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End of Nightwave - Life back in Warframe


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@AyinDygra just different perspective. 

I have 2 jobs, a company and i am 34. 

And i am a completionist. From my perspective getting everything is 10 times easier in nw (besides wolf stuff) than any other "event" in warframe, i can predict stuff and to get everything i need 60ish% of completion. So generous, so forgiving, so rngless. I wish everything was like that. 

Most things i lack (i have almost all weapons, frames, mods, arcanes on the orbiter standing there waiting when i will want to have fun with them) are from Plague Star because its short and you need to do it in those few days i usually miss or wait months or years to get another shot. This year it comes july which is excatly when i have 2 long journeys (planed way before in december) during which i have no way or intention to play the game. With previous alerts it took me few months for vauban chassis, i had prime version far earlier. It took me 1 year and nw to get 2nd darksword bp and 2 cosmetics i lacked. 

If my kavat had excess drain i would use umbral forma on it, she likes shinny stuff. Thats how needed i consider it for anything in warframe content.

Tell me with all honesty that you think there will be content that requires maxed umbral mods to be even close to required or even a "meta". You can put 12-14's with a sacrifice of an exilus and careful planing on frames that can profit from that which are few to begin with (valkyr, chroma, nidus, inaros..?)  and melee.. The sword designed for sentients has 90 drain.. And on top those mods dont change much they can be used to get a bit more of opness and the tau resistance (which i suppose might get crazy opie) for the upcoming fights with sentients, but its kinda like saying we will need a 220%+ buff rhino at any point in the game to complete something. It wont happen...i wish it did, but nah.. Imagine the outrage. 

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1 hour ago, peterc3 said:

If Nightwave Season 1 made you feel like you were forced to do a bunch of stuff you didn't normally do or want to do, it is in your best interest to take the opportunity to ask yourself if you actually like playing the game.

It didn't ask you to do anything outside the ordinary in the game. Doing some small section of the game might be fun, but DE is not making just that small piece.

Do you actually like to play the entire game? If yes, Nightwave 1 wasn't an issue. If not, take the time to find another game that better encompasses what you like to play.

Sure I do. I just don't enjoy fishing, mining, mobile D,  spy, or rescue mission types, and don't really run assassinates anymore cos I have everything they drop and none of them are fun enough to warrant doing just to do them. 

Personally, I'm more amazed that there's apparently folks out there that do everything all the time in the normal course of play. 

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On 2019-05-14 at 8:44 AM, Zilchy said:

Um, you do realise of course that you could've just had fun in warframe while nightwave was on right? You didn't have to do it, you CHOSE to. That's on you, not the game.

That's what I don't get.  I will sometimes grind out for something but if I get that burn out feeling I just stop and do other things.  

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21 minutes ago, Paradoxity said:

fishing, mining, mobile D,  spy, or rescue mission types, and don't really run assassinates anymore

Let's see, that leaves...

Bounties, Profit Taker, Eidolons, Survival, Defense, Capture, Exterminate, Defection, Infested Salvage, Archwing, Onslaught, Kuva Assault

That's still a good portion of the game that you do enjoy doing (and I'm going to assume you just forgot about some of them existing and didn't mention them) and having to detour for 3 missions within a week's time frame shouldn't actually be cutting into your enjoyment in any large way. Crying out loud, 3 assassinates are perfectly lined up with doing a triple Phorid kill for some free crafted resources.

If you just do sorties every day then you actually run the risk of completing, or near completing, a good portion of the, "run this mission type," challenges, anyway, and if you don't enjoy fishing and mining then, of course, you could safely ignore them and still get to rank 30.

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7 hours ago, Psykhe27 said:

>umbral forma not that important

Casual .

It isnt important. It is a bonus, nothing more. Important would imply needed and if you truely need the UF, you perhaps should rethink who the casual actually is.

Werent you the guy boating about your massive MR e-weewee and saying how the game was too easy? And now you are here claiming the UF is important? Grade A contradictions mate, would rate 8/8 unless it's bait.

