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Did I just get trolled?


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Was doing the Kuva survival 60 min nightwave objective got to 57 mins we were doing well for a public group, then the host leaves...

Spawn back in kuva siphon dies, tanky abilities are deactivated so we all die, our life support has some how gone down from 80% to 15%.

Life support runs down since no siphons available.

Mission failed.

Edited by Sept3var
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Gerade eben schrieb Ryim_Drykeon:

Possible. Also possible that the Host lost power (lots of storms in the US atm), or their ISP took a crap.

This. Could be troll but could be many other things. His connection was lost or power broke down.

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13 minutes ago, Sept3var said:

Was doing the Kuva survival 60 min nightwave objective got to 57 mins we were doing well for a public group, then the host leaves...

Spawn back in kuva siphon dies, tanky abilities are deactivated so we all die, our life support has some how gone down from 80% to 15%.

Life support runs down since no siphons available.

Mission failed.

Blame DEVS for that pal, not players, host isnt guilty, myabe he was lose connection from his ISP or lose electricity in his house!

For all that blame DEVS and their challenges! 🤗

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Did he extract separately? If so, probably a troll (or clueless)

If he just randomly quit, doubt it. Probably just connection issue.

There are ways to troll the mission without losing out on Kuva and rotation rewards. Otherwise he kind of trolled himself as much as he did the team.

Edited by RushBCyka
I'm being vague because I don't want to spread ideas (though it's kind of obvious), not because I do this. I hate trolls as much as anyone.
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21 minutes ago, AvPCelticPredator said:

Blame DEVS for that pal, not players, host isnt guilty, myabe he was lose connection from his ISP or lose electricity in his house!

For all that blame DEVS and their challenges! 🤗

oh yes lets bash the devs for giving us a tall order that god forbids wants people to co-op together in a co-op game the entire game should be solo-able so no should have to be forced to interact with other people in a multiplayer game :clem:

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42 minutes ago, Sept3var said:

Was doing the Kuva survival 60 min nightwave objective got to 57 mins we were doing well for a public group, then the host leaves...

Spawn back in kuva siphon dies, tanky abilities are deactivated so we all die, our life support has some how gone down from 80% to 15%.

Life support runs down since no siphons available.

Mission failed.

Is a feature, you shouldn't be exploiting the game by playing... uh, OK, I can't even grasp the straws on this one.

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44 minutes ago, AvPCelticPredator said:

Blame DEVS for that pal, not players, host isnt guilty, myabe he was lose connection from his ISP or lose electricity in his house!

For all that blame DEVS and their challenges! 🤗

Not only their challenges but their decision to, instead of fixing hosting issues, just give revives in Arbitration, like that fixes the problems that host migrations cause EVERYWHERE ELSE?

20 minutes ago, seprent said:

oh yes lets bash the devs for giving us a tall order that god forbids wants people to co-op together in a co-op game the entire game should be solo-able so no should have to be forced to interact with other people in a multiplayer game :clem:

Problem isn't the challenges, most challenges aren't even challenging, more like annoying...
And you know what, i used to say the same thing, oh, you don't have any friends, be social... But guess what: All of my friends quit because of Nightwave!

The problem here, is actually two different problems:
1) Nightwave is supposed to replace Alerts, Alerts were NOT endgame content, so by extention, neither should Nightwave. If they want to challenge people, make challenging content, not this half assed crap that doesn't fix the reason why people don't do the content in the first place. Telling us to do 60 minutes of survival, does not fix the reasons why people don't do it in the first place!

It's actually worse! Forcing people into doing stuff they wouldn't do because they know it sux, is just constantly reminding them of the most egregious negative aspects of warframe! It's just reinforcing the negativity and driving people away. If anything they should be happy that people play the rest of the game, despite the glaring flaws that the game has. Not force them to plough through those flaws.

2) The original post isn't even about Nightwave itself, it's about the crippling mishandling of Host Migrations and the whole P2P hosting situation. At this day and age, Servers are cheap enough that they could at least come up with a hybrid solution. Their cheapness, and insistence in P2P, without even creating buffers or a full pause, and backup of the game state when host migrates, is simply game-breaking. And instead of fixing this, they sweep it under the rug by removing the original concept of Arbitrations, the perma-death...
Honestly, i don't recognize this DE... It's bad decision on top of bad decision. Arbitrations, Nightwave, all these are just bad design to their core, and could have been easily the best thing they had ever done, if not for, frankly amateurish decisions that, I, not a professional in the field, could have told them would backfire horrendously. Heck, I DID predict that Nightwave would be a downgrade of Alerts just from their initial description.

