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Railjack Revisited (Part 1): Railjack Pacing Feedback Megathread


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Currently in a weird place, as I've been aboard some maxed out Railjacks and the hardest mission felt effortless to the point my brain was switching off; enemies were so high level they'd one-shot me if not for the shield gate, so I instead get two-shotted, which results in me relying on cheese and just ignoring enemies and gunning the objective because the alternative isn't particularly fun.

Wasn't long before we'd turn the whole thing into a brainless grind, they'd drop me off, I'd solo the platforms, they'd sweep up the ships like an oldschool WoF Ember jogging through Survival.

Motivation to engage the enemies on the platforms rather than ignore them, motivation to even bother targeting the platforms until you've cleared out the ships, difficulty that doesn't rely on enemies killing me in one hit to provide a challenge.  I think these are my main problems.
When you've got a maxed Railjack, it actually feels a little more fun and engaging when you don't have a full party, since you don't really need more than the pilot to look after the ships, which leaves a lot of idle hands.  I feel more stuff needs to happen in the harder missions, more stuff to keep track of and more decisions needing to be made; maxed Railjacks make a mockery of enemy fleets, and that's alright as long as you can still provide pressure.
Like what if the Shipkiller didn't have a range limit?  Forcing you to hide behind asteroids or deal with the platform first, under fire from all the other ships.
Or the Pulse Turbine actually motivated an endless source of reinforcements to swarm and outmaneuver/outgun your Railjack.

I know this would make soloing things a bit awkward, so if this sort of thing could be a Raid mission type, letting you stack objectives and obstacles and amp the pressure to give some challenge back, without relying on stat-padding which inevitably ends in cheese.

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On 2020-04-30 at 6:54 PM, [DE]Bear said:

Mission Navigation

With the way Railjack missions work currently (you remain in the mission area, free to loot stuff, after objectives are complete), I would appreciate it if the next-mission-selection had a voting mechanic instead of being a free-for-all instant-launch.

Imagine if the regular missions worked the same way: Just as you manage to load back into the orbiter, some hasty Harry* decides to launch the next mission - and since it happens instantly, you have no chance to opt-out.

I'd suggest a system where, like in regular missions, you vote "yes" or "no" - the former moving on to the next mission, the latter staying behind in the old mission. For the sake of those who still haven't built their Railjack (and to make use of an existing system), you could have it so that in case the host chooses to remain, the railjack would be copied (similar to how it works with host migrations).


*) No offence meant to anyone named Harry, the name was used purely for the alliterative appeal.

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Please make crewships spawn faster. It's my common experience during missions even in the Veil for the "kill enemy fighters" portion to be completed really quickly, followed by quite a lot of waiting for crewships to spawn, feels like an unnecessary slowdown honestly.

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4 hours ago, limernest said:

Please make crewships spawn faster. It's my common experience during missions even in the Veil for the "kill enemy fighters" portion to be completed really quickly, followed by quite a lot of waiting for crewships to spawn, feels like an unnecessary slowdown honestly.

Can't say I've experienced anything like you're suggesting, waiting a lot of time for crew ships to spawn.

In my experience they pretty much spawn immediately when you destroy one and if it's below the mission goal threshold, especially when you already are finished with the fighters.


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Spawning times - not bad, crewships can sometimes take a bit too long to spawn in though imo.

Mission Flow/Travelling through railjack missions - distances needing to be travelled is my issue.  The general speed of the railjack still feels slow when going in straight lines and the boost is rather annoying now.  It doesn't really feel like it's boosting us any more and the increased cost means it lasts even less than before.  It still doesn't automatically disable either when empty meaning we have to keep turning it off for it to recharge.  As I can't see the distances being shortened can we have the old boost back again so it lasts longer and feels stronger.  I'd also like it automatically disable when empty and starts automatically refilling, pretty much everything else turns off automatically when it runs out. 