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7 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

It isnt important. It is a bonus, nothing more. Important would imply needed and if you truely need the UF, you perhaps should rethink who the casual actually is.

Yeah, my thoughts too. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I have it, but its been sitting in my inventory for 4-5 weeks now because I dunno what to do with it lol. I have frames that could benefit from extra mod capacity and three umbral mods sure, but most of them I can already do this because I used normal Forma on them. Maybe I'll just toss it on Hildryn since I've only forma'd her once but even then, there isn't anything I can't complete as is soooo...I'll probably just keep it in my inventory.

Edited by IntheCoconut
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1 minute ago, IntheCoconut said:

Yeah, my thoughts too. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I have it, but its been sitting in my inventory for 4-5 weeks now because I dunno what to do with it lol. I have frames that could benefit from extra mod capacity and three umbral mods sure, but most of them I can do this with already because I already used normal Forma on them. Maybe I'll just toss it on Hildryn since I've only forma'd her once but even then, there isn't anything I can't complete in the game with without it so...I'll probably just keep it in my inventory still.

I popped my first one on Frost Prime, second one will go to Oberon Prime, after that I will probably save them because most of my frames are already formed to hold 2 maxed umbral mobs and none of them want all 3.

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I don't get all the complaining.

I rarely ever check nightwave and don't even worry about it. Maybe once a week I open it up when I remember it exists, buy some nitain and then go back to forgetting it exists.

This may be biased though because I generally hate armor accessories, and I don't care for umbral forma. (I will agree 110% it doesn't belong there for rewards)


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14 hours ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

What is NOT "leisurely" about " Kill 20 enemies while Aim-Gliding" or "Open 20 Lockers"??  These "missions" weren't hard, or tedious....they were just a checklist of things you're mostly ALREADY DOING!

Why are you acting like those are the only missions? What's the point of someone at mastery rank 27 gilding something when they've likely done that kind of stuff already? What's the point in a mastery rank 27 guy like myself scanning things so I can then make the gear item to do the old grove stuff I'm already done with? What do I get out of doing bounties on earth if I've (thankfully) left that content behind? Putting 3 forma into something is easy... when they have new weapons I actually want to put forma into. Otherwise I'm just putting forma in things just cause and that's not going into the uncomfortable area with that challenge where it's a challenge that can benefit them monetarily in some way as someone is definitely paying plat for forma somewhere to accomplish it. 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)AllOrNothinDays said:

What's the point of someone at mastery rank 27 gilding something when they've likely done that kind of stuff already? What's the point in a mastery rank 27 guy like myself scanning things so I can then make the gear item to do the old grove stuff I'm already done with? What do I get out of doing bounties on earth if I've (thankfully) left that content behind? Putting 3 forma into something is easy... when they have new weapons I actually want to put forma into.

>Everyone in Warframe is in the same position I am

Yeah, some of the challenges can be bad but the game isn't full of only MR27 players who have everything done. There are plenty of people who never bothered to farm the auras from those Silver Grove enemies and this gave them incentive to go take a few swings at them. This gave them incentive to go build a new Kitgun, try out that Scaffold on that Amp they were thinking of, or slap together a Zaw from a weapon category they haven't actually tried yet. Not everyone has their entire arsenal buffed out with forma.

They're also lowering the amount of bounties you have to do, in Season 2, because they realized it was excessive.

I sympathize with the fact that you consider it busy work and I sympathize with the mind set of, "if you tell me to do it then I won't want to." I'm also MR27 with absolutely everything done, minus farming for some cosmetics that I don't even care if I get or not. Nightwave has to appeal to more than just me. The tasks I consider, "busy work," others will consider, "a reason," and gladly partake of something they would, otherwise, not have done.

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Nightwave the nightmare that met no expectations and devided players. Too hard or not hard enough. Too short or too long. Too much RNG, Wolf spawns too much. Too casual, to elite.

Maybe Nora will sign off and think long and hard about who and what she wants to be. She can't please all and if she keeps trying she will find herself more and more hated by "the dreamers".

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14 hours ago, Psianide73 said:

I quite enjoyed nightwave, though I did slow down once I hit rank 30.

