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Warframe Revised: Hotfix 27.2.1


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I dont know if it was already pointed out but the Corinth's alt-fire is broken - at least in the simulacrum - The damage display in the arsenal dont match with the reality the arsenal display 10k dmg and i have 5k and some 100 dmg on battlefield.

Simply put it deal no damage except for the target if put the explosion on the toes of the target. Also all the grineer seem to play at "Floor is Tenno scum" while i put an explosion in a bunch of them.

Look like its not intended in every way and the first hotfix didnt talk about it. So here i am.

Good night/day

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Hacking a console seems to now both unequip melee (auto swaps to primary) and disables melee mode, requiring it be turned back on every single time a console is hacked. Checked to make sure it wasn't a weird thing with equipping Parazon, so I went into Sim to try a mercy kill, and it didn't swap to primary.

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Okay, I am certain that no self damage (in warframe as a game specifically) is a good change, but it needs tweaking and reasoning.

Not saying I want a revert (NOT AT ALL!) but there are some features I want to be looked over again for this update. (I will make posts in the feedback threads later).

#1 Staticor has a stagger... why is that? Not disagreeing, but why is that?

#2 Other interrupts and knockdowns cannot be recovered from, is this the intent to allow enemies to be more of a threat? As it stands all enemies feel like they are all at a base line without the defensive mechanics of heavier units for us to interact with like Grineer  heavies [because of that, heavies are more engaging to fight, feels like you have more oophm when hitting them. nox, bursa etc]. Long and short of it, enemies are FAIR to fight now, I love it, can we make more engaging designs in the future?

#3 I am still feeling out the status shotguns, feels like melee 3.0 again where at first it feels bad but I warm up to it, HOWEVER, there are, from what I hear, many outliers good and bad.

#4 Speaking of shotguns, some (Kuva kohm) have just a LARGE amount of status in their HUDS, others have the advertised per-pellet status chance, are some shotguns meant to not show the per-pellet ammount or am I just not seeing it, why?

#5 I like the corrosive changes, because someone with 20% armor with heat on top only has 10% which actually makes us do MORE damage if using something like puncture damage than if we had fully stripped the enemy anyhow. HOWEVER, for clarity, how does the corrosive aura interact with the corrosive procs? Aura + the proc? or is it just as if that much proc had already happened.


Thank you!

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1 hour ago, Lored said:

MOAs Drimper bracket looks like unreleased bracket next MOA.

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Noticed this too and I don't like it. I like the default Moa legs, by far the most detailed and interesting design. They need the tint masks updated but I hope this hasn't replaced them.

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1 hour ago, GoDSpeLL80 said:

But Boost/Maneuver still missing. I'm playing Railjack with my X-Box One Controller and always have to switch to Keyboard&Mouse, when I have to fly fast or drift. This is crap!

Odd, I play with an X-Box One Controller as well and boost is bound to the left thumbstick click for me.  I've been drifting by boosting with left stick, and then hitting the left bumper for the vector manuver.  Unless there's another boost mechanic you're referring to that I'm unaware of?  Given the issues we've had with controls, I'd believe it if I've missed some feature entirely.

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vor 2 Minuten schrieb UnderRevision:

Odd, I play with an X-Box One Controller as well and boost is bound to the left thumbstick click for me.  I've been drifting by boosting with left stick, and then hitting the left bumper for the vector manuver.  Unless there's another boost mechanic you're referring to that I'm unaware of?  Given the issues we've had with controls, I'd believe it if I've missed some feature entirely.

for me, the LB is rolling me upsidedown 🤣

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5 minutes ago, GoDSpeLL80 said:

for me, the LB is rolling me upsidedown 🤣

Ah, well, replace LB with whatever you rebound vector maneuver to and that should do the job.  I guess they must have fixed that button refusing to rebind with that "melee stance" error.

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2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


  • Fixed Phage Status Chance showing incorrectly in the Arsenal/Market UI.


This seems to have broken the Phantasma.


Phantasma was originally 37% SC before the update (which, for a 5-tendril beam, is about 8.83% SC per tendril unmodded). Triple this value, as promised in the Dev Workshop and the patch notes, is 26.4% SC per tendril.

The Phantasma, however, did not get 26.4% SC per tendril. It went down to 7.4% Status Chance. It barely procs at all, and feels like garbage to use even with 3x60%, Shotgun Savvy, and a Status riven equipped at the same time.

I hope yall fix this. The Phantasma was my favourite primary, and it's become borderline unusable because of this.

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1 hour ago, Perfectly_Framed_Waifu said:

Still one-shots groups of lvl 170s. Seriously, the one weapon that needed a nerf is the one least affected by the 90% falloff. Meanwhile, the Zhuge Prime is basically a worse Zhuge now. Think about that.

Pretty much 😕

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Ruse War Field anomaly just then broke, extraction tile and derelict merged and caused no sentients to spawn/the whole *four* brachiolysts which DID spawn ended up not counting towards the objective, and the extraction tile wasn't actually "there" so to speak, minimap had no knowledge of its existence and there were transient(only one-way here)and transparent walls blocking it off; ended up having to abort because there wasn't a way to complete the objective.


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27 minutes ago, SortaRandom said:

This seems to have broken the Phantasma.


Phantasma was originally 37% SC before the update (which, for a 5-tendril beam, is about 8.83% SC per tendril unmodded). Triple this value, as promised in the Dev Workshop and the patch notes, is 26.4% SC per tendril.

The Phantasma, however, did not get 26.4% SC per tendril. It went down to 7.4% Status Chance. It barely procs at all, and feels like garbage to use even with 3x60%, Shotgun Savvy, and a Status riven equipped at the same time.

I hope yall fix this. The Phantasma was my favourite primary, and it's become borderline unusable because of this.

I just noticed this, I really really hope this is a bug. If it's intended, way to kill a weapon with 3% crit chance. 😞 I was so excited about this update to mess around with this thing (my favorite too). With a 106.4% status riven and 2 60% mods I'm at 24.2% status/projectile.

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Armor for tanky frames seems a bit off. Frost Prime now has 300 base vs Rhino and Inaros 225. Valkyr Prime has 700 base armor. Maybe an oversight on all those numbers?

Give me back my explosion for power throw please and buff the damage for thrown and charge throw, they used to be 5x and 10x the damage of base melee, now both are right around 2x.

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The update is amazing; however, when entering and exiting archwing mode in an open world mission, it gets buggy. i was just out mining in the orb vallis and whenever i exited archwing mode, many of my controls didnt work. i could still move and look around, but i could not aim, slide, jump, or use any of my gear. it eventually fixed itself after about 15-20 seconds, but it was still annoying to deal with.

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