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I prefer male Warframes!


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I haven't read the entire thread for fear of responses but you are by all means not obligated to like female appearing frames, though yea that will lock you out of some of the more powerful ones.


I started with mag as my first warframe because she was a "woman" and so am I. In retrospect, I would have gone with volt. There's been other games where I faced even bigger problems. Like playing a woman in a very RP heavy MUD which I think caused some of the bad treatment I dealt with there overtime. (My character was an authoritarian torture fanatic and very unstable. I was basing her off of Mengele, actually. Turns out that's only compelling and frightening in a game if you are a male.)


But I had the same problem with Borderlands 1 and I should have learned my lesson. I played Lillith, and if I had chosen Brick I would have stayed interested. In 2 I played Krieg though, and it was so much fun! Same with pre-sequel. I played Wilhelm and it made a big difference. (I haven't played 3 yet which is shocking. Just nothing pulling me to it.)

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6 hours ago, (XB1)Primus Patronum said:

I don't like having female ass (Wisp and others) taking up most of my screen, however, so I don't have them. 

To put this as respectfully as I can, I can't sympathize with this specific sentence. I don't like big sweaty fat guys, but I don't mind having Grendel on screen.

Everything else in your post is just "well, if you aren't having fun with Ivara or don't like Ember's thigh armor, there's really nothing wrong with that"

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hace 5 horas, (PS4)ErydisTheLucario dijo:

Cause it so matters the gender rather than the playstyle...also nobody cares if you're gay, literally no one. While I say play what you want, don't make it sound like someone is putting you down for it. Nobody cares.

I see how you dont care, since you felt the need to write about it.

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On the topic, im gay too and i understand your reasons. I just think it wasnt a good idea to voice it, people wont understand. Already seeing a lot of...idk how to describe it. People who hate to see the word gay anywhere and hate gay characters in movies. But then saying they are totally fine with it. That kind.

Too many sexualized females for my taste, but its what we got. Some male frames i wish they were more complex, no only brute force themes. I mean we have Atlas, a bulky man, but Nyx is a female. It could have been the opposite. Then again we have Hildryn so i guess things are somewhat balanced and females dont need to follow a standard.

I use some female frames. I like Ember and Mag, Mesa too. But it wouldnt be bad to add some more males, i agree with you.

To the people who says this is only a videogame. Well its true. Its no like i have waifus or husbandos. But we like what we like, and its no bad to ask for it. The same way i dont criticize straight males for liking femenine figures. No like DE is going to hear this thread, or any other though, so you can talk about how bugs need fixing, how we need balance, or how we would like more male frames. Its no difference.



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Like what you like, play what you play, but you can't expect game companies to make male/female versions of every playable thing they make. It's nice to have choice, but it literally doubles their effort, and thus much less content. Yeah they could take the lazy way and flatten the chest and widen the stomach for a more male look, or they can release content for the 95% of people who don't care about the gender for the character they play when there isn't a choice. I personally hate playing muscle macho guys, which seem to be the protag in a lot of games with changeable short hair, shaven, buzzcut- you get it, and I also hate playing  ladies with a huge pair of personalities because it feels so shallow, but I still play Rhino when needed cause his buffs and tankiness are nice, and I still play Saryn because she does high damage. I prefer agender looking characters in games, as I'm nonbinary / genderfluid myself. Equinox is a god send aesthetic wise because of the swapping masc/fem styles. Adam Ma (The formor Community Editorial Coordinator) said that it is indeed a female frame, but 'she' has been adopted by trans players lol.

Everyone has preferences but try not to let it ruin an entire game for you. We have many hue jass Syandanas, and the Wolf Armor chest from Nightwave covers a lot of frames bosoms fairly well, Mag looks pretty good with it, in my opinion! I hope you can find a way to enjoy more frames, and I hope I didn't come off as mean or rude.


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OP, just do as you please. This is a game after all, you should be having fun, and if you prefer to look at male frames, do that. No need to feel preferring male frames is inappropriate (or shallow?) - just saying this because this feels like to be the motivation behind your post. So just relax!

Personally when I began playing, only had female frames because I'm a woman, and I was able to identify with them better. After playing for a while, this feeling vanished, now I don't consider gender important. I still haven't mastered or even tried a LOT of them, so I guess if I still preferred females, I'd still have a long list of frames to work on.

9 hours ago, (XB1)Primus Patronum said:

I like Frost but the weird leg armour gets in the way of styling options for attachments sometimes, in a similar way to Ember's.

His snow boots are rather heavy! Try his Harka skin, looks amazing, and has proper boots on.

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I don't see any issue with you prefering male warframes over female warframes, but I'm genuinely confused about why you felt obligated to make a lengthy explanation about it on the forums. There's no reason to be ashamed of yourself, and there's even less reason to make that big reveal in a forum full of strangers. Play what you like. Don't let other people decide what you should like.

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1 hour ago, Travis05 said:

On the topic, im gay too and i understand your reasons. I just think it wasnt a good idea to voice it, people wont understand. Already seeing a lot of...idk how to describe it. People who hate to see the word gay anywhere and hate gay characters in movies. But then saying they are totally fine with it. That kind.

Too many sexualized females for my taste, but its what we got. Some male frames i wish they were more complex, no only brute force themes. I mean we have Atlas, a bulky man, but Nyx is a female. It could have been the opposite. Then again we have Hildryn so i guess things are somewhat balanced and females dont need to follow a standard.

I use some female frames. I like Ember and Mag, Mesa too. But it wouldnt be bad to add some more males, i agree with you.

To the people who says this is only a videogame. Well its true. Its no like i have waifus or husbandos. But we like what we like, and its no bad to ask for it. The same way i dont criticize straight males for liking femenine figures. No like DE is going to hear this thread, or any other though, so you can talk about how bugs need fixing, how we need balance, or how we would like more male frames. Its no difference.



