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People are starting to get the han solo syndrome with their ships...


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hace 7 horas, Lost_Cartographer dijo:

I'm going to continue to complain when Tenno keep wasting my supplies on open space while another races back and burns all the resources on refining them instead of on stuff we might really need, like revolite.  "It's a public game, you chose this!"  Isn't an excuse.  It's the current reality of pub play that people are just selfish and wasteful, but it shouldn't be ignored.  DE naively believed people wouldn't be wasteful and would be cooperative.  That's not how this works.  They should fix that oversight.  The alternative is I start going with in an understocked railjack and I make a bad habit of abandoning the helm to go back to the forge every 30 seconds.  Make sure everyone gets to pay something into my ship that way, and that isn't ideal either.


hace 3 horas, Leyers_of_facade dijo:

By that logic, it would be ok for someone to take up the datamass for a mobile defense and run around the whole mission, as "we should not expect anything". Or similar, it is totally fine for a mirage + simulor player to pick the brightest color they want, and effectively blind the entire team for the entire map. Or limbo shutting down consoles, nyx stopping defense waves with her mind control... etc (these ones were patched out)

Doing anything mentioned above or essentially wasting all the resources on the railjack both hinder mission progress, and there is a line between what we should expect and what should be accepted. Personally I draw the line on a player should be at least as useful as compared to having one less player. 

Sorry folks but it's reality, i've seen many players messing up games, especially in sorties so like i said before, deal with it or leave and/or report because (leaving railjack aside because is still new and probably will get many fixes and changes) i don't see how DE could apply more restrictions that there are already to prevent certain situations to happen.
And again if you don't get what you expect then use the feedback section or get friends or people from the chat to play because this is the wrong section to post feedback.

Edited by FmV01
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1 hour ago, Vyra said:

and most importantly for navigation.. some people have just forced us to do another mission .. but we wanted to go to drydock to refill....

Only the host, so in most cases also the captain and owner of the ship, can use the navigation...

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This is what happens when you suddenly have forced cooperation that requires constant communication.  For 7 years this game has got by using a model of "co-op" that requires 4 random people to just kill as many enemies as possible as fast possible - and even that causes loads of complaints from players who think someone else is killing too much.  And there's been famously little to no communication required in order to do that, you're lucky to get a gg at mission end.

Now, a whole new game mode has been introduced, that will likely end up as mandatory content in order to do the new war, that requires a team of random players to play in a cohesive, understanding way that requires sharing resources and constant communication with dedicated roles for everyone!   And there's next to nothing explained in game on how anything works.   LOL.

Given how obvious the problems are to every player, how did de manage to not see the problems themselves?   Did they just test this in dev/god mode where they all knew each other and were miked up?   Any random group of 4 players could have pointed out the glaring issues in about 10 minutes of playing. 

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People are toxic regarding most things in RJ, not only people "griefing" them or "wasting their ammo/flux". I got yelled at yesterday for gathering resources across the map when the rest were handing the fighters and crewships without any trouble at all. I thought it was common sense that you want to leave the mission as soon as possible with as many mats as you can possible get your hands on. But no, lets yell at the guy fixing you even more rare resources, the guy that would really make no noticable difference on the killing speed since it was already going fast enough.

Why do people even play railjack in Veil if not for the resources?

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16 hours ago, (XB1)Sumosan13 said:

Wow, we just got this on console and reading all the toxicity about the forced co-op makes me not want to play it at all until Command.

"This is MY ship, don't use MY ammo" ??  Then why the hell did he/she open the mission to public??  WTF is wrong with people?

To be fair there are a lot of trolls who will refine the resources then waste your munitions and ordnance.

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I had the opposite of what OP talked about. It was my ship and the guy was screaming at me because at the end of the mission instead of using the materials to make ammo ((We were at the 200 forge cap on materials))  I refined them. He began screaming about how we had to now go to the dojo and whole bunch of other stuff and I just responded with. "I was going to the dojo anyway, and I'm farming mats for my railjack." He had a mental breakdown...

