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Thumpers are... Where do I even start?


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30 minutes ago, Annnoth said:

Exploiter isnt really a challenge in my opinion. Outside of the first part with the rapid fire cannon it uses it poses almost no threat at all. 

It just takes time.

Yeah, I'm really worried about this trend of people praising Exploiter as a good boss. I mean, yeah, you can do it with almost any loadout. That's what happens when you make the boss and its adds immune to everything and thereby remove almost all gameplay mechanics from the game. Good game design? I don't know about that...

At least the Thumpers can be CCed, which I like a lot. Even DE has noticed CC frames have fallen out of favor, and this is a small step in the right direction IMO. I'm okay with bosses being tough, I'm not okay with bosses being arbitrarily immune to abilities.

Edited by SordidDreams
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6 minutes ago, Blackwolfe said:

For me, the ugly would be that it everyone seems hellbent on killing these things during bounties 😛

Other than that I have nothing against thumpers in their current form.

Lol that is definitely ugly. You can see on that vid I purposely abandoned the bounty, selecting bounty 5 is only to increase their level and their loot drops.

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Yeah, I did that as well when I was actively hunting thumpers with or without people (friends or clannies, on invite only mode). Soloed a fair few without any cc. Sure it took longer but very much doable.

Killed some directly after the plains remaster update without having a clue what the fight would be like but it was obvious pretty quickly what to do. That, and floof hunting (which capped daily rep with ostron faster than any bounty ever could)

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I know better to hope with DE..I mean they get it half right and then it goes way off the rails...I so want a giant boss that chases you and makes you consider going around it...I really want a Roller the size of tank chasing me..with the feeling of the dread in hearing the Left4Dead Tank around the corner...or the ping of the motion sensor when the Alien from Alien Isolation is getting savvy to you...I can go as far back as the T-rex with the gatling guns in Turok making you scramble for a drain to the roar of the original Cyber Demon to the screech of the first Machine Boss in Descent...I just miss a good monster...

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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3 hours ago, lexandritte said:

THE GOOD: Resource drops for kills! Good for people who don't like fishing or mining! (I like fishing and mining).

THE BAD: Economy got turned so upside down you barely need new resources anymore.

Why does Warframe do this ? The resource grind on Cetus was so bad... after I got my "Meta" Arcanes and amps I never bothered crafting anymore. Sentirum just refuses to drop.... I kept up with my standing to buy blueprints but never crafted them.... whos got time if Sentirum never drops and fishing hotslots get bugged ? 

Then they Change the whole system so drasically that literally have 0 Reason to be on Cetus anymore.... I killed a few thumpers and then I realised I don't need any of that junk.

Why is this game so Polarising ? 

Why not have a decent system at the start instead of two Exremes that just warp the experience regardless if where you were before or after the update ?

The same thing is probably going to happen to all that crap on Fortuna too...

3 hours ago, Blackwolfe said:

For me, the ugly would be that it everyone seems hellbent on killing these things during bounties 😛

That's Because Thumper Domas only spawn during Bounties.... I heard in Free roam mode you'l only see Regular thumpers.

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1 hour ago, Lutesque said:

Why does Warframe do this ? The resource grind on Cetus was so bad... after I got my "Meta" Arcanes and amps I never bothered crafting anymore. Sentirum just refuses to drop.... I kept up with my standing to buy blueprints but never crafted them.... whos got time if Sentirum never drops and fishing hotslots get bugged ? 

Then they Change the whole system so drasically that literally have 0 Reason to be on Cetus anymore.... I killed a few thumpers and then I realised I don't need any of that junk.

Why is this game so Polarising ? 

Why not have a decent system at the start instead of two Exremes that just warp the experience regardless if where you were before or after the update ?

The same thing is probably going to happen to all that crap on Fortuna too...

That's Because Thumper Domas only spawn during Bounties.... I heard in Free roam mode you'l only see Regular thumpers. 

