't gonna happen anytime soon so ill keep dreaming lol.

Edited by llls1cKb0ylll
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