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3 minutes ago, Vevvev said:

I had the opposite of what OP talked about. It was my ship and the guy was screaming at me because at the end of the mission instead of using the materials to make ammo ((We were at the 200 forge cap on materials))  I refined them. He began screaming about how we had to now go to the dojo and whole bunch of other stuff and I just responded with. "I was going to the dojo anyway, and I'm farming mats for my railjack." He had a mental breakdown...

You should have just asked if they could make a pit stop at the dojo. I hate when people refine and force me to go back when I’m trying to go through and complete missions. Honestly refining should be a host only ability. 

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5 minutes ago, Brey223 said:

You should have just asked if they could make a pit stop at the dojo. I hate when people refine and force me to go back when I’m trying to go through and complete missions. Honestly refining should be a host only ability. 

Agreed, and increase the forge cap by another 200. I was the host anyway and we were using my ship so I had no idea why he was treating the ship like it was his. 🤷‍♂️

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Just now, Vevvev said:

Agreed, and increase the forge cap by another 200. I was the host anyway and we were using my ship so I had no idea why he was treating the ship like it was his. 🤷‍♂️

Well that’s different, if you were host you’re the captain. Your ship your rules. And yes the forge cap should be well over a thousand. 

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3 hours ago, Vyra said:

most cases... yeah...i was host and captain and someone else used navigation...

Well, I always get onto other people's ships, and I pretty much never can interact with the navigation. The only time I could, was when there was a host migration. Maybe there's some other conditions, or, more likely, bugs, that go into this.

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4 hours ago, (XB1)Hyperion Rexx said:

 Did they just test this in dev/god mode where they all knew each other and were miked up?   Any random group of 4 players could have pointed out the glaring issues in about 10 minutes of playing. 

As much as I like all the railjack content... you're probably exactly right. I doubt this was tested outside of 'ideal' circumstances at all. 

Like, I'm sure part of the reason I like it is I never, ever run anything with pubbies. If I can't solo it and friends aren't online, it doesn't get done. So I only ever play RJ with friends on comms- and it's amazing that way. We all do what we need to do to make the mission run smoothly. 

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4 hours ago, Vyra said:

most cases... yeah...i was host and captain and someone else used navigation...

I believe if you die in mission it enables other players to use nav in order to not lockout all players from being able to navigate away eventually.

Edited by Skaleek
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21 hours ago, Toppien said:


that's the common behavior I've been encountering lately on public games, i find it funny and sad a the same time...

for example, we were on a veil mission then when i decide to use the main cannon on the ship to get rid of a crew-ship that was constantly healing the fighters, the "captain" goes nuts and starts griefing me for "wasting his ammo" and im like "wtf i just killed a ship that was being a real pain in the butt" but no, the guy says that is his ship and his ammo.

another different mission one guy was just fooling around chasing fighters at the other side of the map (cuz the damn things keep fleeing if you pursue them) but when i decide to move the ship to a more safe location behind some asteroids this guys gets mad and says "enjoy the host migration, get your own ship"

well excuse me, my ship is actually pretty good but i cant host for sht so i end up solo with my ship, but anyways.

the point is that people are starting to get really touchy and possessive with their ships, so much for a cooperative game mode 😞 and i cant wait for the command intrinsic to be released

Ive never have this to happen to me

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21 hours ago, Toppien said:


that's the common behavior I've been encountering lately on public games, i find it funny and sad a the same time...

for example, we were on a veil mission then when i decide to use the main cannon on the ship to get rid of a crew-ship that was constantly healing the fighters, the "captain" goes nuts and starts griefing me for "wasting his ammo" and im like "wtf i just killed a ship that was being a real pain in the butt" but no, the guy says that is his ship and his ammo.

another different mission one guy was just fooling around chasing fighters at the other side of the map (cuz the damn things keep fleeing if you pursue them) but when i decide to move the ship to a more safe location behind some asteroids this guys gets mad and says "enjoy the host migration, get your own ship"

well excuse me, my ship is actually pretty good but i cant host for sht so i end up solo with my ship, but anyways.

the point is that people are starting to get really touchy and possessive with their ships, so much for a cooperative game mode 😞 and i cant wait for the command intrinsic to be released

short answer: it takes resources to make the ammo and flux that the ship owner has to pay for. it isn't much but when everyone dumps the resources out of the forge before reloading the goddam missiles it an be quite annoying.

