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Can DE please revert back volt's speedy legs?


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18 minutes ago, Scruffel said:

That attack is somewhat based on the Journey to the West's story, which you know, Wukong is based off of. In the story, it was suggested that the staff can be transformed into any type of width, height, or length that the user commands, and was originally as thick as a barrel and twenty feet high, which can be similar as a tree. Is it realistic? No, of course not. But does have it a reasoning behind it? Mostly certainly yes. In fact, a lot of abilities are unrealistic, and the comparison between those and animations that can be based in realism could be seen as unfair. But since we are talking about animations being effected by abilities, then I believe it to be fair game.

Unless I can gain some reasoning behind Volt having extremely fast legs, then I would also understand why it didn't need to be changed. And before you say "Well, it shows off his Power Strength", that is something that would need to be confirmed in some way by DE. As far as I can assume, that could have just been the result of technical values that were already set-up in the game, resulting in "fast movement = fast animation".

Your bias completely collapses your argument.  I know where the animation choice comes from.

You are saying that Wukong being able to handle a tree-trunk sized staff of infinite length in the Warframe universe is ok and needs no reason because it’s “mythical monkey magic”.

But Volt has to be held to a different standard.

My point, honestly, is that I would never want the LUDICROUS LOOKING staff growth of Wukong’s 4 to be taken from Wukong players who love it, like DE Monkey...who sees it as an essential part of his Wukong experience.

And that is what I feel DE has done to many Volt players by changing what is an important aspect of Volt.  Threads continue to pop up confirming this.  And only after the fact are people saying it was a “silly problem.” for the most part.  It wasn’t broken.  Or a problem.

But now it IS a problem. And DE has made it a divisive one.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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il y a 18 minutes, Scruffel a dit :

Unless I can gain some reasoning behind Volt having extremely fast legs, then I would also understand why it didn't need to be changed. And before you say "Well, it shows off his Power Strength", that is something that would need to be confirmed in some way by DE. As far as I can assume, that could have just been the result of technical values that were already set-up in the game, resulting in "fast movement = fast animation".

Games are about enjoyment, feeling, fun, pleasure, etc... not everything is about stats.

Edited by Alpha56
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1 hour ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Show me the complaint threads in number over the past 5 years


2 hours ago, sinnae said:

It's just kinda one of those things where you don't think of it until you suddenly see a newer, better version of it, you know?

I don't think anyone thought it was outlandish enough to complain about. But some people are realizing they like the new, more realistic animations better. That doesn't seem like such a controversial statement.

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Your bias completely collapses your argument.  I know where the animation choice comes from.

You are saying that Wukong being able to handle a tree-trunk sized staff of infinite length in the Warframe universe is ok and needs no reason because it’s “mythical monkey magic”.

But Volt has to be held to a different standard.

My point, honestly, is that I would never want the LUDICROUS LOOKING staff growth of Wukong’s 4 to be taken from Wukong players who love it, like DE Monkey...who sees it as an essential part of his Wukong experience.

And that is what I feel DE has done to many Volt players by changing what is an important aspect of Volt.  Threads continue to pop up confirming this.  And only after the fact are people saying it was a “silly problem.” for the most part.  It wasn’t broken.  Or a problem.

But now it IS a problem. And DE has made it a divisive one.

Okay... but that doesn't answer what I asked. Again, it would be nice to get some sort of reason for why that animation should have stayed. Unless, you have been getting me the reason which is "Volt players believed that was a crucial part of Volt's identity"... which can be somewhat understandable, albeit a bit subjective. Although, I don't exactly like how that implies that change should only be made once it's universally agreed upon. Do you think DE should have asked the community before the change to see if they wanted it? If yes, should DE do it for any type of change? Genuine question.

19 minutes ago, Alpha56 said:

Games are about enjoyment, feeling, fun, pleasure, etc... not everything is about stats.

... I wasn't talking about stats. I was asking for a reasoning behind the animation.

