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Tenebrous Ephmera Grind is Painful


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it isnt painful at all, just dont do it. if you do, they will just keep making stuff like this. but regardless of what is truth or what i say, people will anyway even if they hate it.  they have already proven they cant do anything properly for time spent or for "skill" like they said ephemera's were going to be. the "skill" is to sit at your computer and not have a family or life.


or just a single run and you get it while other people have done it for a month and came out with nothing. amazing skill based rewards indeed


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Daddy, chill.

This is COSMETIC item. It should be rare, and not easily accessible, like ugly spores or bats.The rarity and severity of receiving makes ephemera valuable and rare, as it should be. These are the very trials and rewards for these trials. IMO

P.S: I got ephemera after 800+ runs, and i dont cry about it.

Edited by Lollipumpsie
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On 2020-01-06 at 10:44 AM, EzioTheEagle said:

 I want to get everything in game 

This is impossible

Event emblems, you missed a ton of them

Tactical alerts, each one missed means the emblem isn't at it's peak

There are numerous skins, glyphs and so on that were available in a very short time frame, sometimes from time limited promocodes, sometimes from time limited missions, i'll just lay it here, some were available for alot less time than founders program, meaning if you didn't login and play a particular misison, then you can never aquire it.

Yes, you want all the ephemeras, that's nice, but cosmetic wise you probably missed a ton of stuff already.

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17 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

This is impossible

Event emblems, you missed a ton of them

Tactical alerts, each one missed means the emblem isn't at it's peak

There are numerous skins, glyphs and so on that were available in a very short time frame, sometimes from time limited promocodes, sometimes from time limited missions, i'll just lay it here, some were available for alot less time than founders program, meaning if you didn't login and play a particular misison, then you can never aquire it.

Yes, you want all the ephemeras, that's nice, but cosmetic wise you probably missed a ton of stuff already.

thats true actually, starting with excal prime, I dont have many things...but still I try to collect everything possible I can..

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37 minutes ago, Gasau said:

I just stop after getting 2 red crates with freakin capturas. Im done with this RNG crap.


This game rewards only luck. Your skill doesnt matter. All about luck.


This game has already become a f@!#ing casino.

feels bad man, the grind is too bad with all these rng layers

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45 minutes ago, Lollipumpsie said:

Daddy, chill.

This is COSMETIC item. It should be rare, and not easily accessible, like ugly spores or bats.The rarity and severity of receiving makes ephemera valuable and rare, as it should be. These are the very trials and rewards for these trials. IMO

P.S: I got ephemera after 800+ runs, and i dont cry about it.

And BTW  Forr ur initiative and that post about the ephemera farming, many players are getting it and started teaming up to farm it..thats a good thing, keep it up

45 minutes ago, Lollipumpsie said:

It should be rare, and not easily accessible, like ugly spores or bats.

like u said, this should be rare LIKE SPORES or BATS, u do remember right how we got those 2, spore from NW series 2 reward from a particular rank and Bats(Naberus) from a tactical halloween event..so technically both are earned by us, not dropped by luck


48 minutes ago, Lollipumpsie said:

P.S: I got ephemera after 800+ runs, and i dont cry about it.

And About this, if u already dint know, I have 19 out of 20 ephemeras in the game, I love grinding them, so I collect them all...I dont cry for grinding, I got blazing step ephemera after 500+ ESO runs.... check my older posts if possible..

But in this case, the grind is the worst bcoz of so many rng layers : 1. those particular rooms need to spawn , 2. Red crates have to spawn netween red and yellow , 3. The ephemera has to drop from the red crate

Till date, this is the worst grind for a cosmetic IMO..so I just want if we could get the item by other ways, or even normal grind like others 

I wouldnt mind if grinding the ship stayed permanently tbh

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2 hours ago, Lollipumpsie said:

This is COSMETIC item. It should be rare, and not easily accessible, like ugly spores or bats.The rarity and severity of receiving makes ephemera valuable and rare, as it should be. These are the very trials and rewards for these trials. IMO

I strongly disagree. Despite it being a cosmetic, 800 runs is a gigantic rip-off in terms of time. We are playing a game yes, but the time it requires is just effin insanity. I'm not going to mention the amount of RNG is also requires.

This is not even close to a "trial". I'd rather have it on Nightwave than put it into the crappiest items droptable.

It should be rather a low% drop on the sentients of the ship instead of the degenerate rare crate.

Edited by Daziri
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On 2020-01-06 at 10:57 PM, (PS4)ChaosTheNerd said:

Yeah, the lich ephemera bs is where I stopped taking this game seriously, which is sad for how long I've stuck with it 😞

At the very least Lich ephemera % got doubled for it to drop.

You have 10% on every Lich.

This Sentient degeneracy isn't even that forgiving.

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4 minutes ago, Daziri said:

At the very least Lich ephemera % got doubled for it to drop.

You have 10% on every Lich.

This Sentient degeneracy isn't even that forgiving.

A roll for a roll inside a time limited node with access to the farm every 3 hours more or less for a 30 minute opportunity, it is just the epitome of heavy rng and I'm so immensely dissappointed this is the way DE has decided to represent themselves and how they want to tailor the games grind. Step after step it seems like DE are valuing players less and less, and hoping to all the while get more and more from us. 