Well yes, but there are ways around that. Start a bounty and then abandon it. But don't unnecessarily scale up the amount of enemies for people that actually want to just do the bounties.

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5 hours ago, lexandritte said:

THE GOOD: They are miniboss enemy that can survive for longer than 15 seconds. It's good.

THE BAD: The damage reduction, the goddamn damage reduction on those things. I swear that my 300%+ PS Chroma at maximum buff doesn't increase my damage against them. Opticor blasts start at 500-700, they are still at 500-700 when buffed.

THE GOOD: Resource drops for kills! Good for people who don't like fishing or mining! (I like fishing and mining).

THE BAD: Economy got turned so upside down you barely need new resources anymore.

THE GOOD: They drop a new weapon blueprint!

THE BAD: Blueprint drop chance is 2.5% for medium thumper or 5% for the hardest. I'm pretty sure I'm over 30 mixed kills so far and still nothing. Also, weapons stats seem to be pretty average to warrant such a gate, I'm only farming for it for that sweet, sweet MR and 100% completion.

THE GOOD: Modular enemy design! Shoot it's turrets to temporarily disable them!

THE BAD: Good fooking luck shooting those legs. Especially solo. Especially when it's two rear legs. Especially because Thumper AI constantly tries to face you so you can never get a solid shot on two rear legs. And that's 50% of it's HP in those legs. 

I get that Thumpers were probably in development at the same time Exploiter was, and it was hard to change course after overwhelming positive feedback of Exploiter fight, but fighting Thumpers feels worse than fighting Profit Taker. There is literally a considerable change in the tone of fight when it gets to the point of "two rear legs remaining". Two front legs - sure, you tank, you hit the weakpoints, you try to max your damage with different loadouts, but the back two?

Constantly trying to operator dash or bullet jump through the fooker just to have start instantly spining around hiding that weakpoint from you.
You get the bead on the weakpoint only to have the fooker jump right on you.
It pauses giving you a shot? Good luck taking advatange of those 3 seconds of stillness, because it's winding up knockdown thumping session.

CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK: The easiest way I see making Thumpers more bearable right now is two steps:
1. Wind back that damage reduction a bit.
2. MAKE THEM PAUSE MORE OFTEN. The same way Profit Taker collapses when you take all her legs out, stopping it's attacks and giving you a shot at her exposed state, make Thumpers collapse for 10-15 seconds if we deal enough damage to their non-leg or non-HP-related bits, giving us a shot at those LOTUS-DAMNED REAR LEGS.

Harder way to fix Thumpers:
1. Make not have a "front" side. They have guns sticking out everywhere, change the AI so it can walk and attack you in any direction, not try to turn to face the aggro with the "front" side all the time. That way we can switch to whatever side we want to attack easier.

Thumpers are annoying bulletsponges with teeny-tiny weakpoints that have way too much damage reduction, and apart from a MR-granting weapon that's locked in their loot table there's no reason to fight the frustration of fighting them.

They only try to face you more often if you don't disable their cannons.

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5 hours ago, lexandritte said:

THE BAD: The damage reduction, the goddamn damage reduction on those things. I swear that my 300%+ PS Chroma at maximum buff doesn't increase my damage against them. Opticor blasts start at 500-700, they are still at 500-700 when buffed.

I think it's a DPS cap, similar to the Juggernaut's shell

I brought a super potato-forma'd Rubico Prime and a not-built-at-all Lato Vandal. The Rubico Prime was obviously having its damage reduced, but the Lato Vandal wasn't dealing the kind of "2 damage" I was expecting

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6 hours ago, lexandritte said:

THE BAD: The damage reduction, the goddamn damage reduction on those things. I swear that my 300%+ PS Chroma at maximum buff doesn't increase my damage against them. Opticor blasts start at 500-700, they are still at 500-700 when buffed.

Dude look at your first point... if you remove it they dont survive longer than 15 seconds xD

6 hours ago, lexandritte said:

THE BAD: Economy got turned so upside down you barely need new resources anymore.