Also please don't missile/ability spam if you can actually hit them easy. save them to one shot outriders. some people get pissy, i usually don't care much.


i DO care if someone jumps in the driver seat when i jump in the artillery... thats annoying.

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22 hours ago, Leyers_of_facade said:

I would put the other perspective in however.

As someone who typically hosts and pilots the ship, I am totally fine with people using whatever tools they want, so long they are using it in a reasonable way.

Doing things such as spamming particle ram, missiles and artillery cannon when there is literally no enemies at sight is most certainly not a reasonable thing to do, and should be considered as griefing. Sadly the number of times I have met players like that is actually rather surprisingly high, especially when I do the occasional earth node. (it rarely happens in saturn)


You want a different perspective how about mine then which could be what is happening as well.

I know jack squat about this content.  So I have purposely not entered it at all. Looks like I made the right choice. 

Why? I'd be pressing buttons and probably being a royal pain in the rear for many of you.  Why?  I frankly don't know better, what to do, etc.  I don't have my own ship, so what do you expect when a newb shows up?
It is NOT because I'm griefing you, it is because I'm trying to learn.

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Force team play in a game that's almost nobody play this way and 2 years after get rid of the only game mod needing it. Check.

Using 1 player real ressources to use weapons for the whole team for you to be able to troll. Check.

No tutorial or any kind of explanations on a team mode with ressources burning options. Check.

Rng roll on time gated ressources costing craft item with possiblity to skip using real money. Check.


DE, how can have you release something like that ? It's the opposite of Warframe, it's terrible in anyway.

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On 2019-12-19 at 10:47 PM, Toppien said:


that's the common behavior I've been encountering lately on public games, i find it funny and sad a the same time...

for example, we were on a veil mission then when i decide to use the main cannon on the ship to get rid of a crew-ship that was constantly healing the fighters, the "captain" goes nuts and starts griefing me for "wasting his ammo" and im like "wtf i just killed a ship that was being a real pain in the butt" but no, the guy says that is his ship and his ammo.

another different mission one guy was just fooling around chasing fighters at the other side of the map (cuz the damn things keep fleeing if you pursue them) but when i decide to move the ship to a more safe location behind some asteroids this guys gets mad and says "enjoy the host migration, get your own ship"

well excuse me, my ship is actually pretty good but i cant host for sht so i end up solo with my ship, but anyways.

the point is that people are starting to get really touchy and possessive with their ships, so much for a cooperative game mode 😞 and i cant wait for the command intrinsic to be released


Yeah it sucks when you can't get along, but luckily there's an awesome solution to avoid it; Join a clan and make friends to play with whom you can talk to via your choice of program on a regular basis.

Public will always be a place where you can meet rude people and that will never change. As sarcastic as my response might seem, it really is the best and only solution to avoid playing with people that play in a way you don't like and vice versa.

I play public whenever my clan mates or friends aren't around and I've only had positive experiences. The only thing getting in the way of anything is the game itself, either due to bugs, a pretty bad rare part farm and overly long missions (90 fighters continues to be way too much).

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On 2019-12-19 at 4:47 PM, Toppien said:

wasting his ammo

Dang it DE I gave you guys an answer for this in too many threads already!

You guy let me know if this would work, because I haven't done Railjack..
but by the sounds of it, this would fix the issue:

Everyone uses their own resources by default.
Community chest you donate to like a dojo, only used for tasks on that railjack.
Emergency stash for Captain's discretion to ration to players, if someone spends everything recklessly.

Party could supply each other for tasks through the donation/chest,
Captain doesn't need to lose more than they are comfortable with.
Party can only do as much damage to supplies as the captain/party allow,
and there are two fail safes for players and captains to supply resource to the person(s) who need(s) it.

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