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Warframe Revised: Railjack Onboarding Changes Megathread


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Railjack Onboarding Changes:  
The Rising Tide Quest gives you your very own Railjack, but the barrier to entry is - conclusively with months of stats - too high. We are releasing a revised series of Blueprints (BP) in the Quest that sees costs reduced between 66% - 75% for Railjack parts, and building time reduced to 6 hours each.
There are 3 situations players may find themselves in:

  1. Haven’t started Rising Tide. Anyone just beginning will have fully new reduced BP costs.
  2. Has started Rising Tide. Anyone with any progress at all gets 1x Rush Repair Drone, and will transition to new costs on the next Stage. Any old costs will be refunded.
  3. Rising Tide Complete. Anyone with a complete quest gets 2x Rush Repair Drone. All cost differences will be refunded. 

Upon Review, stats show truly the only people that saw Rising Tide to completion were our veterans, which was originally our intent to design content for veteran players.

However, to sustain the cost of future development and events like Scarlet Spear, accessibility is key and we have to adjust the barriers to entry for Railjack. For those who were early adopters, 2x Rush Repair Drones will be given out. Anyone with the Rising Tide Quest active will receive 1x Rush Repair Drone. For those unfamiliar with Rush Repair Drones: these items can only be acquired via rare drop in the Veil Proxima, as they allow you to instantly complete a given Armament or Component.

Please remember to leave your feedback in a constructive and civil manner! Remember, this thread is for FEEDBACK ONLY. If you have a bug, please make sure you submit your bug on this thread and follow the new guidelines!

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I don’t know if it still happens, but being equipped with a gear item (say a Synthesis Scanner) and hacking a console with a parazon caused me to be stuck with my parazon equipped without my gun, melee weapon, or gear item until changing weapons. That happened just yesterday. I would even attempt to Right-Click aim with the parazon, even though the Parazon has no animations or functionality when equipped.

Edited by SacredSpirit1337
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Railjack needs more opportunitys for us to actually use r warframes. I didnt spend 2000+ hours playing and learning to use all this fantastic frames and weapons to sit in a chair for 20 minutes looking at stars. Got old fast. I haven't touched RJ in about a week or 2 now.

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Couldn't find a controller feedback thread on the main update post, but it's railjack related so here I am...

Since Railjack's launch I have been unable to properly rebind my controls on controller due to forced useless bindings that I don't need. I do not use the power menu during regular gameplay and directly use the D-pad to activate ability 1 through 4 (or 3 in railjack's case). This behavior is preserved in railjack, but cannot be bound properly because this functionality is inherited from regular controls and lingering power menu bindings overlap and prevent ability activation. I cannot remove this useless bindings that prevent me from using the underlying power activation binding.

I would REALLY appreciate if you guys add an option to remove existing bindings 1 by 1 by holding down escape or something. I have needed this functionality since the launch of warframe even in regular gameplay cases but have learned to adapt. This, I simply cannot adapt to anymore. The issue could be worked around by exposing direct ability activation controls in the railjack binding menu so I can override the useless bindings, but then this could happen again in the future with new content. I have attempted to manually edit my controls in the config file somewhere in AppData as well but these no longer seem to save like they used to years ago so I cannot fix it like that either.

Another small note: The back/select button has no binding on it by default (not even the normal N/A) so you cannot bind anything to it due to it being unclickable. It makes sense since this is reserved for the gear menu, but consider putting something there to indicate that.

My railjack keybindings for reference:

The three bindings in the red circle are useless to me. I don't need them and I cannot get rid of them. I placed one on the left-stick press which does nothing else so that saves me 1 ability. Since I only have 3 abilities in railjack I can bind another to D-pad Left because that one is not in use either. The finally I cannot override back/select since I do not need gear when flying, so I am forced to bind it to one of the remaining D-pad buttons which blocks a power from being used. And before you ask, no Start cannot be rebound at all either as is intended.



My regular gameplay bindings for reference:




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First off, the Veil has some additional scenery such as the Derelict Towers. Kinda hard to differentiate the ones that are part of the scenery to the actual Derelict you can board. Can you make the Cache Console on board guaranteed too? Players getting the Spectra Vandal will have to go through three layers of RNG:

  1. Derelict must spawn
  2. Derelict must spawn Cache
  3. Getting the part from the reward table.

Also, I noticed that the Shield Gating for Railjacks is not functioning properly, likely due to changes made to the Tenno and Corpus shielding. Can this be looked at?

