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MR locks for sorties


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1 minute ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

Performing that badly in a sortie can happen at higher mastery ranks as well. Slapping an MR lock on sorties wouldn't do anything unless that MR lock was like... mr20.

Thats ridiculously high for sorties.

And I have very rarely seen a bad MR20+ player. Think of the amount of hours and grinding they needed to do

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9 minutes ago, WoodedSkate89 said:

Thats ridiculously high for sorties.

And I have very rarely seen a bad MR20+ player. Think of the amount of hours and grinding they needed to do

That would be me, I'm Mr 20 and fail spy missions pretty often, also i dont know alot of things, for example have I never been Eidolon hunting, dont know the first thing about it, still only have my beginners amp, I sell my rivens for whatever i can get for them, if its a low ball offer great, more plat for me and yes, i DID bring my Inaros to the sortie hijack mission and kept the train chugging non stop while others had to jump off to recharge their shield!

Anything else?

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All up for that, for no other reason that after they get carried through a sortie they have the audacity to come to the forums and complain how bored they were while getting caried and doing nothing, rather than do it themselves or re-enter.

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The mastery rank mostly means nothing it only "measure" that you are playing the game for a longer time and put effort into it. It measures mainly your gear and how many items you have but it is still tricky because you can have a lot items without testing them or you can just power level which means you try to cut the gaps. Limiting further the options is not a good way to teach the newer players or motivate them to be better at something which means nothing when we talk about skills and knowledge.

I personally not tried yet any sortie despite I am able to do it but still needs to do quests and progress. I just don't mind that all but once someone eligible to do a type of mission then the more experienced players "should" teach them how to play instead of blaming them.

The major problem with the game start is the lack of tutorials. The Vor's prize is a good step on teaching the newer players, also the tips for frames and how to use their abilities, but there needs some teaching methods how to play certain mission like excavation, survival, defense which basically not a hard or too much brain capacity needing missions yet the newer players "not all but most" does not know how to play and their lack of sense and learning ability indicates there must be tutorials on how to do something. 


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6 hours ago, Crasharr said:

That would be me, I'm Mr 20 and fail spy missions pretty often, also i dont know alot of things, for example have I never been Eidolon hunting, dont know the first thing about it, still only have my beginners amp, I sell my rivens for whatever i can get for them, if its a low ball offer great, more plat for me and yes, i DID bring my Inaros to the sortie hijack mission and kept the train chugging non stop while others had to jump off to recharge their shield!

Anything else?

What have you been doing all your time. Amp farming is like all I do now.

5 hours ago, Ver1dian said:

All up for that, for no other reason that after they get carried through a sortie they have the audacity to come to the forums and complain how bored they were while getting caried and doing nothing, rather than do it themselves or re-enter.

So true.

14 minutes ago, (PS4)wildcats1369my said:

you do realize that mr is not a measure of strength in WF right. knowledge in the game sure. 

If you unlock better mods/weapons at a later rank. Then yes. Yes it is

Edited by WoodedSkate89
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2 minutes ago, WoodedSkate89 said:

What have you been doing all your time. Amp farming is like all I did now.

So true.

If you unlock better mods/weapons at a later rank. Then yes. Yes it is

Thank you for asking, I have honed my skillset of nuking entire maps. I do not play saryin, i used to think my Gara was queen of blowing up maps, but now I am experimenting with Equinox. Sure i mastered all these frames long ago but hey.... how hard is Hydron!?

So there you are, parcouring is still for the young, I face-plant myself alot into walls and am always last at extraction, still dont understand the whole weekly Ayatan challenge cuz I dont know what door they keep going on about.. seriously.. WHAT DOOR???

Besides that some fortunate Riven dealer bought my unrolled Fulmin riven for 900 plat. Immediately many slots for frames an weapons were purchased, still 537 plat left and nothing to spend it on.

I play for fun, dare me to drive??

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45 minutes ago, WoodedSkate89 said:

What have you been doing all your time. Amp farming is like all I do now.

So true.

If you unlock better mods/weapons at a later rank. Then yes. Yes it is

Second thread made by you complaining about sorties. They are not even hard to do. If you were half decent, you'd be able to carry them easily. Sure, spy sorties suck, but you shouldn't be doing them public anyways unless you want to fail. Go solo, there's no need to raise the mr requirement for sorties.

Also, don't you think you're quite hypocritical since you're complaining about essentially low mr rank leeches in sorties? I see you have 0 amps gilded or maxed, but you have 3 hydrolyst captures. Why don't you complain about leeches/low mr ranks in eidolons since you shouldn't even be doing them with a mote amp?

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Sorties are fine where they’re at. If you’re tired of spies being failed by public groups go solo or recruit for it. Rescue missions I drop the liset air support charge just to give the squad more time to do their job. If there’s a newer player in there I don’t mind carrying them, if they ask questions I’ll help them out. 