And i'll tell you more, this 60 minute Kuva challenge was the one that drove my friends away, not because it's hard but because the game is so buggy it forced us to fail.
I wasn't the host but was playing Nekros, and being the only people increasing the life support rates, and got a dc that reduced the life support gains so much they couldn't keep up. And why? Well, because it was basically just one guy killing... We took a newbie from our clan with us, and it was going fine, until the 4th guy on the team lost his weapon due to the Hyeka master bug that would toss the weapon out of reach for the client (my brother, the host, could see the weapon clearly, but the guy was seeing it under the map). So with reduced damage, when i dcd they couldn't keep the life support going without the extra loot from desecrate, and had to use a capsule, at 50 minutes in...

Every one of the guys that participated have pretty much never played warframe since, except me.

Edited by ReaverKane
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5 minutes ago, seprent said:

oh yes lets bash the devs for giving us a tall order that god forbids wants people to co-op together in a co-op game the entire game should be solo-able so no should have to be forced to interact with other people in a multiplayer game :clem:

calling out the devs on the mistake of letting the mission continue while the host migration is active is a valid complaint. the amount of times I've died in arbitrations as rhino because host migration stops your abilities but not the enemies or life support is stupid.

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Probably an accident after 57 minutes. Some unavoidable circumstance or something. Now for it to continue during host migration I understand fundamentally how that can happen but that is absolutely a valid complaint.

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1 hour ago, sleepychewbacca said:

Could be a troll, could be bad internet, could be an unavoidable accident like a power outage, who knows really? 

I know but I'm not telling *muahahahahahahahahaha* 

(doesn't actually know) 

Edited by Oreades
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1 hour ago, seprent said:

oh yes lets bash the devs for giving us a tall order that god forbids wants people to co-op together in a co-op game the entire game should be solo-able so no should have to be forced to interact with other people in a multiplayer game :clem:

I don’t interact with anyone but clan mates, way too many problems otherwise 

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1 hour ago, stormy505 said:

calling out the devs on the mistake of letting the mission continue while the host migration is active is a valid complaint. the amount of times I've died in arbitrations as rhino because host migration stops your abilities but not the enemies or life support is stupid.

I agree with you 100 percent 

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2 hours ago, seprent said:

oh yes lets bash the devs for giving us a tall order that god forbids wants people to co-op together in a co-op game the entire game should be solo-able so no should have to be forced to interact with other people in a multiplayer game :clem:

I'd rather blame them for not developing a better alternative to their S#&$ty peer-to-peer matchmaking in six years.

I had to solo for the first ~4 years I played the game because I couldn't connect to 95% of hosts.

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1 hour ago, stormy505 said:

calling out the devs on the mistake of letting the mission continue while the host migration is active is a valid complaint. the amount of times I've died in arbitrations as rhino because host migration stops your abilities but not the enemies or life support is stupid.

oh im all for that just their manner in doing or at least how i picked up on it is why are they even bothering or using it as a excuse for they them self for not liking it i dont like it welp thats DE's fault for making something i dont like comes off as idk uptight snob to me that kinda thing grinds the gears 

5 minutes ago, (PS4)chubbslawson said:

I don’t interact with anyone but clan mates, way too many problems otherwise 

similar boat i only really play with my and pubs if its a straight forward objective 

1 hour ago, ReaverKane said:

metric ton of words



Well here is the thing this game whether we like it or not is meta driven yes alerts are not end game you are correct and most of the normal tasks is stuff you can easily do on the side of what ever you are doing but the community always has one problem or another with the elite ones since they request you either co-op with friends or some other condition EX: index 3 times in a row with no enemy scoring, Farm kuva for 60 minutes. The elite tasks are broken down by us to be as simple as can be pretty much its boring because we know how to do it already and i ask this of you how would you propose a challenge that can be simplified with a meta and not ostracized by the forums as unnecessary busy work for content. I see it like this power creep meta allows you to simplify a challenge to the point it boring its classified as a challenge just one that below your skill/build/whatever. People are mostly using endgame/riven/powercreeped stuff for these things then you look at the other attempt of a challenge in the wolf who was nerfed several times over due to people complaining he is being too much of a sponge for the million points of damage we are used to pushing out. This community wants a challenge then when getting one simplifies it to the point it to just another Monday morning asking again for challenge again. The best enemy is a dead one is the meta right now so unless DE starts meta gaming us like a DM who pissed off at all their players challenge might as well not be in the book kinda makes me wonder why they try we meta it to be easy within a day or so then we are back to square one on the forums. It's insanity on both fronts