I'll be 46 in June.

Yea, I for one also enjoyed the event. Although there ARE a few challenges that are tedious (8 bounties I'm looking at you) and unattainable for me (profit taker), I never really felt like it's a chore. You want rewards? You work for it. It's kind of ridiculous how many people are complaining that they HAD to do nightwave... uh... no you don't. Besides the fact that nitain is locked behind wolf credits, 90% of the rewards are completely optional. I do think they should add catalyst and reactor back into alerts so newbies who couldn't do most of the nightwave content can also have other channels to acquire them.

P.S. Pro Tip: save your credits for popular aura mods then sell those for plat, then buy potatoes using those plat. Much more efficient way of using wolf cred for potatoes.

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10 hours ago, (PS4)AllOrNothinDays said:

Why are you acting like those are the only missions? What's the point of someone at mastery rank 27 gilding something when they've likely done that kind of stuff already? What's the point in a mastery rank 27 guy like myself scanning things so I can then make the gear item to do the old grove stuff I'm already done with? What do I get out of doing bounties on earth if I've (thankfully) left that content behind? Putting 3 forma into something is easy... when they have new weapons I actually want to put forma into. Otherwise I'm just putting forma in things just cause and that's not going into the uncomfortable area with that challenge where it's a challenge that can benefit them monetarily in some way as someone is definitely paying plat for forma somewhere to accomplish it. 


10 hours ago, Chipputer said:

>Everyone in Warframe is in the same position I am

Yeah, some of the challenges can be bad but the game isn't full of only MR27 players who have everything done. There are plenty of people who never bothered to farm the auras from those Silver Grove enemies and this gave them incentive to go take a few swings at them. This gave them incentive to go build a new Kitgun, try out that Scaffold on that Amp they were thinking of, or slap together a Zaw from a weapon category they haven't actually tried yet. Not everyone has their entire arsenal buffed out with forma.

They're also lowering the amount of bounties you have to do, in Season 2, because they realized it was excessive.

I sympathize with the fact that you consider it busy work and I sympathize with the mind set of, "if you tell me to do it then I won't want to." I'm also MR27 with absolutely everything done, minus farming for some cosmetics that I don't even care if I get or not. Nightwave has to appeal to more than just me. The tasks I consider, "busy work," others will consider, "a reason," and gladly partake of something they would, otherwise, not have done.

^^^^ Mostly what @Chipputer said... 

I didn't think I needed to list -every- Nightwave mission to make my point.

IF you came across a single mission you didn't like, like the 8 bounties, etc... SKIP THEM.  That's not a big deal!  You only needed 60% completion to get -everything- assuming you even WANTED everything.

There was PLENTY of room to  pick and choose, so stop acting like you were somehow forced to play each individual challenge...You weren't, in any way, shape, or form. 

Moreover, everyone needs to stop acting like a company is somehow "evil" for incentivising plat purchases.  Forma is VERY EASILY accessible WITHOUT plat.  Run a relic mission, have one building every day. You're not likely going to out-use  your forma...  

DE needs money.  It's a business. It's not evil for businesses to make money.  SO sick of reading that crap around here...

And I, for one, enjoyed the added motivation to try new things.  I didn't even have a Kitgun until NW motivated me to build one.  Didn't need it.  Now I have one, and I'm looking forward to making more!  

You don't speak for everyone.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:


^^^^ Mostly what @Chipputer said... 

I didn't think I needed to list -every- Nightwave mission to make my point.

IF you came across a single mission you didn't like, like the 8 bounties, etc... SKIP THEM.  That's not a big deal!  You only needed 60% completion to get -everything- assuming you even WANTED everything.

There was PLENTY of room to  pick and choose, so stop acting like you were somehow forced to play each individual challenge...You weren't, in any way, shape, or form. 

Moreover, everyone needs to stop acting like a company is somehow "evil" for incentivising plat purchases.  Forma is VERY EASILY accessible WITHOUT plat.  Run a relic mission, have one building every day. You're not likely going to out-use  your forma...  

