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Dire need for Mr27 gear


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There is an absolute need for gear specially crafted for players that have already ranked 500+ items to lvl30. More and More stuff is being released, but none of them requiring you to max everything. it makes it dull to see a steady stream of low MR fodder being streamlined out. i understand new players want new stuff too. but in that process all the long term loyal players that have already done it all, are forgotten and quite frankly constantly being played a fool when new vaults come out and devalue all the sets we've worked for to flip for a ton of plat. 

So why is it so hard to throw an old vet a bone

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Hum... Why would this matter? We've had several great weapons lately and the highest MR is 14 as far as I know.

Even for weapons Mastery isn't everything. Besides I see as much stuff being made for veterans as I see for newbies. Even if DE mixes it up too much at times.

Being a high MR player means little. And elitism and exclusiveness e-peens are definetly not the kind of thing I personally want for this game, honestly. I say this as a MR27 veteran myself too. It just promotes needless toxicity in a game renowned for it's friendly community.


As for this...

19 minutes ago, (PS4)iheartcampersz said:

long term loyal players that have already done it all, are forgotten

If you have everything done seriously, take a break. Go do something else. It's highly unreasonable to expect DE to pump out content, and content made for your personal taste, faster than you can eat through it.

Edited by (PS4)Hikuro-93
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vor 16 Minuten schrieb (PS4)iheartcampersz:

There is an absolute need for gear specially crafted for players that have already ranked 500+ items to lvl30. More and More stuff is being released, but none of them requiring you to max everything. it makes it dull to see a steady stream of low MR fodder being streamlined out. i understand new players want new stuff too. but in that process all the long term loyal players that have already done it all, are forgotten and quite frankly constantly being played a fool when new vaults come out and devalue all the sets we've worked for to flip for a ton of plat. 

So why is it so hard to throw an old vet a bone

The elitism ist strong, on the dumb side of the force!

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I rather have them give us some extra cosmetics for mastery, the only thing that changes now is the mr sigil look and thats not good enough, but I am not saying 'Gate weapons to MR20+ just cause I want to be special' but with cosmetics its another story because a weapon is more mastery a cosmetic is just a small thing

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9 hours ago, Aldain said:

Locking weapons behind MR doesn't magically make them worthwhile.

If the weapon is a primary or secondary .... it can. MR locks are tied to DPS for Primary and Secondary weapons. There are some sad inconsistencies like Zhuge Prime, but if you release an MR 20 weapon, the weapon should have pretty substantial DPS. However, I would rather DE create a better map of MR locks on current gear/Riven Mods instead of holding back at MR 16. Rubico Prime for example is too low of a Mastery Rank requirement in my opinion. Content as a whole (Gear and Missions) should have some Mastery changes. 

The game still has progression inconsistencies and a blurry road map for acquiring gear.

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Personally I don't think anything should require you to get over MR 15 maybe 20 at the max to use. Most of the endgame weapons that actually get used are MR14 or lower. I am not opposed to having some perks to getting to max MR but nothing in the game should require a player to have spent over a thousand hours grinding out MR fodder. It's not needed it doesn't prove you are a good player it just proves you have a lot of free time and don't mind completing needlessly tedious tasks. If you want to have like a mile stone award for reaching max MR like a weapon that you just get once you reach max MR kinda like the mile stone log on weapon rewards then cool I am all for that but don't put more BPs in the market that require anything over MR 20 its just pointless. 

I'd actually be ok if ever MR rank had a little perk like a new unique glyph, sigil, decoration, mod, inventory slot, and/or weapon. Even it it is just a fun gimmicky weapon that is mediocre but just fun to use like the Zenith I think it'd be cool. 

Edited by TheKazz91
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2 minutes ago, TheKazz91 said:

Personally I don't think anything should require you to get over MR 15 maybe 20 at the max to use. Most of the endgame weapons that actually get used are MR14 or lower. I am not opposed to having some perks to getting to max MR but nothing in the game should require a player to have spent over a thousand hours grinding out MR fodder. It's not needed it doesn't prove you are a good player it just proves you have a lot of free time and don't mind completing needlessly tedious tasks. If you want to have like a mile stone award for reaching max MR like a weapon that you just get once you reach max MR kinda like the mile stone log on weapon rewards then cool I am all for that but don't put more BPs in the market that require anything over MR 20 its just pointless. 