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I don't think entry was ever the problem with Railjack. The problem was the content. I have compiled 11 things that I find problematic with the gamemode. I had hoped the next railjack fixes would fix some of these but it seems nothing was improved. I REALLY hope that a DE representative sees this and it is at least taken into consideration. I want to like the gamemode but currently it is so raw...

  1. Small rocks in the ship pilot’s view. I know they are there to add a visual indication that the ship is moving but they cause a lot more harm than good (point 2). How about you add a speedometer instead?
  2. Loot is basically impossible to spot from the railjack, much easier in archwing. Mostly because of the previous problem. Solution: Add HUD indicators to the railjack pilot screen. Just small markers that show where the loot is or maybe a map of loot. Railjack parts require enormous amounts of resources and the looting phase is too annoying as it stands right now. Come to think of it, why doesn’t the Railjack have a 3D map like all ships in other space fighter games.
  3. Increase the field of view of the pilot. Why does a gunner get a 360 degree unobstructed view but not the pilot? Since you’ve shown the technology exists there is literally no excuse.
  4. Why is an Orokin ship as thin as paper and a grineer cruiser tough as nails? NOBODY playing Warframe ever wanted to become a fireman and put out fires for the whole mission. Increase the ship health, shields, add health gates, shield gates, or hurry up with the command intrinsic so I could have NPC technicians repairing the ship. In the regular game we can dodge a lot of damage but that is not the case in Railjack. 
  5. MK3 weapons do okay damage in Saturn and become peashooters in the Veil. Increase the damage? Enemy cruisers pretty much oneshot fully kitted out archwings so why is our ship so bad?
  6. It is good that loot is now shared between team members but what I don’t understand is why, in a heavily teamwork reliant gamemode, affinity is not shared. Repairing the ship, however boring that is, is currently the best position to be if intrinsics is your goal. They get up to 5 times more affinity than other members of the team.
  7. Why is refining a thing? Makes looting even more tedious, having to periodically remember to go to the refinery.
  8. Why are forges’ being usable indicated by some strange light coming out of them? Why not have a big text on top of it signifying “OPEN” or “IN USE”? The simplest solution is often the best. This is a military vessel and things should be obvious to the crew operating it in a high-tension environment. A tooltip on the tactical teleport map could also help with clarity. This ship is designed like a maze.
  9. After the mission is completed and all grineer in a space station killed, the space station should no longer dispatch ramsleds I think.
  10. Why is only one Archwing viable in Railjack? Wasn’t it demoed with the first reveal that archwings could support the Railjack from outside? How are they to do that if any other archwing gets destroyed within milliseconds of their invul ending? Maybe decrease the accuracy of the enemy spaceships a bit?
  11. When is the promised Railjack part fusion coming?
Edited by Aphyxia0
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Fixed ability to gain Railjack Flux Energy for free from killing enemies with a Battle Avionic.

This was the only thing that made solo Railjack actually doable while having fun. Please add a way to get flux back that is skill based at least while in solo.


Edited by TheOptimistic
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This is less direct feedback and more philosophizing on the nature of the changes

While the need to get more players playing Railjack because your next two events are Railjack-based is obvious and understandable, and accessibility is always a noble goal in theory, it's entirely possible that Railjacks weren't being built because they appeared too late in the story. Remember, half the players in this game don't even reach two hours of playtime, and only 8% of players ever get to War Within. 

I'm just saying/theorizing, if you STILL don't get enough players flying Railjacks, you might need to look further up the chain and allocate some more staff to New Player Experience

Secondly, the players whom you refunded resources to are likely the players who need it least. OK this one's a bit subjective, I know there's players who are absolutely LIVID when they feel like they aren't getting refunded so much as 1 credit for their "investments" that are now "invalidated", but speaking for myself I've gone from 50 million credits burning a hole in my pocket, to 56 million credits burning a hole in my pocket. At least Ticker will be happy, even though he's still glitched. Plus 10 argon crystals I can't really do anything with (except craft more Exilus Adapters I'm probably never going to use either)

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Just attempted to solo the Sentient Anomaly. I boarded it, killed my 20 sentients, placed some beacon - not sure what that was good for, it didn't produce any feedback - and the objective "Investigate Anomaly" never completed. All enemy ships were gone, the shipkiller platform destroyed, and I couldn't complete the mission. My Railjack's nav console was inactive. All I could do was abort and kiss 20 minutes of my life goodbye.