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20 minutes ago, sinnae said:


I don't think anyone thought it was outlandish enough to complain about. But some people are realizing they like the new, more realistic animations better. That doesn't seem like such a controversial statement.


And some are upset at the change to the point that threads like this persist long after DE has pointed out that actual speed is seemingly unaffected, which absolutely demonstrates that the decision/change IS controversial. Your engagement in this thread is proof positive.


Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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47 minutes ago, Scruffel said:

Okay... but that doesn't answer what I asked. Again, it would be nice to get some sort of reason for why that animation should have stayed. Unless, you have been getting me the reason which is "Volt players believed that was a crucial part of Volt's identity"... which can be somewhat understandable, albeit a bit subjective. Although, I don't exactly like how that implies that change should only be made once it's universally agreed upon. Do you think DE should have asked the community before the change to see if they wanted it? If yes, should DE do it for any type of change? Genuine question.

... I wasn't talking about stats. I was asking for a reasoning behind the animation.

Are you seriously not grasping why a large group of players is upset? I answered this.

This is about the glory of immersion.  Feeling the response to engaging Volt’s 2 with the audio-visual reward of his hands and feet moving with blur-like intensity.

If you want to do a deep dive on this and if DE needs one, look to how our brains interpret REAL WORLD SPEED/MOTION once things start to become a blur...faster than the brain can process the series of snapshots it takes through our eyes.  The old animation with those speeds more accurately reflects “realism” than the new.

Wave your hand back-and-forth in front of your eyes fast.  Motion-blur is a real thing...as in a REAL PHENOMENON.

I’m getting tired of people asking this question and throwing the realism card and then when that doesn’t work, it becomes about made-up, conditional correlations to pseudo physics and power strength when they don’t get their viewpoint validated.

Running on ice as you slide smoothly is not realistic-looking.  Exploding forth like a reverse-magnetized bullet (Gauss) is not “realism”...IRL you won’t see the projectile from a railgun...or gun...or twin gremlins for that matter.

These things all look arbitrarily “cool” or “silly” based on preference.

And that’s fine.

But there is a very REAL WORLD REASON why so many Volt players feel Volt is slowed over the same distance with the change and want it back.

This is about enjoyment/QoL and immersion and DE lessening the First and breaking the Second for those who want the old animation back.

Which is why I am championing them and asking for a vote.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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12 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Are you seriously not grasping why a large group of players is upset? I answered this.

This is about the glory of immersion.  Feeling the response to engaging Volt’s 2 with the audio-visual reward of his hands and feet moving with blur-like intensity.

If you want to do a deep dive on this and if DE needs one, look to how our brains interpret REAL WORLD SPEED/MOTION once things start to become a blur...faster than the brain can process the series of snapshots it takes through our eyes.  The old animation with those speeds more accurately reflects “realism” than the new.

Wave your hand back-and-forth in front of your eyes fast.  Motion-blur is a real thing...as in a REAL PHENOMENON.

I’m getting tired of people asking this question and throwing the realism card and then when that doesn’t work, it becomes about made-up, conditional correlations to pseudo physics and power strength when they don’t get their viewpoint validated.

Running on ice as you slide smoothly is not realistic-looking.  Exploding forth like a reverse-magnetized bullet (Gauss) is not “realism”...IRL you won’t see the projectile from a railgun...or gun...or twin gremlins for that matter.

These things all look arbitrarily “cool” or “silly” based on preference.

And that’s fine.

But there is a very REAL WORLD REASON why so many Volt players feel Volt is slowed over the same distance with the change and want it back.

This is about enjoyment/QoL and immersion and DE lessening the First and breaking the Second for those who want the old animation back.

Which is why I am championing them and asking for a vote.

Well, okay then. I can see where you're coming from, but I'd like it if more Volt players came in and shared their thoughts too.

Also, couldn't DE just add the motion blur effect manually to the new animation? I know that's not what they did, but I believe Volt already does have a little bit of blur effect around him while he's using Speed. Correct me if I am wrong.