Thats not a bad thing. To get fish and ore stuff on the plains was horrific. Its a good change. Ignore the market.

6 hours ago, lexandritte said:

THE BAD: Blueprint drop chance is 2.5% for medium thumper or 5% for the hardest. I'm pretty sure I'm over 30 mixed kills so far and still nothing. Also, weapons stats seem to be pretty average to warrant such a gate, I'm only farming for it for that sweet, sweet MR and 100% completion.

Again: Its a reward that people dont have after 10 seconds. Thats a good thing. Buy it with plat if you want it so badly. That option exist.

6 hours ago, lexandritte said:

THE BAD: Good fooking luck shooting those legs. Especially solo. Especially when it's two rear legs. Especially because Thumper AI constantly tries to face you so you can never get a solid shot on two rear legs. And that's 50% of it's HP in those legs. 

Its ez solo without anything really. Its the gimmick of this mini boss... do you also complain about Lephantis fight? lol Thats how bosses SHOULD be killed/ damaged.

6 hours ago, lexandritte said:

1. Wind back that damage reduction a bit.


6 hours ago, lexandritte said:

2. MAKE THEM PAUSE MORE OFTEN. The same way Profit Taker collapses when you take all her legs out, stopping it's attacks and giving you a shot at her exposed state, make Thumpers collapse for 10-15 seconds if we deal enough damage to their non-leg or non-HP-related bits, giving us a shot at those LOTUS-DAMNED REAR LEGS.

No. We are so mobile... why should the enemies be so slow. The fight is meant to be confusing and not a boring genetic ez fight.

6 hours ago, lexandritte said:

Thumpers are annoying bulletsponges with teeny-tiny weakpoints that have way too much damage reduction,

You know what? That is exactly what a (mini) boss should be like. Never played other games?


6 hours ago, lexandritte said:

and apart from a MR-granting weapon that's locked in their loot table there's no reason to fight the frustration of fighting them. 

Then ignore them if you dont need anything from them.




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@Aldain @lexandritte here you are gentlemen. I put the eidolon killer back in the uber closet :) , dusted off my lex prime, removed all the hard to get mods from it ie primed and shadow debt ones and got stuck in. The volt build is purely an efficiency build, admittedly it has arcane guardian but that's only because I forgot to unequip it, I barely got attacked anyway because the volt shield blocks it all. Keep in mind this is a bounty 5 thumper, they are much easier on lower bounties but give better loot at higher level obviously. This lex prime build and sarpa build should be much more approachable for newer players to equip, I doubt that much forma is needed for the lex it's just the amount I have for when I use the primed mods and everything else I have. The 2 most important things shown here are removing the armour with shattering impact(watch it's health go from yellow to red) and using temporal blast to slow it down for easy weakpoint shots. Keep in mind if you do not strip the armour, you are attempting to shoot through an alloy armour value of 5000, compared to only 100 with it stripped... Weapon builds shown at the end of the video so you can see that I didn't swap out my build or cheat.

For the record a new player could use literally any sniper rifle and make the fight easier for themselves, this is just to show it can be done comfortably with a budget build.

Edited by Zilchy
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1 hour ago, Blackwolfe said:

Well yes, but there are ways around that. Start a bounty and then abandon it. But don't unnecessarily scale up the amount of enemies for people that actually want to just do the bounties.

What ?

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i like the walking supply tank 

i get a laugh every time it jumps 

i would how ever make so if it going to fire the big gun at you it has to fully point at you and will give up doing it if you move  too far instead of well shooting sideways or backwards and maybe make the damage point abit bigger it seems alittle picky since it has boss CC resist maybe a way to slow it down or make it over heat 

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2 hours ago, Zilchy said:

here you are gentlemen

That does the trick nicely, and in a decent timeframe too when compared to the Rubico, at least these aren't as spongy as I feared, and these don't randomly invade so they can be easily prepared for if wanting to be farmed

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I will give you my tips on how to defeat them easier:

-Get Zenurik with the Void Blast node that slows them down for a bit (this works for everything) it give enough time to get to other side and shoot the legs

-Dont get a sniper is a suggested if you cant aim, just something with good damage, most I got with my Paris prime with a cc riven was 600

-Get a loki/Ivara/Octavia/Ash that can go invisible so the thumper doesnt see you

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I just wish these things didnt turn around so much. In solo it became so frustrating to fight that I just gave up hunting them until my girlfriend could play with me. Even then, it still felt like it never stopped moving and we both had some trouble connecting our shots. Once I heard that Nova can slow it, the fight became trivial, we got our Korrudo bp,  and i have no reason to ever fight it again.


Making it turn less would result in more easily connected shots, which wouldnt make me feel forced to play nova just so that i can actually damage it. I could also play a damage increase frame if i want, but i would be okay with just a frame that can survive too.

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3 hours ago, Aldain said:

That does the trick nicely, and in a decent timeframe too when compared to the Rubico, at least these aren't as spongy as I feared, and these don't randomly invade so they can be easily prepared for if wanting to be farmed

It's only a bullet sponge if you don't remove that outer 5000 armour value. Then you'll be shooting it for a year with anything less than that rubico of mine.

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7 hours ago, Zilchy said:

using temporal blast to slow it down for easy weakpoint shots

And if that's not easy enough, use Nova's 4 and Temporal Blast together for a 95% slow.

7 hours ago, Zilchy said:

removing the armour with shattering impact(watch it's health go from yellow to red)

Mmmm, I'm a bit worried SI has a nerf coming. An SI Sarpa has become a staple of basically all my loadouts recently, since DE decided to start adding lots of tough enemies immune to status procs.

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1 minute ago, SordidDreams said:

And if that's not easy enough, use Nova's 4 and Temporal Blast together for a 95% slow.

Mmmm, I'm a bit worried SI has a nerf coming. An SI Sarpa has become a staple of basically all my loadouts recently, since DE decided to start adding lots of tough enemies immune to status procs.

Yeh I noticed though that Nova's 4 once your duration timer runs out, unlike a normal enemy it doesn't stay primed so you need to recast. I guess cos we're shooting it and technically releasing the prime damage.

Nooo don't say that, it's such a great mod. I mean I could use my kitty instead but geez it's a handy piece of kit.

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6 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

Yeh I noticed though that Nova's 4 once your duration timer runs out, unlike a normal enemy it doesn't stay primed so you need to recast. I guess cos we're shooting it and technically releasing the prime damage.

Nooo don't say that, it's such a great mod. I mean I could use my kitty instead but geez it's a handy piece of kit.

I think it just has a reduced duration on them. Which I'm okay with, it is a miniboss, so it should take more effort. It's a good middle ground between being completely immune and staying slowed for the entire duration (and thereby becoming completely trivial). If anything, I'm really happy it's the duration that's reduced and not the amount of slow.

"Fixed a bug that caused Shattering Impact to reduce base armor. It now reduces total armor as we totally always intended." And I bet the nerf is going to happen in the same update that gives us Sarpa Prime, just to rub salt in the wound.

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4 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

I think it just has a reduced duration on them. Which I'm okay with, it is a miniboss, so it should take more effort. It's a good middle ground between being completely immune and staying slowed for the entire duration and thereby becoming completely trivial). If anything, I'm really happy it's the duration that's reduced and not the amount of slow.

"Fixed a bug that caused Shattering Impact to reduce base armor. It now reduces total armor as we totally always intended." And I bet the nerf is going to happen in the same update that gives us Sarpa Prime, just to rub salt in the wound.

You could be right about that, personally I love them I had 2 spawn at once the other day solo with my nekros vs 2 at level 50 😄 That was a great scrap with the grineer coming in by dropship and 2 giant robot frogs jumping around. Nekros SoS build ftw. By the way, his despoil works on them incase the loot drops from them weren't insane enough already 😕

That nerf patch would make me very sad 😞

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