it takes 20 mins to max out 3 weapons and a warframe to 30, 44 warframes x 20 is 880 mins, /60 is 15 hours now if u include the fact u have to get the gear, maybe 100 hours at most

and there r single player rpgs that are over 200 hours so dont even start

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26 minutes ago, (PS4)Spider_Enigma said:

it takes 20 mins to max out 3 weapons and a warframe to 30, 44 warframes x 20 is 880 mins, /60 is 15 hours now if u include the fact u have to get the gear, maybe 100 hours at most

and there r single player rpgs that are over 200 hours so dont even start

Some people like to actually ya know have fun playing a video game. What you are talking about is repeating the same exact content at least 120 times in a row even if you are doing 3 weapons, a frame and a companion at the same time which basically means other people are carrying you through it all and that is assuming you actually get at least all of your weapons to max MR every run which may or may not happen because again at that point you are almost completely reliant on other people carrying to through that. Even if you buy every piece of gear there are still things you can't buy like prime frames and weapons outside of prime access, Zaws, Kitguns, Amps which all require rep grinding. This doesn't even account for the fact that doing a minimum of 100 runs just to do MR grinding is not exactly the most engaging and enjoyable way to play the game. 

Comparing a 200 hour single player STORY DRIVEN rpg where you are doing a wide variety of content is not even remotely comparable to spending 100 hours repeating the same 20 minute cycle over and over and over. Also again not everyone can no-life Warframe what might take you a 3 day weekend to grind out might take another player with kids and a job over a month to do. 

I also what to point out again that just because you spent 100 hours getting carried though MR grinds doesn't mean you are a good player. It just means you don't mind completing tedious tasks. I am all for people that put in that time getting something for their dedication but don't pretend like we need to gate weapons behind it because the noobs can't handle it or it will break the game for them. Once you get something like the Tigris Prime (MR14) then congratulations you can basically do anything you want in Warframe because Tigris Prime with 100% status chance just murders everything you are reasonably likely to encounter or be asked to complete. You can one shot battalysts which is the scaryest thing most players are likely to ever encounter on a regular basis. 

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Another fun fact on this topic that makes asking for MR27 gear super stupid is that if a new player were to start today and get everything currently available to max rank within a month they would only be MR25 after maxing everything they have access to due to not having access to vaulted items or items acquired from limited time events. 

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People will just spend plat for it to bypass the MR lockout. And MR doesn't necessarily make something better.

The Ferrox and tiberon prime ar MR 14 making them two of the highest MR rank weapons in the game. Few people use the tiberon because while it could be one of the best weapons in the game if the three fire modes were tied directly to the three mod configs (in other words your mod load out changes each time you press the alt fire so that each fire mode is configured exclusively to the fire mode selected) because ultimately it's "just another rifle" nobody uses it. The Ferrox meanwhile, literally every time I play the game people go "wtf is that?!" because so few people use the weapon that most don't even know it exists. These are two of the highest ranked weapons in the game. Nobody uses either of them in any consistent manor. 

MR 27 weapons wouldn't be "god tier overpowered beast mode weapons"... They'd just be weapons with a painfully over-inflated MR requirement. 

*Yeah yeah i know, some people still use the Tiberon prime. I still have mine. But it doesn't compare to other, better weapons. Are you going to use a tiberon prime or an ignis wraith? Are you going to use a tiberon prime or a supra vandal? Are you going to use a tiberon prime or are you going to use an amprex? The Tiberon Prime could be an absolute monster of a weapon....... It's just not. There are a dozen better options for that slot, it's something to use because you want to use it, not because it's better at any specific situation than any of a dozen superior options.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Black-Cat-Jinx said:

Yeah yeah i know, some people still use the Tiberon prime. I still have mine. But it doesn't compare to other, better weapons. Are you going to use a tiberon prime or an ignis wraith?

I dunno about you but I prefer my Tiberon Prime to my Ignis Wraith.

I tend to have more fun when I even remotely need to aim my weapon, but that could just be me.

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2 minutes ago, Aldain said:

I dunno about you but I prefer my Tiberon Prime to my Ignis Wraith.

I tend to have more fun when I even remotely need to aim my weapon, but that could just be me.

I don't know about most people but i use the ignis wraith because of dps on mobs which is what most of the game /is/ these days. The existence of snipers means that most people who are going to use rifles, are going to just use the rubico prime to one hit just about everything. Pretty much all semiauto, burst, and auto rifles need a mechanics pass to compete with the current meta. Trust me. I would RATHER use my tiberon prime and I do when im not having to maintain high efficiency (eso, survival missions, defense missions, etc...) but when you have to kill a lot of things and do it fast, you are not going to use a bow or a "normal mechanics" rifle, and if you're focusing on one target, you're going to use a sniper. So. Again. A lot of existing weapons need mechanics redone. I did a whole post on adjustments that could get people using "off meta" weapons again but no one really read it.

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