One little thing I wouldn't mind seeing changed is the necessity to press x to leave the back of a crewship or other open door into space... it's a big open hole, can't we just run from it instead.   I know it's likely a 'map loading' phase but when I can watch the fight going on outside from the opening there isn't any reason why I need the forced interaction imo.

And can we please get a skip option when loading into the railjack for the first time in the dojo etc, that animated flip that I can't skip is annoying, actually ANY video I can't skip is annoying....

Can we also change how we load into the missions as well... if we load into the mission and the only other person is the host, can we spawn where the host is, rather than on the ship... noticed this a lot with scarlet spear, the host would be inside the anomaly, I'd load in the ship and while this wouldn't be an issue if I had rank 10 on tactical (assuming it was working correctly), I shouldn't 'need' rank 10 on tactical when loading into a mission...

Mission Navigation - about as good as the rest of the game in all honesty, could be improved in some areas when you have multiple levels/doors but you learn how to navigate around this issues when you play enough. 

Frequency of breaches and boarding parties - breaches, fine imo.  Boarding parties could be a little less frequent for me personally when playing solo (yes I know it's not technically ready for that but still)

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1. BUG : No credits info  In mission results after RJ in veil there are no info about any credits rewards.. (but it seems that credits rearward are quite high now ).

2.  Super fast and super easy :  Veil mission time is now 2 -3 min for 2 men squad (pilot and main arty )  and 4 min for me alone with maxed RJ (Apox vidar mk3 +59%, Apox engine +59%) and 4x10  skills and  good avionic build (with main arty, turret crit /dam  and void hole).

3. GOOD: Fusion is very good idea !

4. BADDrop of new avionics is joke.. 0000.1 ? 

5. REQUEST: Please allow players to start gathering inheratior for last locked skill.

6. BAD: No new Proxima to fight with sentients 

7. GOOD Speed update and vacuum range boost  is really nice. But it will be better if boost speed or duration will be boosted too (to travel to gather resources ) 



Edited by Icceman
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Its really hard to give my opinion when things could still be buggy but here we go.

In all the changes to this section of concernes feel fair except for the speed and hazard changes.

Railjack speed changes are not balanced. Decrease the boost speed by 75% is absurd, where %50 would have been a better suggestion. Even with base speed doubling [definitely giving better mobility] the drain of our boost meter is unbelievable so now you force everyone into the same pattern you want to avoid way more frequently than before for no gain. What happens when i do an anomoly and i have to travel halfway across the domain? Instead of boosting maybe twice I'm stuck boosting for my drift over 5 to 6 times.

The mobility is great and but, since you're going to inevitably keep all negative changes, could we please have the old boost bar drain back? I feel that would still give the mobility that a lot of us really needed as well give you the option to travel across far distances. Also giving back the freedom in building your railjack without having to focus on speed.

And then there's the hazard changes. As a focused and elite performing engineer I almost feel disrespected by these changes as they honestly remove the need for one past forging. 

Fire Hazards-- I need a detailed explanation of what is expected to happen. I intentionally tested "the fire" in the veil proxima where it legitimately made no impact what so ever over the course of 45 long dragged out minutes. I've been assume since the fire damage change the fire is attacking the ship armor which would be cool if so. 

Before hazards not only made sense but the frequency honestly did as well giving an engineer like myself consistent work to do just like everyone has. Understandably between fires and electrical hazzards it could fairly get overwhelming but the changes implemented are on the completely opposite side of the spectrum rather than being balanced. 

If you only have one fire could it spread in size as it does more to your ship[ assuming its attacking ship armor]? Or maybe just lower the number of fires and electrical hazards down to 2 each.

I actually like the changes to catastrophic breaches as it makes a lot of sense and poses a challenge. But regular ruptures barely ever happen anymore. Ive noticed they seem to take a little more health than before but you cant get enough of them for it to ever be a worry or challenge in fixing it.

