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Railjack Revisited (Part 1): Railjack Tools Feedback Megathread


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Greetings Tenno!

We have made a lot of changes to the way Railjack plays and feels, and we are looking to get your collected feedback.

In this mega-thread, we will be discussing RAILJACK TOOLS.

  • Valance Transfer
  • Omnitool Changes
  • Resource Consumption
  • Affinity Changes for fixing your Railjack
  • Changes to Avionic Statistics
  • Archwing Changes, Melee Targeting and Weapon Statistics

If you have feedback to leave on the subject of Railjack Tools, then please do so in this thread. Please remember that you should keep your feedback constructive and civil. If you like an aspect of the Railjack changes, tell us what you like. If you do not like an aspect, then tell us why, and what you would change to make it better!

Please bear in mind this is not a place to leave bugs you discover while playing. If you do need to report a bug, please use the Railjack Revisited: Bug Report Megathread.

Thank you!

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All of the changes seem great. Unpopular opinion alert: Build diversity is nicely promoted by the current limit of 130 avionics capacity. If you significantly increased avionics capacity, I think it would reduce build diversity because players wouldn't have to make as many compromises or prioritize things in their builds. Then again, one could argue that the limit of 9 integrated, 3 battle and 3 tactical avionics in itself creates a situation of compromise/prioritizing. But in my experience, 130 avionics is enough to build a strong railjack, and the railjack content is already quite easy once you've learned how to do it.


Edit: can we get different loadout tabs for the railjack? Would be nice to create different builds and hotswap between them faster than individually removing and replacing one avionic at a time.

Edited by Flying_Scorpion
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Archwings other than Amesha still struggle to survive against grineer ships.
Archmelee damage still isn't strong enough to compete with archguns in veil proxima but the sticky targeting does let you easiliy shred through low level fighters


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  • Requires Dirac to perform if VALENCE FUSION occurs for built Armaments and Components.
  • Requires Resources and Credits if VALENCE FUSION occurs for Wreckage of Armaments and Components. 

If your intention is to provide a use for DIRAC for advanced Railjack players, the ability to use 40% of resources to upgrade Wreckage is counterproductive. Practically speaking at some point players will only be upgrading with wreckage, including all the players that currently have large stores of DIRAC, which means DIRAC still will not have a role.

My recommendation would be to allow players to valence transfer with wreckage using resources and DIRAC (require both).

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • The ‘retired’ Integrated Avionics will be removed from players inventory via a script on login.
  • The remaining Integrated Avionic for each Type will take on the values of the previously highest valued Avionic of its Type.

Two major questions

Since the retirement does not mention compensation (EG the Dirac we would have gotten from "selling" the extras) as the patch notes opted instead to state that they where removed. Which could easily imply that players received nothing for the loss. So where players compensated for the removal of their mods with an appropriate ammouint of Dirac? 

I'd love to be able to check myself but I have literally no clue how much Dirac I had at the start let alone how much I would have had had there been compensation for the mods removal.

Does that mean that if we didn't have a mod Avionic of the highest tier that we now have none of that avionic even tho we previously had access to a reduced function? Or does that mean that some of the existing avionic(s) where uplifted to the current highest tier even tho one or more of the high tier avionics was not owned previously? 

Cause if they where uplifted that's cool but if DE just removed anything but the high tier mod and left people high and dry, that's kinda wack because it wasn't the players choice to dilute the drop tables. I think I might have a screenshot of my old Railjack build but god knows how long it will take to/if I ever find it so some clarification in the interim would be highly appreciated. 


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found a bug after the update, where the UI is unresponsive happens when upgrading avionics a panel displaying an installed avionic is stuck on screen, then if you close the whole railjack upgrades screen this panel remains with the cursor set as if the railjack upgrade screen isn't removed


Edited by EvilNeo
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The forge is a good tool for maintenance but I can’t help but feel like it could take a more active role. I’d like to use more of the different materials we gather in-mission to provide different buffs for the ship, like a potion for the railjack that lasts for a short time in-mission. For example, temporary boost speed increase, smoke screens, overcharged ammunition, doubled slingshot range, supercharged archwings on slingshot launch, etc. This would make engineering a little more important in thought without being a mandatory step. 

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some feedback to the valence transfer:
- if you have different bonuses and get the dialog to pick "option 1" or "option 2" it is not clear that it is not final and you get to review the final component in a second dialog thereafter. please make it clear that picking a option in first dialog is not final
- if you use valence transfer, your wreckage counter/limit is not updated. you have to exit out of the railjack screen completely and reenter it for the counter to update

otherwise very nice 🙂

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Almost all of the changes are amazing in this category, in my opinion. I have two things that still minimally irk me though:

1 - archguns feel more powerful than my railjack weapons now and considering it's a decent mk3 with a decent percentage on it, that feels very off. Maybe that's just me. I do have winged storm maxed and equipped however, but that much should be within expectations of people to run. If it wasn't meant to be put in and would break the damage, it shouldn't have existed in the first place.

2 - I don't know if I'm just blind, but I can't tell how much a valence transfer costs until I actually try to execute one and even then, I am not sure it's telling me all the materials it's going to take or if it just complains about there not being enough asterite.

Edited by BlackCat500
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I hope this is the correct megathread for this type of feedback. I reviewed them all and it seemed to be closest.