As for the server thing i cannot give a solid answer only speculation as to why they haven't id hazard a guess it might be Warframe was built around it from the very beginning and to shift it would cause more problems then it would solve. Maybe DE doesnt want to trust other then their servers with handling of player data you could probably ask steve on twitter if you really wanted too also think the mogamu interview with them gave a answer to that. Btw in this day in age makes me think of the it is Current year meme. On the side note doesnt it make all players invincible after a host migration i had one during a arbitration (got mad he got sniped by a enemy as banshee) and i was invulnerable for about 3 seconds  

For everything else well if you predicted the prototype would be worse then the thing thats been there for years well what do you want a cookie? I predicted the same thing and still played it do we both get cookies i also predict much like the rough draft of anything its going to be bad and they will take what they learned from this series and apply to the next. 

"It's bad decision on top of bad decision. Arbitrations, Nightwave, all these are just bad design to their core, and could have been easily the best thing they had ever done, if not for, frankly amateurish decisions that, I, not a professional in the field, could have told them would backfire horrendously. Heck, I DID predict that Nightwave would be a downgrade of Alerts just from their initial description."

you remind me of a sorta freind i have who runs his mouth claiming he has not a professional in these field yet starts dictating things like they are and how DE could fix everything if they did it his way you were not going for that but you have given me a case of deja vu besides that well we are on the receiving end of you dont know unless you try if its as bad as you say it is well the door is there nothing is keeping you from leaving

as for your experience all i can is ok and? one overtly buggy run made your freinds quit im sorry to ask but was that suppose to impact me in some way? because all i gotta say is welp try again S*** happens. Since a DC is a number of reason not strictly DE's fault the only real thing that was DE's fault in that run was your friend losing their weapon and that resulted in a squad of 4 i assume with only 1 person being a newbie coming down 1 person doing all the killing and you got to 50 min well pretty good job for only one person doing the killing you look over your gear fix what you can and try again idk what else to tell ya



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11 minutes ago, FlyingDice said:

I'd rather blame them for not developing a better alternative to their S#&$ty peer-to-peer matchmaking in six years.

I had to solo for the first ~4 years I played the game because I couldn't connect to 95% of hosts.

that sounds more like a ISP provider problem then anything else then again i dont know your connectivity to other multiplayer games 

the fact you can play with other people also shows they been improving their "S#&$ty peer-to-peer matchmaking" im guessing the better alternative you want is dedicated servers i mean come on what else could be classed as better? carrier pigeon?, bow and arrow with it on the shaft?, email? ive had no problems with it unless im going out of my way to make problems for it like that one week i forget i could change connects and was trying to play in Australia  

so this game has been built coded and risen up from P2P connection method do you think it would be simple to just flip some switch and bam dedicated servers because those things are  way easier said then done if they did decide to go though with that the game would pretty scrambled for few days to week or so or there could complications they choose not to we dont know their reason we can only guess its why i dont take anyone saying they are X for not doing this its only them guessing it 

but hey what would we know we are just strangers on the internet maybe it works that way maybe it doesn't 

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23 hours ago, seprent said:

that sounds more like a ISP provider problem then anything else then again i dont know your connectivity to other multiplayer games 

the fact you can play with other people also shows they been improving their "S#&$ty peer-to-peer matchmaking" im guessing the better alternative you want is dedicated servers i mean come on what else could be classed as better? carrier pigeon?, bow and arrow with it on the shaft?, email? ive had no problems with it unless im going out of my way to make problems for it like that one week i forget i could change connects and was trying to play in Australia  

so this game has been built coded and risen up from P2P connection method do you think it would be simple to just flip some switch and bam dedicated servers because those things are  way easier said then done if they did decide to go though with that the game would pretty scrambled for few days to week or so or there could complications they choose not to we dont know their reason we can only guess its why i dont take anyone saying they are X for not doing this its only them guessing it 

but hey what would we know we are just strangers on the internet maybe it works that way maybe it doesn't 

You can stop with the smug condescension. Obviously I'm talking about dedicated servers -- y'know, the standard for online multiplayer that was already the standard before WF hit open beta. I know they didn't have the budget for it back then, but there's no excuse now.

It was an ISP issue, but it was only an issue because of the P2P setup. I had zero connectivity problems with any other game I played at the time. Of course you're free to keep spouting off ignorant half-insults and making apologies for DE instead of paying attention since you seem to be rather keen on it.

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