In my personal opinion i would change ruptures back to how it was somehow if possible. Even if that means lowering the affinity back down its really important because like i said, as an engineer i am no longer needed for anything except for refining at the end of a mission. Other than that there's absolutely nothing for me to do so ive just adopted doing railjack solo with no health or armor just so i can have some level of challenge back.

Since the changes to hazards were specific can we please at least get the actual figures in a post so we can understand whats suppose to be happening? With hazards i honestly can't tell sometimes if I'm bugged or not.

And lastly boarding parties. Before enemies would board and attempt to take ur ship down the same way we do them. As of now[again, could be a bug] boarding get on and simple seek you out doing no damage to the ship.

I've left my ship parked infront of the ship killer beam with a 20minute pre-brewed fire and 4 boarding parties while i literally walked the whole platform and took out both radiators all without going back to the ship at any point and absolutely nothing happened. Mind you this was in the veil and the second i decided to board my railjack i literally could see all the enemies zeroing in on me where they met death just as easily as a starting defense or survival.

I would like to say this. Statistically majority of our community as a whole don't have their own railjack even after it was made easier to acquire. Feedback from someone simply enjoying the spoils of a ship compared to the someones building/ commanding their ship are going to be completely different. Also the feedback of someone newer compared to veterans is going to be vastly different. Regardless, every single player in our community craves challenge. As a veteran I'm willing to say we deserve a challenge in this game regardless of how "lower" players feel, period.

It is extremely disheartening to watch a game I've played since beta launch constantly answer our prayers for a challenge over the years just for you to immediately after nerf it down for band new players who honestly wouldnt even have access to it.

Please take into consideration veterans are your community no disrespect to newer players. The more nerfs that are done to this game only makes it as a whole easier to to run through. Almost 8 years of playing for me that someone can now do in a week if not less just because there's nowhere in the game that is actually challenging. I shouldn't have to remove power of mine just to enjoy the game. Especially since we're only using the tools you give us. The more modding u give us the harder enemies NEED to be, without apology or else you need to remove modding options to further balance the gaming experience. 

Edited by Jakizu
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Some really cool QOL additions that would massively improve the feel of railjack handling;

A rear turret on the ship near the forge. (Idea from WW2 Bombers)

 It'd let the engineer have quick access to a turret and cut down on a little bit of the running and maybe incentivize having someone down in the cargo hold manning the forge.

I'd like to see BYOG - Bring Your Own Gun. When you join a Railjack you bring along your own personal guns which you can swap to using the switch weapon button. You could use the owner's provided gun, or you could use your own if that's what you prefer.

If there's no one piloting the ship, the Forward Artillery gunner should be able to rotate the ship if they aim towards the edge of their view. If you end up with a bad crew that's just idling on the gunners then it'd make it easier for the pilot to park, hop on the FA, and then do the Crewship cleanup themselves.

Edited by Ramflare
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This probably doesn't below here, but it's the most appropriate place i could find.

Rank 10 Gunnery is beyond useless. Compared to rank 10 tactical and engineering, both grant massive efficiency benefits in being able to teleport to your friends and fix hazards from the pilot seat, getting a faulty aim assist is more of an insult than anything.

Here's my suggestion for a new rank 10 perk: Allow the Forward Artillery to be used from the pilot seat - This would most likely be done by holding middle click. (alt fire) and feels like the kind of boost in efficiency that a rank 10 perk should provide, in that you don't have to waste time getting off your station, down in the artillery seat, shoot, back out of the artillery seat and back to your station. Severely breaks mission pacing to do that in my opinion. even worse is having to leave your ship to get inside the crewship, massive waste of time. even in full squads with a person dedicated to crewships, by the time everybody else has done the other objectives, the crewship person is at most at 4/6.

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3 minutes ago, Chronozilla said:

This probably doesn't below here, but it's the most appropriate place i could find.

Rank 10 Gunnery is beyond useless. Compared to rank 10 tactical and engineering, both grant massive efficiency benefits in being able to teleport to your friends and fix hazards from the pilot seat, getting a faulty aim assist is more of an insult than anything.

