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Update 26: The Old Blood


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15 minutes ago, hazureXX said:

Thank you for destroying Ember. The only one mobile frame ingame and the only one which i enjoyed

You making this up ember was garbage. The only mobility was running from lv 50+ mobs so you don't get one hit killed

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Not a fan of the dumbed down combo system, switching between quite a few melee's feels like a bit of a let down across the board.. Can we request a toggle system for being able to switch between Melee 1.5 combo system (Move sets) and Melee 2.0? That bare minimum would make me happy enough to continue piling time into my wandering of the star chart.

I'll be doing my diligence with the new changes; but right away i've got to admit; im not a fan at all of the new combo set; Wukong is fine; sure, but I loved the flow of quite a few of the older weapon styles that now feels marred and broken with the new system.. I've invested far too long into fine tuning learning the old system to just throw it away; i'd sooner take a hiatus while this stuff has time to bake.

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Disc Duration is now a base of 10 seconds and is increased by the Combo Multiplier

This nerf to Zenistar was really not necessary. I wonder why DE hates players, that like to play a little more chilled, so much that they have to nerf every mechanism that supports this playstyle to the ground...

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Are the new melee changes good?

Well yes, but no 

The thing is, some weapons are now good, and some bad. And, my problem is not with the new range, well not really, i do alredy miss big range melees. 

The peoblem is that some of the most powerful melees, are now trash. And we are forced to change our most used melees, and that isn't exactly confortable. For example, tatsu, no longer feels the same. Its not as smooth as it was before, and no longer deals the same dmg, and lets not talk about its range nerf. Or my keewar zaw, it is extremly slug-ish now. Or glaives, they were the fun 1 shot disc without needing to carry a stat gun. But Nikana Prime, now finally has the range to be good, but i would still prefer a big boii nikana then a small one, but, the big nikana is no longer as good or better the the normal one. I get that you want to make every weapon useable, but please make them all good without taking down the old ones. Also, for most melees, their standard E E E button mash that preety much everyone will do feels very slug-ish, and not as smooth as before 

Alson please bring back the old Condition overload. And give big swords and sticks a bigger range then that similar of 2 daggers. 



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So much grinding in this update. Usually, too much grinding in itself is already a problem, but this update combines time gate on Kuva missions with the awful relic+fissure system, more void traces farming and to, makes matter worse, the requiem mods can only be used 3 times. Great.

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after throughly playing this update, i can say i love it very much, though i will say i hate hate hate the removal and revert if the stance switching. everything about having to hold the button to switch to melee is bad and feels like a drastic step backwards, if it wernt for that blemish the combat would feel very very fresh, like devil may cry fresh. very poor decision on reverting to the old style of melee after the fluidity of melee how we got used to.

as for the weapons and how they feel, i own over 100 weapons and have fully decked builds and forma on each, i spent a good deal testing each melee i own with and without a riven i can say each one felt unbelievably good, would i like to see more combos, maybe even a "build your own combo" like in absolver for example yeah sure, but pressed for time and an introduction to the new melee this works beautifully aside from the obvious marring of the update with the revision of melee hold to shift. oh and please add new heavy attacks, i barely used these cause they all look pretty trash considering most are literally just a charged attack.

i would like to see three levels of aim assist, light medium and heavy with the ladder being a very hard lock on akin to say god of war target lock, hell scrap my decision and add in a hard target lock on for people like me with severe nerve damage to the wrist and hands.

heavy attacks in general need a straight up rework, they need to not be a glorified charge attack and be quicker, deadlier and more in like like the normal combos just "heavier" we dont want to sacrifice all our combo multiplier on a single heavy attack that literally has no speed/usefulness to it when we can just unleash a nasty barrage of gunfire and sword strikes take inspiration from games with a heavy combo like devil may cry and or maybe make heavy attack do a single-or-small group launch or knock up so we can follow up with jumping into the air and slicing them up reverence style 

the zenistar needs a revert or a rework make it like it used to be or better cause it isnt in a good spot, hell it wasnt really in a good spot before either if were being honest.

the parazon is epic, but id like to be able to fight with it and deal finishers using it either in combo with the weapons we have or just keeping no melee and using it alone for a finisher. i noticed it has a whip like extension to it, maybe even have it be used to pull enemy's into the air for a air combo or used to ripcord warframes up elevator shafts quickly special forces style cause lets be honest, when invaded by tenno corpus should shut down their cargo elevators as they dont need em, they have jet packs and tenno are space ninjas.. 


now on to the real S***show.. why not just make the enemies lvl 500 and allow us to use our warframes with all our gear wheel and mods in the Grendel missions.. so bull****

Edited by Accaliah
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Thanks for the update and the hotfix !
In Elite Sanctuary Onslaught, i noticed that you added a "cooldown" icon, replacing the old red color over the 4th ability when is disabled for 15 seconds (when used twice in less than 10 seconds).

