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Solo players, stop expecting, that Command will fix all your railjack problems.


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13 minutes ago, Mr.Fluffins said:

I don't understand why people keep spreading this weird rumor that you cannot solo Railjack missions.

The starting railjack is trash and that's where the rumor originated from. It is not hard to solo every railjack mission, but it is hard to get your ship to the point it is qualified to do so.

Edited by LazyKnight
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4 hours ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

I'd at least take some time off. It just makes for more toxicity/bitterness about things you don't like. Get off Warframe and have fun with something else! Then decide if it's worth coming back.

Oh don't worry, we've all been there, so I feel you, plenty of players have left for said reasons that theres no point going into as it's clear as day and you are right, taking a break is always healthy for you, so that's really good advice.

However at times it boils down to when certain people cry out "go play another game" and then they do that, it's "surprised pikachu". If you watched some vids, then you'll see what I mean. Exp: Reaper Hunter. And then you have you folks who just are too full of themselves and say things like "good riddance" yet, the reality is, if they get excalty what they want, no one will be playing.

But yes, taking a break should always be a healthy choice for anyone to make, regardless of what it is


Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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Esentially solo is already in the game. Once you have a nice beefy ship and some good weapons you can go and do the veil alone. You don't even need that void hole ability for it. It's slower sure but doable.

Command will make solo player's life even easier. And depends on how it works it could make even public matches better.

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It amuses me that there are people defending a system where you spend massive amounts of resources and literal days to construct an inexcusably expensive ship, then not use that ship in the very mode of play that ship was built for and instead use an archwing to farm materials and modifications to upkeep and upgrade a ship you're not using. Despite building that ship to enjoy playing it.

And they defend it because it makes them look like Digital Fighting Elite.

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On 2019-12-13 at 5:59 AM, Furebel said:

It seems that all the solo players expect that when Command skill and AI crew arrives, all your problems will be solved, and some even go as far to say they won't play Empyrean module until that AI crew arrives. Empyrean is strictly co-op experience. It is not "co-op" in a way of "I do my thing while other guys walk around randomly", where you can feel either carried or useless. Going out with AI crew and shadow field won't give you the same experience and you should not expect it would.

If you don't want to play Railjack in public for reasons, don't expect Command to change it.

Ps.: I am one of you guys, a solo player, with huge dojo I raised and decorated myself, and no friends, but since this module was built from ground up for cooperation, it feels more like Star Trek: Bridge Crew, where you have the most fun out of cooperating with others. We have to deal with it and try and find some pals for once.

Who are you ? God? 🤢

Edited by Luciole77
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I’m already soloing veil missions, with the railjack. It’s not hard and the only thing that would make it better (aside from bug fixes) would be npc gunners, security and repair.  But I manage those roles just fine. 


Did it take a little while to get there? Yes it did. 

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I hope DE are careful with how they introduce the Command tree and the AI.

I've been having a blast playing solo as it is. The chaos and mayhem of rushing from piloting, boosting around like a mad man, switching to my side guns to take down bubbles, then go to slingshot myself to a crew ship, to come back and kill a boarding party and then rush to fix a breach.. I love it..

Definitely not the most efficient way to do Railjack missions ( I usually take 10-15 minutes doing solo runs - as opposed to <5 minutes with a good crew), but it's god damn fun to run Veil Proxima hardest missions doing this.

For me, the Command tree as it is is unlikely to make it "better" in a way, and I fear DE may tweak/nerf things to make it relevant ( or should I say, easier.. ) ..

Hopefully that won't happen. 

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On 2019-12-13 at 4:08 AM, Furebel said:

A friendly reminder, that people wanted raids back, and they required a premade party of 8. Solo players are a minority.

Friendly reminder that raids players were around 1% of the player base.  So unless you think solo players are that small of the group, let's not post this again.