Here's my suggestion for a new rank 10 perk: Allow the Forward Artillery to be used from the pilot seat - This would most likely be done by holding middle click. (alt fire) and feels like the kind of boost in efficiency that a rank 10 perk should provide, in that you don't have to waste time getting off your station, down in the artillery seat, shoot, back out of the artillery seat and back to your station. Severely breaks mission pacing to do that in my opinion. even worse is having to leave your ship to get inside the crewship, massive waste of time. even in full squads with a person dedicated to crewships, by the time everybody else has done the other objectives, the crewship person is at most at 4/6.

That sounds great for solo playing, however considering that currently Railjack is so easy, that you don't need gunners, you don't need dedicated engineers, the only thing that is still useful when it comes to RJ roles is to have a artillery gunner ( or boarders if you have several ).

Remove that, and you have just removed what's left of advantages that playing as a squad ( as opposed to solo ) still has.

What I hope they work on instead, is to introduce mission variety in ways that having a crew is actually interesting and enjoyable for the crew, rather than just for the pilot.

If that happens, sure, allowing the pilot to use the artillery wouldn't be a problem, assuming the other crew members have stuff to do.

Oh and btw, not sure if you tried, but if you equip a hit scan weapon, you can actually use gunnery 10 to kill spawns of ships at a distance while watching netflix.

Just point in the general direction of the spawn, right click, left click, right click, left click, dead spawn.

Yeah it's dumb, but it works 😛


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Just now, Vit0Corleone said:


Remove that, and you have just removed what's left of advantages that playing as a squad ( as opposed to solo ) still has.😛


Good, you shouldn't be at a disadvantage for playing solo

I wouldn't be opposed to other solutions, like having the reflex aim stay on the enemy for as long as you were aiming instead of just snapping to it.

But that does mean there needs to be a way to better deal with crewships than the 2 tedious options we currently have.

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The target to make it fast paced is met.

A minimum of two players can clear Gian Pt. In 7 minutes consistently. Seeker Volley mops up fighters easily with the help of side turrets. Easier because they spawn so near beside the hp drop. Two engines shot off a Crew Ship is enough to slow them down to a crawl for a waiting 2nd player in FA to one shot them at close range. Rinse and repeat and I can gain 9-12 Intrinsic points with an affinity booster per run. I concentrated on testing coop since solo for me was relatively slower by 5-7mins.

Some observations

  • Sling shotting is still an option to down a CS but completely illogical w/ the quicker engine shot off-FA combo
  • the itch to use AWs to clean up fighters seems less with the ease and safety of using turrets, Seeker Volley and V. Hole
  • Piloting an RJ did not change much after familiarizing with the new speed adjuatments
  • RJ vacuum is in a good spot now
  • 4 players in a squad is overkill for any mission because of the nerf. Too easy to just hog the turrets and never leave the RJ. A haven for leechers at most
  • CS should be able to repair itself after sometime, a 3 engine shot off completely disables them making it too easy to deal with
  • The smaller ships lost their identity. Not even the minelayers have enough time to have an impact at all because they blow up easily
  • a fully upgraded RJ is just indestructible with zero threats to put up any challenge at all

If all these changes aim to make later expansions for RJ missions easier to scale in difficulty, it is acceptable even for a new player. Otherwise, everything is just a cakewalk with an experienced squad on a tricked up RJ.




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Archwing gets staggered from too many things, in a fight especially I can barely do anything because I'm constantly staggered, this is silly.

Archwing can't blink into places where RJ can't go, It shouldn't care about RJ's colliders, it should obey its own colliders and blink until it actually hits something.

And if blink fails you just scuttle forward a bit which is quite a useless animation and it gets more annoying every time I see it.


The old railjack drift+boost was great for long travel, now I have to farm a low level world just to get Cruising Speed avionic to be able to even fly between things at a faster pace... why does that not drop on all RJ nodes anyway?

