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So, the Aksomati Prime...is worse? (Disposition)


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4 hours ago, Chronometria said:

Now the prime version comes out and I`m left wondering if its worth sticking with my old weapon....because their riven dispositions are now different. The two weapons have been split apart, with the prime being much reduced in its disposition. The old one is disposition 4, which is very high in weapon terms.

As far as I have seen, all weapons start off with a even Disposition of 1 (3 on the in game scale) when they come out, with them moving around as DE sees how often they are used.

Please read up on the Riven Mod Disposition on the Warframe Wiki before you go crying about nerf's that were never there.

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1 hour ago, Frenotx said:

More than doubling the base status seems pretty significant to me.

It really depends. For some weapons, sure. For others though, it's a pretty questionable choice. For instance, Destreza vs Destreza Prime. Upped status on a crit rapier. I guarantee you anyone still playing Rapiers is not playing Destreza Prime as a hybrid build.

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3 hours ago, Firedtm said:

As far as I have seen, all weapons start off with a even Disposition of 1 (3 on the in game scale) when they come out, with them moving around as DE sees how often they are used.

Please read up on the Riven Mod Disposition on the Warframe Wiki before you go crying about nerf's that were never there.

I think you missed something. 

Aksomati's riven dispo is 4. (In game)

Aksomati prime's riven dispo is 3. (in game)

The differences in stats between prime and regular are very, very minor, unlike some of the other weapons. 

A decent (and I'm not talking "perfect") riven will probably make aksomati better than aksomati prime and they specifically said they didnt want that situation to be a thing. 

And, I would be willing to bet because its "new" and its one of the only full auto dual wield secondaries that is easily obtainable its usage will be high enough that in the next prime access DE will decide to nerf aksomati prime's dispo to even less than 3 while base aksomati stays the same like it has been. 

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The upped status chance makes the aksomati prime far more potent then the non prime counterpart, it's a slash crit bleed machine now whereas before it was purely one dimensional (crit), not even worth throwing 60/60 mods on because it's base status chance was garbage.  The prime is a definite upgrade and not some sidegrade like some people are making it out to be in regards to riven disposition.  

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5 hours ago, Kerberos-3 said:

It really depends. For some weapons, sure. For others though, it's a pretty questionable choice. For instance, Destreza vs Destreza Prime. Upped status on a crit rapier. I guarantee you anyone still playing Rapiers is not playing Destreza Prime as a hybrid build.

This is a high RoF machine pistol, though, not a sword. It doesn't take a crazy high status change to start good number of procs when you're spewing many bullets out per second.

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I got a riven with +elec +crit chance +crit damage -status chance for the Aksomati recently.

The -status chance kills the riven on the base Aksomati. Higher dispo means a worse negative and with a 8% base status chance the weapon is doomed to become a pure crit weapons. Which falls off pretty quickly.

On the prime tho ? The riven makes the status chance go to 9%, but the base 18% means I can easily get back to 30-40% with just multishot and 60/60.

Prime is way better for me. It becomes a decent enough status weapon due to its ROF, and with that Riven I get something like 7.6 crit multiplier AND 97.5% crit chance.

Edited by Isokaze_BestKaze
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I’m confused. Why do people compare riven dispo of normal vs prime varian of the same weapon? I thought we can put the normal weapon riven into the prime weapon. Or does putting the riven in the other version of weapon with different dispo change the stat of the riven?

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il y a 2 minutes, novalery a dit :

I’m confused. Why do people compare riven dispo of normal vs prime varian of the same weapon? I thought we can put the normal weapon riven into the prime weapon. Or does putting the riven in the other version of weapon with different dispo change the stat of the riven?

Riven stats change with different disp weapon.

Like the Aksomati Riven I have.

On normal aksomati it gives +177% crit chance, 110% elec, 110% crit damage, -75% Status chance.

On the Prime it becomes something like +150 / 90 / 90 / -50

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10 minutes ago, Isokaze_BestKaze said:

Riven stats change with different disp weapon.

Like the Aksomati Riven I have.

On normal aksomati it gives +177% crit chance, 110% elec, 110% crit damage, -75% Status chance.

On the Prime it becomes something like +150 / 90 / 90 / -50

Ah i see. I got some rivens but never really care about the disposition effect. Thanks for explanation

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I'll do a comparison with my CC DMG MS -Puncture Aksomati later today after work to show what the Disposition change actually shows.

Anyways, Disposition was a mistake from the start, and time would be better spent just balancing weapons. People use Rubico Prime too much? Buff a few other Snipers and slightly nerf that one outlier. There's no reason for a Disposition to tank, player time investment to be hurt, and good weapons to be used anyway even if the Disposition gets nerfed (looking at Catchmoon for a while). Riven Mods will never fix the inconsistent balance of this game, and while I don't think DE is trying to do that, Disposition changes rarely affect the guns you choose.

Edited by Voltage
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15 hours ago, Uan91 said:

I trust that in the next disposition, aksomati prime will receive the same disposition of the normal variant

DE said going forward all variants of a weapon will have different dispositions across them such as tigris, sancti and Prime all having different ones. But so far it's seemingly only applied to the newest prime weapons. I think this is silly lore wise as it's just making base guns as or perhaps more powerful then their "powerful"/"Perfect" Variants. 

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14 hours ago, Foefaller said:

Despite what some may have lead you to believe, only shotguns need 100% status chance for status procs to be an effective part of a weapon build, and with automatic weapons, as long as you don't expect to strip armor or stack infinite bleeds that number can go *much* lower.

despite of what this guy says, to have a viable shotgun build you do not need to have it at 100% for status for it to be effective status-wise and [for example] Mot-worthy. 
100% status builds look nice on paper and star chart, and most definitely makes for great theoretical chats, but if you really want to go beyond in WF and *stay* there, hybrid builds will always reign over pure status, simply because you will eventually encounter a wall and your little dmg output will just not cope with what you are exposed to. 

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I'll post a screenshot later of what my Aksomati Prime with Riven and (for now) no forma looks like, and I'm pretty sure it completely outclasses the basic one.

The status chance from 8 to 18 is a tremendous buff for me. Far better than a "simple" damage stats buff. And the lower disposition actually works in my favour since the status chance nerf is lower with a lower disposition.

I get a high crit multiplier, decent damage with high rof, high crit chance, and decent enough status chance considering the huge rof. Sounds good enough to me.

The only downside is that normal Aksomati can get over 100% crit chance while the Prime ver will stay at 98%.

Even without a Riven, Aksomati Prime gets decent status chance which allows a hybrid build.

Edited by Isokaze_BestKaze
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It is a slight upgrade(almost a sidegrade), but yeah if you have a decent riven I'd say stick with the non prime variant especially if you've invested some forma in it. I think simply via riven disposition and the right riven the regular variant may outdps(or at least go toe to toe) with the prime one.

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vor 13 Stunden schrieb (XB1)GearsMatrix301:

Is that a “wow you really stuck the truth to him like a pitchfork to the eye”?

or “wow you couldn’t be more wrong”.

Rivens suck, and were a terrible way to try and breathe life into lesser weapons, and their mechanics are starting to infect the newer content, effectively making Warframe as a whole worse.

It is a wow: Next time try to read what op and others are writing and refrain from random S#&$posting.

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8 hours ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

I think you missed something. 

Aksomati's riven dispo is 4. (In game)

Aksomati prime's riven dispo is 3. (in game)

The differences in stats between prime and regular are very, very minor, unlike some of the other weapons. 

I did not miss anything, They made really clear in their Dev post about it.

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