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Is DE going to be supporting more causes?


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I don't mind DE making a statement on this kind of matters, I actually feel like that's the right thing to do; but we really need to stop making threads like this to make an echo of said statements. I having nothing against you OP, but unfortunately this kind of topics tend to bring out the worst in people. As I said in Rebb's original thread, I was ok with them making that statement here, but leaving it open to discussion was not a good idea. 

Edited by General-Pacman
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3 hours ago, (XB1)C11H22O11 said:

Couldn't agree more, and it's not that people are against the message they just don't want to see a video game forum with unrelated stuff they already see in other places

The irony is that those people complaining about it are making politics far more visible than anything DE has done or posted. 

If these people truly dont want political discussion on their gaming forums, they'd simply ignore it. But no, they turn an innocuous post supporting a movement into political drivel and divisiveness. They are in fact the ones making things political.

Supporting a cause for human rights isn't political until someone opens their mouth and says "but why? I don't agree. What about xyz?"

DE should be able to support as many or as little causes as they feel like. 

Edited by Hypernaut1
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Many videogames companies did it, they just followed them, its not like if they were the firsts and only ones who did it, so i dont understand the rage throwed onto them for this. You say "keep your politics out of this game", and I say to you "keep your politics out of here too", they do what they want, and we dont need you to create tension ashaming the staff actions.

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Thread will prolly get deleted but fwiw:

HK is a tricky one for DE to lend their support towards because the Leyou board members and principal shareholder all appear to be chinese nationals. DE are good people and naturally have similar feelings and passions about the world but like all big firms there will be internal protocols to protect the brand. It's about the money it's always about the money.

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10 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

The irony is that those people complaining about it are making politics far more visible than anything DE has done or posted. 

If these people truly dont want political discussion on their gaming forums, they'd simply ignore it. But no, they turn an innocuous post supporting a movement into political drivel and divisiveness. They are in fact the ones making things political.

Supporting a cause for human rights isn't political until someone opens their mouth and says "but why? I don't agree. What about xyz?"

DE should be able to support as many or as little causes as they feel like. 

supporting actvists that want to change laws is political the entire blacklifemather is a political act

Edited by (PS4)yokai1235
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I think DE should keep politics out of the game and stick to things that benefit everyone that is in actual need equally, like charity towards medical advancements and similar things. Personally I'm of the opinion that all innocent lifes matter, no matter the color of your skin, your preferences in your partner etc. When you no longer are innocent the laws should decide if your life matters. In Floyd's case and many others, it was an innocent that got killed by overzealous cops, in this case overzealous and bigot cops.

It is natural that people started protesting and it was obvious that the riots would start. My question is, why have the peaceful protests not expanded into a movement that is protesting against both overzealous, racist, bigot and power abusing cops aswell as something that protests against the riots that stains the memory of the innocent that have gotten murdered? Are the lives of those that have had their businesses ruined not as important as the victims of these power abusing and racist cops? Shouldnt the protesters highlight both of the issues?

6 hours ago, (PS4)OmegaSlayer said:

Racism is not about the black, the white, the yellow...it's about a bunch of riches against a world that is poorer by the day

It is very much about the color of the skins. Saying it is about riches takes away the whole meaning of racism. A rich black buy can be hated for the color of his skin just as much as the poor black guy and the same goes for the rich and poor white guy. Riches and poverty is a whole different issue, which comes down to borderline slavery, and slavery in itself has nothing to do with racism. White people had white people as slaves for centuries, just as black people had black people as slaves for centuries. The idea of slavery being tied to race is a very young idea that popped up under the colonization era. And it wasnt so much about race even then, it was more about technologically advanced cultures taking advantage of those less advanced. It wouldnt have mattered if africa was filled with white people at the time, they would have still be used as slaves because they were so far behind in technology, so they were easy to conquor, abuse and exploit. Just as the northern tribes of europe found easily obtainable slaves by raiding poorer neighboring tribes and later on monastaries.