The avionic is also extremely situational because its 3km range of disabling sounds quite large (I wouldn't know because after dozens of earth missions I still haven't found that avionic).

While I like the doubled regular speed, the boost and drift are feel so tiring to use because they run out so fast.

I can only imagine how painful it would be to play Scarlet Spear on Murex with this boost setup, having to slowly move towards the next murex because boost runs out so fast... boost+drift was barely sufficient for that as it was. And cruising speed avionic won't even help there because there's fighters everywhere.

Also the vidar engine is still king from the looks of those stats, the boost multiplier offered by the others is even less useful now that boost runs out so fast.


Crew ships no longer get destroyed when their HP reaches 0, why was this removed?

Now they just take absolutely no damage even if they still have engines up when that happens.

Also makes BFG show 0 damage aswell but at least it does make them explode.

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3 hours ago, HunterDigi said:

And if blink fails you just scuttle forward a bit which is quite a useless animation and it gets more annoying every time I see it.


Yeah that is annoying and is basically due to the command being tied to the 'sprint' key instead of another keybinding like it was originally on itzal.... I've said it from day one they could have kept the old blink with energy and just tied it to the operator key instead, it's not like we use operators in archwing (yes I know titania might have an issue now but blinks pretty useless with her in all honesty).  While I doubt they'll let us use energy again there is still nothing stopping them from allowing us to at the very least use a different keybinding for it.

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28 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

is basically due to the command being tied to the 'sprint' key instead of another keybinding like it was originally on itzal....

Not sure what you mean, it's not tied to sprint. I have different keys for sprint and dodge and blink activates on dodge. Problem is the dodge forward animation was always quite useless and now it punishes you for trying to blink when blink is not yet charged (the HUD doesn't provide enough feedback when it's charged, it just fades away) or when trying to blink near some structure (murex/anomaly ship entrance for example).

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Over all the pacing is good. That said, the time to kill and wait for rewards to spawn after a Crew Ship kill by boarding takes over 30 seconds, as apposed to the Dome gun kill of around 5 to 10 seconds. It does get painful to wait for rewards to spawn whilst being attacked by other fighters and CS.

The boosting mechanic of 75% reduction is way too harsh as is the cost. Perhaps if it was reduced by 25-30% and a reduction of cost would be better. It's nice to have a fast ship, but nicer still to be able to get out of the way or reposition your ship for better angles of attack faster.

Also note that there is the endless void loop when spawning into your ship from the Orbiter. This problem seems to been fixed Dry Dock side.

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Not certain this is the correct place, but it does affect pacing a bit. When I'm standing next to the bottom left station, I can't teleport to the top. Also, when I'm piloting, the teleport to the bottom is also a bit covered.


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On 2020-05-02 at 2:57 PM, 0_The_F00l said:

Overall mission completion times for me havent changed much ,

15 to 20 minutes for Veil ,

12 to 15 minutes for saturn,

10 minutes or so for earth.


Really need to change the effective speed of the railjack.

Effective speed is fine with Railjack right now imo. In the end it's still a giant ship. 


About the mission completion time for Railjack, I seriously do not know how it took you THAT long, even if it's just solo. 

I was just in a mission, with 2 guys they were able to stroll through ALL FIGHTERS and CREWSHIPS in 3 minutes TOPS.

I couldn't do anything, couldn't even get a single bullet or rocket or anything onto the fodder fighters and crewships, had to go to the 3rd objective myself.

That took 1-2 minutes tops.


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17 minutes ago, SprinKah said:

Effective speed is fine with Railjack right now imo. In the end it's still a giant ship.

I feel its slower than before with my topped vidar engines , conic nozzle and ion burn.

17 minutes ago, SprinKah said:

About the mission completion time for Railjack, I seriously do not know how it took you THAT long, even if it's just solo. 

Observe the consideration of SOLO, and yes i am mentioning these numbers solo.