DE needs money.  It's a business. It's not evil for businesses to make money.  SO sick of reading that crap around here...

And I, for one, enjoyed the added motivation to try new things.  I didn't even have a Kitgun until NW motivated me to build one.  Didn't need it.  Now I have one, and I'm looking forward to making more!  

You don't speak for everyone.

Honestly I'd prefer a plat price to skip Nightwave.

And you know what? If I skipped missions, I wouldn't have made it to Rank 30 and the ONLY  THREE THINGS I WANTED FROM NIGHTWAVE (them being the last three rewards).
Not everyone enjoys the same circumstances which allow them to comfortably do a timed exclusive event. It's not a "it lasts a few days but I won't make it to the event oh well", it's a thing that lasts for months, MONTHS! And you grind for months and then... oops, you didn't make it, no rewards for you!

Do you understand what I'm saying here? There wouldn't be such a S#&$storm about Nightwave if it wasn't problematic in the first place! There is a big enough divide around Nightwave that it has to be seriously adressed, not just tweaked. NIGHTWAVES MODEL IS THE PROBLEM. This isn't about missions in Nightwave, this isn't about boring or tedious missions. THIS IS ABOUT PLAYER TIME, PLAYER CHOICE, RESPECTING THE PLAYER. Giving away stuff isn't respect, it's valuable but it's same like insulting someone, punching them and then buying them a new PC. Getting stuff is not respect. Understanding and respecting player's real lives is respect. DE is among the few who look at players as players and not wallets, it's one of the reasons you can't buy a "battle pass" for Nightwave, but Seasonal content like that has been designed to milk and abuse players and you can't just adopt it into Warframe's friendly enviroment.

I agree on the point that people are villianizing DE for incentivizing plat purchase and it's wrong. Ffs people, DE is a business, and one of the friendliest and acomodating you'll find in the industry. Just farm a wee bit of primes and poof you got your forma bundles if you're so desperate. If DE wanted you force you buy platinum they'd... well honestly I can't imagine how DE would do it because that's just not them.

While I and people like me don't speak for everyone, we clearly speak for people who dislike Nightwave, and not for reasons of rage culture or just so we have an opposite opinion.

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8 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

And you know what? If I skipped missions, I wouldn't have made it to Rank 30 and the ONLY  THREE THINGS I WANTED FROM NIGHTWAVE (them being the last three rewards).

That's factually untrue.  NW does not require 100% completion to reach rank 30.

9 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

Not everyone enjoys the same circumstances which allow them to comfortably do a timed exclusive event. It's not a "it lasts a few days but I won't make it to the event oh well", it's a thing that lasts for months, MONTHS! And you grind for months and then... oops, you didn't make it, no rewards for you!

There are rewards all along the way.  Play as much or as little as you want, you're still getting rewarded as you go.  The rewards are not held in reserve until one completes all the challenges.  That's just not how it works.

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14 hours ago, (PS4)AllOrNothinDays said:

Why are you acting like those are the only missions? What's the point of someone at mastery rank 27 gilding something when they've likely done that kind of stuff already? What's the point in a mastery rank 27 guy like myself scanning things so I can then make the gear item to do the old grove stuff I'm already done with? What do I get out of doing bounties on earth if I've (thankfully) left that content behind? Putting 3 forma into something is easy... when they have new weapons I actually want to put forma into. Otherwise I'm just putting forma in things just cause and that's not going into the uncomfortable area with that challenge where it's a challenge that can benefit them monetarily in some way as someone is definitely paying plat for forma somewhere to accomplish it. 

So... you just... dont do those task? I mean, we need somewhere between 60-70% completion, there is more than enough tasks to skip those you really dont have a reason doing.

17 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

And you know what? If I skipped missions, I wouldn't have made it to Rank 30

And that is so far from the truth that it can be.

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Nightwave Series 1 wasn't bad! Toghether with my buddy we enjoyed it, it gave us something to do or to aim for when we got bored from grinding all that stuff for Dojo, frames, standing etc. Moreover, I love Nora Night character and voice, her manner of speech.