Once upon a time DE stood against even balancing towards scaling rewards because they didn't want people to feel obligated to do multi hour gaming sessions to feel a sense of progression/accomplishment, now we have timed node appearances that are made to keep you lingering/waiting stacked with heaps of rng and very little guarantee of a return on your efforts all in an effort to desperately leech onto any amount of time the game can bleed from you for as long as possible with no regard for your end experience. 

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Am 6.1.2020 um 16:50 schrieb EzioTheEagle:

I like your idea about hidden reward behind grind, maybe we can get a mini gamemode on that tileset where we need to survive particular number of zones or waves to get some unique rewards.. Like eso but in a different way and mini boss after each 2 zones for a nice change.. Also that mini boss can drop those rewards too but low chance.. There could be many such ideas from which we can get that new ephemera.. I just want this ephemera to be obtainable or grindable from some fun ways.. See I had to issue or complain for Grinding the eso ephemera bcoz it was 1% drop chance but we can do eso whenever we want.. But in this case, it's like to get the ephemera, we have to be obligated and keep a watch everytime the ship shows up.. 

I hate to bring it up but look at Destiny 2 for example. The sniper "wisper of the worm" is only obtainable by finding a hidden entrance that appears after killing a miniboss during a timed event. after that you have to complete a jump and run puzzle in an labyrinth. Then kill enemies and 3 bosses and the you get the Weapon 100%. And all that on a timer of 20 minutes (starting from the jump and run labyrinth). This is how you get a rare item in a game. Not by an abyssmal dropchance from a rare lootcrate.

Edited by realBiONiC
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On 2020-01-06 at 11:26 AM, EzioTheEagle said:

Did like 100+ sentient anomaly missions in Veil proxima till now, haven't found any red crate yet....only found a yellow one once tho...DE should change the grind mechanics for this ephemera: 

1. Make the sentient ship stay forever/permanent and not time gated

2. Make the duration more than 30 mins or reduce the 3 hrs gap to 1 hr

3. Make a mini sentient boss inside the sentient ship and make the ephemera as a 5% or 10% drop

4. Make this ephemera available in next NW series 3 or a special alert

5. Let those rare yellow and red crates spawn even in Lua tilesets, or make a new small node on Lua which can spawn those rare crates...

Please DE, do any of the above things to lessen the tiresome grind..its insane...Too many RNG layers have made the grind even worse...

Please Change this grind or make the ephemera available through other means


Edit : 235 runs of this sentient ship and still no red crate, not a single time.... God this RNG

Or get rid of the RNG in the first place.

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1 hour ago, realBiONiC said:

I hate to bring it up but look at Destiny 2 for example. The sniper "wisper of the worm" is only obtainable by finding a hidden entrance that appears after killing a miniboss during a timed event. after that you have to complete a jump and run puzzle in an labyrinth. Then kill enemies and 3 bosses and the you get the Weapon 100%. And all that in under 20 minutes (starting from the jump and run labyrinth). This is how you get a rare item in a game. Not by an abyssmal dropchance from a rare lootcrate.

Sounds way more reasonable to me.

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Pretty bummed, I just found my second rare crate, didn't even get to check if it was red though and had to abort the mission. Saw it on the scanner, went into operator mode for a second and got hit by a sentinel at the same time. Put me in some sort of invisible free camera mode where I just fell through all solid objects and couldn't be killed either, I could still use my archgun and kill enemy ships though. When teleporting back to ship I would instantly fall into space. Stung a little but really just laughable at this point 🙂


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5 hours ago, Cubewano said:

A roll for a roll inside a time limited node with access to the farm every 3 hours more or less for a 30 minute opportunity, it is just the epitome of heavy rng and I'm so immensely dissappointed this is the way DE has decided to represent themselves and how they want to tailor the games grind. Step after step it seems like DE are valuing players less and less, and hoping to all the while get more and more from us. 

Once upon a time DE stood against even balancing towards scaling rewards because they didn't want people to feel obligated to do multi hour gaming sessions to feel a sense of progression/accomplishment, now we have timed node appearances that are made to keep you lingering/waiting stacked with heaps of rng and very little guarantee of a return on your efforts all in an effort to desperately leech onto any amount of time the game can bleed from you for as long as possible with no regard for your end experience. 

And as a player who has to work 40hours per week with 3 possible shifts, this is getting insanely annoying for me personally. I can't find the time because I have to be in bed by the time next shi*omaly spawns.

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10 часов назад, EzioTheEagle сказал:

And BTW  Forr ur initiative and that post about the ephemera farming, many players are getting it and started teaming up to farm it..thats a good thing, keep it up

like u said, this should be rare LIKE SPORES or BATS, u do remember right how we got those 2, spore from NW series 2 reward from a particular rank and Bats(Naberus) from a tactical halloween event..so technically both are earned by us, not dropped by luck


And About this, if u already dint know, I have 19 out of 20 ephemeras in the game, I love grinding them, so I collect them all...I dont cry for grinding, I got blazing step ephemera after 500+ ESO runs.... check my older posts if possible..

But in this case, the grind is the worst bcoz of so many rng layers : 1. those particular rooms need to spawn , 2. Red crates have to spawn netween red and yellow , 3. The ephemera has to drop from the red crate

Till date, this is the worst grind for a cosmetic IMO..so I just want if we could get the item by other ways, or even normal grind like others 

I wouldnt mind if grinding the ship stayed permanently tbh

Although, in some cases, I agree. If each ephemera turned out with incredible difficulty, and not just for daily tasks or game currency, then this would be more fair

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