Also, if anything AI crew at least won't abandon you when they don't get the RNG in the mission they want.  Once you've got most of the avionics and decent weapons veil is soloable right now.  AI crew should at least take out solo play and let you focus on mission objectives rather than jumping back and forth between repairing and piloting.

Edited by Aggh
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33 minutes ago, Aggh said:

Friendly reminder that raids players were around 1% of the player base.  So unless you think solo players are that small of the group, let's not post this again.

Also, if anything AI crew at least won't abandon you when they don't get the RNG in the mission they want.  Once you've got most of the avionics and decent weapons veil is soloable right now.  AI crew should at least take out solo play and let you focus on mission objectives rather than jumping back and forth between repairing and piloting.

It's funny seeing some raid players talk about solo players being a minority when raid players are one of the smallest minorities in the Warframe community.

Anyway, OP is right that the command intrinsic won't solve any problems, mainly because DE's not going to improve the AI.

Edited by TheGildedOni
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2 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

That's the rub, innit? You're willing to interact with others in mission and work together in a goal oriented setting. 

I have seen way too many people post claiming that it's impossible to "make friends" and refusing to play with strangers on this forum. 

I have met good people, and made friends in this game, just like you have. Sure some jerks and trolls have showed up from time to time, but that's a "them problem". Overall, apart from the few bad apples, warframe players tend to be neutral at worst and very friendly at best. 


People who are refusing to play co-op under any circumstances, are generally only hurting themselves in the final tally. 

I agree with both sides. I play pubs as often as I'm solo and it's no true benefit or reason to play pubs with randoms. I have a healthy friends  list but the devs removing many aspects that should require co-op play have given the community the idea that actual co-op play isn't needed. In many instances you can argue it's not. So they've grew accustomed to playing solo. On the other hand this is a co-op game at base but besides making friends again why would I want to play co-op

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23 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

I agree with both sides. I play pubs as often as I'm solo and it's no true benefit or reason to play pubs with randoms. I have a healthy friends  list but the devs removing many aspects that should require co-op play have given the community the idea that actual co-op play isn't needed. In many instances you can argue it's not. So they've grew accustomed to playing solo. On the other hand this is a co-op game at base but besides making friends again why would I want to play co-op


Higher mob spawn rate ✔️ Higher drop rate ✔️ Shared affinity ✔️ Better chance when opening relics ✔️


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4 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:


Higher mob spawn rate ✔️ Higher drop rate ✔️ Shared affinity ✔️ Better chance when opening relics ✔️



No lag issues✔️ No team mates holding you back ✔️ No enemies to share ✔️ Shorter defense waves ✔️


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23 hours ago, Highlord83 said:

It amuses me that there are people defending a system where you spend massive amounts of resources and literal days to construct an inexcusably expensive ship, then not use that ship in the very mode of play that ship was built for and instead use an archwing to farm materials and modifications to upkeep and upgrade a ship you're not using. Despite building that ship to enjoy playing it.

And they defend it because it makes them look like Digital Fighting Elite.

I mean, some people use their Archwings. That's on them. Personally I've found that the Railjack has been much better at handling enemies than my Archgun and Archwing ever could dream of in Empyrean. The only time I use Archwing is through the slingshot and to nab the items dropped by a crewship after it explodes, then immediately teleport back to my Railjack because it actually does damage. And it doesn't die when a fighter sneezes on it. Field of view is the only issue with the pilot's seat. It's woefully limited compared to Archwing and as such makes finding those dropped materials a tad bit harder. To say that Archwing is better than the Railjack would mean a lack of actual experience in Saturn and the Veil. Once those ship levels climb, the Archgun fails to keep up with the Railjack cannons. Even a multi forma fully modded Imperator Vandal doesn't have the output it takes to take down enemy fighters.

As for it being expensive, is it really? The Railjack and all of its resource costs didn't put a dent in any of my stockpiled resources, save for credits. And credits are easily obtained. Though I wish my lich would stop stealing my Index returns but hey, she's probably rolling in money and if the game would give me Xata I'd politely drag all that credits back to me.

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