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How do yoy deal with player fatigue?

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It's a mindset.

If you are going to do PUB....you gotta expect the worst of players while keeping some hope for the good to show up as well. I enjoy the chaos of not knowing what I am gonna get in a match on PUB. Will I get players that are new and enjoying the game or jaded speed runners that only want to get to the extraction point ASAP? Is this going to be players that play the tileset or a troll that wants to push people's buttons? 

Players are gonna play the way that fits their gaming style even when they are running with 3 others in a mission. And that is ok unless they are placing major hindrance on the others. If we get into a mission where someone says they want to find the Caches, don't go to extraction and attempt to cheat the timer to countdown when only 1 cache has been found. 

Either you control your place in the game mentally dealing with players or you are there for the players to control your mindset. Choose and be the duck.

Keep playing

Cheers 🥂

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1 hour ago, Laxmibai said:

I applaud you for standing up for the new guy. I've had teams wait for me in my early days and now I wait for them or offer the clan help with rad runs. 

Thank you. I do try to tell the team when someone is short on reactant but with excavation once that last power cell is in there's no stopping it.

44 minutes ago, nslay said:

I told them I couldn't find the mod, but they stilled stayed at extraction and kept the timer counting down.

Now that's just downright rude. I'm sorry this happened to you.

17 minutes ago, Pinegulf said:

You run into morons/trolls every now and then

So true. I've seen everything from standing just off the extraction point and dancing until the timer runs out to the host timing an extraction so that he quits 10 seconds before the round ends so that by the time host migration has happened everyone has missed the previous round reward.

Ohh, that reminds me of a funny story. I had someone do the dance just off the extraction point thing while I was leveling Loki Prime, so I used Switch Teleport on him and jumped back on to the spot. I'm sure he didn't know what had happened!

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14 minutes ago, (XB1)DShinShoryuken said:

Either you control your place in the game mentally dealing with players or you are there for the players to control your mindset.

I like your mindset. Some days I can do this. Lately it's been harder, probably because I've been stuck in lockdown for coming up six weeks. I'm sure others are in the same boat.

19 minutes ago, (XB1)DShinShoryuken said:

Will I get players that are new and enjoying the game or jaded speed runners that only want to get to the extraction point ASAP?

I do try to adjust to how people are running the mission. If they're speed running I move quickly, if they're hunting for caches or Syndicate Medallions I'll hunt with them. If they troll, I'm gonna bail...

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4 hours ago, (PS4)crashteddy03 said:

I wish I could play this on PC but my ancient laptop overheats and shuts down if I even think about playing a game on it.

Use an external cooler?

I mean if it is that old, you can't expect wonders, but it can help.

4 hours ago, (PS4)crashteddy03 said:

I don't think I've ever had 80 toroids total, let alone in one mission! In all probability I would have rage quit and thrown my controller through the TV. I promise I'm getting better with my anger issues...

I've read this in Salad's voice,

'You have anger issues, tenno!

My Zanuka project will fix that for you.'

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hace 10 horas, (PS4)crashteddy03 dijo:

By that I mean fatigue brought about by having to deal with other players.

I love Warframe, even with all it's bugs and glitches. It's fun but lately I'm finding that dealing with other players is getting tiresome. Some examples...

 - Joined an SS ground mission, just after round 6 the host disconnected forcing host migration. I ended up as host, one player went straight to the exit, the other joined me for one more round before also disconnecting. I'd blame bad internet but I'm on fibre and the console is cabled in.

 - Joined a Mobile Defense mission. The host had picked up the data key and gone AFK so couldn't progress the mission.

 - Joined another Mobile Defense mission where a Limbo kept using his 4 preventing the data key from being placed.

 - Started an SS ground mission, had two players join and both quit at the end of round 3.

 - During an SS space mission a player asked on chat for help farming Shedu. I offered to trade with him but he wanted to farm it. I was considering just giving him a set until he turned on his mic and started whining and getting agro about the parts not dropping. Suffice to say I muted him and kept my Shedu set.

These are all just in the last two days. It's draining.

So, what do you do to cope when other players become too much?

Your definition of "too much" is interesting. Lets look at the situations you mentioned:

1. The host left. Maybe he had to attend real life issues? He could have told you of course. Going back to the railjack, waiting for the mission cleared screen... He just disconnected instead. But like i said i cant judge without knowing the reasons. Tbh if someone requires my help with domestic chores i would probably do the same if its urgent. I dont like to make my family wait.