If a female not being flat, or having a large body, is considered sexualizing them, then I'm confused how having an emphasis on a male's you know what isn't considered a form of sexualization. A few of them are even completely over sized down there. 

There also already is variation in the appearance of male warframes. There's the tiny Nezha all the way up to fat Grendel, and some of the bigger Warframes don't have the "strong" appearance either, such as Vauban; even Vauban's kit isn't about strength. The same is true for females, there's Equionix with the form that people mistake for a male, with some Warframes having pretty small attributes, up to Hyldryn with a bigger body. 

People will say it's just a game, because it is just a game. It makes no sense expecting developers to cater to everyone when it comes to visual design, there's too many different things people like, and in the case of DE, they aren't pumping out Warframes often enough to just throw in some odd ball designs that only a minority would like, or designs that appeal to a specific region the same way LoL has done before.

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2 hours ago, Marvelous_A said:

They definitely used to have a gender. After transformation it's arguable. In case of Umbra however he's definitely a male.

Well yes umbra is a exception because of what he is but the others ther was nothing about the gender said the community just said yeah they have genders

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12 hours ago, (XB1)Primus Patronum said:


frankly, who cares?

If you like male frames, then you like male frames and if you can live without playing female frames, then so be it.

you don't need to justify your choice of frame to anyone but yourself.

and if liking male frames for their aesthetic makes you a sexist, then I must be a member of the kkk because I tend to color my frames white.

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il y a 50 minutes, (PS4)Josloud_24 a dit :

Well yes umbra is a exception because of what he is but the others ther was nothing about the gender said the community just said yeah they have genders

They have genders not because the community said so but because the lore says it. It seems that you missed a lot of important parts of the lore. 

Edited by HexOmega111x
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hace 1 hora, Yamazuki dijo:

If a female not being flat, or having a large body, is considered sexualizing them, then I'm confused how having an emphasis on a male's you know what isn't considered a form of sexualization. A few of them are even completely over sized down there. 

There also already is variation in the appearance of male warframes. There's the tiny Nezha all the way up to fat Grendel, and some of the bigger Warframes don't have the "strong" appearance either, such as Vauban; even Vauban's kit isn't about strength. The same is true for females, there's Equionix with the form that people mistake for a male, with some Warframes having pretty small attributes, up to Hyldryn with a bigger body. 

People will say it's just a game, because it is just a game. It makes no sense expecting developers to cater to everyone when it comes to visual design, there's too many different things people like, and in the case of DE, they aren't pumping out Warframes often enough to just throw in some odd ball designs that only a minority would like, or designs that appeal to a specific region the same way LoL has done before.

I said some frames are sexualized, not all of them. And i talked about standards. That applies to both genders. I love Grendel the way he is and it was a nice change of pace. Even when some people call it sweaty and greasy.

And like i said, asking dont hurt anyone. Just cause you dont belong to that minority, it doesnt mean the rest dont care. It seems your logic is: there will be less content if they focus on "useless" things. Well, they dont even do the essential things , so i dont expect they will throw some "odd ball" design. Dreaming is free though.

Basically im repeating the same thing i wrote before. Maybe learn to read


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I was browsing the responses to this topic while doing a bit of stuff around Fortuna. When I came across Ticker today, I was reminded of the story of his husband. I... I think I'd like to know more about him and Ticker. I know it didn't end well and I don't know if this sad story has any link with RL stuff for the writers? Is it a tribute to a dead loved one in Real Life? 

If... it's not disrespectful I did have an idea.

What if Ticker's husband became a subject for Corpus experimentation and became a new mangled attempt at a Warframe owned by the Corpus? Could he be the 'broken' Warframe? There'd be a lot of poetry in doing that kind of background for that kind of Warframe wouldn't there? It would be lovely to bring some real bittersweet stardust to Ticker's life in the same way that Inaros brightens Baro's day. 

But then, I don't know if there is any more intrinsic Lore about Ticker and his lost love. If so, I need more education about that subject.

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13 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:

And I prefer females Frames.

Not because I'm a lonely, desperate, introvert, shut-in otaku male with the flirting skills of a lego brick, but because I prefer the way they look. They're more... how to say it... elegent? Good-looking, maybe? Heck, I just prefer looking at, say, Saryn or Wisp than Excal or Rhino, but I use all of them whenever I see fit.

Whoa man, don't beat yourself so low, I'm sure your a wonderful guy

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5 hours ago, Travis05 said:

I see how you dont care, since you felt the need to write about it.

I like how people suddenly care about a quick comment if it's about being gay, but if you mentioned having a girlfriend they wouldn't blink an eye. Mmm nothing like a little homophobia dressed up as (somehow) angry indifference in the morning.


I'm bisexual. There's a lot of things you can not care about without making a rage filled comment about it. (not you, the person you quoted.)

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1 hour ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

I like how people suddenly care about a quick comment if it's about being gay, but if you mentioned having a girlfriend they wouldn't blink an eye. Mmm nothing like a little homophobia dressed up as (somehow) angry indifference in the morning.


I'm bisexual. There's a lot of things you can not care about without making a rage filled comment about it. (not you, the person you quoted.)

You get even less comments when you say you're bisexual and polyamourus than if you're gay, it's fascinating. 

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I prefer male warframes as well. There is no sexual influence on my choice; it's just that when I think of a human like machine, I think of a male frame. I prefer male because most movies and other media of machines/cyborgs I've seen through the years tend to be male (Terminator, Cyborg, Gray Fox, Robocop, etc.). I know there were a few that were female but when I was growing up, most mere male.

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