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6 hours ago, Tunderke said:

The mastery rank mostly means nothing it only "measure" that you are playing the game for a longer time and put effort into it. It measures mainly your gear and how many items you have but it is still tricky because you can have a lot items without testing them or you can just power level which means you try to cut the gaps. Limiting further the options is not a good way to teach the newer players or motivate them to be better at something which means nothing when we talk about skills and knowledge.

I personally not tried yet any sortie despite I am able to do it but still needs to do quests and progress. I just don't mind that all but once someone eligible to do a type of mission then the more experienced players "should" teach them how to play instead of blaming them.

The major problem with the game start is the lack of tutorials. The Vor's prize is a good step on teaching the newer players, also the tips for frames and how to use their abilities, but there needs some teaching methods how to play certain mission like excavation, survival, defense which basically not a hard or too much brain capacity needing missions yet the newer players "not all but most" does not know how to play and their lack of sense and learning ability indicates there must be tutorials on how to do something. 


Drop me a line whenever you think you're ready and dont worry, failure is most definately an option... to learn from 😉

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OP sounds like he's not that good of a player himself. Just by stating he uses Loki and Ivara for spy suggests he's not confident using say a Rhino or the ultimate - Nova. Sorties are extremely easy and not a challenge, if you're actually a good player you should just solo spy because it'll be quicker and less frustrating for you.

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> Create a thread about locking Sorties to all pleps under MR10, cause damn those are so bad.
> Saying Mr10-12 player have decent knowledge about the game
> Has Hind as his 2nd most played primaries and is MR11.

Well. You sorry guys but he outplayed us all.

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MR tells very little about skill and knowledge, though.

Last Lephantis sortie I played took forever because of an MR24 guy who though Slowva with Vectis P was a good pick.

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A few things.

1. Sorties were released with MR5 as the gate, long long ago.

2. Long long ago the players of MR5 did not have access to the weapons MR5 players have now.

3. Sorties worked perfectly fine in PuGs back then and they work perfectly fine and even better now.

4. An MR5 will perform far better than even a MR27 if their interest in the game is about getting the best things as soon as they possibly can. An MR5 has access to both Zaws and Kitguns, 2 of the best weapon types in the game, the 2 weapon types that can pull their weight in any content thrown at the player. 

5. MR is a trash indicator of game knowledge but a great indicator of someone who has collected trash.

6. Has it ever corssed your mind that the root to the problem is you?

Edited by SneakyErvin
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17 hours ago, (PS4)wildcats1369my said:

you do realize that mr is not a measure of strength in WF right. knowledge in the game sure. 

It's not even really a measure of knowledge.  Just that you've leveled up a lot of different weapons and frames, and that you can succeed at least once at the arbitrary nonsense that is the Mastery tests.  (Many of which can be more or less completely negated by taking the right Warframe into them.)  High MR doesn't even necessarily mean that a player has access to a wide variety of weapons or even Warframes.  I know I ran into someone once who was quite proud of the fact that they'd never purchased weapon slots, and only two Warframe slots.  They had one favorite frame, one favorite set of weapons, and ruthlessly leveled and then deleted everything else.  And since they leveled exclusively by joining public groups on the "XP farm" maps (currently ESO and Hydron, it was something else at the time) they had never needed anything else.  Their MR was higher than mine at the time, and they had less equipment to draw on than many players would at MR 4.

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I was MR 7 for like 3 years, only because I stuck with certain weapons and frames and never went beyond that. I was good with just those weapons and frame. I have moved on and am now only a MR 17. Just because their MR level is not in the 20s doesn't mean they don't know what they are doing. Who is to say they aren't a 6 year PC vet just starting out fresh on a console?

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On 2019-08-05 at 2:17 PM, WoodedSkate89 said:

If you unlock better mods/weapons at a later rank. Then yes. Yes it is

Better weapons?
Eh?  Not that much?  An MR5 gun can still easily clear sortie levels if its modded properly, and one of the "better" melees (if you count raw power in spin-to-win scenarios) is MR2.
For mods MR only matters for rivens....and at no point is a riven needed for sortie level stuff.

It doesn't matter what your MR is if you haven't properly modded you gear...a MR5 with good mods on their gun are going to beat an MR14 that only has half leveled mods everywhere.

And since mods and MR are disconnected...yeah...good luck telling how good someone will be when the main determining factor (mods) can't be measured from MR in any way.

You could put the sortie MR requirement at 25, and it wouldn't change anything that you are coming across since MR doesn't mean that person knows how to play the game or mod properly.
I've ran into MR20s that pretty much spend 90% of their time on Hydron and don't do anything else and as a result can't really play anything else, yet they have a high MR since they just powerleveled all the gear without bothering to figure out how to mod any of it.

Unless you can find a way to determine how well gear is modded and utilized MR5 is as good a block as any other for sorties.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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MR never has nor never will equate to skill or competence, you can just as easily have a MR27 player making a mess of everything or sitting around afk, you can equally have a fully competent MR5 bombing around sorties owning the mission, and tbh, warframe is a game where 1 player can 90% of the time carry any mission themselves, except maybe something like an annoying interception mission.

Locking people out of any content is just plain silly.

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