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the droptable of the new  Exo Skold Crewship is not on par with the rest of the mission. it drops MK1 armaments in the veil ( a MK3 only zone)

also it doesn't show up in the codex


Edited by EDM774
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Fixed ability to gain Railjack Flux Energy for free from killing enemies with a Battle Avionic.

Oh c'mon DE, will u tell me that was not intended? It is the only way we solo players can manage to go through RJ missions bc is already +2months and still no Command Intrinsic. Plz DE, PLEASE revert this, that's very unfair. Or at least add a way to

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I still crash sometimes when hosting Railjack mission and the objective still bugs for the whole team when it happens after the host migration. Can't finish the mission. Have to abort and lose everything. Nice. Definitely not discouraging.

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Now that Kosma Elite fighters can be found on Earth (thank you for that, btw), can their drops be removed from the Gyre Elite fighters drop tables? As I understand it, that was a bandaid fix so that we could acquire the avionics that came from the Kosma Elites until such a time that the spawning was fixed. Now that it is, the extra drops are just diluting the Gyre Elite units drops.

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6 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

In an effort to increase stat exposure and reduce clickthrough scenarios, we’ve made some changes to how Railjack Armament stats are displayed:

  • Railjack Armament stats now show up below the description in the info popup without having to navigate to the second tab. 
  • Upon selecting an Armament that is not equipped, the UI will display it’s comparison stats with your current equipped weapon side by side.
    • c5e8375f27bfd82ae5fd65ea9c6a1fa5.jpg 


I found this implementation a very bad idea!!
The graphical interface is more polluted...
The normal (old) table on the right side has faded...
Why?! would I want to know the table of the previous weapon, if all this data already appeared previously in the table that is now faded!!!


something else I don't understand either...
with the arrival of Railjack, a lot of bugs were introduced in the game ...
there is still a lot to be repaired and DE releases more news !!!
it would not be better to fix known problems first, to "add" more problems later!!


this update, just brought another problem to the game...
we are completing the anomaly, but in the end, the game does not end and we continue indefinitely on the spot...
and the cherry on the cake, is the fact that we lose all the loot at the moment that we are forced to abort in order to be able to return the ship (Liset)

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Not to sound terribly ungrateful, but what exactly is the point of these changes?  The single largest barrier to accessibility in Raijack isn't the cost of entry, it's the monotonous grind for upgrades and intrinsics that is incessantly interrupted by game-breaking bugs.  Sure, the Anomaly mission is currently impossible to complete, but this is only marginally worse than the normal Railjack experience. I have never encountered so many serious bugs in any other part of Warframe. 

I have seen things you people wouldn't believe.  Crewships on fire.in the lens of an immovable camera.  I watched archguns glitter in the dark of a permanently black screen.  All those moments will be lost in time, assuming there's ever a patch.  Time to uninstall.  

Edited by am0rtized
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So The Railjack controls, I notice there is Cycle Power Left and Cycle Power Right. Can we have an Activate Selected Power so we can make use of it?

I mean for the Controller Railjack options.


Also my Archwing's Secondary fire on controller still prioritizes using Heavy Melee even when I'm using an archgun. Would be great if it selected priority based on whether the archgun or archmelee is equipped.

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can we fix the obnoxious dome charge visual effects though? It's literally blinding & this weapon is supposed to require precise aim. Yes bloom is on, but no area in the game has anything this horrible it's also on 30 which is low. effects intensity is set at about a quarter.

This shouldn't be an issue.


Edited by Ramflare
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I can't state this enough; We absolutely need a tutorial. A proper one that runs you through each mechanic like omnis, boarding, etc. It doesn't have to be long and it should be optional but it has to be there. Stop relying on the wiki/community to explain game mechanics.