As a new-ish player that recently constructed a Railjack, opened the old Avionics menu, look a long hard look at it, then closed it and went to do something else - thank you so much for simplifying the whole thing.

I have an additional request for the Info tooltips: a glossary! The first encounter with the customisation menus drops a pile of jargon on you that is not encountered elsewhere in the game. It would be extremely helpful to have a short, simple explanation of terms like Hull, Avionics, Ordnance etc. somewhere in there.

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1. Warframe normal modding system is already complicated for new players with little to no ingame tutorial, Avionics is far worse. Stop using the manufactorer names for the various avionics altogether like you did with the integrated ones and extend it to all avionics. patch 27.4 is really a good step for this simplification and it needs to be done further.

2. Better ingame tutorial for realizing max stats of archwing weapons (like max 60% for kuva weapons)

3. Cryophon heat generation is too much. Others have seen marked improvement

4. Archwing Vacuum size to be increased

5. Removing mk1, mk2 and mk3 variants. Just keep lavan, vidar and zekti.

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Please allow squad members on a Railjack to see the specs of the ship, or even just a small subset of the specs. Different ships with different configurations greatly impact the roles that squad members will want to pursue, and requiring the host to present a long list of suggestions at the onset of every mission is cumbersome.

For example, a ship with all the Turret damage avionics operates very differently from one with all the Archwing avionics, and players aiming to take out fighters should be able to make an informed decision about whether to jump into a turret gunner seat or pop out of the airlock to dogfight in their Archwing.

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Most of these changes are actually fine from my point of view.

It's all the stuff being too easy now. Paired with the improved worse graphics, of certain things like particle ram. Not to mention the enjoyable boost movement being destroyed that bother me.

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I have a few things to say about them:

  • Instead of asking for materials, ask for more Dirac to fuse wreckage (reduce the material costs). At this point, it's just the usual and annoying Titanium farming and Dirac has no use at all after upgrading your Avionics!
  • Arch Melee is really glitchy when you try to use them on fighters. The screen keeps doing a microshaking while chasing fighters and you don't feel like you are really locked on, unlike old Archwing missions. It needs some sort of polishing.
Edited by Lakyus
Arch Melee added.
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I like all the changes but The reward system needs a change the gamplay may be a bit better but if rng stays like it is for the end of mission rewards and drops it realy makes no difrence you may be sble to do the mission faster but if your geting rewards like relics ehich realy dosnt need to be in the dtop table and small amounts of dirac and a couple resourses each time its going to burn out a lot of people fast 


You wouldent like to see after big battle just one relice and a small amount of resourses you probably want to see manby an engien with a reactor and a small amount of dirac but with the curent system rng you have a 4% chance to get any salvage but a 20% chance to get a relice so your moee likely to be disapointed than get anything good 

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Tactical intrinsic #3 that allows you to teleport between stations in the railjack has some clashes with the UI. You can't hit the forge icon because it's "under" the resources and u can't hit the piloting room if you're down by the forges. yo have to walk up to the forge doors (airlock). Also the timer for the tactical avionics has become tiny and sometimes gets obscured. 

I played with a new player that didn't know how to use the forge. We had a catastrophic failure while I was boarding the turbine and he didn't understand why he doesn't have enough revo to fix the hole and we blew up. He said he can't use it despite having lvl 4 engineering. It's rather obscure what happened but miscommunication/coordination issues are part of railjack so that's ok. That said, 100 revo is definitely too high considering we spend the same amount of resources to forge it. More than anything it proves that there'll always be players who are not savvy enough to be reliable and as a result i can't diversify my own roles/gameplay.   Due to these reasons I'd recommend revising the repairs costs if we're making hazards more harmful as they basically stack with one another. 

Match making is still poor most of the time too and if you're stuck with only 1 teammate or bad teammates, you're left pondering life as the ship slowly flies to its doom. I'm REALLY surprised you've decided to lock the mission after 5 minutes considering most of the times i "gather" and "collect" teammates from mission to mission and if I dare getting close to the dry dock they all evaporate. I find myself shouting from the mountains "are you with me brothers" to everyone who joins and then clenching. Why was that lock necessary?

Edited by Hird-of-Hircine
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Breach repair cost feels too high. Should either reduce cost of repair, reduce cost to make more revo, or increase revo cap. 100 revo cost means a lot more crafting needed or forces you to use Revo Reducer.

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- Trachon is still incredibly scarce.

It's a resource that's almost exclusive to Veil Proxima and the missions there are very long even with Tier 3 gear. You get something like 150 Trachons per mission (that's if you break every single container you find) but need almost 2000 Trachon to repair a single weapon. It's the most unrewarding aspect of Railjack right now.


- Archwing weapon performance is still bad.

I used mostly the Kuva Ayanga but I imagine what I'm going to say applies to all weapons to some extent. The travel time on the projectiles make archwing weapons incredibly boring to use. Enemy fighters are really fast and really small, which already makes them difficult to hit. Combine that with the speed on our own archwings and it's almost impossible to land a shot unless you're directly in front or behind your target. And even then you still need to shoot a bunch of times to destroy a fighter. These weapons either need to deal a crapton of damage or their projectile speed needs to be increased dramatically. Right now they are only useful against asteroids.

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