And WW2 era Germany also showed it was about race more than riches and poverty. Jews lost their busninesses while equally rich "aryans" kept theirs. Jews both rich and poor were sent off to camps and lost their lives all the same. If it was only riches and poverty that matters, both rich jews and "aryans" would have lost their businesses equally for the "great good of the reich", which never was the case.

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Just now, Follordark said:

Also why can't the protest just be peaceful instead of always deriving into riot

I wonder the same. I also wonder why the peaceful protests just dont stop in order to protest against the riots. Would make it quicker and easier for the national guard to crack down on the riots, then when that is done the peaceful protests can continue. It would definently send a message to the government and law enforcement, showing that the rioters do not represent the actual voices of the public.

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36 minutes ago, Follordark said:

Also why can't the protest just be peaceful instead of always deriving into riot

This obviously isn’t the case for all of the riots, but many of them began as peaceful protests and only escalated into riots after the police showed up and started harassing people. A friend of mine was at one of the protests in Atlanta and has told me everything was peaceful until the police showed up and started getting violent, and I have heard similar things have happened at other peaceful protests as well.

Im not excusing the behavior from either side, just trying to shed some light on these situations.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Wil_Shatner_face said:

This obviously isn’t the case for all of the riots, but many of them began as peaceful protests and only escalated into riots after the police showed up and started harassing people. A friend of mine was at one of the protests in Atlanta and has told me everything was peaceful until the police showed up and started getting violent, and I have heard similar things have happened at other peaceful protests as well.

Im not excusing the behavior from either side, just trying to shed some light on these situations.

actually what is happening is the moment someone with a camera or the cops show up some acvists start attacking there case of people changing direction of the protest and some piles of bricks that misterosly placed before hand and some people with guns are entering on the crowd and starting shooting 

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49 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

I think DE should keep politics out of the game and stick to things that benefit everyone that is in actual need equally, like charity towards medical advancements and similar things. Personally I'm of the opinion that all innocent lifes matter, no matter the color of your skin, your preferences in your partner etc. When you no longer are innocent the laws should decide if your life matters. In Floyd's case and many others, it was an innocent that got killed by overzealous cops, in this case overzealous and bigot cops.

It is natural that people started protesting and it was obvious that the riots would start. My question is, why have the peaceful protests not expanded into a movement that is protesting against both overzealous, racist, bigot and power abusing cops aswell as something that protests against the riots that stains the memory of the innocent that have gotten murdered? Are the lives of those that have had their businesses ruined not as important as the victims of these power abusing and racist cops? Shouldnt the protesters highlight both of the issues?

It is very much about the color of the skins. Saying it is about riches takes away the whole meaning of racism. A rich black buy can be hated for the color of his skin just as much as the poor black guy and the same goes for the rich and poor white guy. Riches and poverty is a whole different issue, which comes down to borderline slavery, and slavery in itself has nothing to do with racism. White people had white people as slaves for centuries, just as black people had black people as slaves for centuries. The idea of slavery being tied to race is a very young idea that popped up under the colonization era. And it wasnt so much about race even then, it was more about technologically advanced cultures taking advantage of those less advanced. It wouldnt have mattered if africa was filled with white people at the time, they would have still be used as slaves because they were so far behind in technology, so they were easy to conquor, abuse and exploit. Just as the northern tribes of europe found easily obtainable slaves by raiding poorer neighboring tribes and later on monastaries.

And WW2 era Germany also showed it was about race more than riches and poverty. Jews lost their busninesses while equally rich "aryans" kept theirs. Jews both rich and poor were sent off to camps and lost their lives all the same. If it was only riches and poverty that matters, both rich jews and "aryans" would have lost their businesses equally for the "great good of the reich", which never was the case.