Pretty sure that would have a same or similar effect to what you are talking about.

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1 hour ago, Scruffel said:

Well, okay then. I can see where you're coming from, but I'd like it if more Volt players came in and shared their thoughts too.

Also, couldn't DE just add the motion blur effect manually to the new animation? I know that's not what they did, but I believe Volt already does have a little bit of blur effect around him while he's using Speed. Correct me if I am wrong.

Pretty sure that would have a same or similar effect to what you are talking about.

He does have a “bullet tracer/trailer” animation to him, yes but this isn’t quite blur.  The actual blur is very real and not a contrived or designed animation effect when Volt is speed running at higher power strength with the older animation.

I appreciate your input (and everyone else’s whether they agree or disagree) and know I am being a bit dogged and “hard line” on this.  But this will be resolved or fade quickly so I felt that I might as well step up as a voice to be heard.

Even jf this issue is minor in the grand scheme of things, my Warframe has been defined by Volt since I started playing many years ago, and I understand those impacted in a negative way.

There is just something about Volt for those of us who love him and feel a connection to him.

At least I’ll have done my part, even if nothing changes and no further feedback from DE is given.

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9 hours ago, Genitive said:

There are things that won't pass even in fiction.

Instead of rolling it back I'd rather have a new animation for running very fast. Why not adapt Gauss's sprinting for other frames?

You should write a letter to Hollywood. Tell them about limits of fiction, how it doesn't pass. Explain them, physics. Maybe they will make a dollar thx to you on top of the billions they make from their usual bul ls hit.

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4 hours ago, Akai-no-bara said:

You should write a letter to Hollywood. Tell them about limits of fiction, how it doesn't pass. Explain them, physics. Maybe they will make a dollar thx to you on top of the billions they make from their usual bul ls hit.

Why so salty? óÒ

Let's be real here. DE won't change things back. They worked on removing the goofy looking animations. Why would they negate that work by rolling it back? That's just a silly demand.
And in about 2 weeks nobody will talk about the changed animations anymore. It's something people adapt to.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

realism ruins games, it ruins fun. (Red dead redemption 2 and GTA 5)

Because there are only two options: Absolute, simulator-level realism, and completely zany ridiculousness.

It's not like there's a whole range of possible in-betweens, right?

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9 hours ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

realism ~ GTA 5

That game in which I can pull RPG's, Snipers and Miniguns out of my coat pocket? Where I can, at any moment, have 10,000's of bullets on me and still sprint for a solid minute?

What about the hoverbike? Jet bike? Flying Delorean? Rocket car? Batmobile? 

I can't remember the last time I saw a complaint about realism ruining GTA, but rather that it was becoming too Saints Row.

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18 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

That game in which I can pull RPG's, Snipers and Miniguns out of my coat pocket? Where I can, at any moment, have 10,000's of bullets on me and still sprint for a solid minute?

What about the hoverbike? Jet bike? Flying Delorean? Rocket car? Batmobile? 

I can't remember the last time I saw a complaint about realism ruining GTA, but rather that it was becoming too Saints Row.

1 word 




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14 hours ago, sinnae said:


I don't think anyone thought it was outlandish enough to complain about. But some people are realizing they like the new, more realistic animations better. That doesn't seem like such a controversial statement.

Well... Not a complain...


Because if you put the sprint mods on a fast Warframe, the running animation looks pretty silly. Its just the standard animation played faster.

Not about Volt in particular either, but...

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8 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

That game in which I can pull RPG's, Snipers and Miniguns out of my coat pocket? Where I can, at any moment, have 10,000's of bullets on me and still sprint for a solid minute?

What about the hoverbike? Jet bike? Flying Delorean? Rocket car? Batmobile? 

I can't remember the last time I saw a complaint about realism ruining GTA, but rather that it was becoming too Saints Row.

I can't ever remember realism being a critical factor in a game's quality.

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