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Catchmoon is being nerfed...


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45 minutes ago, ShortCat said:

There you have your answer. Case closed.

I'm not sure how the case is closed.

edit: Or are you implying that because it is a top priority weapon for many in Arbis it should get nerfed beyond regular stadards? Then when will Rubico Prime get nerfed since it is the top priority weapon in Eidolon hunts, which is also just a single game mode out of many?

Edited by SneakyErvin
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39 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

I'm not sure how the case is closed.

edit: Or are you implying that because it is a top priority weapon for many in Arbis it should get nerfed beyond regular stadards? Then when will Rubico Prime get nerfed since it is the top priority weapon in Eidolon hunts, which is also just a single game mode out of many?

The thing is you can bring a lanka now bows (daikyu is just as good as a rubico in tri caps)

gausses new weapons to a hunt and still perform at top levels. Although it’s a small list that expands very very slowly it’s variety and a rubico at this point of the tricap or multiple cap meta isn’t so good that it outperforms everything else  you can even kill the eidlyons with the parsecies or however you spell it or the redeemer prime. The catchmoon being very dominant and soo good that it outperforms anything else in its class was an issue

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

The catchmoon being very dominant and soo good that it outperforms anything else in its class was an issue

For me, it basically made the secondary a slot worth considering for more than utility, and maybe actually killing stuff with it... now, just like before it existed... not so much. For me, it's a mandatory "shooter gamers expect a secondary slot, so here it is..." type of thing. Oh well, that's all they seem to want it to be. (for people who like hand cannons that take precise headshots to kill stuff, and SMGs that require you to empty a clip into each enemy to kill them and reload between enemies... sure, go and enjoy the rest of your selection... I won't.

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Just now, (PS4)AyinDygra said:

For me, it basically made the secondary a slot worth considering for more than utility, and maybe actually killing stuff with it... now, just like before it existed... not so much. For me, it's a mandatory "shooter gamers expect a secondary slot, so here it is..." type of thing. Oh well, that's all they seem to want it to be. (for people who like hand cannons that take precise headshots to kill stuff, and SMGs that require you to empty a clip into each enemy to kill them and reload between enemies... sure, go and enjoy the rest of your selection... I won't.

But there are plenty of other weapons that can fill that slot. The catchmoon being nerfed is something that should’ve been happened so this backlash could’ve been avoided. But when one weapon clearly outclasses everything in its class and is hurting the viability of said games other weapons it needs to be nerfed 

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

The thing is you can bring a lanka now bows (daikyu is just as good as a rubico in tri caps)

gausses new weapons to a hunt and still perform at top levels. Although it’s a small list that expands very very slowly it’s variety and a rubico at this point of the tricap or multiple cap meta isn’t so good that it outperforms everything else  you can even kill the eidlyons with the parsecies or however you spell it or the redeemer prime. The catchmoon being very dominant and soo good that it outperforms anything else in its class was an issue

It outperformed everything in its class at one thing. Yes Catchmoon was overtuned, no one can deny that, the problem however is how they approached it all with the planned nerf which is just as Catchmoon, way overtuned.

They went from one extreme to another, with no middleground or gradual testing to see where it would be approapriate to lock the nerf for Catchmoon.

So my point regarding Rubico Prime is that it is the prefered weapon for that specific mission, so with DEs decision on Catchmoon in mind the Rubico P should obviously also be overnerfed (due to simple popularity standards), when in reality it is currently pretty spot on. The reason that DE wont see the popularity percentage on Rubico Prime is due to eidolons not being available 24/7. If they were then there are big chances that rubico or one other specific sniper would see massive percentage over other primaries.

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2 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

It outperformed everything in its class at one thing. Yes Catchmoon was overtuned, no one can deny that, the problem however is how they approached it all with the planned nerf which is just as Catchmoon, way overtuned.

They went from one extreme to another, with no middleground or gradual testing to see where it would be approapriate to lock the nerf for Catchmoon.

So my point regarding Rubico Prime is that it is the prefered weapon for that specific mission, so with DEs decision on Catchmoon in mind the Rubico P should obviously also be overnerfed (due to simple popularity standards), when in reality it is currently pretty spot on. The reason that DE wont see the popularity percentage on Rubico Prime is due to eidolons not being available 24/7. If they were then there are big chances that rubico or one other specific sniper would see massive percentage over other primaries.

In all actuality the lanka would be more likley and even if so again you have more weapons to deal with eidlyons also to my knowledge while the rubico is a preferred weapon you also have the lanka and vectis which are also highly favored the usage of these three is pretty spread out almost even. So it’s no outlier or any stats to say otherwise that the rubico is used more then these three. 

the idea that it was just popularity that caused the catchmoon to be nerfed isn’t all that true. While I can say that because it’s a highly used weapon and the stats back it up look at the stats. An overused weapon with mediocre stats dosent get a direct nerf (it’s riven dispo does) but in many cases being that the catchmoon was overturned it deserved to be looked at. You even just said that kinda. And I belive the catchmoon nerf is fair. It’s pefroming like a shotgun secondary now. Something it should’ve been acting as.

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It's not that it outclasses everything in its class... its class stinks, IMO, and I don't really consider the rest worth anything. It's a decorative option on my character at this point. Catchmoon made it a game-worthy slot that actually contributed to occasional use (when I wasn't meleeing). It's not really a balance issue... it was a weapon that served a function before, and now will not.

As a person who Melee's 99% of the time anyway, it's not going to hurt me as a player... I just see this as a giant balance faux pas... balance due to popularity, failing to see the reasons it was good, and bringing other options up to its level (or creating a middleground) ... right now, it was the 1 good secondary that I considered worth using... (even if I have STRONGER weapons than it was...)