2. Maybe he began the mission on public so you joined later and he was in the bathroom? I found people afk but usually is something like this. I join a mission and he didnt began yet, Probably checking his phone or something. No a big deal, i leave and search another session.

3. Maybe he didnt know. If he was trolling i would report him. But like i said, you must understand some people suck playing this game. No everyone is good. I would bet he just didnt know. Maybe try talking to him. If he is trolling leave and report.

4. Again, you cant order people around. If they wanted to leave, they will. Be grateful for the time they spent with you. If you cant continue alone, end the mission. Its that simple. I dont feel like im entitled to people time or help. Manners are important and again they could have warned beforehand. But its the same as 1. I cant judge here.

5.He whinned about the parts no dropping. And what? He was insulting or disrespecting you? If he refused your set is probably cause he wanted to make the effort and farm it for himself. Even if he is so burn out that he needs to complain. If you find it annoying, yeah just block his mic. I dont see the issue here. Just a guy being annoying and complaining for no reason. You can say something like: Complain all what you want, but i dont need to listen it. I didnt ask your opinion.


You make a big deal of nothing


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vor 16 Stunden schrieb kgabor:

But when you're farming content you don't like, it's better to either have low expectations or to not play that content at all, most of the rewards behind them usually receive alternative ways to get at some point anyways.

@me on scarlet spear. Using Frost with a max efficiency and high range build with the Zenurik focus. Spamming snowglobe every five seconds, while playing a digimon game on my smartphone. 

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only way to deal with people like that is to either abort the mission and restart it to, betting on luck, get better randoms, or you can:


1. Look for a squad in recruit chat. They're still randoms but atleast you know they want to work together or they wouldn't bother even hoping in the recruit chat

2. Solo the mission. Depending on the mission it's doable.

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I always disable any and all voice related things in a game first and they stay there, only VoIP with RL friends.

Play solo pretty much all the time.

Remember the virtual items in the game have no real value, that my time spent in the game is to relax and be entertained.

I do these things after many years of PUGs in a variety of games.

IME, nothing I need a PUG to gain in a game is worth having to be in the PUG in the first place...not enough ROI.

Edited by Zimzala
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15 hours ago, kgabor said:

Use an external cooler?

I mean if it is that old, you can't expect wonders, but it can help.

I have got one but it died and I haven't been able to find a replacement.

I had arranged to buy a better laptop from a friend but we got plunged in to lockdown before we could do the trade, so for now I'm having to wait patiently (patience not being a strength of mine)

15 hours ago, kgabor said:

I've read this in Salad's voice,

'You have anger issues, tenno!

My Zanuka project will fix that for you.'

I literally laughed out loud when I read this! The cat is giving me strange looks...

10 hours ago, HeartPurity said:

and if you are planning to go for a long run, then better find a squad from recruit chat.

I don't tend to do long runs with the exception of SS. I can't say I've had much luck finding squads on recruit chat but maybe I'll just have to keep trying.

9 hours ago, OneYenShort said:

Considering I only play with my wife, answering how to deal with player fatigue would get me into too much trouble.

Totally understand. I used to game a lot with my (now ex) wife, and you do have to be careful what you say.

8 hours ago, Sunai_Moonswing said:

Make friends, or bring friends. Ever tried bringing a Rainbow 6 player to warframe? If you play along with his cover shooter antics, you can have lots of fun situations. Just be sure to equip your dragon keys! 

I've not played Rainbow 6 myself. In fact prior to Warframe I mostly played RPGs. That said, I can imagine the antics...

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On 2020-05-03 at 4:33 PM, (PS4)crashteddy03 said:

By that I mean fatigue brought about by having to deal with other players.

I play on Solo or with my Clan.


When I get bored of the game I come onto the forums, look for Dark Sector threads, read the wrong information people think is true, tell them they're wrong and what really happened, get told I'm wrong because a previous thread of inexperienced and misinformed casuals all agreed upon it. Leave the forums and play another game. Eventually I come back and do it again.

There was no Dark Sector threads so I came onto this one to at least talk about Dark Sectors. 😒

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20 hours ago, Sunai_Moonswing said:

Make friends, or bring friends. Ever tried bringing a Rainbow 6 player to warframe? If you play along with his cover shooter antics, you can have lots of fun situations. Just be sure to equip your dragon keys! 

I do that all the time. Bringing whatever weapon with the biggest magazine and fastest reload rate. 

Another fun thing to do is perform indirect fire for the squad. There are only a few grenade launchers available but it's fun to lay down some 'danger close' for the team. 

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