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It's time to get a "disagree" emote into the forums


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As for now the only way to show that we disagree in emotes is the "funny" emote which can be confusing, we need a "Disagree emote"

And no I  don't mean some reddit style of disagree where if you disagree the post will get buried and people won't be able to see it, just an emote with no effect other than appearing.

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Edited by -Bigchungus-
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That's what the Haha emote is for. Everyone is laughing at you!


Blizzard has been removing the downvote feature as they upgrade their forums. I'm not opposed to a downvote feature, but it does seem to make, for example, the D3 forum feel more toxic. But that's probably because most D3 players are naturally toxic. I was really surprised by this community! But anyway, that's probably why they have a Haha emote instead... can't be hurting people's feelings and all these days.

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Each system has it's flaws either way.

With down votes, it just takes a salty person to down vote every post you make or have made.

The Reddit system is basically censorship and mob rule.

The current system allows some people to inflate their reputation through their controversial posts with "woah"s and "haha"s.

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9 minutes ago, Renegade343 said:

Based on searching very old threads and posts, it seems to be to encourage discussion rather than pressing the button and moving on.

Doesn't make a difference, "Haha" is the substitute.

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We're better off without one.  Completely anonymous negative feedback with no given rationale doesn't help a discussion.  If you want to disagree with someone, use words, explain how and why you disagree since that how conversations work.  Makes the forum far more likely to be useful for actual discussions.

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50 minutes ago, Renegade343 said:

Funny thing, that was a thing a long, long time ago. It got removed.

7 minutes ago, Legion-Shields said:

Agreed. Farming downvotes on Internet forums is one of my favorite pastimes. 


This^ lol 

Still tho a 🤔 button wouldn't be all bad. Lol

Or maybe tenor.gif


Edited by (XB1)RDeschain82
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59 minutes ago, -Bigchungus- said:

As for now the only way to show that we disagree in emotes is the "funny" emote which can be confusing, we need a "Disagree emote"

And no I  don't mean some reddit style of disagree where if you disagree the post will get buried and people won't be able to see it, just an emote with no effect other than appearing.

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1 minute ago, Pro3Display said:

no it's not, people leave haha emote on joke posts because they liked the joke and that is the intended use of the emote

When people use that reaction on someone's (rather) serious post or thread, what would that mean? Their argument or suggestion is laughably ridiculous that warrants a downvote but since it doesn't exist so "Haha" would do, because it makes sense to laugh at someone's ideas.

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Just now, Vortuna said:

When people use that reaction on someone's (rather) serious post or thread, what would that mean? Their argument or suggestion is laughably ridiculous that warrants a downvote but since it doesn't exist so "Haha" would do, because it makes sense to laugh at someone's ideas.

what people use it for doesn't mean it's its indended use

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7 minutes ago, Pro3Display said:

what people use it for doesn't mean it's its indended use

Like you said, joke post. But it could mean differently.

Let's just say, you hate the new melee nullifiers and made a serious complaint post about it, and there's "Haha" on it, because it's a "Joke" post. They find your inability to deal with nullifiers a joke.

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Why would this forum need this?

If you think your disagreement is mentionable and the world should know it you can just leave a post. If you think you're superior you can even start you post with "Nope, my dear friend..." as the equivalent to a super dislike button. 

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Dont think this gonna happen.

Because lot of game forums that i used supress existing desagree/downvote reactions.


Simply because this can be a way to bully new players or just to troll.

I remember a old Wargaming forum user nicked GrumpyCat that try to push the system and collect more that 1000 downvotes.

Forum members have fun of this but the moderators weren't very happy...

Even if the community of Warframe in far less toxic probably DE dont want take risk.


Personnally sometimes im a little nostalgic of the time then the politically correct let you throw at someone face that you dont agree without explanations.😁




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1 hour ago, Pro3Display said:

what people use it for doesn't mean it's its indended use

Language and communication has context. Meanings change and evolve over time. If people are using the haha emote as in a laughing at you/your post a lot, then that's what it wil mean in common use. It's also contextual. Things can have multiple meanings.  Basically language doesn't care that cool means cold, sometimes bad means good, it's all in how it's actually in use that matters.

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5 minutes ago, Ghogiel said:

Language and communication has context. Meanings change and evolve over time. If people are using the haha emote as in a laughing at you/your post a lot, then that's what it wil mean in common use. It's also contextual. Things can have multiple meanings.  Basically language doesn't care that cool means cold, sometimes bad means good, it's all in how it's actually in use that matters.

you miss the point. it's the same as zorencopters. yes it's used like that, no it's not intended use

people open beer with a table, very commonly. it's still not intended

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