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What about solo players?


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What exactly is your question here?

To be honest, focusing on solo mode is a double edged sword. If anything can be done in solo AND even better then what would be the point to go with other people/online?

If solo is possible and/or it isn't inhumanly harder to do something, then it's just fine. Raids were also funny for this: you had to put two pieces together for once, not just: go there and kill/wait (right, mobile defense? Yes, I hate you)

Edited by Asdryu
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8 minutes ago, Asdryu said:

What exactly is your question here?

To be honest, focusing on solo mode is a double edged sword. If anything can be done in solo AND even better then what would be the point to go with other people/online?

If solo is possible and/or it isn't inhumanly harder to do something, then it's just fine. Raids were also funny for this: you had to put two pieces together for once, not just: go there and kill/wait (right, mobile defense? Yes, I hate you)

I just want solo raids when raids return... Otherwise no complaints here.

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You can easily solo the star chart. You can solo the eidolons, sortie, profit taker and that other S#&$ty one. Not sure what you're missing out if you want to solo the game. As long as you understand that doing alone will take more effort in gearing and playing than if you do it in a team.

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How many missions are better to do solo? very few.

If you do it with other 3 people, you got more enemies = more loot, more buff, more help. It is just better in many ways.

I just do solo when I realize I can finish a mission faster than a full squad, e.g. capture, rescue.

Not many players are solo player so their opinion are usually ignored.

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One of the things we usually can't do solo (and quick) is leveling weapons and companions.

One of my wishlist is for our frame kill affinity to go to our weapons and companions so we don't have to face the shenanigans of hydron and ESO (mainly, early extractions).

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If you dig into interviews with the devs they reveal that they want to create long term players. One way to ensure that is to get players to make friends and join clans. 

I just treat solo as a personal challenge mode. When I’m powerful enough I go back and try to solo bosses and difficult defence missions. 

Unrelated, I’ve always wanted to try a no kill run with someone like Baruk just to see how far I can get. 

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I play pretty much exclusively solo. This game is called a "co-operative shooter" for a reason. From day one, I've always considered the way I'm playing to be not really what the devs intended. I do it anyway just to see if I can.

I do not expect to be catered to.

Edited by KnossosTNC
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5 minutes ago, (NSW)Sk0rp1on said:

If you dig into interviews with the devs they reveal that they want to create long term players. One way to ensure that is to get players to make friends and join clans. 

I just treat solo as a personal challenge mode. When I’m powerful enough I go back and try to solo bosses and difficult defence missions. 

Unrelated, I’ve always wanted to try a no kill run with someone like Baruk just to see how far I can get. 

warframe is a pretty anti-social game tbh. if you're lucky the most you will get is a few lines of text in missions. and clans aren't exactly social ether. there are exceptions but usually ut revolves around using resources outside of the game.

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It’s both.  It’s solo and team based. DE generally does a very good job of taking both into consideration.  However, just solo does create a handicap of no support. Coop play with randos is essentially solo play though, as most people kind of run off and do whatever.  Coop with a carefully crafted team that min maxes their entire group is a nearly unstoppable force, but you may be locked down into a single thing/place/role. All three types are equally as enjoyable for a variety of reasons, and pretty much all content can be done with them.  

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1 hour ago, (NSW)Sk0rp1on said:

If you dig into interviews with the devs they reveal that they want to create long term players. One way to ensure that is to get players to make friends and join clans.

This is true however, DE_Steve has said they want to encourage players to join clans & make friends but they do not want to FORCE Co-Op play to severely nor do they wish to make content inaccessible to Solo players. They do not wish to alienate what is a massive chunk of the playerbase. Solo players comprise a frighteningly large percent of the game's population & the unpunished Solo Play is one of Warframe's biggest draws.
Other games frequently punish Solo players as much as possible (Which really boggles me...I mean. Why? You should welcome all players.) and often develop negative reputations & miss out of a significant portion of sales because of it.

Additionally some people just do not do good in Clans, and/or their Friends will not play the game.
In-Game friendships are fickle. (DE has learned that via Nightwave. Nothing positive came from the "with a friend" challenges. I imagine this was a surprise to DE.)

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Solo play is completely possible, and you get a buncha experience from the stealth approach in missions where stealth makes sense. As someone who usually gets a buttload of people on board for new games, only to slowly have them filter out and leave me with a solo experience, I can say for sure the solo approach in Warframe is one of the more feasible options out there in a game of this sort. Many other games brutally punish or flat our prevent certain content without buddies. 

Clans and the population in general in Warframe are also pretty damn friendly and toxic people are far and few between, so even if your IRL friends drop out on you, the community is there to comfort you~ 

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Everything is more than possible that's currently in game though. Sure DE keeps trying to push co-op *cough* the horrible choice of "with friends" Nightwave tasks *cough cough*

The worst thing solo is leveling. It's not like we can go to a defense mission and AFK while other players level weapons for you. We actually have to level them ourselves. I would be MR24, maybe MR25 if the leveling process wasn't so dull (currently have 61 weapons built that I need to level, but I just let them sit there for months and months)

Edited by --Brandt--
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Wait what?

While the game is designed a bit around multi-player, the entire quest system revolves around the solo protagonist as opposed to the squad.

Frames don't gain many benefits from synergy, while missions and even bosses aren't really designed around using others (a few exceptions with the orbs, maybe).

Sure others make it easier, to a point of being mostly trivial when you have 4 players (especially in a co-ordinated group).  This is a large part why players can be scattered off to each their own corners of the maps (typically still playing as individuals).

I wouldn't want to see it more driven to group play however, just more incentives and synergies for when people do play that way.

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1 hour ago, Vortuna said:

One of the things we usually can't do solo (and quick) is leveling weapons and companions.

One of my wishlist is for our frame kill affinity to go to our weapons and companions so we don't have to face the shenanigans of hydron and ESO (mainly, early extractions).

You can do it fast solo it's just a little more work and does depend on the weapon.

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