I just decided I'd host some low level earth missions for the hell of it & there's a bunch of clueless people out there with sub 20 hours running around like headless chickens. You could say, well they'll pick it up eventually... but a lot are just as likely to give up. Railjack nodes are pretty dead as it is, you should be making it easier to pick up.

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My feedback is that the enemies are very small and fast. Tracking them continuously is very straining and inefficient, leading to railjack gunplay to be not very fun. People would suffer while progressing to the point where combat avionics dominate fighter clearing. I would prefer beefier, bigger, slower and fewer fighters to be used instead.

Crewships' internal layouts are fixed and small. I'd say it's fine to wait, as bigger classes of ships that aren't straight up capitals will probably be added to replace some crewship rosters.

Also sorties/invasion.etc integration can bring railjack out of isolation.

Edited by Fran_Bow_Dagenhart
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2 hours ago, Ramflare said:

I can't state this enough; We absolutely need a tutorial. A proper one that runs you through each mechanic like omnis, boarding, etc. It doesn't have to be long and it should be optional but it has to be there. Stop relying on the wiki/community to explain game mechanics.

I just decided I'd host some low level earth missions for the hell of it & there's a bunch of clueless people out there with sub 20 hours running around like headless chickens. You could say, well they'll pick it up eventually... but a lot are just as likely to give up. Railjack nodes are pretty dead as it is, you should be making it easier to pick up.

I absolutely concur with this. I've enjoyed Railjack so far and I'm extremely excited about its future potential for expansion, but right now there's no way to figure out how it works except through substantial reading or by being tutored by another player. To a new player that jumps into a Railjack mission blind, some pretty important mechanics are not at all obvious:

  • Where the guns are
  • How to repair hazards
  • Use of the Archwing slingshot, or even how to exit the Railjack, for that matter
  • What are intrinsics and what can they do for me?

This is just off the top of my head, but an in-game tutorial going through the basics (maybe as a kind of training simulation run by Cephalon Cy, perhaps one that doesn't even require the player to own a Railjack?) would certainly make it easier for new players to onboard into Railjack.

As a side note, I think the exponential cost scaling on intrinsic ranks could afford another look. As it stands, getting one intrinsic category to rank 10 costs approximately the same as getting all four up to rank 8 - for that degree of effort, I'd hope the rank 9/10 benefits are extremely worth it. I'd hazard a guess that the intention there was to give a chunky goal for veteran players to pursue, so a balance certainly needs to be struck between accessibility and benefits. Just a thought.

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Bugs and other things I've found in this update regarding Railjack:


- Droprates,

Weapons and armaments barely ever seem to drop from regular fighters and crewships anymore. It used to take about 3 runs of Gian Point to fill up to max wreckage capacity, needing to go back to the drydocks to scrap stuff. For me personally, as someone who already has almost all he needs, this is great, I can now do about 10-20 runs before needing to head back, but I can imagine that for people who are still farming and grinding for stuff this can be absolutely tedious.

(and for some reason you also get MK I weapons from Veil Proxima now)


- Loading into an empty space,

Happens about once every 5 runs, you load up a new mission, go through the loading tunnel, and instead of having enemies spawn and objectives to do, you just load into a free-roam-like empty mission without any enemy or objective spawns. Easily fixed by simply reloading the mission, but still annoying.


- The new Crewship,

Amazing idea, putting a shield on it that blocks outside damage, but disappointing in reality. As it stands, you simply need to take down the shields before it becomes just another regular Crewship. I was sort of hoping this would give the 4th player a dedicated role, hoping these new Crewships could only be destroyed by boarding them and taking them out from the inside. Instead it's just a regular crewship with one small added step in between, changing nothing to the current meta of only needing 3 people in a squad (pilot, engineer, forward artillery gunner). Would personally like to see these to be changed so they can only be destroyed by a dedicated boarder so everyone can have a role in the squad.


- Components being broken,

1: If you go to the avionics screen and press Esc twice to go back to your Dojo, and then back into your railjack modification screen, it will re-apply all component stats. Meaning extra avionics capacity will be added (and yes it works too, I was able to slot in more avionics than my cap normally allows me to), engines give more speed, shields give more shield capacity, etc. This effect stacks too, I've seen pictures of people bugging their reactors into giving them 1,000+ avionics capacity (now add a Lavan reactor with 50 shields per unused avionic point and enjoy your 50k shield Railjack fortress lol).