Story also was nice. Opened up new possibilities for LIVING WORLD in our game to happen. Hope we will get more interactivity with the story from Series 2, like the changes from story will really affect our game world.

Very original take on PvE Battle Pass in looter-shooter. Thumbs up from me!

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1 hour ago, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

That's factually untrue.  NW does not require 100% completion to reach rank 30.

There are rewards all along the way.  Play as much or as little as you want, you're still getting rewarded as you go.  The rewards are not held in reserve until one completes all the challenges.  That's just not how it works.

I'm quite frustrated every time Nightwave is even mentioned by this point and it causes me no end of frustration so I'm trying REALLY hard not to be an A****** right now...

IT IS FACTUALY TRUE, because I could not do everything, last week I was on Rank 25. Get what I'm saying? Due to CIRCUMSTANCES OF REAL LIFE AND REAL PEOPLE I was able to BARELY finish Nightwave.

And the rewards along the way mean squat nothing, because the only valuable ones are the Wolf Syandana, Umbral Forma and Wolf Armor Set. All three I could have missed were I not able to be available on the very last week... all my effort for Ranks 0-25 could have been absolutely wasted.

The "reserve" does not exist once this season is over. People will not be able to get Saturn Six rewards come 19th! There is no reserve.

Your logic is just not how it works.

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13 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

IT IS FACTUALY TRUE, because I could not do everything, last week I was on Rank 25. Get what I'm saying? Due to CIRCUMSTANCES OF REAL LIFE AND REAL PEOPLE I was able to BARELY finish Nightwave.

No, it is not.  It is factually true that one only needs to do about 60% of the content to reach Rank 30.  With how long this season has gone on, it's likely quite a bit less than that by now.  What you are saying is that you don't have time to do the challenges and that the ones you've done have only gotten you to rank 25.  That's quite different from what you are/were claiming.  That's also not the fault of the game.

15 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

And the rewards along the way mean squat nothing, because the only valuable ones to me are the Wolf Syandana, Umbral Forma and Wolf Armor Set.


I'm sorry that the rewards you care about are at the higher levels, that you haven't attained those levels, and that it seems to be frustrating you, but that's not tantamount to there being no rewards until you've done all the levels.  There are rewards that people want along the way, even if you don't want them.

20 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

The "reserve" does not exist once this season is over. People will not be able to get Saturn Six rewards come 19th! There is no reserve.

You completely misunderstood what I said.  I was pointing out that you don't get all the rewards once you reach rank 30, but you get them as you go.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

No, it is not.  It is factually true that one only needs to do about 60% of the content to reach Rank 30.  With how long this season has gone on, it's likely quite a bit less than that by now.  What you are saying is that you don't have time to do the challenges and that the ones you've done have only gotten you to rank 25.  That's quite different from what you are/were claiming.  That's also not the fault of the game.


I'm sorry that the rewards you care about are at the higher levels, that you haven't attained those levels, and that it seems to be frustrating you, but that's not tantamount to there being no rewards until you've done all the levels.  There are rewards that people want along the way, even if you don't want them.

You completely misunderstood what I said.  I was pointing out that you don't get all the rewards once you reach rank 30, but you get them as you go.

You haven't taken any "read with understanding" in elementary school, huh...

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Just now, Acersecomic said:

You haven't taken any "read with understanding" in elementary school, huh...

Your personal life situation doesn't change the facts of the situation. If you started late or didn't have as much time to play then that's on you. They're addressing that by implementing a catch-up mechanic for Season 2.

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Seriously, people are still posting in this thread about not being able to complete all the challenges and get rewards?

As someone who can only play on weekends and legitimately just stopped playing the game for three of those weekends while not completing all the challenges for the following weekends, it's not that big of a deal. If you're too busy worrying about "real-life situations", you should probably stop wasting so much time on the forums complaining for no reason since there will be catch-up next time, or stop stressing out about a video game and handle what's happening in your real-life.

I could've gotten to rank 30 too, if I actually cared enough lol. But eh... it's the last week and at least I'll make it to rank 27 until it comes back haha.

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