17 minutes ago, SprinKah said:

I was just in a mission, with 2 guys they were able to stroll through ALL FIGHTERS and CREWSHIPS in 3 minutes TOPS

Observe the statement of you NOT SOLO .

Have managed to complete veil missions with bonus objectives in under 5 minutes with competent parties in line with your own observations,

Heres some things to add:

Enemy spawn rate and quantity increases with the number of players,

More competent players will take out enemies faster,

less time needed for forging if engineer knows what they are doing,

Additional bonus objectives can be done in parallel when another person present.

Average mentioned with different weapons , cryophon is the guilty party for maximum time needed, carcinnox can make quick work of fighters.

Hazards can be managed by one other person as well,

I also pick up most loot and not rush missions - could probably halve the time needed if i just cheese it with Void hole and beam the crewships instead of slingshot them.

The emphasis was on the before and after effects , not on who can finish the mission fastest with meta gear,

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Just now, 0_The_F00l said:

I feel its slower than before with my topped vidar engines , conic nozzle and ion burn.

Honestly I don't know about you, I feel way faster than before. Sure you had more..."stamina" to do more boosting but the normal speed was way sloweer, plus, it took a long time to charge a mega-boost so it all felt slow to me. Honestly I'm glad that we don't have as much stamina as before. Railjack is a huge-ass ship it doesn't feel right at all to be able to just dodge left and right and crazy. 

2 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Observe the consideration of SOLO, and yes i am mentioning these numbers solo.

Observe the statement of you NOT SOLO .

Have managed to complete veil missions with bonus objectives in under 5 minutes with competent parties in line with your own observations,

Also yes, I know those were probably SOLO numbers.

But I have to say, solo isn't really the intention of Railjack, co-op is and I feel like the difference between playing Railjack SOLO and playing Railjack with ONE extra person is ENORMOUS.

Like I said, I was playing with 2 other dudes playing with each other, they were FLYYYYINNNNNG through everything in a span of 2-3 minutes, The moment we warped into the mission, we have 78 fighters and ZAPPED, suddenly all 7 gone, then 1-2 seconds later... 15, 27 fighters gone, etc... everything just disappeared...Granted he was using bloody Void Hole which is SUCH a cheese. 

Crewships warped in, they just moved between them, charge, poof, one after another, crewships just drop, couldn't even do ANYTHING. Even if they were competant....I think what they're doing isn't anything special...

2 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Heres some things to add:

Enemy spawn rate and quantity increases with the number of players,

More competent players will take out enemies faster,

less time needed for forging if engineer knows what they are doing,

Additional bonus objectives can be done in parallel when another person present.

Average mentioned with different weapons , cryophon is the guilty party for maximum time needed, carcinnox can make quick work of fighters.

Hazards can be managed by one other person as well,

I also pick up most loot and not rush missions - could probably halve the time needed if i just cheese it with Void hole.


I suppose I wouldn't mind spawn rate but then again, the problem with Void Hole still remains....I think they need to add a CAP on the number of enemies it affects because seriously, increasing the number of fighters won't really change anything if Void Hole is used. 

I feel like hazards are pretty much non-existant now, they literally do much to NOTHING to the ship. 6060hp -> 5300hp is NOTHING, fighters barely does anything to Railjack. taking 50% shield means nothing as well. I think the fire hazard affects the most but still not enough (also I'm pretty sure fire hazard is bugged, it doesn't deal damage to Railjack at all, it does nothing.)

I really wish that DE could increase the difficulty of dealing with hazards, maybe make it so that hazards work like Mining in PoE and Orb Vallis. where there are multiple spots that you have to point and click and stuff but of course, they are not scatted around the ship like before. 

Like yknow, a hull-breach has 4 points you have to "click-and-hold" fix. Now that there is only ONE instance of each hazard, it's not unreasonable to make a them at least a bit harder and more challenging to repair...

Also I really wouldn't mind having multiple hazard instances and higher chance of hazardsz appearing back. That would give at least one person who has nothing to do SOMETHING to do. 