Protesters have repeatedly highlighted both issues. Many protesters have denounced rioting and looting. There's one news network who just doesn't cover that, all in order to create the narrative that there aren't any peaceful protests, just riots. Don't look at that news network, as they are deliberately covering up the truth.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)yokai1235 said:

actually what is happening is the moment someone with a camera or the cops show up some acvists start attacking there case of people changing direction of the protest and some piles of bricks that misterosly placed before hand and some people with guns are entering on the crowd and starting shooting 

Actually you’re wrong. I have close, personal friends that can give eyewitness testimony to how some of these riots started. Can you do that? Were you there in person like they were? No? Then stop presenting your assumptions like facts, it’s incredibly dangerous to spread misinformation the way that you are.

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Anyone thinking any of the posts here about real life events is is any less baised than the posts here about the game topics would be wrong. This thread is already full of misinformation, for example.

Trying to have conversations with gamers, that think they have to 'win' everything, about politics is IMO, just a waste of time on a game forum.

Companies wade into culture wars all the time, for good or ill, that's on the company.

As long as it's obvious the company is trying to support positive, moral things, since there is no way to ever please everyone and they cannot support everything, just like that cannot please all players with code, I will continue to play and support the company, personally.

Gamers are people and have politcal and social outlooks just like the rest of the world, just as varied, just as whacky.

As long as they keep real-life out of the game itself as much as possible, that will make me happy.

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Just now, (PS4)Wil_Shatner_face said:

Actually you’re wrong. I have close, personal friends that can give eyewitness testimony to how some of these riots started. Can you do that? Were you there in person like they were? No? Then stop presenting your assumptions like facts, it’s incredibly dangerous to spread misinformation the way that you are.

your evidence is your friend who i don't know i was quoting on grownd reporters 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)yokai1235 said:

your evidence is your friend who i don't know i was quoting on grownd reporters 

There are literally videos online of some of these peaceful protests being broken up by police and devolving into violence. Go watch them if you need video evidence of what’s happening.

Edited by (PS4)Wil_Shatner_face
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Wil_Shatner_face said:

There are literally videos online of some of these peaceful protests being broken up by police and devolving into violence. Go watch them if you need video evidence of what’s happening.

theres also a lot of video of people recording the pile of bricks and the guys wearing black destroing window and some literally poling a gun and shooting just because it didn't happened near you dosent mean it dosent happened 

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Not sure why anyone would want to bring politics into a game or a video game forum, they have no place here.

I don't care what company supports what, I don't care what they believe in; as long as it doesn't effect the quality of the product I wish to use.

Any company that is supporting something that doesn't relate to their brand (aka video game developers donating to things not related to video gaming) is easily seen as virtual signaling, which is mostly fine (to a point) but is still brown nosing the populace for brownie points, PR. That's it.

DE can support whatever they wish to, it's their right as a company, but it's also within their rights not to do anything, either by choice, or fear of backlash (politics are messy, which is why it's best to avoid them entirely). 


I'm amazed this thread is still around honestly, nothing good with come of this.

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Just now, (PS4)yokai1235 said:

theres also a lot of video of people recording the pile of bricks and the guys wearing black destroing window and some literally poling a gun and shooting just because it didn't happened near you dosent mean it dosent happened 

I’d heard that the protests had been infiltrated by those who would see them ended

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1 minute ago, Tinklzs said:

Not sure why anyone would want to bring politics into a game or a video game forum, they have no place here.

I don't care what company supports what, I don't care what they believe in; as long as it doesn't effect the quality of the product I wish to use.

Any company that is supporting something that doesn't relate to their brand (aka video game developers donating to things not related to video gaming) is easily seen as virtual signaling, which is mostly fine (to a point) but is still brown nosing the populace for brownie points, PR. That's it.

DE can support whatever they wish to, it's their right as a company, but it's also within their rights not to do anything, either by choice, or fear of backlash (politics are messy, which is why it's best to avoid them entirely). 


I'm amazed this thread is still around honestly, nothing good with come of this.

i desagree a go discussion can lead to better understanding

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