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Wisp Review/Early feedback


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So, just saw the Wisp ability reveal and I have to ask : DE, are you even capable of learning from past mistakes?


Because Wisp has the absolute worst ability of every type, so bad that her PASSIVE is the best her kit has to offer.

#1 : Deployables which almost nobody likes, that also have to be collected like Titania's buffs which, guess what, almost nobody likes.

#2 : The worst type of cc and in the worst possible implementation for it. Coupled with a teleport which is useless since bullet ujmps do a better job.

#3 : A damage ability centered around her deployables, which not only goes COMPLETELY against the philosophy you decided on reworking vauban with, your damage abilities that are not the exalted type are notoriously bad.

#4 : And number 4, another take on the Revenant-ult-type which nobody effing likes because you are stuck in the animation not using anything else, the damage usually sucks, and you tried to put that ability on 3 of the last 4 frames for crying out loud.

On top of that, her stats mean she will be completely useless due to dying in 1 hit in anything above lvl 60.



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Ok so... first up... her ult... the power of the sun itself... FREAKING AMAIZING! That's just mad bonkers! ❤️ 10/10!

Now... issues... her 1 is... not gonna be used by 99% of population, her buff pools are a stationary and annoying micromanagment. 0/5 stars (kinda like Titania's soul buffs)
Her 2, the wisp shadow going forward is nice distraction to survive, as for its movement part it's nice to have the teleportation but we can all bulletjump (same as with Vauban bounce pads). (radial stun on teleport is neat)
Her 3 is neat but its damage will be what defines her 1st ability and if people use it at all.

So... Her 2 and 4 are solid, her 1 and 3 are absolutely questionable.

I expected nothing like this for Wisps abilities and honestly I think I speak for everyone when I say her 4th blew everyone away 🙂 But if only more of her abilities were like the 4th, portals and bringing things from the Void or something, that assist you in combat and follow you around instead of.... stationary buff pillars.

All in all, excited for her 4th and cosmetics, bring the butt back!

Edited by Acersecomic
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Her 4 did definitly not blow everyone away. None out of my circle of friends likes it because it is a Revenant ult. Again. Almost for the third time in 4 frames (they had Garuda's ult the same way until people did not like it). It looks amazing, yes. It would be way better as a third single shot ability though instead of yet another "I can not do anything else, slowly float around and deal meh damage for stupidly high energy costs" ability.

Agreeing on the 1 and 3.

As for the 2, distraction abilities are notorious for being the worst CC in the game, it is very short duration, and teleports do not help.

Edited by ShikiRen
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her kit seems conflicted. 1 and 3 are cool, new abilities, rather see them than another generic amalgamation of old frame powers like how her 2 is loki's 1 and 3 combined (scott even joked about it on stream) also, i can tell you why her 4 will be bad: HEAT damage type.

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1 minute ago, ShikiRen said:

Her 4 did definitly not blow everyone away. None out of my circle of friends likes it because it is a Revenant ult. Again. Almost for the third time in 4 frames (they had Garuda's ult the same way until people did not like it). It looks amazing, yes. It would be way better as a third single shot ability though instead of yet another "I can not do anything else, slowly float around and deal meh damage for stupidly high energy costs" ability. 

Hey, I happen to have liked the original Garuda Goddess of Gore and Maim ult that was originaly intended, the sun made of blades! Her slash procs is so boring to look at and cast...
And again, Revenant aside from it looking like a dancing ballerina, is quite nice and adaptive.

It's effective, it's not boring... although I do understand the appeal of single cast abilities and the dynamics of it. I can agree on that. But if we wanted a beam-on-cast we can just use Opticor. It would need a lot more to it if it was to be cast-and-forget.

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11 minutes ago, ShikiRen said:

So, just saw the Wisp ability reveal and I have to ask : DE, are you even capable of learning from past mistakes?


Because Wisp has the absolute worst ability of every type, so bad that her PASSIVE is the best her kit has to offer.

#1 : Deployables which almost nobody likes, that also have to be collected like Titania's buffs which, guess what, almost nobody likes.

#2 : The worst type of cc and in the worst possible implementation for it. Coupled with a teleport which is useless since bullet ujmps do a better job.

#3 : A damage ability centered around her deployables, which not only goes COMPLETELY against the philosophy you decided on reworking vauban with, your damage abilities that are not the exalted type are notoriously bad.

#4 : And number 4, another take on the Revenant-ult-type which nobody effing likes because you are stuck in the animation not using anything else, the damage usually sucks, and you tried to put that ability on 3 of the last 4 frames for crying out loud.

On top of that, her stats mean she will be completely useless due to dying in 1 hit in anything above lvl 60.

Do you even play your game anymore, or did you move every single creative mind working on frames somewhere else?



no frame dies in 1 hit at level 60 hell even at lvl 100 smh (unless your just like standing still not moving)


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Soo... Wisp's abilities has been finally shown but.... her 4th is another press 4 to win type of ability. I like her 1. Her 2 is awesome. Her 3 is fine but i will add this "wave" to come from her too not only from the reservoirs (?). Her 4 looks good, its powerful but as i said earlier its another press 4 to win. What are you thinking about her?

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I'm starting to think DE no longer plays their own damn game. Have you really forgotten about your past screwups like Titania, Vauban, and Octavia?