So yeah I agree with you there on the fact that DE should really scale up the difficulty of Railjack with more players...though It probably requires a lot more than what you suggested in order for co-op Railjack to feel like it requires ANY SEMBLANCE of effort to be put in.

If you don't play Railjack SOLO, there isn't really any challenge as of right now. 

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41 minutes ago, SprinKah said:

Honestly I don't know about you, I feel way faster than before. Sure you had more..."stamina" to do more boosting but the normal speed was way sloweer, plus, it took a long time to charge a mega-boost so it all felt slow to me. Honestly I'm glad that we don't have as much stamina as before. Railjack is a huge-ass ship it doesn't feel right at all to be able to just dodge left and right and crazy.

Could just be a relative thing , those with already fast setups are noticing a drop, those that didnt have avionics targeting more speed (boosting and drifting technique use as well) will probably notice an improvement.

44 minutes ago, SprinKah said:

But I have to say, solo isn't really the intention of Railjack, co-op is and I feel like the difference between playing Railjack SOLO and playing Railjack with ONE extra person is ENORMOUS.

Yes , but too many variables in squad setup , needed to minimize as many variables as possible.

Emphasis was on pacing and speed.

46 minutes ago, SprinKah said:

If you don't play Railjack SOLO, there isn't really any challenge as of right now. 

Even then , its not much of a challenge , just longer.

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9 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Yes , but too many variables in squad setup , needed to minimize as many variables as possible.

Emphasis was on pacing and speed.

I dunno, it know it needed some...stream-lining. Now it feels like you don't even have to do anything. If I have to compare, I would very much prefer the pacing and speed of Railjack to be...slower, than what it is right now. 

20 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Even then , its not much of a challenge , just longer.

Yeah who am I kidding, there's really no challenge.

At least playing solo, it forces you to actually move around more. 

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honestly i dont know if this is the right place write.

what about new mission type  RJ spy

starting point greener space

stage 1

players travel in RJ to the specific point in space avoiding any possible contacts.

it can be asteroid clouds or wreckage fields

The goal is to reach a grineer dry dock undetected.


Stage 2 inside dry dock unlock ship also pure stealth mission

remember we are suppose to be space ninjas


stage 3

on greener ship we must enter CC guarded area of space. we need to follow through steps. to pass the defence lines

after we got to chose from to continue stealth or to go medieval on their assets))


Main goal

to achieve the main goal (destroy reactor in cc base, or extract something from the vault inside if you play solo) and extract which also be affected by our play style




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On 2020-05-04 at 2:40 AM, DkPoXeR said:

2. I want one click to max the avionics.

3. I really hate the auto rush after drifting, I really really hate it

2. How about make the avionics upgrade exactly the way the Mods upgrade? I'd like to push the forward arrow all the way to max, just to see what the total cost would be AND see what the various levels of upgrades result in.

3. See below

On 2020-05-04 at 9:08 AM, temz said:

Regarding the launch that occurs as one comes out of boost. It would really help with maneuverability if it launched you in the direction that you are currently moving based on the direction keys. Having it being locked forward can be really frustrating at times. Having a way to cancel it or make it so that directions like strafing sideways or moving backwards cancel it automatically could also be helpful. 

I have found that the current setup works great. Boost and strafe to begin the flank. Hit the double-boost (is that what the kids are all calling 'drift'?) and keep the nose of your ship pointed at the spot you eventually want to end up, time the release of the boost key so that when the uni-directional triple-boost kicks in, it drops you exactly in the spot you want to be (yes, this takes some hours behind the controls to get a feel for your engines and for the game mechanics)... back peddle while turning hard towards your target and viola! you are on your enemy's 6 within shotgun range faster than they can change direction. All the enemies are so slow that it makes no difference that you come to a complete stop and go in reverse momentarily.

And, of course, just hold everything in a straight line to cover heaps of distance fast.

We have the best of both worlds in the current system, methinks.

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