I used to use the Arca Plasmor to clear out hordes of weak enemies, but it was pitifully weak as a primary weapon and was projectile based, so it was pathetic against targets at a great distance that liked moving around (like Dargyns)... so the Catchmoon picked up that function for me, so I could replace my primary with a hitscan weapon for boss weakpoints and Dargyns. Totally a utilitarian thing for me, as I said. I can take out 99% of enemies with my melee (never even used spin2win, so this melee change is all buffs to me - never relied on the combo meter), and the Catchmoon is being relegated to melee range, essentially. IMO, their decision is neutering a weapon and nothing is really there to replace it. The Accelatra or whatever new secondary isn't going to be entering my arsenal either - I don't do self-damage capable weapons - and that's about the only other secondary anybody has suggested that might fill its old role for me.


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26 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

In all actuality the lanka would be more likley and even if so again you have more weapons to deal with eidlyons also to my knowledge while the rubico is a preferred weapon you also have the lanka and vectis which are also highly favored the usage of these three is pretty spread out almost even. So it’s no outlier or any stats to say otherwise that the rubico is used more then these three. 

the idea that it was just popularity that caused the catchmoon to be nerfed isn’t all that true. While I can say that because it’s a highly used weapon and the stats back it up look at the stats. An overused weapon with mediocre stats dosent get a direct nerf (it’s riven dispo does) but in many cases being that the catchmoon was overturned it deserved to be looked at. You even just said that kinda. And I belive the catchmoon nerf is fair. It’s pefroming like a shotgun secondary now. Something it should’ve been acting as.

As I said it was overtuned, but we will just go from one extreme to another. It should have stayed somewhere around arca plasmor and fulmin, the two weapons that are most like it. It shouldnt be based on the usage of other secondary weapons, because just as with the other slots each weapon class serves a different purpose.

I mean both Gaze and Tombfinger are single target beasts, just as Pyrana Prime and no one takes them to content where you need AoE coverage to hit a swirly moving target. Just as you wouldnt bring Catchmoon to kill something like Lephy or his dirty cousin on the plains.

And no, Catchmoon will definently not perform as a shotgun secondary now because it will offer near zero range. And no I'm not talking about the nerf from 40+ meters down to 20m, I'm talking about the fact that it will have pointlessly low effective range. The 90% falloff is the crippling part of the whole nerf. 20m effective range would have been all ok, but with a 90% damage falloff it isnt.

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33 minutes ago, (PS4)AyinDygra said:

The Accelatra or whatever new secondary isn't going to be entering my arsenal either - I don't do self-damage capable weapons - and that's about the only other secondary anybody has suggested that might fill its old role for me.

Give Acceltra a try, it is a wonderful weapon with practically zero risk to the user. The rockets need to travel a good distance before getting armed so there is never a case of accidentally shooting the floor or walls near you. At close range it works as a regular automatic rifle more or less.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)AyinDygra said:

The Accelatra or whatever new secondary isn't going to be entering my arsenal either - I don't do self-damage capable weapons - and that's about the only other secondary anybody has suggested that might fill its old role for me.


It's very difficult to self damage yourself with gauss' weapons as the rockets have a 7 meter arming distance. Having mained Gauss with his signature weapons since his arrival in game I have never managed to pull off hurting myself with them, granted I haven't really tried too but still.

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5 minutes ago, Dragazer said:

lemme guess someone's upset their catchmoon crutch got nerfed?

Edit: on the money


I would like to see what the MR27 Arcane Usage spreadsheet looks like, and then ask DE why they are nerfing one of the 'best in slot' items and not the others.

However, I'm not going to say that they need to get nerfed. I only want DE to be held to account for inconsistency.

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13 minutes ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

I would like to see what the MR27 Arcane Usage spreadsheet looks like, and then ask DE why they are nerfing one of the 'best in slot' items and not the others.

However, I'm not going to say that they need to get nerfed. I only want DE to be held to account for inconsistency.

I can almost guarantee it's not like half the player base uses that arcane alone as much we every other arcane combined.

22 minutes ago, Soullessxv said:

We need to see a nerf to arcane energize as well since we are nerfing things.  This one arcane gives you an unlimited energy supply. And make it so only one arcane of that type can be equipped at once. 

No, we dont. It doesnt give you "unlimited energy" either.

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3 hours ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:


No, we dont. It doesnt give you "unlimited energy" either.

Yeah, it doesn't. At max rank it has 40-45% chance to give you a massive energy boost of around 100 extra energy per energy orb pick up. And its not worth it to just use double maxed out energizes, at least IMO.

To get Arcane energize we have to run the Tridolon bounty, it has around a 5% drop chance, and you have to CAPTURE the Hydrolist, not kill it or it won't drop it. RNG pretty much ensures that you're gonna be running this bounty A LOT to max out Arcane energize if you don't just drop Plat for it to spare yourself the work.

In short, it takes either a lot of work or plat to get this. OP is either trolling or just outright lying and should be nerfed instead.



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i am just surprised they havent fixed the description for energize after all this time since it is extremely misleading. "chance to replenish energy to nearby allies".

that says nothing about the actual mechanic of it giving additional energy to you as well.


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11 minutes ago, Talinthis said:

i am just surprised they havent fixed the description for energize after all this time since it is extremely misleading. "chance to replenish energy to nearby allies".

that says nothing about the actual mechanic of it giving additional energy to you as well.


If it is ever nerfed  what they will do is say the original description is what it was meant to do never anything more.   Then it will just change so you have a 40% chance to give 25 energy to nearby allies...  the sad truth is that might actually even be true it might have been a mistake from the beginning.

Edited by (PS4)Eluminary
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