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Wukong Prime: Hotfix 25.3.2 +


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I know this issue has been around for over a year but can you look at fixing the graphical issues with the Mag deluxe (Pneuma) and Oberon deluxe (Feyarch) skins? Mag Pneuma's right hand has glitched out finger accessories and the Oberon Feyarch's Skirt has the back right end of the skirt affixed in space. See here for images:


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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Made Teleport Pits willing to send loot to a nearby spot as a last resort instead of letting it fall out of the world.

I lost a Vengeful Revenant stance mod on Lua once because it feel out of map and never spawned back up. It was like a couple thousand meters down. Of course support didn't want to give me the mod but that was understandable I guess.

Well anyways, still no fix for Daman Prime sugatra not bending at the base like it used to and is shown to be like in the Loki prime vault promo pictures. DE, you gotta understand that this is super frustrating for me waiting for a fix because I've been asking for one ever since I bought it and it was broken. I'm trying to stay cool about it but it's making me go bonkers that I can't even get a single acknowledgement about the issue. A sugatra that could take like 10 min to fix still isn't fixed and it's been well over a year. Please DE just put me out of my misery already because this is torture and it's the only thing I want fixed at this point. I get its just a sugatra and that it's just a useless cosmetic but there is no reason that something that costs money should be neglected like this. Please get somebody to fix it or let us know that you know about it DE.

Other than that there were some pretty cool changes and fixes in this hotfix. Thanks for all your hard work DE I really do appreciate it.


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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed Wukong’s Cloudwalk and Defy abilities turning off sprint toggle when used.

Meanwhile, Revenant's 4 - Danse Macabre - STILL DOES THIS, despite you guys having fixed this exact issue on HOW many other frames now since his release? Oh right. We're actually coming up on his anniversary pretty soon here. Look I get it, Reb sullied him with her vampire fetish, but can we move past that black eye in history and fix a frame up to industry standard? He's as clunky to play as something out of Warframe's first year or two, despite modern visuals. If Wukong's recent rework proved anything it's that you guys are very capable of fixing up a trash bag into a worthwhile pick. And this guy doesn't even need a huge overhaul, just some industry-standard QOL in the flow department. 

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2 hours ago, MirageKnight said:

- Allow us, if it's possible, to opt out of certain Warframe abilities (such as Volt's Speed and Limbo's Rift portals) via a game preference toggle. We can turn off Octavia's sounds for other players because of how intrusive they can be, so why not potentially intrusive abilities? Not everyone wants to be Banished or wind up running around like a Russian Dwarf Hamster on meta-amphetamines. Win-win for all, with no need for a player to have to "manually opt out" by rolling / dodging every time an intrusive ability is activated and winds up adversely affecting said player.

Just want to say that, in general, I really like this idea... but at least with Limbo's banish, if this were implemented it would need to be set by individual frames, rather than just a blanket "no". Getting banished as something like Rhino might suck, yes, but if you're playing Excal, Saryn, or Mesa, you might legitimately want to be banished, and having to go into the options menu to turn this on or off every time you swap on or off one of those frames would get old really fast.

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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Historically the number of concurrent enemies in Survival was related to where the mission was in the Star Chart; early missions tended to have less enemies and later missions tended to have more and this number did not change even when you stayed in a mission longer to face higher-level enemies. As an experiment we have changed the scaling mechanic so that staying in a low-level mission longer will also increase the enemy count as it increases the enemy level until it hits the same cap it would have for high-level missions.

Can you also look into ways to make enemies spawn at a steady pace regardless of where the player is? Due to the way enemies spawn, only some places within some tiles will offer decent spawn numbers, while plenty of other places will have enemies pop up 200 meters away and trickle in at a slow rate. I realise that's a non-trivial issue to solve, but enemies failing to spawn regularly is probably the biggest problem with Survival right now.


2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Changed Spy panic buttons in the entrance hallways of Spy Vaults to stop enemies using them and setting off the alarm when outside the vault in Gas City, Grineer Fortress, and Sealab tilesets.

Thank you! 🙂 That was massively frustrating and a really cheap way to fail a mission. I didn't realise it was also happening in the Grineer Forest and Sealab tilesets, as well, but fixing it everywhere is a positive change regardless.

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Some decorating bugs:

New bug for v25.3.2.
Was not active in 25.3.1.


1. Open the decorate menu (Orbiter / Dojo).
2. Hit 'R' on an object.
3. Right-Click on the object.
4. Your camera will snap to face north.

Older bugs:



Various objects have changed their coloring:

  • Orokin Public Information Screen
    • A red layer was added recently that goes over the blue layer
    • In-Game Icon
  • All of the Maple Trees had green leaves, now are all reddish-brown
  • Orokin Ceremonial Circle Trim



  1. Open the decorate menu (Dojo).
  2. Hit 'R' on an object.
  3. Right-Click on the object.
  4. Change the snap point to something.
  5. Then cycle through the various rotations.
  6. Either on #4 or #5, you may see the object get knocked off its axis.

 Default (on a standard angle and on axis):




Changing to a snap point (15 degrees in this case):





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3 hours ago, toafarmer said:

Was expecting for some content or at least a NW2 boss and what we got was a Wukong nerf and a clan xp "solution" that makes the whole system even worse than before (clan missions, when?).


This ^

online games live and die by community when we have lack of content

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3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed Wukong’s Cloudwalk and Defy abilities turning off sprint toggle when used.

Do Warframes like Inaros and Revenant also still turn off sprint, or has this been fixed globally? Their AOE attacks also turned off sprint. 

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Since there's a new dojo decoration bug out related to the Yaw Axis and camera, I think I should take the time to point out an old one that needs fixing too:

Here's an image demonstrating the bug:

As you can see, rotating a decoration across the red Axis to other axises(staying on 15 or 45 degree rotations), and pressing the right mouse button causes the decoration to tilt into a non-15 degree angle, making decorating very difficult to position. There are workarounds to this, but they involve setting the angle to free form (not 15 or 45).

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Where's my Auction House?

Please build an Auction House.  I am sick to death of the throwback to Everquest endless scrolling of texts that makes me ill.  When I log into Warframe, I want to play, not sit there for countless hours trading in a digital currency that does not have any real world value.

Doesn't have to be massive.  Just start with something simple that can be accessed via the Trading Post in a clan dojo or a relay, and BOOM!  Instant applause from everyone!

Thank you!

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