I feel insulted that your last really good Warframes came out almost 3 years ago (Nidus and Inaros), and seeing that you actively refuse to accept player feedback is a sign that something needs to change. If you're running out of good frame ideas, just ask the community.


#1: I despise deployables, they're absolutely lazy and unfun to use. Her buffs are bad, and since you pretty much made her a copy of Titania, she suffers from the same problems.

#2: Seems like you still haven't realized that CC is no longer king, DMG is. Decoys suck, a moving decoy sucks even more if it doesn't work like Mallet, which absorbs and reflects enemy fire. The Teleport is vastly inferior to ones we already have, as it's not an instantaneous long-range Teleport but a slow moving one.

#3: Again, Octavia syndrome. Mallet is good because it scales infinitely, but it's still a boring ability to use. This one is just terrible and unfun.

#4: Pretty much a worse Mesa/Revenant ult. No clue why you keep adding those lazy channeled abilities that slow down the pace of the game and are more of a hindrance than a benefit. If my weapons already deal more dmg than that terrible ability, why would I waste energy on it?

She has absolutely nothing going for her other than the design, and I'm disappointed by your performance. This really needs to improve in the future. Her stats are bad, her kit is bad, and pretty much most frames do everything she does and do it better. There's no reason to use her. You pretty much created a frame that's made up of all problems most Warframes suffer from.



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2 minutes ago, Flandre_Scarlet_ said:

I'm starting to think DE no longer plays their own damn game. Have you really forgotten about your past screwups like Titania, Vauban, and Octavia?

I feel insulted that your last really good Warframes came out almost 3 years ago (Nidus and Inaros), and seeing that you actively refuse to accept player feedback is a sign that something needs to change. If you're running out of good frame ideas, just ask the community.


 #1: I despise deployables, they're absolutely lazy and unfun to use. Her buffs are bad, and since you pretty much made her a copy of Titania, she suffers from the same problems.

 #2: Seems like you still haven't realized that CC is no longer king, DMG is. Decoys suck, a moving decoy sucks even more if it doesn't work like Mallet, which absorbs and reflects enemy fire. The Teleport is vastly inferior to ones we already have, as it's not an instantaneous long-range Teleport but a slow moving one.

#3: Again, Octavia syndrome. Mallet is good because it scales infinitely, but it's still a boring ability to use. This one is just terrible and unfun.

#4: Pretty much a worse Mesa/Revenant ult. No clue why you keep adding those lazy channeled abilities that slow down the pace of the game and are more of a hindrance than a benefit. If my weapons already deal more dmg than that terrible ability, why would I waste energy on it?

She has absolutely nothing going for her other than the design, and I'm disappointed by your performance. This really needs to improve in the future. Her stats are bad, her kit is bad, and pretty much most frames do everything she does and do it better. There's no reason to use her. You pretty much created a frame that's made up of all problems most Warframes suffer from.



Again...why in general discussion...

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16 minutes ago, YandereWaifu said:

no frame dies in 1 hit at level 60 hell even at lvl 100 smh (unless your just like standing still not moving)


By definition your amount of movement does not determine whether you die or not from a single hit. Just sayin'. When you get hit, if its a single hit, you die or you don't. whether or not you're evading through movement, one hit is one hit.

Also, it depends on the attack. Corpus snipers start hitting pretty hard around 60~, so do toxic ancients.

Edited by Skaleek
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Just now, Hyro1 said:

Dev stream hasn't ended and we already got this, like damn

i have my popcorn ready as i have prepared for this now i shall enjoy the fires 

wisp looks cool and i look forward to relaying the details of her to my gf 

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Just now, (PS4)Mordecai_Vrykul said:

she seems to be a point guard type character.

Looks great imo

I like how with her one the reservoirs dont disappear so team mates dont have to run to you for the buffs.

Yeah for now i only see her in defense and interception missions.

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vor 25 Minuten schrieb ShikiRen:

And number 4, another take on the Revenant-ult-type which nobody effing likes because you are stuck in the animation not using anything else

I like it. It's better than anything I hoped for.


Your argument is invalid.

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What I don't get is why General Discussion is the location of choice to complain about a free game treating you poorly by your definition. I feel this frame could be a lot of fun if people use it correctly, which is the caveat, most people have no idea how to use the frames they play, myself included sometimes when I'm not interested in the frame itself.

I would really like to play this frame as I can see ways to make it work well for my style. The only gripe I have is I do not know if I can remove the deployable and re-deploy (thinking mobdef mostly). If I can remove and redeploy the points I'll enjoy this a lot.

Edited by Creegz
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12 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

Hey, I happen to have liked the original Garuda Goddess of Gore and Maim ult that was originaly intended, the sun made of blades! Her slash procs is so boring to look at and cast...
And again, Revenant aside from it looking like a dancing ballerina, is quite nice and adaptive.

It's effective, it's not boring... although I do understand the appeal of single cast abilities and the dynamics of it. I can agree on that. But if we wanted a beam-on-cast we can just use Opticor. It would need a lot more to it if it was to be cast-and-forget.

If you want a visual spectacle, there's already frames out there that not only allow you to start a god damn light show, but that also deal better damage. Mirage for example.

The problem with her kit is that every single one of her abilities already exists as part of other Warframe's kits, except that pretty much all abilities are worse versions of their original abilities. She won't see much play, calling it now. She has nothing going for her other than her looks.

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