That new icon would be more useful if it indicates the remaining time before Simaris´s Annoying Punishment triggers, because that is the only thing you need to track in ESO in my perspective... You can always count the ten seconds, watch a timer, buff or something, but it only require miss for 0.1s and you are being lectured by Simaris for using your Warframe...

Also, you need a button for REVIVE when dead, i can see the "hold to revive" in bleed out but when your are dead (solo or expired timer) you need to press the revive icon in the screen, that would be not the big problem but for some reason the game starts to lag and the fps drops (like when your are hacking a grineer consoles in PoE) taking additional time go back to the game. That alone can make you lose the mission if u are in defending a target in high levels...


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vor 22 Stunden schrieb [DE]Megan:

-Killing A KUVA LARVLING is the first step to creating a Lich. These can be found on any regular level 20+ Grineer mission in the Origin System - not including Sorties/Fissure/Quests/Special Regions, etc. for now. They are only available for players who have reached The War Within or beyond, this is the required prerequisite for getting a Lich.

Am I the only one who finds this marked piece of info in that sentence interresting?  Usually "any mission, except Void" would have sufficed, but this odd emphasis on the solar system?

Unintended Foreshadowing for a new system (no, i don't count Railjack as it's own solar system, if there are no planets.)

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Thank you for the update and the hot fix.

I'm thoroughly pleased with reworks for both Ember and Vauban, great job on the frames. Melee feels smoother and strangely unsatisfying but I might just need to get used to it. However, some of the additions in this update are just ridiculous. The grind is real, killing the kuva lich takes way too much effort, it isn't difficult just boring and grindy, the fact the the hidden blade mods are consumable is just a slap in the face. The same goes for the acquisition missions for Grendel's parts, honestly I will not farm this farm for this frame and I will not buy it. The missions are the dull and this is lazy work. We've been asking for difficulty in the game but these missions are just impossible without a squad, as a solo player I'm very disappointed (I feel sorry for people who will have to do this alone in the future) . In my opinion, this update was overhyped but it is nothing special, just a few new things to do in the same old tilesets and same old missions. 

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really dissapointed in this update

1. The new relics seem to exist only to frustrate players into buying the bundles.

2. Consumable mods... really? Are you guys out of your minds?!

3. New range in the melee rework sucks, big time. Also the heavy attacks are freaking useless. I understand you guys wanted to make something akin to DMC, but Warframe is not a melee combo game, we really don't have time to play with a single enemy suspended in air while other enemies burn through our health.

Also the kuva lich system is so grindy that I'm already burned out and I feel sorry for the people who actually grind through it all. What was the idea here? I thought after such long months without any substantial content you would actually release something fun but it seems like you guys are only interested in pissing us off with more ridiculous grind. I mean this makes me think warframe actually devolved. DE fix your game please, because there are a lot of players out there (including me) who love this game.


Some good things though:

1. Kuva liches are pretty cool and I love that they have the progenitor warframe's head mounted on their shoulders.

2. The parazon is awesome, the animations are amazing, the team really outdid themselves this time.


Some suggestions:

1. Since the kuva lich system is inspired by Shadow of Mordor's nemesis system, why not add bodyguards to the liches. So if you were to defeat one it would severely weaken the lich by revealing one requiem mod immediately. So of course these would be higher value targets than the thralls as such maybe they could get their own assassination missions. This would help alleviate some of the grindy aspects of the system.

2. Make requiem mods permanent.

3. Make parazon executions a more common occurrence 😄

Edited by LocoN7
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damn they really screwed over blood rush...  The Nikondi prime was my favorite weapon until yesterday, but now it doesn't even do enough damage to kill lvl 30-40 grineer in one hit unless you spend two minutes building up the combo counter to a max of 12X. Sure, the combo counter gets to 12x, but even then it does a fraction of the damage as it was before at 2x. and even then, it went from doing red crits at 3x  to doing yellow crits at 12x. I love the addition of exlius slots and the re addition of melee equip, but the nerf to crit based weapons sucks. 

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