2: Some bonusses were removed. Whereas before my Vidar reactor would give +avionics, +flux capacity, and a random bonus, the random bonus is now removed from some items. 


Other than these issues I've been greatly enjoying Railjack again, especially with how active it now is with everyone prepping for the upcoming Operation!

Edited by Sig_TV
added some things
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It had been noticed before, but there is a large inconsistency of Affinity Gain in Empyrean:

Gokstad Crewships:

Gokstad Crewships suffer from the issue of how they do not give Affinity when destroyed through these means:

  • Destroyed by overloading the reactor on the inside.
  • Destroyed by the Forward Artillery.

The only odd way to get Affinity from the ship is by overloading its reactor, then depleting the rest of the Crewship's health during its destruction. There's a good chance the ship will be ignored. Not to mention that blowing the ship up with the Cannon will gain nothing but resources since the Gokstad Grineer on board died to environmental damage. Most players would also ignore said Grineer just to blow up the ship, gaining no Affinity whatsoever.


Ramsleds give the same Affinity as any of the Fighters. Its seven boarders, however, would give a higher total Affinity than the Ramsled itself. This means that getting boarded would get you more Affinity than destroying the Ramseld.

Lack of Railjack Hazards:

Simply put, if you fly the Railjack good enough to the point where you have little to no hazards to fix, you will gain far less Affinity than a Railjack with consistent hazards to repair. In other words, fly bad to get more Affinity while flying good nets you nothing more than some extra resources.

Grineer Points of Interests offers nothing more than just being an obstacle:

In the main Star Chart, you get bonus Affinity for:

  • Defending the Mobile Defense terminal
  • Hacking Spy Vaults (3X if done stealthly)
  • Capturing a target
  • Rescuing the Hostage (stealth bonus too), and killing all Wardens

In Empyrean, you get nothing aside from some resources on board the base and killing the Gokstad Grineer on board.

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The reduced construction costs of the Railjack are unexpected, but mostly welcome. I had no issues with them before the change, but that may be due to my already oversized stock of resources, so bias towards that may be present.

What HAS become a bit of a bother with the recent update to Railjack gameplay to me was the new shielded enemy Crewships. Ignoring the part where it's just extra hoops to jump over and offer nothing of value besides annoyance (which, by the way, isn't of value) lorewise, it doesn't really fit that well. As the Grineer are a faction that focuses on Armor as their trademark defensive measure, it would be logical that their combat ships would follow suit. And before the update, they did. It was already annoying by then, but it made some sense. Shielded crewships are something I would expect from Corpus attack vessels, no Grineer, as Shields are their trademark. So if this is a way to test out the feature before removing it from one place and putting it in another (like recently with the Ogris and Kuva Ogris firing modes), I'll be fine. But in either that case or if the feature SOMEHOW must stay as it is, I suggest reducing the number of shield projectors to be destroyed on the ship from 3 to 1. This is to follow more the precedent established by our own Railjack that has a single shield projector (they're not better than us, why do they get 3?). I'd personally choose the bottom one to keep, as it offers a neat anathema to our own, top projector.

Other than that, also allowing us to use the Arsenal loader after we finish a Railjack mission WITHOUT having to go back for a pit stop at the dojo would be very much appreciated. Also granting an option to just remove side-guns completely, to avoid having clueless squadmates just sitting on them and doing nothing of value for the mission (you know who you are). Additionally, and this is just me nitpicking, adding a central HP, Ammo and Energy supplier to the ship that may be used when the mission is complete to prepare for the next (again, something to just be able to keep playing the mode without having to make constant pit stops at the dojo, maybe limit the use of the device by tieing it to gathered resources or something along those lines, but actually give an option to just calmly ressuply and get ready for more Railjacking)

Oh, and one last thing: please, for the love of the outer gods, make the navigation console in Railjack be accessible ONLY BY THE HOST. I am so sick and tired of people just starting up missions in MY Railjack without my say-so. Add the individual extraction system to it as well, so people won't keep accusing me of "abducting" them when I've CLEARLY ASKED if everyone was ready for more and got silence as a response.

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