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Most fun weapons?

(XBOX)Dee Dubbalyoo

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So there is loads of stuff out there about which weapons are considered meta but I'm interested to know what people think are the most entertaining to use? Like the boltor obviously isn't the most powerful gun in the game but it made me smile a few times when I was nailing grineer to the ceiling.

So which weapons have you found to be the most fun?

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9 minutes ago, (XB1)Dee Dubbalyoo said:

So there is loads of stuff out there about which weapons are considered meta but I'm interested to know what people think are the most entertaining to use? Like the boltor obviously isn't the most powerful gun in the game but it made me smile a few times when I was nailing grineer to the ceiling.

So which weapons have you found to be the most fun?

Cyanex + Corrinth + Gunsen


Cyanex + Ferrox + Rakta Dark Dagger


Cyanex + Attica + Duel Keres

Or Cyanex + Cyanex + Cyanex



Just Cyanex.....

/end thread.

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6 minutes ago, (XB1)Dee Dubbalyoo said:

I'm getting a bit of a Cyanex vibe here... 

Gonna have to give it a try.

Add Jolt and a few heat mods 60\60.  Add in Gunslinger.  All of your base damage mods and some reload speed and you have a homing radiation status barrage of doom. Multi shot is a must. It Will also proc gas.  

Add Rakta Dark Dagger for overshields on radiation proc and you will essentially CC everything to fight against each other.

Make the bullets Bright green.

I used 6 forma on mine and use the exilis slot for hush so I can sneak and watch them all beat each other up.  I regret nothing.

Swap a few mods to strip armor in seconds.  


Special mention to the Hirudo.

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The Arca Plasmor with multishot and Vicious Spread is a fun way to remove entire rooms of trash mobs all at once. Or at the very least irradiate all of them. You will have like 0 accuracy but no one uses the it for accuracy.

This isn't a weapon specifically but the hammer stance Crushing Ruin's forward block combo is really fun. So is Cleaving Whirlwind's forward combo, the one where you can spin until you fall over. 

I think a lot of weapons become really fun if Mirage is holding them. The clone thing makes a lot of weapons completely ridiculous. 

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Personally, I'm currently having the most fun with the Kuva Bramma. It's my Slowva's new weapon of choice. Yeah, I kill myself with it from time to time, but suicide has never been so much fun, and it's usually my own fault these days anyway (e.g. "What the Hell was I thinking, trying to aim down a ramp at that angle? Of course it was going to clip the edge and blow myself up. Argh.")

Also, the Pandero. My favourite Secondary, and my Mesa's weapon of choice. Oh, would you look at the time, it's 9:59. I think it's nearly time for...

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Fun is subjective. But I'll still suggest my personal favorites:

Acceltra. (mirco-jet) 

Kuva Bramma, (the ONLY explosive weapon that does the "self damage vs payoff" right. And its statisfying)

Quellor. (Throw Vauban's vortex-> press alt fire-> maximum satisfaction)

Fulmin (Reminds me of old time's catchmoon)

Kuva Stubba (MORE DAKKA)

staticor (walk into enemies will having it charged will make it act like a defibrillator)

For melee

Skiajati (Invisibliity with ash's augument is fun)

Telos boltace ( ragdoll fun )

Vaykor Sydon (free excal's 2 on damage block)

Broken war (Honestly, I'm amazed this sword still manages to hold up even after so long since its release).


Edited by Aadi880
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2 minutes ago, doomeynoker said:

I like big laser, opticor is fun with the punchtrough for me.

Ferrox for the stargate vibe !


Shal kek nem ron, friend.

I've always liked Mutalist Cernos. Highly underrated weapon.

The first time I fired Zarr, my eyes lit up and I laughed maniacally. I wasn't acting either, the laugh was involuntary. Similar experience with Battacor. As someone who used a crapload of Penta back in the first year of the console version, explosives don't scare me. A lot of you folks weren't around when pets liked to jump in front of their master whenever you aim. Sometimes you'd even hit your sentinel. The rule was, "If you don't see where the grenade landed, DON'T DETONATE IT." And yet I see people fearful of Lenz, hah! How do you even suicide with that? Speaking of, Lenz is a blast.

But the one primary I use more often than anything else? My old faithful? Strun Wraith. Damn good gun. Feels great to shoot. I hoped Corinth would satisfy my desire for a shotgun with an underbarrel grenade launcher, but for some reason it just didn't hook me. Maybe one day, DE will release my dream weapon: a greatax with an underbarrel grenade launcher. Best gunblade ever. We also need a rocket fist, and a huge drill. Then my Gurren Lagann cosplay will be complete.

My favorite secondary used to be Lex Prime. Beautiful in its simplicity. Pyrana Prime replaced it. Then Cyanex replaced that. Cyanex is basically if Zakti could kill things, and not just serve as a CO/finisher setup.

As for melee, I'll admit I haven't played with a ton of weapons yet. But back when I was looking for cool melee weapons, Lacera and Lesion really stood out to me. I judged Sarpa harshly until I put a few forma into it. This was before they changed how gunblade projectiles work. Its damage wasn't mindblowing, but it was a crowd control machine. Shots emitted a short-range knockdown AOE around you. Now the AOE is only on the target. Also, grounded shots are now actual projectiles, and frequently miss. So dumb.

You'll notice a trend... I like status weapons, and self-buffing weapons. They tend to be mid-tier, but who cares. You're gonna die one day. Fun over progress.

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Zarr, because the idea of this game where you're in the far future, yet you can run around with something you could have swiped from a pirate ship is nuts.

Acceltra, because, what's not to like about a rocket firing uzi gun?

Redeemer Prime, because Final Fantasy showed us how cool gunblades are

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I've had some good times with Corinth and Strun Wraith.  The Corinth saddens me sometimes since it's grenade mechanic is underwhelming at times.  Right now I've got an itch for Auto's, the Kuva Karak scratches that itch.

Most the time I'll Roll Lato Vandal (or similar) for secondary, otherwise it's staticor.

Currently I'm using the causcyst for melee with a status/gas build.  It's a beast (sometimes i'll ground slam in sortie 3 and kill everything, it's LOL).  Also, I love the ranged mechanic of the causcyst and when done right it can get some gnarly medium range kills (or I can spam it through friendship doors while twiddling my thumbs).  Otherwise a status sheev.  Basically when it comes to melee i'll maim an enemy and they'll die right away or bleed-out soon after.

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